=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for GELFLING ADVENTURE =============================================================================== GUIDE INFORMATION ----------------- Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com System: Apple II Updated: 10th June, 2008 Version: 1.1 CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 4. Maps 5. Copyright Information VERSION HISTORY --------------- 1.1: 10th June, 2008 (Format update) 1.0: 3rd March, 2008 (First version) =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Made in 1984 for the Apple II, Gelfling Adventure is an interactive fiction adventure game by On-Line Systems (later known as Sierra Entertainment). The game is a multiple choice version of The Dark Crystal. Instead of typing in commands, the space bar is used to select from a choice of three options. There are not as many items, locations or puzzles as in The Dark Crystal, but the easy difficulty and simplified controls may appeal to some players. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== MOUNTAIN VALLEY --------------- TAKE A NAP to meet one of the old ones. GO BACK TO SLEEP. The old one leaves. GO WEST, ALONG THE VALLEY FLOOR to the valley of the stones. GO WEST, THROUGH THE VALLEY to the door to Ursu's cave. RUN INTO THE CAVE to find Ursu. LOOK INTO URSU'S BOWL. Ursu tells Jen to find Aughra's shard. GET HELP FOR URSU. He says that Aughra can be found on the mountain top. LEAVE THE CAVE. GO TO THE EAST to return to the valley of the stones. FOLLOW THE SHADOWS NORTH to the wooded hill. DIG UNDER THE TREE to find a golden key. HEAD NORTH to the swamp. SWAMPLAND --------- VEER OFF TO THE WEST to the dry patch of land. RUN FROM THE THUNDER. GO TOWARD THE CRY OF THE BIRD to go deeper into the swamp. GO TOWARDS THE CROAKING SOUND. GO TOWARDS THE TALL GRASS to dry land. CLIMB OVER THE HILL. HURRY NORTH, TOWARD THE MOUNTAINS. HURRY NORTH TO THE FOREST. WALK PAST THE TREE to go deeper into the forest. KEEP WALKING FORWARD to get lost in the woods. JUMP DOWN FROM THE TREE. WALK BETWEEN THE VINES and the vines will grab Jen. STAY VERY STILL and Aughra will ask Jen what he wants. FOLLOW AUGHRA to her observatory. OBSERVATORY ----------- CHOOSE A CRYSTAL SHARD and Aughra will show three shards. TAKE THE BLUE SHARD. LEAVE AUGHRA'S DOME and the garthrim will appear. JUMP OUT THE WINDOW. SWAMPLAND --------- HEAD DOWN THE HILL. GO BACK TO AUGHRA'S HILL. GO SOUTH INTO THE SWAMP and Jen will get stuck in the mud. CALL FOR HELP and a gelfing will appear. REACH FOR THE GIRL'S HAND and she will pull Jen out of the mud. GO WITH KIRA INTO THE BOAT. ROW UP THE RIVER and a bat will appear. HEAD FOR SHORE AND ROW LIKE CRAZY to escape the bat. FOLLOW KIRA to the pod people's village. DANCE TO THE MUSIC and the garthrim will appear. SLIP OUT THE WINDOW to escape to the ruins. READ SOME MORE and Fizzgig will start barking at something outside. GET OUT WHILE THE GETTING IS GOOD to see a herd of landstriders. CLIMB ON THE ANIMALS. HOLD TIGHT AND GO WEST. GO SOUTH to the ravine to see the garthrim. RAVINE ------ RIDE THE LANDSTRIDERS INTO BATTLE to be thrown off. JUMP OFF THE CLIFF to fall down the ravine. PREPARE TO LAND IN THE ROCKS to land safely at the bottom of the ravine. WALK AROUND THE WALL TO THE RIGHT. FIZZGIG WANTS TO RUN AWAY. LET HIM and he will open a gate. FOLLOW FIZZGIG INTO THE OPENING to enter a cave. CAVE ---- GO TOWARD THE LEFT OF THE SCREEN. GO TOWARD THE LEFT OF THE SCREEN again and a skeksis will grab Kira. REFUSE TO GO WITH THE SKEKSIS and he will take Kira away. TRY TO WIGGLE FREE from the rocks to enter the castle. CASTLE ------ USE THE DOOR AT THE END OF THE HALL to see Aughra. GO UP THE STAIRS TO THE RIGHT. TAKE THE GOLD KEY AND OPEN THE DOOR to arrive on the balcony. JUMP TO THE TOP OF THE DARK CRYSTAL and Jen will drop the shard. SHOUT: 'KIRA, THROW ME THE SHARD' and she will throw it to Jen. PUT THE SHARD IN THE DARK CRYSTAL to heal the crystal. LISTEN TO THE NEW CREATURES to see the urskeks. HEAR THE REST OF THE URSKEKS' WORDS and they will heal Kira. SEE YOUR SCORE FOR THE GAME. