=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for CRANSTON MANOR =============================================================================== GUIDE INFORMATION ----------------- Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com System: Apple II Updated: 10th June, 2008 Version: 1.1 CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 4. Treasures 5. Maps 6. Copyright Information VERSION HISTORY --------------- 1.1: 10th June, 2008 (Format update) 1.0: 20th February, 2008 (First version) =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Made in 1981 for the Apple II, Cranston Manor was the fourth Hi-Res adventure made by On-Line Systems (later known as Sierra Entertainment). The game takes place in the deserted town of Coarsegold, where an old man named Cranston hid sixteen valuable treasures in his mansion before he died. You play an unnamed adventurer in the game who is determined to restore Coarsegold to its former glory by collecting the sixteen treasures from the mansion. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== The game starts on the main street. Move EAST twice and SOUTH twice to the junk yard. GET CROWBAR. Move WEST, NORTH three times and WEST to the general store. GET LANTERN. Move EAST, NORTH twice and EAST. USE CROWBAR on the iron gate. Move EAST four times and NORTH to the gazebo. GET BAG of jewelry. Move SOUTH, EAST four times and UP to the attic. GET COIN. Move DOWN, SOUTH twice, EAST and NORTH to the shed. GET SCREWDRIVER. Move SOUTH, EAST twice, NORTH and WEST to the kitchen. A suit of armour will start to follow you around the house at this point. GET CHEESE. Move NORTH three times and WEST three times to the bird atrium. GET CAGE. Move EAST four times. DROP CHEESE. GET MOUSE. Move WEST twice to the sitting room. DROP MOUSE to scare the suit of armour away. GET TEAPOT. GET MOUSE. Move WEST, SOUTH four times and EAST to the dining room. DROP MOUSE. GET CANDLESTICK. GET MOUSE. Move WEST and SOUTH to the library. Say the word EMASES to open the bookcase and enter the base of the tower. Move UP to the lookout. GET SPY GLASS. Move DOWN and WEST twice to the smoking room. DROP MOUSE. OPEN DRAWER. GET KEY. GET MOUSE. Move NORTH twice to the organ room. PLAY ORGAN to open the fireplace. Move NORTH to the secret room. GET TRIANGLE but leave the dagger as it isn't used in the game. Move SOUTH, EAST, NORTH and EAST to the hunting room. USE KEY to unlock the closet door. Move EAST into the closet. CLIMB ROPE. SWING on the rope. GET BILLS on the shelf. Move DOWN, WEST twice, SOUTH twice, EAST and NORTH to the kitchen. DROP MOUSE. GET POT. Move SOUTH and WEST five times to the fountain. GET WATER to fill the pot. Move EAST twice. OPEN DOOR. Move EAST three times, NORTH and DOWN to the cistern room. Turn the LANTERN ON. PRIME PUMP using the water from the pot. PUSH BUTTON on the pump to fill the cistern with water. GET BOTTLE full of diamonds from the cistern. GET WATER to fill the empty pot. Move UP, SOUTH, WEST, NORTH, EAST and DOWN. USE TRIANGLE on the strange keyhole on the door. Save the game at this point as the tin soldier in the next section may shoot at you. Move WEST, SOUTH, WEST, EAST, NORTH and DOWN to the subway platform. USE COIN on the vending machine. GET CARD from the slot. Move UP, EAST and SOUTH twice to the blast door. USE CARD on the slot to enter the computer vault. THROW WATER on the computer to destroy it (the suit of armour and the tin soldier won't follow you around the house any more). GET SPHERE. Move NORTH three times, WEST and NORTH to the sloping n/s crawlway. GET BARS. Move NORTH and EAST twice to the intersection. GET PENDANT. Move EAST to the stalagmite cavern. Turn the LANTERN OFF to put the bull in a stasis field. Move EAST to the steep uphill slope. Turn the LANTERN ON. Move EAST to the nugget room. GET NUGGET. Move WEST, DOWN and SOUTH to the pool room. GET NEST of golden eggs. Move EAST twice to the wide n/s passage. GET JADE buddha. Move NORTH, DOWN, WEST twice, NORTH twice and WEST to the lift chamber. DROP NUGGET. Say the word LIFT and the nugget will disappear