(DIR) 2019/03/05
 (TXT) “We the willing”
 (TXT) The Electric King James Bible Remake
 (TXT) The Quick and Dirty B-Movie Plot Generator, now in Gopherama!
 (DIR) 2019/03/14
 (TXT) A recreation of a scene at an office
 (TXT) “Is there a way to convert this integer to an integer?”
 (TXT) The Repair Culture
 (DIR) 2019/03/16
 (TXT) I'm not addicted to the Internet. I can give it up at any time. What? You mean it's down? Aaaaaaaaaah!
 (DIR) 2019/03/21
 (TXT) Observations on the drive home from work
 (DIR) 2019/03/25
 (TXT) It took thirty-odd years for web browsers to get automatic hypenation and almost a decade for me to notice
 (TXT) “Woe unto all who reveal the Secrets contained herein for they shall be Hunted unto the Ends of the Universe”
 (TXT) A lesson in economics
 (DIR) 2019/03/26
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation about a dish at a restaurant being featured on television
 (TXT) I'd like to see the unit test for this bug
 (TXT) And part of our process of processing the process is to ensure we process the process safely
 (DIR) 2019/03/27
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation in or near Chez Boca
 (DIR) 2019/03/31
 (TXT) Why adding crypto to gopher isn't that easy