(DIR) 2020/03/05
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation outside a used book and compact disc store
 (DIR) 2020/03/06
 (TXT) The 2020 Surprise Birthday Party Road Trip
 (TXT) Seriously, these were the cleanest gas station bathrooms I've ever seen
 (TXT) Orange you glad it wasn't banana slices?
 (DIR) 2020/03/07
 (TXT) Surprise!
 (DIR) 2020/03/08
 (TXT) Traffic jams at night
 (DIR) 2020/03/12
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation at the Ft. Lauderdale Office of The Corporation
 (DIR) 2020/03/16
 (TXT) Is their network infected with COVID-19?
 (DIR) 2020/03/17
 (TXT) Priorities in the time of COVID-19
 (TXT) I just finished reading a polarizing book
 (DIR) 2020/03/18
 (TXT) Can one make COVID-19 jokes? I hope so, becuse this is a COVID-19 joke
 (DIR) 2020/03/19
 (TXT) Still another issue with DoH, yet this time it isn't my fault
 (DIR) 2020/03/23
 (TXT) Doing my thing to maintain social distancing
 (TXT) This is the type of town that gives small town politics a bad name
 (DIR) 2020/03/24
 (TXT) You still have the flexible schedule but the games of nude laser tag with lingerie models is not an option
 (DIR) 2020/03/25
 (TXT) The Return of the Alien White Squirrels
 (DIR) 2020/03/26
 (TXT) There just aren't enough clue-by-fours
 (DIR) 2020/03/27
 (TXT) Looks like that DoH issue I had last week has been fixed