(DIR) 2020/04/02
 (TXT) To block the bad guys, it helps to correctly specify all the addresses
 (DIR) 2020/04/04
 (TXT) I don't quite understand this attack
 (TXT) I'd put this off, but I'm trying to procrastinate my procrastination
 (DIR) 2020/04/05
 (TXT) Is this attack a case of “why not?”
 (DIR) 2020/04/07
 (TXT) Some musings about some spooky actions from Google and Facebook
 (DIR) 2020/04/22
 (TXT) The trouble of finding a small memory leak
 (DIR) 2020/04/23
 (TXT) Of course talking about a bug means its easier to find and fix the bug. Odd how that happens
 (TXT) Gopher selectors are OPAQUE people! OPAQUE!
 (DIR) 2020/04/30
 (TXT) That was the leak—now it crashes!