(DIR) 2015/02/01
 (TXT) The Jedi sure are manipulative bastards
 (DIR) 2015/02/02
 (TXT) The smallest chess program ever written
 (TXT) Even a program of a single instruction can have bugs
 (DIR) 2015/02/03
 (TXT) And I still haven't found what I'm looking for
 (DIR) 2015/02/04
 (TXT) A silly little file redirection trick under Unix
 (TXT) Of course, statistics has little to say about Murphy's Law
 (DIR) 2015/02/05
 (TXT) Bug hunt
 (DIR) 2015/02/06
 (TXT) The new video card, round three
 (TXT) Do not disturb the Happy Fun Sean
 (TXT) The Alton Brown Edible and Inevitable Tour
 (DIR) 2015/02/07
 (TXT) The VC model to R&D
 (DIR) 2015/02/08
 (TXT) As if a ½K Chess program wasn't hardcore enough
 (DIR) 2015/02/09
 (TXT) I just kind of wish Lua could catch these types of bugs automatically like a C compiler can
 (DIR) 2015/02/10
 (TXT) I wonder if anyone has read 100 Years of Solitude 100 times?
 (DIR) 2015/02/11
 (TXT) So if we “do it like they do on the Discovery Channel,” does that mean they “do it like we do on Reefer Madness?”
 (DIR) 2015/02/12
 (TXT) Sixteen hours to change three lines of code
 (DIR) 2015/02/13
 (TXT) A missed optimization in Lua
 (DIR) 2015/02/14
 (TXT) I do belieive it's a holiday today
 (DIR) 2015/02/15
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation about a bouquet of flowers bought for Saint Valentine's Day
 (DIR) 2015/02/16
 (TXT) Timing out Lua coroutines
 (DIR) 2015/02/17
 (TXT) It's a limitation in implementation, not in specification
 (DIR) 2015/02/18
 (TXT) Remains of the cake
 (TXT) A limitation sure, but it sneaks around its own limitations
 (DIR) 2015/02/19
 (TXT) “Some people, when confronted with a problem, think ‘I know, I'll use regular expressions.’ Now they have two problems.”
 (DIR) 2015/02/20
 (TXT) Requiem for a dream
 (DIR) 2015/02/21
 (TXT) Procedures in Experimental Physics
 (TXT) The twilight of quantum mechanics
 (DIR) 2015/02/22
 (TXT) Adult Wednesday Addams
 (DIR) 2015/02/23
 (TXT) Looking Glass Falls is looking a bit brittle these days
 (DIR) 2015/02/24
 (TXT) Notes from lunch at a Thai restaurant somewhere in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
 (TXT) If you play in someone else's sandbox, don't get upset as they change the rules on you—it's not your sandbox to do as you please
 (DIR) 2015/02/25
 (TXT) The unintentional conspiracy
 (DIR) 2015/02/26
 (TXT) I feel the earth, move, under my feet
 (TXT) More unintentional conspiracies
 (DIR) 2015/02/27
 (TXT) Saving Private Data
 (DIR) 2015/02/28
 (TXT) A two inch cutting board on a table saw