>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deja Vu 1 & 2: The Casebooks of Ace Harding Walkthrough and Guide By: Asakane Kotoro <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< [Table of Contents] I. Updates II. About Me III. Game Overview IV. Game play V. Characters VI. Walkthrough VII. Ways to Die VIII. Credits IX. Contact ======== I. Updates ======== Monday, Sept. 13, 2010 9:42 AM - This guide was just started. I don't really know how far I'll get to today, but I hope it helps. 12:57 pm - I've been working on this all morning and I finally got to where you regain your memories. I guess that would be the half way point then? I'll add more later. 9/14/10 10:27 am – I got up to Ace’s office. More will be add later. 2:46 pm – I managed to finish this guide and I cleaned it up some by fixing some spelling errors. 10/13/10 10:20 AM - This guide is going to be reformatted to fit the gbc version of this game which also includes the second game. 12:19 PM - I got all the way up to the second Deja Vu game, and I even added some of the characters to the list. Friday, April 1, 2011, 2:34 PM – I just ran a spell check on this guide, and I added a character or two to the character section. ========= II. About Me ========= No one wants to know about me, but here's a few things. I like to write and help people, and I also like video games and anime too. So I'm at least combining three things I like into this guide. =============== III. Game Overview =============== Deja Vu 1: It is the 1940's and World War II is going on. The city of Chicago is full of thugs and gangsters, and the crime rate is considerably high. The entire nation is in a Depression. You, as Detective Ace Harding, somehow end up in a murder and kidnapping plot that involves the local Chicago gangsters, a man named Joey Siegal, and his mistress. And because of that, you wake up in a bathroom with no memories of who you are. So now you must regain your memories and prove your innocence in the whole plot. Find the right evidence and enough to exonerate yourself as a suspect and follow the trail of clues to the true murderer. Can you do it, Detective? Deja Vu 2: Lost in Vegas Shortly after solving the case of Joey Siegel's murder, you are kidnapped and taken to Las Vegas, where you, once again, wake up in a bathroom stall. But you still have your memory. Apparently Joey Siegel owed money to a mafia boss called Tony Malone and because you were the last person to actually see Siegal alive, Malone and his boys are looking to you to pay them off. =========== IV. Gameplay =========== These two games play like all games made by Kemco. They are both a first person view point and click game. As for the Genres, I'd say Mystery/Adventure type. The two games were originally made for the NES, but were released for GBC. Deja Vu 2 was never released for the NES in America, so it was remade for the GBC and released alongside Deja Vu 1. I'll explain the controls. You have a lot of Icons and three boxes. The upper left box is where the story takes place, or rather the animations and what not. The box to the right of it is the listing box. It is broken up into two sections: Goods and Addresses. Addresses will automatically open up when you talk to a Cab Driver, and you can gain a lot of addresses by talking to the people and examining the right objects. The Goods section lists all the items you have on you. The lower and bigger box is where the description of people and things you're looking at will appear, but the normal window displays all the icons and a miniature map. The Miniature Map is a just a gray shaded square that lists little blue squares that indicates doors or paths. There are twelve commands: Examine - look at something Speak - talk to someone. Hit - strike an object or person. Close - close an object. Open - open an object Take - allows you to pick up items. Leave - dumps an item. Use - an item in your inventory Move - Use this to move from place to place on the miniature map display. Self - This indicates you. You can use an item or hit yourself when you choose "hit" then "self" or "use" gun on "Self". The use gun on self is just an example by the way. Please don't literally use the gun on yourself in this game or in real life for that matter. Note - Allows you to sift through the Inventory in the upper right box. Save - Saves your game. =========== V. Characters =========== These are just a few characters worth mentioning. They play in important role. Ace Harding - The main character (that's you) was once a boxer and now a detective. When he gets caught up in Tony Malone and Joey Siegel, he gets drugged and pinned for Joey's murder and the kidnapping of his mistress. You must play as him to regain your memory and solve the case. Joey Siegel - An old friend