(DIR) 2022/12/01
 (TXT) Minimum support for webmentions
 (DIR) 2022/12/02
 (TXT) You too, can make objectively the world's best pizza at home
 (TXT) The vultures that are private equity firms
 (DIR) 2022/12/04
 (TXT) Late to the party
 (DIR) 2022/12/05
 (TXT) “Until I'm rescued from this Chinese fortune cookie factory, I might as well make the best of it!”
 (DIR) 2022/12/07
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation about locking the keys in the car
 (TXT) Notes on configuring Apache mod_md
 (DIR) 2022/12/08
 (TXT) Some comments on delimiter-first code
 (DIR) 2022/12/09
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation as the radio was playing “Blue Christmas”
 (TXT) “When out from the bathroom there arose such a clatter, she sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.”
 (TXT) I should have made a check list
 (DIR) 2022/12/12
 (TXT) How I feel about HTTPS
 (DIR) 2022/12/13
 (TXT) I think this toilet is going to be the death of us
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation in the bathroom
 (DIR) 2022/12/14
 (TXT) An annotated example of using LPeg to parse a string to generate LPeg to parse other strings
 (DIR) 2022/12/15
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation while bringing the garbage can up from the street
 (TXT) Re: Conformance Should Mean Something - fputc, and Freestanding
 (DIR) 2022/12/16
 (TXT) You know what would be refreshing? Vintage ads for Saturnalia
 (DIR) 2022/12/19
 (TXT) Santa Claus, Coca-Cola, Sprite, and vast amounts of cookies
 (DIR) 2022/12/21
 (TXT) Unit test this
 (DIR) 2022/12/22
 (TXT) It's kind of sad to think that the cheapest gift are the milk maids
 (DIR) 2022/12/23
 (TXT) Notes on an overheard conversation as the radio was playing “Winter Wonderland”
 (TXT) Extreme tiny house, Asheville edition
 (TXT) Some alternative do-it-yourself keyboards
 (TXT) “Outdoors is currently not heated”
 (DIR) 2022/12/26
 (TXT) It's not a “security hole,” it's a “privacy hole” and I don't think it's anything to worry about
 (DIR) 2022/12/27
 (TXT) And in another timeline, Google sold out to Yahoo for $10,000,000 …