into the lift. Move EAST twice, UP, EAST, DOWN, UP, SOUTH twice, EAST, UP and WEST to the large sun lit room. PULL TORCH on the wall to see the lift and the nugget. GET NUGGET. Move SOUTH to the master bedroom. GET RING. Move EAST, SOUTH twice and WEST to the children's playroom. GET RAFT. Move EAST twice to the bridal suite. OPEN DRAWER. GET NECKLACE from the drawer. Move SOUTH to the balcony. JUMP to the branch of the tree. Move DOWN, WEST twice, NORTH twice and WEST to the cat statue. INFLATE RAFT to drop it into the cat fountain. Move NORTH to the pedestal. USE SCREWDRIVER to get the emerald eyes. Move SOUTH, WEST and SOUTH to the drive way. UNLOCK GATE. Move SOUTH to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== EMPTY POT Found in the kitchen after the armour has been scared away by the mouse. It is filled at the cat statue pool in the garden. After the pot of water has been used to prime the pump, it is filled from the pool in the cistern room. GOLD COIN Found in the attic. It is used on the vending machine on the deserted subway platform to find the plastic subway card. INFLATABLE RAFT Found in the children's playroom. It is inflated near the cat statue. LARGE BRASS KEY Found in the smoking room desk drawer after the armour has been scared away by the mouse. It is used to unlock the door in the hunting room. MOUSE IN A WOODEN CAGE Found after dropping the piece of cheese in the room with the mouse. It is dropped in the sitting room so that the teapot can be found. It is dropped in the smoking room so that the large brass key in the drawer can be found. It is dropped in the dining room so that the silver candlestick can be found. It is dropped in the kitchen so that the empty pot can be found. PIECE OF CHEESE Found in the kitchen. It is dropped in the room with the mouse. PLASTIC SUBWAY CARD Found by using the gold coin on the vending machine on the deserted subway platform. It is used on the slot near the heavy blast door. POT FILLED WITH WATER Made by filling the empty pot with the water from the cat statue pool in the garden. It is used to prime the pump in the cistern room. After the pot has been filled again, it is thrown on the sphere in the computer vault. RUSTY CROWBAR Found in the junk yard. It is used to open the iron gate outside the manor. SHARP STEEL DAGGER Found in the secret room after the organ has been played. It is not used. SMALL LANTERN Found in the general store. It is lit in the cistern room. It is turned off in the area with the pink bull and is turned on again after passing the bull. SMALL SCREWDRIVER Found in the shed. It is used to get the emeralds from the eyes of the cat statue. SMALL WOODEN CAGE Found in the bird atrium. After dropping the cheese in the room with the mouse, the cage is used to get the mouse. =============================================================================== 4. Treasures =============================================================================== With the exception of the crystal triangle and the enormous gold nugget, none of the other treasures have to be dropped or used after they have been picked up. Treasures are shown in the inventory with an asterisk at each side of the name. All sixteen treasures have to be found to complete the game. ____ *BAG OF PRECIOUS JEWELRY* Found in the gazebo in the hedge maze. *BARS OF GOLD* Found in the sloping n/s crawlway. *BEAUTIFUL JADE BUDDHA* Found in the wide n/s passage. *BOTTLE FULL OF DIAMONDS* Found in the cistern room after the pool has been filled with water. *CRYSTAL TRIANGLE* Found in the secret room after the organ has been played. It is used to unlock the door with the triangle-shaped keyhole. *EXPENSIVE NECKLACE* Found in the drawer in the bridal suite. *ENORMOUS GOLD NUGGET* Found in the nugget room two screen east from the pink bull. It is dropped in the lift chamber and the word "lift" is said. It is found again after pulling the torch in the sun lit room. *EXPENSIVE TEAPOT* Found in the sitting room after the armour has been scared away by the mouse. *HEAVY GOLD SPY GLASS* Found in the lookout. *LARGE