(DIR) 2012/02/01
 (TXT) Not quite full service
 (TXT) “You mean there are worse programmers than rabid howler monkeys on crack?”
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 24: more lookup tables
 (DIR) 2012/02/02
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 25: C♯
 (DIR) 2012/02/03
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, part 26: C89, system calls and mmap()
 (DIR) 2012/02/04
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 27: C♯, binary stream
 (DIR) 2012/02/05
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 28: K&R C, system calls, full buffering
 (TXT) I can't quite put my finger on it
 (DIR) 2012/02/06
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 29: K&R, system calls, full buffering, obfuscated
 (DIR) 2012/02/07
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 30: K&R, really obfuscated
 (DIR) 2012/02/08
 (TXT) 99 ways to program a hex, Part 31, has been delayed indefinitely
 (DIR) 2012/02/16
 (TXT) “You don't really own your data, as much as we let you use it”
 (DIR) 2012/02/21
 (TXT) Hey, as long as you paid taxes on the income, I don't see the IRS having any issues with this …