(DIR) 2021/12/01
 (TXT) Learning to sit back, relax, and enjoy the popcorn
 (TXT) “Warthog. Delete word. Warthog. Delete word. Warthog. No, Dameon! Warthog! Duck ewe!”
 (DIR) 2021/12/06
 (TXT) It's still not easy adding crypto to gopher
 (TXT) My blog on gopher is still a second class citizen, but it's getting better
 (DIR) 2021/12/10
 (TXT) Working on legacy projects
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation while bringing in the groceries
 (DIR) 2021/12/13
 (TXT) Maybe another name for this project should be “Charlie Foxtrot”
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation while checking the mail box
 (DIR) 2021/12/14
 (TXT) Putting the “fun” in “dysfunctional”
 (DIR) 2021/12/15
 (TXT) There seems to be a qualitative difference between C and C++
 (DIR) 2021/12/16
 (TXT) “Well, there's your problem!”
 (TXT) Twiddling my thumbs
 (DIR) 2021/12/17
 (TXT) “Well, there's your solution!”
 (TXT) C++11 is supported, but not C11 … of course
 (DIR) 2021/12/22
 (TXT) Are we having fun yet? And by “we” I mean “I.” And by “fun” I mean “misery”
 (TXT) A most persistent spam, part V
 (TXT) Schadenfreude at some badly written bots
 (DIR) 2021/12/25
 (TXT) I think I'm supposed to say “Merry something something,” and something about good wills
 (DIR) 2021/12/29
 (TXT) Still going strong, a week later
 (TXT) Software can just never be done it seems