of Ace Harding and a murder victim. He owns a restaurant called Joey's. Martha Vickers - Joey's secretary and Ex-girlfriend. She left Joey for a married man named John Sternwood. Sugar Shack - Not an important character, but a potential suspect. Sugar Shack has a grudge against you and Joey. John Sternwood - Martha Vicker's rich beau. He seems to give into Martha's every whim. The Thug - A big muscular man that loves to quote the moral lessons his mom imprinted on him. Too bad they don't stop him from mugging you. The Bum - A greedy drunk that is always ready to give you information for a measly fifty cents. The Cabbies - They drive the blue and yellow cabs to get you to places. The blue taxi driver is always a bit nervous and the yellow taxi driver is friendly. The Hitman - A Hitman hired by Joey to kill you. The Mugger - A man with a gun. He seems to be very desperate for money. The Newsboy - He sells the newspaper for twenty-five cents. Mrs. Sternwood - John Sternwood's 400 pound wife who mysteriously vanished. Dr. Brody - Doesn't make an actual appearance but still just as important. He is Ace's physician. Tony Malone - A gangster boss that Joey owed money too. Stogie Martin - Malone's #1 Hitman, and right hand man. He'll be the one to watch over you throughout the second game. The Casino Chip Woman - She trades in your money for chips, and chips for money. Rudy- Your old boxing partner, he is now the Black Jack Dealer in Las Vegas. The Guy Reading the Newspaper at the Las Vegas Train Station - He is just a guy that is willing to help you. He claims that he has connections. Baggage Claim Attendant - He can be seen sleeping at the Baggage Claim Counter. Conductors - These guys run the trains. Passengers - People riding the trains. Blind Newspaper Clerk - He is a blind man that sells you the newspaper in the Chicago Train Station. The police – they’ll arrest you, depending on the items you bring to the police station. Gabby – a taxi driver from Deja Vu II, apparently he owes his life to Ace and is willing to give you a free ride to wherever you need to go. ============ VI. Walkthrough ============ [Deja Vu I] You wake up in a bathroom stall with amnesia and a pain shooting through your arm. Perhaps you were drugged? Once the text is gone, TAKE the coat and examine it. Open it up for a Wallet, Sunglasses (or shades), 7 coins, lighter, gum, and a hanky. Next examine the lighter and hanky for the initials J.S., and use the coat and sunglasses on self. Open the wallet for the key 1, a card, and a $20 bill. Examine the card to learn that it is a private penthouse card. Take the .38 hanging on the wall, open the door, and move through it. Examine the mirror for a scene where you're trying to remember who you are and open the other door and move out. You'll step out into a hallway and ignore the door with the water leaking out. Open the other door and leave the hall way. You'll find yourself in a bar. Take the seltzer, examine it, and head upstairs. You'll be in another hallway with some pictures hanging on the walls. Examine them all, and upon examining the portrait of Ace Harding, you'll suddenly remember something. Now open the door and enter the room. In the secretary's office, you’ll notice a strong smell of perfume. Open the desk for an envelope. Open the envelope for a bill and examine the bill for the address of Joey's and to learn that it is a bill for drugs. So you were drugged! If you try opening the door to the left, you'll find that it is locked. So use the key 1 on it to open it and enter the room. You're now in Joey Siegel’s office and there is a dead body slumped on the desk. Gross! What you want to do first is to examine the body to find that he had been shot, and then open the desk for a pencil and the key 3. Open Joey's pocket for the key 2. Keep this place in mind for later. Open the window and exit onto the fire escape. Go forwards. Open the window to the right and enter. You're in a torture room. Take the medicine 2 and examine it to learn that it is medrizine. Say, it isn't that one of the medicines listed on the bill? Were you drugged in this very room and then dragged to the bathroom stall so that the police would find Joey's dead body and blame you? Well, that's a plausible explanation, but you still don't know who you are or how you got into this mess, so time to search for more clues and evidence. Don't throw away the medrizine or use it. You can't use it without a capsule anyways. So hold onto it. Open the trash can for the capsules. Do not use the Medrizine without knowing what it can do. Instead use the elevator button and enter the elevator. You should be in the elevator and there will be four or five buttons. Press the bottom one. You'll be taken to a shaft under a man hole. Go through the tunnel. Go