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== CRYSTAL SHARD Found in Aughra's dome. It is used on the dark crystal in the castle. FLUTE Available at the start of the game. It can be played in Aughra's observatory to identify which crystal shard is the correct one. KEY Found by digging under the tree in the wooded valley. It is used to open the door to the balcony in the castle. PEBBLES Found in the west swamp area. They can be thrown at the bat while on the boat with Kira. =============================================================================== 4. Maps =============================================================================== MAP 1: FOREST ------------- _______*2 | | | Vines | |___ ___| | ___|___ _______ | | | | | Bat |--| Woods | |___ ___| |___ ___| | | | ___|___ | | | | |Forest | | |___ ___| | | | ___|___ | | | | |Forest | | |___ ___| | | | ___|___ _______ | | | | | +----->|Mountns|->|Garthim| |___ ___| |_______| | ___|___ | | |Hilltop| |___ ___| | ___|___ _______ _______ | Rocky | | | | | | Hill |--| Ridge |->| Slope |-+ |___ ___| |___ _ _| |_______| | | | ^ | | | +--------------+ _______ ___|___ ___v___ | | | | | | | Swamp |--| Swamp |--| Swamp | |_______| |___ ___| |_______| | ___|___ | | | Land | |___ ___| | ___|___ | Lily | | Pads | |___ ___| | ___|___ | | | Swamp | |___ ___| | _______ ___|___*1 _______ |Ursu's | | | | | | Cave | |Hilltop|--| Swamp | |___ ___| |___ ___| |___ ___| | | ^ ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ |Outside| | Stone | | | | Cave |--|Circle |--|Valley | |_______| |___ ___| |___ ___| | | ___|___ ___v___ | | | | |Forest |--| Path | |_______| |_______| *1: Ursu must be visited first before moving north from the hilltop. *2: Stay very still after being caught in the vines, answer Aughra's question and then follow Aughra to the Observatory on map 2. MAP 2: OBSERVATORY, VILLAGE AND DESERT -------------------------------------- _______ _______ | | | Stone | |Desert | | House | |___ ___| |___ ___| __^ | __/ *1 _______/ ___|___ _______v ___|___ _______ _______ _______ | | | | | Land | | | |Wooded | | | |Observ-| |Desert |--|Desert |--|Strider|--|Village|--| Hill |--| Hill |--|atory | |___ ___| |___ ___| |_______| |___ ___| |_______| |___ ___| |_______| | | __^ | ___|___ ___|___ _______/ _______ _______ ___|___ | | | | | | | | | | | | |Ravine | |Desert | | Shore |--| Boat |--| Swamp |--| Swamp | |___ ___| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| | ___v___ _______ _______ _______*2 | Cliff | | | |Curved | |Curved | | Edge |->| Cliff |--| Wall |--| Wall | |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| *1: The stone house can only be visited after the garthim have attacked the village. *2: Let Fizzgig run away in this area to enter the castle (map 3). MAP 3: CASTLE ------------- _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ | | | Dark | | | | | | Dark | |Crystal| |Garthim|<-| Room |--| Hall |----|Balcony|--|Crystal|--|Chamber| |_______| |___ ___| |_______| |_______| |_______| |_______| | _______ ___|___ _______ | | | | |Dining | |Garthim|<-| Hall |--| Room | |_______| |___ ___| |_______| | +-----------------+ ___|___ _______ ___|___*1 _______ | | | | |<---| | | | | |Skeksis|--|Tunnel | |Tunnel |--|Tunnel |--+ |_______| |_______|-+ |___ _ _| |_______| | | ^ | | +----+ | ___|___ | | | | | +->|Tunnel | | |___ ___| | | | +------+ *1: Start point. =============================================================================== 5. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This file is Copyright 2008 Tom Hayes. As it can be difficult to keep track of websites that haven't posted the latest version of this file, please do not distribute it without my permission. Send an e-mail to me if you would like to post this file on your website and you will likely receive a positive response. If you do post the file, please keep it in its original form with all of the sections intact and credit the author (Tom Hayes) as the writer of the file. The latest version of this file can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.