(DIR) 2015/07/01
 (TXT) Drive
 (TXT) The Sunset Motel
 (TXT) Extreme free wi-fi, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2015/07/02
 (TXT) Downtown
 (TXT) What next? Sushi at the sea food counter?
 (TXT) Extreme music appreciation, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2015/07/03
 (TXT) Dining in at the drive-in
 (TXT) Extreme food trends, Brevard edition
 (TXT) Binion's Roadhouse
 (DIR) 2015/07/04
 (TXT) Moving from reservation to reservation
 (TXT) Bada-BOOM!
 (TXT) Extreme revolutionary acts, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2015/07/05
 (TXT) Extreme obviousness, Asheville edition
 (DIR) 2015/07/06
 (TXT) A prisoner of the bathroom
 (TXT) Extreme cosplay potential, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2015/07/07
 (TXT) Extreme road trip, Cashiers edition
 (TXT) Extreme lawn ornaments, Cashiers edition
 (DIR) 2015/07/08
 (TXT) A quaint little town
 (TXT) Extreme street dancing, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2015/07/09
 (TXT) There and back again
 (DIR) 2015/07/10
 (TXT) Receive valuable paper mail when you register a domain!
 (TXT) “Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.”
 (DIR) 2015/07/11
 (TXT) Money, guns and Svalbard
 (DIR) 2015/07/12
 (TXT) Build a pyramid by floating the blocks into position
 (DIR) 2015/07/13
 (TXT) You feel the earth move under your feet
 (TXT) Monday! I should have known!
 (DIR) 2015/07/14
 (TXT) This is why it's so cheap to ship things halfway around the world
 (DIR) 2015/07/15
 (TXT) When you expire on your vacation
 (TXT) Notes about an overhead voice mail message at The Ft. Lauderdale Office of the Corporation
 (TXT) Corporate password policies suck, but then again, you knew that already
 (DIR) 2015/07/16
 (TXT) It's always nice when my code doesn't crash
 (DIR) 2015/07/17
 (TXT) I'm surprised we survived as long as we have
 (DIR) 2015/07/18
 (TXT) Now if it were 10 ounces of To'ak chocolate …
 (TXT) To'ak Chocolate
 (DIR) 2015/07/19
 (TXT) Tick tick tick …
 (DIR) 2015/07/20
 (TXT) Tumbling through code, part II
 (DIR) 2015/07/21
 (TXT) How Buildings Learn
 (DIR) 2015/07/22
 (TXT) Going … going … gone
 (TXT) An interesting take on the Nigerian 419 scam
 (DIR) 2015/07/23
 (TXT) The truth about the Lego movie
 (DIR) 2015/07/24
 (TXT) The new way to version software
 (DIR) 2015/07/25
 (TXT) Unintended consequences
 (DIR) 2015/07/26
 (TXT) A plane flying 100 miles per hour and carrying 200 passengers and 5 crew crashes on the border of the United States and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors?
 (DIR) 2015/07/27
 (TXT) If a plane flies into Belgium, it must be Tuesday
 (DIR) 2015/07/28
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation in the Ft. Lauderdale Office of The Corporation to Bob of Technical Support
 (DIR) 2015/07/29
 (TXT) The pre-dawn airport traffic
 (DIR) 2015/07/30
 (TXT) Yeah, let's breed more antibiotic resistant superbugs!
 (DIR) 2015/07/31
 (TXT) Katelynn on Caitlyn