up the ladder. Open the left door and go through it. You should be in a casino. Don't use the slot machines, but keep this place in mind for later. Just go back through the top opening. Go through the right door. You'll be in a wine cellar. Move through the south opening on the map. You'll be back in the bar. I know it seems I'm leading you around in circles, but part of this game is about exploring, and we’ll be returning to Joey's anyways. Now use the key 3 on the front door and exit the bar. Once outside, you might run into a mugger; if not, then you'll only see a car, an alley, and a man hole in front of the bar. Just hit the mugger to get rid of him. Now move left. Take a newspaper. Talk to the paper boy to learn that the police are looking for someone that matches your description. Go right back to the bar and use the key 2 on the car door. Enter the car. Open the dashboard for note 2, map, and a snapshot. Examine the note 2 to learn the address for Joey's penthouse. Examine the map for the address for Joey's Bar and to learn that a woman named Mrs. Sternwood is in the trunk. This info will bring some sort of memory. Examine the snapshot to see a picture of an overweight woman and for more memories. Could the woman in the picture be Mrs. Sternwood and is she in the trunk of this car? We have to find some way of opening the trunk. Exit the car. Don't try opening the trunk with the key 2 because it won't work. We'll have to find another key then. Enter the bar. Go into the wine cellar. Enter the opening. Go into the casino. Use a coin on the right slot machine to win some more coins. You might have to do this a few times, but when you win, you should get around 16 coins. Now make your way back to the gun store.. Go left. Enter the blue cab. Tell the cabbie you want to go to west end. Pay the cabbie three coins and exit the car. You'll be in front of an apartment building. So enter it. Use the card in the slot and enter the elevator to go to Joey's penthouse. Exit the elevator. Take the photo and the magazine. Examine the photo for an address to Kedzie. Get back on the elevator. Use the card on the slot again and exit. Leave the building and get back into the cab. Tell the cabbie to go to Kedzie. Pay the cabbie and exit the car. You'll come to a bungalow. The keys won't work on the locked door, so shoot it with the gun 1. Enter the bungalow. Once inside, you'll smell the same cheap perfume from the secretary's office and see a bed and a table. Grab the earring , note 3, and note 4 off the table. Examine the earrings to learn they are made of pearl. How can someone living in this kind of house have such an expensive earring? Examine the note 3 and note 4 to learn the combinations to the safe in Joey's office. But which one is the right one? We'll have to go back to the bar and see, but not yet. Open table for key 5 and a diary. Snooping in someone else's diary is wrong, but the diary might yield some clues in this case, so open the diary for a book mark and start reading. You'll learn that Joey had an affair with his secretary, but she quickly lost interest in him and turned to a rich a man named John Sternwood, and she wants him to leave his wife, who is in the trunk of Joey's car. Wow, maybe the woman in the snapshot is Mrs. Sternwood after all. Examine the book mark to see Joey's initials on it. Leave the house and get back in the cab. Tell the cabbie that you want to go to Sherman St. Pay the cabbie again and get out. Enter the office building. Take the right passage. You'll end up outside of Dr. Brody's office. Use the key 5 to unlock the door and enter the doctor's office. Take all the medicines off the shelf. The file cabinet is locked, so shoot it with your gun. Take all the files. Examine file 1 to learn that Ace Harding (you) was urged to quit smoking during the last visit to the doctor's. Read file 2 to learn that it is a receipt and that Ms. Vickers (Joey's secretary) had ordered something from Doctor Brody and had it delivered to the Bar. Could it be she ordered the medicines used to drug you? Things are slowly coming together like a big puzzle, but we still have some things to sort out, like your memory and who killed Joey. Examine file 3 to learn the symptoms of Peritonitis and Pneumonia. Sounds a bit like what you have. Examine file 4 to learn the effects of all the medicines that you retrieved. Finally, you can regain your memories! Ofreeall is used to treat haart conditions, but it is fatal. Medrizine is used to treat those who have been exposed to nerve gas, also fatal. Diethanol Trimene causes permanent memory loss if not treated. Sodium Bicarbonate is used to counter the pain of overeating. Boy it sounds like the woman in the snapshot needs some. Chemopapain causes a euphoric state. Sodium Pentathol