(DIR) 2015/05/01
 (TXT) Living with being dead
 (DIR) 2015/05/02
 (TXT) Borg
 (TXT) Amoeba
 (DIR) 2015/05/03
 (TXT) When Las Vegas is not Las Vegas
 (DIR) 2015/05/04
 (TXT) Today my friends are talking with a lithp.
 (DIR) 2015/05/05
 (TXT) Ch-ch-ch-changes for the mobile web
 (TXT) Driskell v. Homosexuals
 (DIR) 2015/05/06
 (TXT) Dogs and cats living together
 (DIR) 2015/05/07
 (TXT) Small websites need not apply
 (DIR) 2015/05/08
 (TXT) I, for one, welcome our new self-driving robotic overlords
 (DIR) 2015/05/09
 (TXT) The Dymaxion Car
 (DIR) 2015/05/10
 (TXT) Eight years of greylisting
 (DIR) 2015/05/11
 (TXT) SPF might not be worth handling, but what about RBL?
 (DIR) 2015/05/12
 (TXT) He is the electric messiah! The AC/DC god!
 (DIR) 2015/05/13
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation at The Ft. Lauderdale Office of The Corporation
 (DIR) 2015/05/14
 (TXT) The Flying Camera
 (DIR) 2015/05/15
 (TXT) Countrly Road
 (DIR) 2015/05/16
 (TXT) The more things change
 (DIR) 2015/05/17
 (TXT) The blind men and the Molochian elephant
 (DIR) 2015/05/18
 (TXT) Gaming the system
 (DIR) 2015/05/19
 (TXT) Wishful thinking
 (DIR) 2015/05/20
 (TXT) If you think signal handling in C sucks, try Lua
 (DIR) 2015/05/21
 (TXT) Notes about an overheard conversation at The Ft. Lauderdale Office of The Corporation
 (TXT) The check that was in the mail
 (DIR) 2015/05/22
 (TXT) “Consistent mediocrity, delivered on a large scale, is much more profitable than anything on a small scale, no matter how efficient it might be.”
 (DIR) 2015/05/23
 (TXT) Sometimes, you just gotta go back to the 8-bit era
 (DIR) 2015/05/24
 (TXT) The crazy things that were done to make games run fast in the 8-bit era
 (DIR) 2015/05/25
 (TXT) Oh that Florida!
 (DIR) 2015/05/26
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation at The Ft. Lauderdale Office of The Corporation
 (TXT) Notes on another overheard conversation at The Ft. Lauderdale Office of The Corporation
 (DIR) 2015/05/27
 (TXT) Der Ring des Star Wars
 (DIR) 2015/05/28
 (TXT) Kung Fury
 (DIR) 2015/05/29
 (TXT) Does the removal of the audio from this video make it ironic?
 (DIR) 2015/05/30
 (TXT) Magic is supposed to be … well, magical! Not scientific!
 (DIR) 2015/05/31
 (TXT) We wouldn't want anything to happen to the page rank on your nice website, now would we?