PLATINUM SPHERE* Found in the computer vault after the pot of water has been thrown on the computer. *NEST OF GOLDEN EGGS* Found in the large chamber with the pool. *PILE OF FIFTY DOLLAR BILLS* Found by getting the bills after swinging on the rope at the top of the hunting room closet. *RING WITH A HUGE PEARL* Found in the master bedroom. *SAPPHIRE PENDANT* Found at the intersection one screen east from the round room. *SILVER CANDLESTICK* Found in the dining room after the armour has been scared away by the mouse. *TWO LARGE EMERALDS* Found by using the screwdriver on the cat statue in the garden. =============================================================================== 5. Maps =============================================================================== MAP 1: TOWN ----------- _______ _______ | NW | | NE | | Wall |------------------------| Wall | |___ ___| |_______| | | _______ ___|___ | | | | Iron | | | Woods |--| Gate |-*1 | |___ ___| |_______| | | | _______ ___|___ _______ _______ _______ ___|___ |First | | Short | | SW | | Main | | High | | SE | |Street |-------------|Street |--| Wall |--| Gate |--| Wall |--| Wall | |___ ___| |___ ___| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| | | | _______ ___|___ | |Inside | |Outside| | | Store |--| Store | | |_______| |___ ___| | | ___|___ ___|___ _______ | Main | | Main | | Main | |Street |-------------|Street |-------------|Street | |___ ___| |___ ___| |___ ___| | | | ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ | | | | | | |Pierce |-------------|Pierce |-------------|Pierce | |___ ___| |___ ___| |___ ___| | | | ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ | First | |Second | | Junk | |Street |-------------|Street |-------------| Yard | |_______| |_______| |_______| *1: Leads to the Garden on map 2. MAP 2: GARDEN ------------- _______ _______ _______ | Hedge | | | | Hedge | | Maze |--|Gazebo |--| Maze | |___ ___| |___ ___| |___ ___| | | | _______ _______ ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ _______ _______ | Iron | | Hedge | | Hedge | | Hedge | | Hedge | | Hedge | |Gravel | *1| Gate |--| Maze |--| Maze |--| Maze |--| Maze |--| Maze |--| Path |*2 |___ ___| |_______| |___ ___| |___ ___| |___ ___| |_______| |_______| | | | | | ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ | | Hedge | | Hedge | | Hedge | | | Maze |--| Maze |--| Maze | | |_______| |_______| |_______| | | _______ | | | | |Statue | | |___ ___| | | *3 ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ _______ | | | Cat | | Drive | | Stone | |Garden |--|Fountan|--| -way |--| Porch |-*4 |___ ___| |_______| |___ ___| |_______| | | | | _______ _______ | | |Inside | | | | | | Shed | *5-| Well | | | |___ ___| |___ ___| | | | | ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ _______ ___|___ | Drive | | Drive | |Outside| | | |Gravel | | -way |-------------| -way |--| Shed |--| Tree |--| Path | |_______| |___ ___| |_______| |___ ___| |_______| | ^ ___|___ __d|___ | | | Tree | | Woods | |Branch | |_______| |_______| | ___|___ | |d | Cave |-*6 |_______| *1: Leads to the Iron Gate on map 1. *2: Leads to the Garage on map 3. *3: Leads to the Garage on map 3. *4: Leads to the Picture Hall on map 4. *5: Leads to the Kitchen on map 4. *6: Leads to the Stairs on map 5. MAP 3: ENTRANCE TO HOUSE ------------------------ _______ | | | Attic | |___ ___| |d __u|___ _______ | | |Breeze | *1-|Garage |--| -way |-*2 |___ ___| |_______| | *3 *1: Leads to the Gravel Path on map 2. *2: Leads to the Hall on map 4. *3: Leads to the Driveway on map 3. MAP 4: GROUND FLOOR ------------------- _______ | Dirt | | Room | |___ ___| |u _______ _______ _______ _______ __d|___ _______ |Observ | | Bird | | | |Sitting| | Hole | | Mouse | |-atory | |Atrium |--| Hall |--| Room |--| Room |--| Room | |___ ___| |_______| |___ ___| |_______| |___ ___| |_______| | | | ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ | | | | | | *1-| Hall |-------------| Hall |-------------| Hall | |___ ___| |_______| |___ ___| | | | *2 ___|___ _______ ___|___ _______ ___|___ ___|___ | | |Pottery| | | |Hunting| |Dining | | Empty | |Chapel |--| Room |--| Hall |--| Room | | Room |--| Room | |_______| |_______| |___ ___| |_______| |___ ___| |_______| | e| | _______ | ___|w__ | _______ |Secret | | | |u | | | | Room | | |Closet |------+------| Shelf | |___ ___| | |_______| | d|_______| | | | ___|___ ___|___ _______ ___|___ | Organ | | | | | | | | Room |--| Hall |--|Closet | |Kitchen|-*4 |___ ___| |___ ___| |___ ___| |___ ___| | | | | d\_ ___|___ ___|___ *3 ___|___ \u_______ |Picture| | | |Dining | |Cistern| *5-| Hall |--| Hall |-------------| Room | | Room | |___ ___| |___ ___| |_______| |_______| /u | | *6 ___|___ ___|___ _______ _______ |Smoking| | | | Tower |u | | | Room |--|Library|--| Base |--|Lookout| |_______| |_______| |_______| d|_______| *1: Leads to the Breezeway on map 3. *2: Leads to the Shabby Bedroom on map 6. *3: Leads to the Stairs on map 5. *4: Leads to the Well on map 2. *5: Leads to the Stone Porch on map 2. *6: Leads to the Hall on map 6. MAP 5: BASEMENT --------------- _______ _______ | | | | *1-|Corridr|-------------|Corridr| |___ ___| |_______| | d| _______ _______ __u|___ *2 | Lift | | Blue | | Round | |Chamber|--| Room |--| Room |------+ |_______| |___ ___| |___ _ _| | | | ^ | ___|___ | | ___|___ _______ _______ _______ | | | | | | | Pink | |Uphill | |Nugget | | | | +----|Pendant|--| Bull |--| Slope |--| Room | | N/S | | |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| | C | | | d| | r | ___|___ ___|___ *3 | a | | Ice | |Sunlit | | w | |Cavern | | Hall | | l | |_______| |___ ___| | w | | | *4 | a | ___|___ ___|___ __u|___ | y | | Cul- | |Inter- | | | | | |de-sac |--|section|--|Stairs | |___ ___| |_______| |___ ___| |_______| | | | _______ | | | | | | *5-|Stairs | | | |_______| | | | | _______ | ___|___ | |Subway | | d| | | |Platfrm|------+------|Stairs |--+ | |_______|u | |_______| | | | | | | ___|___ ___|___ | | _______ _______ | | | |<-+ | | Low |d | Cul- |u | Hall |--| Hall |------+----->| Room |--|de-sac |-*6 |___ ___| |___ ___| | |_______| |___ ___| | | | d| | | ___|___ _______ ___|___ _______ | | |Inter- | | Snake | | | |Stalac-| +----------+------|section|--| Holes | |Corridr| | tite |-*7 | |_______| |___ ___| |___ ___| |___ ___| | | d| | d\ ___|___ ___|___ ___|u__ ___|___ *8 | | | Pool | | | | N/S | | Hall | | Room | |Debris | |Passage| |___ ___| |_______| |_______| |___ ___| | | ___|___ *9 | Blast | | Door | |___ ___| | ___|___ |Computr| | Vault | |_______| *1: Leads to the Round Room on map 5. *2: Leads to the Large Dirt Room on map 4. *3: Leads to the Snake Holes on map 5. *4: Leads to the Closet on map 4. *5: Leads to the Cave on map 2. *6: Leads to the Corridor on map 5. *7: Leads to the N/S Passage on map 5. *8: Leads to the Snake Holes on map 5. *9: Leads to the Debris on map 5. MAP 6: FIRST FLOOR ------------------ _______ _______ _______ | Lift | |Sunlit | |Shabby | | Room |--| Room |--|Bedroom| |_______| |_______| |_______| | d| | *1 | ___|___ _______ _______ |Master | | | | | |Bedroom|--| Hall | |Closet | |_______| |___ ___| |___ ___| | | | ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ |Childs | | | | | |bedroom|--| Hall |--| Den | |_______| |___ ___| |_______| | _______ ___|___ _______ | Play | | | |Bridal | | Room | | Hall |--| Suite | |_______| |_______| |___ ___| d| | *2 ___|___ | | |Balcony| |___ ___| | *3 *1: Leads to the Empty Room on map 4. *2: Leads to the Picture Hall on map 4. *3: Leads to the Tree Branch on map 2. =============================================================================== 6. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This file is Copyright 2008 Tom Hayes. As it can be difficult to keep track of websites that haven't posted the latest version of this file, please do not distribute it without my permission. Send an e-mail to me if you would like to post this file on your website and you will likely receive a positive response. If you do post the file, please keep it in its original form with all of the sections intact and credit the author (Tom Hayes) as the writer of the file. The latest version of this file can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.