induces a semi-conscious state to get the truth. Bisodiumitis - The treatment antidote to Diethenol trimene, more than one dose is needed to treat it. This is what you need to use. Now that you know what you need, put the medicine labeled bisodiumitis into the capsules and use it on yourself to regain some childhood memories. Do this until you've regained all your memories. Now leave the room. Return to the entrance and go up the stairs. You’ll see the door to your office, but someone (the hitman that the bum mentioned) is already in there. Shoot him through the glass with your gun and then unlock the door with the key 5. Go into your office. Once inside, you’ll see the dead hitman. Ew. Anyways, open for files 5-7. Read file 5 to learn that it is a note from Joey talking about you doing a kidnapping job. Surely this file was planted here to frame you? Read file 6 to learn about a woman named Sugar Shack and her grudge against Siegel. Finally, read file 7 to learn more about Sugar Shack and how she’s doing 5 years in prison. Now open your desk for an ammo case. Open the ammo case and take out the bullets, and put the bullets into your gun. You’ll have to do it one by one. There’s nothing more to do here, so head to your next destination which is back to the car on Peoria street. Exit the building and get into the cab. Tell the driver that you want to go back to Peoria. Then pay the cabbie and get out. If you need more coins, head back to the casino under the bar and keep playing the right slot machine until you win at least ten coins or so. Return to Joey Siegel’s office and use the note 3 on the safe on the wall. Take the box and the folder. Open the folder for note 1. Examine note 1 to learn that you owe 1 thousand dollars to Joey. Open the box for the key 4. Now head back out to the car and approach the trunk. Use the key 4 on the trunk to find a very fat woman bound and gagged, and unconscious. Well, we found Mrs. Sternwood. Poor lady. Take the gag. Put the medicine 1 into the capsules and feed it to her for her address. Return to one of the cabbies (whichever you want to ride with) and tell him that you want to go to auburn. Once there, pay the cabbie and get out. You’ll come to a huge mansion. Before going in, open the mailbox for the envelope 2. Open the envelope 2 for the letter 1 and read letter 1 to find out that it is a ransom letter. Approach the door and use the knocker on the door. A butler will answer. Just hit him and enter the mansion. Don’t go through the door to the right because there is nothing in there. Just go up the stairs and into the first door to the left. You’ll find Martha Vickers sleeping here. Put a medicine 1 into the capsules and use it on her to learn that she killed Joey or in the least, threatened him. Now open the drawer beside her bed for a memo. Leave the ball point pen and the glasses. They’re useless. Use the pencil on the memo and examine the memo to learn that it is a time table for when the murder plot and kidnapping were constructed. Now move into the next room. You’ll see John Sternwood sleeping here. Put the last medicine 1 into the capsules and use it on John to learn he had helped Martha Vickers with the plan. Take the briefcase and open the nightstand for envelope 3. Leave the candy box and the tissue. Open the envelope 3 for letter 2. Read letter 2 to discover that it is a threatening letter from Joey. Now we have enough evidence to get Martha and John arrested but there is still plenty of evidence with your name on it. So, time to dump some stuff, but not here. Exit the mansion and go back into the cab. Return to Peoria and go into the manhole in front of the bar. Go into the passage and south until you come to a river or whatever. Now dump your gun, note 1, map, and file 5. Now go back up to the bar and go right to the police headquarters. All the stuff you have left should be enough evidence to clear your name. Enter the police headquarters, enjoy the great ending. [Deja Vu 2: Lost in Las Vegas] Hello and welcome to Deja Vu II. I am Asakane Kotoro and I will be your guide on this never before seen sequel. So let's get started, shall we? :) You wake up once again in...a bathroom! But you quickly remember who you are: Ace Harding, P.I.! After a quick reflection on the previous case, and your kidnappers, you can finally control Ace. Now like before, take the coat and the pants. (Oh no, Ace is a in-the-closet-nudist!! XD Just kidding). Put on the coat (use it on yourself) and open the pants for the Wallet 1 and Key 1. Open the Wallet 1 for a Newsclip 1, 25 cents, $10 bill, 2 $1 bills, and a license 1. Now put the pants on. Look at the Key 1 to learn that it is the key to your apartment. Now read the news clip 1 to learn that it is an article about your last case, and to get