(DIR) 2015/06/01
 (TXT) Slow clap
 (DIR) 2015/06/02
 (TXT) Level 3 Diagnostics
 (TXT) Leverage the synergy between my company and Google's social media empire and search engine with a side of mocha
 (TXT) Really? 50%?
 (DIR) 2015/06/03
 (TXT) Isn't this how the Toxic Avenger got his start?
 (DIR) 2015/06/04
 (TXT) You can't make it look too easy
 (DIR) 2015/06/05
 (TXT) It's such a buggy day
 (TXT) Dog food
 (DIR) 2015/06/06
 (TXT) I'm lucky in that I run the server, so I can do this type of debugging
 (DIR) 2015/06/07
 (TXT) A note to Sweden: we don't have one-fifth cups over here
 (TXT) The meatballs from Sweden
 (DIR) 2015/06/08
 (TXT) TempleOS
 (DIR) 2015/06/09
 (TXT) Notes on a barely overhead conversation at The Ft. Lauderdale Office of The Corporation
 (TXT) Notes on an email about a barely overheard conversation at The Ft. Lauderdale Office of The Corporation
 (DIR) 2015/06/10
 (TXT) Just a small observation about software projects
 (DIR) 2015/06/11
 (TXT) What is Code?
 (TXT) This is more “bootstrapping a langauge” than it is “creating a language”
 (DIR) 2015/06/12
 (TXT) Overheard conversation at Chez Boca about the possible names for a feral lizard on the back porch
 (DIR) 2015/06/13
 (TXT) The unbearable lightness of Forth
 (DIR) 2015/06/14
 (TXT) An IDE for BASIC, on a machine with 128 bytes of RAM
 (DIR) 2015/06/15
 (TXT) Only in America
 (DIR) 2015/06/16
 (TXT) A constructive look at the Atari 2600 BASIC cartridge
 (DIR) 2015/06/17
 (TXT) It's never lupus nor a compiler bug
 (DIR) 2015/06/18
 (TXT) It's not even a Heisenbug
 (DIR) 2015/06/19
 (TXT) No product survives first contact with production
 (DIR) 2015/06/20
 (TXT) A park dedicated to The Art of the Brick
 (TXT) A tigerwood cutting board
 (TXT) The perils of hotelling
 (DIR) 2015/06/21
 (TXT) These look to be the easiest crystals to make
 (DIR) 2015/06/22
 (TXT) Technology is like a lightsaber, useful for both good and bad
 (DIR) 2015/06/23
 (TXT) It's a wonder we survived this long as a species
 (DIR) 2015/06/24
 (TXT) Be very very quiet … I'm hunting bugs
 (DIR) 2015/06/25
 (TXT) A history of character encodings
 (DIR) 2015/06/26
 (TXT) There's no reason for C to have just a single stack
 (DIR) 2015/06/27
 (TXT) “If you don't know how to handle an error, crash the program.”
 (DIR) 2015/06/28
 (TXT) It's rather simple, but you would never know it
 (DIR) 2015/06/29
 (TXT) But is it music?
 (DIR) 2015/06/30
 (TXT) Guess what? You'll get an extra second of sleep tonight! Woot!