=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for BIRTH OF THE PHOENIX =============================================================================== GUIDE INFORMATION ----------------- Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com System: Apple II Updated: 10th June, 2008 Version: 1.1 CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 4. Point List 5. Map 6. Copyright Information VERSION HISTORY --------------- 1.1: 10th June, 2008 (Format update) 1.0: 12th May, 2008 (First version) =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Made by Phoenix Software in 1981 for the Apple II, Birth of the Phoenix is a short interactive fiction adventure where the aim is to return a phoenix to the temple of the sun. The game was designed as an introductory adventure, so none of the puzzles pose any great difficulty. The limited number of locations and inventory items mean that the game can be breezed through in under an hour, but it still remains fun to play. Recommended for beginners to interactive fiction. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== The game starts in the forest glade. Move EAST to the toolshed. GET SHOVEL. GET FLASHLIGHT. Move WEST twice to the forest. CLIMB TREE. GET BRANCH. GET NET. Climb DOWN to the forest. Move NORTH to the clearing. Turn ON FLASHLIGHT. Climb DOWN the well. GET RUBIES. Climb back UP to the clearing. Move EAST twice to the shallow cave. TURN DIAL. Enter 10, 22 and 35 as the numbers to unlock the safe. GET DIAMONDS. Move WEST to the cliff. CALL PHOENIX to travel over to the other side of the cliff. GET KEY. Move NORTHEAST to the road to the mountains. GET STICK. Move EAST and NORTH to the mountain pass. WIND CLOCK with the key. Move WEST twice to the road to Heliopolis. GET SAPPHIRES. Move NORTH to the treasury. DROP RUBIES. DROP DIAMONDS. DROP SAPPHIRES. Move SOUTH and EAST to the rocky road. GET POTION. Move EAST, SOUTH, WEST, SOUTHWEST and NORTHWEST to the guardhouse. GIVE POTION to the guard. DIG. When asked with what, enter SHOVEL. GET BAG. OPEN BAG to see bits of paper. The paper can be dropped in the maze to help find the exit, although it is not necessary to do this as it is quite easy to find the way out when you know the directions. Move NORTHWEST into the confusing maze. Move NORTH twice, WEST and EAST to the hall of the Phoenix. CATCH PHOENIX with the net. GET PHOENIX. Move UP to return to the maze. Move SOUTHEAST twice, NORTHEAST, EAST, NORTH, WEST twice and NORTH twice to the temple of the sun. RUB STICK to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== BAG Found after digging at the guardhouse. It is opened to find bits of coloured paper which can be used to map the maze. BOOK Found in the forest glade. It is not used. BRANCH Found at the top of the tree. It is used to light the stick in the temple of the sun. COLOURED PAPER The red, green, orange, yellow, blue and purple pieces of paper can be dropped in different areas of the maze to help find the exit. DIAMONDS Found in the safe at the shallow cove. They are dropped in the treasury. FLASHLIGHT Found in the toolshed. It is turned on before descending into the well. KEY Found on the cliff. It is used to wind the clock at the mountain pass. MYRRH Found in the temple of the sun. It is not used. NET Found at the top of the tree. It is used to catch the phoenix in the hall of the phoenix. PHOENIX IN NET Found by catching the phoenix with the net in the hall of the phoenix. It is taken to the temple of the sun. POTION Found on the rocky road. It is given to the guard at the guardhouse. RUBIES Found at the bottom of the well after the flashlight has been turned on. They are dropped in the treasury. SAPPHIRES Found on the road to Heliopolis. They are dropped in the treasury. SHOVEL Found in the toolshed. It is used to dig at the guardhouse. STICK Found on the road to the mountains. It is rubbed in the temple of the sun. =============================================================================== 4. Point List =============================================================================== 30 30 Drop the rubies in the treasury. 60 30 Drop the diamonds in the treasury. 90 30 Drop the sapphires in the treasury. 100 10 Rub the stick in the temple of the sun. =============================================================================== 5. Map =============================================================================== _______ |Hall of|u +-->|Phoenix|------+ | |_______| | | | _______ | _______ | _______ | |--+ | | | |Temple | | Maze | | Maze | | |of Sun | |_______|<-----|___ ___| | |___ ___| | | | ___|___ | ___|___ | | | | Treas | | Maze | | | -ury | |___ ___| | |___ ___| | | | ___|___ | ___|___ _______ _______ | | | | | | Rocky | | | | Maze |<-----+ | Road |--| Road |--| Clock | |_______| |_______| |_______| |___ ___| \_ | \_______ _______ ___|___ | Guard | | | | Mount | | House | | Road |--| -ains | |_______| |_______| |_______| \_ _/ \_______/ | | | Cliff | |___ ___| | *1 _______ _______ ___|___ _______ | | d| Clear | | | |Shallow| | Well |--| -ing |--| Cliff |--| Cave | |_______|u |___ ___| |_______| |_______| | _______ ___|___ _______ _______ | | u| | |Forest | | Tool | |Treetop|--|Forest |--| Glade |--| Shed | |_______|d |_______| |_______| |_______| *1: Call the phoenix to cross over to the other cliff. =============================================================================== 6. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This file is Copyright 2008 Tom Hayes. As it can be difficult to keep track of websites that haven't posted the latest version of this file, please do not distribute it without my permission. Send an e-mail to me if you would like to post this file on your website and you will likely receive a positive response. If you do post the file, please keep it in its original form with all of the sections intact and credit the author (Tom Hayes) as the writer of the file. The latest version of this file can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.