================================================================================ SHADOWGATE DOS/WINDOWS WALKTHROUGH Questions/Comments? Email me at doommaster1994@yahoo.com ================================================================================ Table Of Contents 1. Intro 2. Story 3. Controls 4. Copyright 5. Walkthrough 6. FAQ 7. Credits/Special Thanks ========= 1. Intro ========= First it was Uninvited, then it was Deja Vu and now its this, Shadowgate. I thought I'd never complete this one but I did, thanks to a friend of mine. That's what this guide is for. This one is NOT for the NES version, if you are playing the NES version, this guide is a little compatible but this is meant for any port that's not the NES and GameBoy Color version since they function differently. ========= 2. Story ========= Well I don't know the whole story but the main point is that this dark warlock is trying to release the biggest and baddest creature that has ever existed: The Behemoth. If the Behemoth is set free, then the world is dead, and just like many games, only YOU are the one who can stop it. ============ 3. Controls ============ If this is your first time playing an Icom point and click game, in-game you will see controls at the top. Here's what they do: Examine: Look at an object, person, etc. Open: Open a door, drawer, table, etc. Close: Close a door, drawer, table, etc. Speak: Talk to someone or something. Operate: Use one object on another. Go: Move through something. Hit: Punch or Hit something. Consume: Drink or eat something. ============= 4. Copyright ============= This guide is © Doommaster1994. If I find this guide on your site without my permission, you will be in big trouble. I don't have a problem with you posting it on your site, but if you do, please ask my permission first and credit me on the guide. If you see this on someone else's site and you suspect they didn't get my permission then contact me immediately. my e-mail can be located at the top but while you're still here, its doommaster1994@yahoo.com Thanks! =============== 5. Walkthrough =============== At first you will get this text: Text: "Good morning. Welcome to Shadowgate. The last thing that you remember is standing before the wizard Lakmir as he gestured wildly and chanted in an archaic tounge. Now you find yourself staring at an entryway which lies at the edge of a forest. The Druid's words still ring in your ears: "Within the walls of the Castle Shadowgate lies your quest. If the prophecies are true, the dreaded Warlock Lord will use his dark magic to raise the Behemoth, the deadliest of the Titans, from the depths of the earth. You are the seed of prophecy, the last of the line of kings, and only you can stop the Warlock Lord from darkening our world FOREVER. Fare thee well."" You will be facing a door with a skull on top of it. OPEN the skull and you will find a key inside. Take the key and put it in your inventory. After you go in, you'll see a pair of eyes laugh at you saying: "That pitiful wizard Lakmir was a fool to send a buffoon like you to stop me. You will surely die!" We will make sure that's not true. Take the two torches. If you need to grab an item later and you have too much stuff with you, then drop one of the torches by dragging it onto the screen. If the game says your torch is starting to dim then OPERATE the lit torch that's going out on an unused torch. You can only use a torch once. Anyway, OPERATE the key you got from the skull on the middle door. OPEN the door and GO through the door. You will see a torch with two rings around it, take it. You'll also see a book. OPEN the book and take the key that's inside it. If one of your torches has gone out, OPERATE an unused torch on one of the candles. GO back out into the hall. OPERATE the key you just got on the door to the right now. OPEN the door and GO through the door. Take the sword and sling. Now GO through the middle door into the room with the book again. At the end of the hall you'll see a rock. OPEN the rock and GO through the rock. Take the silver arrow that's in the middle. Now OPERATE the torch on the left. Do this by clicking OPERATE and double-click the torch. It will now open a secret passage. GO through the secret passage. You will see two bridges. GO through the one on the left. The right one will break and will kill you. Now after taking the left bridge, you will see a wraith. OPERATE a torch on the torch with the two rings around it. You will now see it burns a green flame. OPERATE the green flame torch on the wraith. He will go away. Take the cloak and OPERATE the cloak on Thyself (from now on we will call it Yourself.) Now OPEN the door and go through. This might sound weird but SPEAK to the rope and say Epor. That's Rope backwards by the way. The rope will go up and you can climb up. If one of your torches is out, take another. Now GO up the rope. You will now be in a room with 3 mirrors. Take the broom on the left and go backwards. By quad-clicking the door on the bottom in your Exits box. You will now be at 6 coffins. Here's what all of them do: Closest Left Coffin: Screaming banshee (Just for fun, it doesn't do anything to you but scare the crap out of you!) Middle Left Coffin: DO NOT OPEN! Green acid slime comes out. Only open if you got the Goo-Gone bottle from the room with the rope. Farthest Left Coffin: Goes back to the room you were just in. Farthest Right Coffin: Nothing Middle Right Coffin: Bag with coins Closest Right Coffin: This is the one you want. OPEN the coffin and there will be a mummy. OPERATE the torch on the mummy. You will see he left a sceptre. Take the sceptre. GO backwards and you will find yourself in a hall with two doors. OPEN the door to the right and GO through the door. OPEN the door at the end of the cavern and GO through it. Take one of the rocks for the sling you got. You will see a hole that goes through the waterfall. Double click it. You will see a rock. HIT the rock and it will reveal a small leather bag. OPEN the bag and take the white, blue and red gem inside. Go back to where the two doors were. Now