(DIR) 2020/07/04
 (TXT) Adventures in Formatting
 (TXT) Spending cache like its going out of style
 (TXT) A relatively quiet Fourth of July
 (DIR) 2020/07/07
 (TXT) The magic tricks may be simple, but that's not to say they're easy to perform
 (DIR) 2020/07/13
 (TXT) A twisty maze of little redirects, all alike
 (DIR) 2020/07/15
 (TXT) There's a disconnect somewhere
 (DIR) 2020/07/16
 (TXT) Adventures in Formatting II: Gemini Boogaloo
 (DIR) 2020/07/20
 (TXT) Adventures in Atom
 (TXT) We're a long way from the halcyon days of ASCII-only text
 (DIR) 2020/07/24
 (TXT) Why not open the office back up on Halloween? It's be thematically cool to do so
 (TXT) And here I thought web bots were bad
 (TXT) Well, the bugs start coming and they don't stop coming
 (TXT) No, seriously, the bugs start coming and they don't stop coming
 (DIR) 2020/07/25
 (TXT) Please make the bugs stop
 (TXT) Bad bots, bad bots, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they contact you?
 (DIR) 2020/07/28
 (TXT) All is silent on the bad Gemini bots
 (DIR) 2020/07/29
 (TXT) I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner
 (TXT) Interfacing with the blackhole of the Intarwebs
 (DIR) 2020/07/30
 (TXT) I can't believe I didn't think of that—clarification