(DIR) 2018/07/01
 (TXT) Replacing the battery on my iPhone should not require rebooting my Mac
 (DIR) 2018/07/04
 (TXT) All's quiet on the holiday front
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation
 (TXT) Neither heat nor rain nor threat of thunderstorms stays the neighbor from the swift lighting of firework rounds
 (DIR) 2018/07/05
 (TXT) Abandon all hope ye who enter the sucking vortex of ill-marked, multply-named, non-Euclidean roadways known as Orlando
 (TXT) Singing with scissors
 (TXT) About this hotel
 (DIR) 2018/07/06
 (TXT) Notes on the epiphany I had on elevator sticks while I slept
 (TXT) “Yeah. ‘Ooh, ah,’ that's how it always starts. But then later there's running and screaming.”
 (TXT) One must always make sure to get the cruelty-free pizza
 (DIR) 2018/07/08
 (TXT) At the roadways of madness
 (DIR) 2018/07/09
 (TXT) At least now no one has to pay to have their information protected
 (TXT) Yes. It is music. I identified it. What more do you want?
 (DIR) 2018/07/16
 (TXT) I don't think this is what McDonald's had in mind when they said “you deserve a break today”
 (DIR) 2018/07/19
 (TXT) A sane and easy to use TLS library! Will wonders never cease!
 (DIR) 2018/07/23
 (TXT) Managing TLS connections using Lua and Lua coroutines