the address for Joey's bar. Look at the license for the address of your apartment. (Ace's real name is Theodore?! O.o). Now open the door and exit the stall. You find yourself in a cheap messy hotel room where you'll meet Stogie. He's got an ugly mug... After Stogie threatens you, he leaves the room, but accidently leaves behind a cigar ring. Pick it up and open the table closest to the bed for a paper 1. Read it for some info of an overdue payment and a man named Gionelli. Get the paper on top of the dresser and read the paper for the address to the Chicago train station. Now leave the room. You'll find yourself in the hallway. So go through the door, with the CASINO sign on it. Go left. Give the woman $12 to buy some chips. Preferably two or three. Now leave and go to the left exit to the Black Jack room. Now open the newsclip 1 for the newsclip 2.Read the news clip 2 to learn that it is about your former boxing buddy, Rudy. Now show the news clip 2 to the Black Jack Dealer to learn that he is Rudy. You can now win up to 200 chips playing Black Jack! :) So give good ol' Rudy your chips and play Black jack until you at least get 10 chips. :) Once you have around 10 or so chips, leave the room and return to the woman to cash them in. Now leave the hotel by going south (down). Go east to the Train Station. Enter it. Talk to the man with the newspaper to hear that he can help. Keep him in mind for later on. Choose the lower right red square to arrive at the Baggage Claim. Take the pamphlet and read it for the different statuses on the trains. Leave the baggage claim and go to the main lobby. Now what you want to do is board a train to Chicago. So, that would be the right opening above the Baggage Claim. So go there. If the train isn't there then just wait a bit until it arrives. Or you can exit the train station and go back to this room. Now board the train, and use your money on the conductor. You can talk to some of the people onboard if you want. As you ride the train, you'll fall asleep only to wake up later in Chicago. Now head to the lobby of the Chicago Train Station. Buy a newspaper from the blind man. Read it to learn that a mobster was killed and for the address to the Morgue. Leave the train station and enter the cab. You’ll meet Ace’s old friend, who will be more than willing to give you a free ride to anywhere you want. Which is a good thing because we need to save as much money as we can. Tell gabby to take you to Addison. After a rough ride, you’ll end up at you’re apartment building. Just enter the door. Use the key ============ VII. Ways to Die ============ There are many ways to die on this game or just to get a bad ending. Here're a few. 1. Use the medrezine medicine on yourself. 2. Try taking on the bald muscular mugger and you get hit. 3. Turn yourself into the police before doing anything and you'll end up in the mental house and the slammer. 4. Same as above only you're still incriminated, and you get all evidence that points to you being Joey's murderer. 5. After regaining your memories and finding very little evidence of Vickers and Sternwood as the suspects, go to the police station and you'll be arrested for murder. 6. Go past the police station and you automatically fall into the construction pit and die. 7. Shoot someone and you'll get arrested. 8. Try shooting the cabbie and you'll get arrested. 9. Open the door to your office without shooting the hitman first will get you shot. 10. Get eaten by alligators in the sewers. 11. Commit suicide by shooting yourself. 12. If you meet the woman on the street and try doing anything besides hitting her, she'll shoot you. 13. Try loading your gun in the gun store and the owner will shoot you. Do you know any more ways to die or get a bad ending? Is so, email them to me and I'll add them to this list and give you credit for it. ========= VIII. Credits ========= I would like to thank the following people. Kemco for making a game. Nintendo for putting it out there. Gamefaqs and Neoseeker for hosting this guide And my family for putting up with my incessant typing. ========= IX. Contact ========= There are many ways to get a hold of me and here's how. Email: countess_ayala@live.com ladystardragon@hotmail.com gin_tsuki_hime@yahoo.com Other websites that I go to: Gaiaonline (I'm Twilight_Child_Ayala-chan) Fanfiction.net (Asakane Kotoro) fictionesque.com (Asakane.Kotoro) Game Faq & Neoseeker (Asakane_Kotoro) You can find my guides at: Neoseeker Gamefaqs cheatzilla +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dejavu was produced by Kemco 1988 and licensed by Nintendo. This guide was made by Asakane_Kotoro 2010. Anything in this guide or the guide itself may not be reproduced in any way or hosted on another website without the author's permission. Thank you.