(DIR) 2018/10/01
 (TXT) Another attempt to photograph dinner
 (TXT) Glass & Stone, Light & Dark
 (DIR) 2018/10/02
 (TXT) Extreme white squirrels, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2018/10/03
 (TXT) Extreme government secret alien guitars, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2018/10/04
 (TXT) Extreme lawn ornaments part II, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2018/10/05
 (TXT) Extreme metal chickens, Fletcher edition
 (DIR) 2018/10/06
 (TXT) Extreme Rusty Waterfalls, Lake Toxaway edition
 (TXT) Have scissors, will shear
 (DIR) 2018/10/07
 (TXT) Extreme benches, Brevard edition
 (TXT) Gah! I'm repeating myself!
 (DIR) 2018/10/08
 (TXT) Extreme swings, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2018/10/09
 (TXT) Extreme wait times, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2018/10/10
 (TXT) Extreme TARDIS, Brevard edition
 (TXT) “It has a slight kick to it”
 (TXT) Guess who's blowing past us?
 (DIR) 2018/10/11
 (TXT) Extreme phones, Brevard edition
 (TXT) I've got to start thinking about what to write for the upcoming NaNoGenMo
 (DIR) 2018/10/13
 (TXT) There and back again
 (TXT) Extreme general interest reading, Brevard edition
 (DIR) 2018/10/14
 (TXT) Tumbling through code, part III
 (DIR) 2018/10/28
 (TXT) A blog post about blogging—how meta
 (DIR) 2018/10/29
 (TXT) Some notes about the music of Brevard
 (DIR) 2018/10/30
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation about a shocking situation
 (DIR) 2018/10/31
 (TXT) “This one and then that and this and then still another, and on up and around, three pumpkins here, seven pumpkins still higher, a dozen clustered beyond, a hundred, five hundred, a thousand pumpkins lit their candles …”
 (TXT) “I got five pieces of candy!” “I got a chocolate bar!” “I got a quarter!” “I got a keyboard.”
 (TXT) How about this for a headline? “Miami Herald: Records suggest that Ron DeSantis paid campaign workers to spam cell phones with political ads to avoid Federal Communications Commission regulations over automated text messaging”