(DIR) 2023/10/07
 (TXT) Mowing Da Lawn
 (DIR) 2023/10/09
 (TXT) The Temptation
 (DIR) 2023/10/10
 (TXT) Get thee behind me, Satan
 (DIR) 2023/10/17
 (TXT) “Tell us how you really feel about Agile …”
 (DIR) 2023/10/18
 (TXT) When setting up to do the thing takes longer than doing the thing
 (DIR) 2023/10/23
 (TXT) One of the rarest gas stations in the United States
 (TXT) I'm getting some serious “Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra” vibes from this card magic book
 (DIR) 2023/10/25
 (TXT) A small warning about UDP based protocols
 (DIR) 2023/10/29
 (TXT) Inflation has seriously affected the Nigerian scams
 (TXT) Adventures in Utext
 (TXT) A most persistent spam, part VIII
 (DIR) 2023/10/31
 (TXT) “And in other news, water is wet, and the Pope is Catholic … ”
 (TXT) The difference in penalties in AD&D1 and D&D5
 (TXT) What happened to Hallowe'en?