OPEN the left door and GO through the door. There will be a hole that you can put a gem in next to the door. OPERATE the white gem (Or light blue gem for that matter) on the slot. You will then see an orb. Take the orb, OPEN the door in front of you and GO through the door. Make sure you don't have too many items and take the shield, then the hammer and then the spear. Now hurry and exit the room. Now go back into the hall and go back into the door on the right in the hall. OPERATE the orb on the water. Take the key that the skeleton is holding. Now try to take the orb and whoops! Its frozen into the ice. OPERATE one of your burning torches on the ice then take the orb. Go back into the hall now and GO through the middle door. Then go through the farthest left coffin and you'll be back in the room with the three mirrors. OPERATE the Hammer you got on the middle mirror. There will be a locked door behind it. OPERATE the key you got from the skeleton in the water on the door and you will unlock it. Now OPEN the door and GO through the door. OPEN the door in front of you to reveal a firedrake. OPERATE the orb on the fire. The firedrake will disappear. Now GO through the door. Try to cross the bridge and uh-oh! Its a troll! OPERATE the spear you got on the troll. Now GO across the bridge only to find a cyclops. Make sure you put the rock in the sling (If you didn't, OPERATE the rock on the sling). OPERATE the sling on the cyclops. Now finish the cyclops off by OPERATING the sword on him. Now you will see a well to your right. OPERATE the well and OPEN the bucket. Take the gauntlet. Now OPEN the door far ahead of you and GO through the door. You will now see 4 doors in front of you (3 if you have been following this guide playing the NES version). Go through the closest left door. Take the book that's on the table in the room and OPEN the table that the book was on. Take everything in the drawer. If you can't carry anything else, drop the sword, sling, shield and hammer that you got earlier. Now you will see a bookcase with a slot that a gem could fit in next to it. OPERATE the red gem on the slot. The bookcase should slide over to reveal a secret room. GO through the secret passage. OPEN the scrolls you got in the table and find the scroll that says: "Lands under the heavens; the key to the world. Terra Terrakk." Now OPERATE that scroll on the globe. The globe will open revealing a key and a bottle. Take the key and leave the bottle behind. Now go back into the hall. Now GO into the farthest left room. You will see a cage. DO NOT OPEN the cage! Or else a mutant dog will come out and kill you. Instead, you will see a chain attached to the floor. OPERATE the stone on the floor with the chain attached. It wll move up revealing a bottle. Take the bottle. Take the horseshoe as well and GO into the room that the horseshoe was on top of. You will see a fountain. OPERATE the gauntlet on yourself. You should now be wearing the gauntlet. Take the flute. OPERATE the flute on yourself as well. A hole in the tree should open revealing a ring. Take the ring. Now go back into the hall. The room on the right is useless so OPEN the door in front of you and GO through the door. Now OPERATE one of your lit torches on the rug (Noticing the lump on it). It will now reveal a key. Take the key. Now you should have three keys. There are three doors in this room. Here's which key unlocks what door: Key In Table In Library: Upper Right Door Key In Globe In Secret Room: Upper Left Door Key Under Rug: Lower Middle Door OPEN the upper right door and GO through the upper right door and you will see a sphinx. Don't hurt the sphinx or he will teleport you somewhere. You must answer his riddles. Here are the ones that I have gotten and their answers. If you have anymore, please tell me about them. I will credit you. He will give you a riddle when you try to go up the stairs: Riddle: "It has towns, but no houses; It has forests, but no trees; It has rivers, but no fish." Answer: Map on the wall in the library. Riddle 1: "If you look at me, I look at you. You look with eyes, but I've none but your two. I speak with no voice when you ordain, for yours is the voice, my lips open in vain." Answer: Mirror in banquet hall (Room you were just in). Riddle 2: "I at fires attend, am a kitchen friend; when my nose I blow, how the embers glow! When the wind compels, how my body swells." Answer: Bellows in secret room with globe with key inside it. Riddle 3: "First I was burnt, then I was beaten; then I was drowned, then I was pierced with nails." Answer: Horseshoe in the room with the cage with the mutated dog and bottle. Riddle 4: "Long neck and no hands, made of wood from a forest's nest; a hundred legs and I can't stand, against a wall I will rest." Answer: Broom in the room with 3 mirrors. After correctly answering the sphinx's riddle (by dragging the item onto him), GO up the stairs. You will see a star on a map. Take the star, then OPERATE the map it was on. The picture should move revealing a rod. Take the rod. Now GO up the ladder. You will see a woman in chains with a golden blade next to her. OPERATE the silver arrow you got earlier in the game on the woman and look what happens... she's a werewolf! Looks like looks aren't always as they seem. Now GO back into the hall. Unlock the upper left door and GO through the door. First of all drop any items the sphinx asked for (Broom, map, horseshoe, bellows, whatever you didn't need to give the sphinx) and take the horn. Try and take the horn and whoa! Its guarded by a hellhound! OPEN the bottle you got in the room with the horseshoe and OPERATE the opened bottle on the dog. The dog will now disappear. NOW you can take the horn. Now GO up the ladder. You will see a wyvern. OPERATE the star you got out of that map on the wyvern and it will die. Take the talisman on the pedestal and go back into the banquet hall with the 3 doors. Now OPEN the lower middle door. GO through the door. Now you will be in a hall with 2 doors. GO through the left door. You will now be outside. OPERATE the rod that was behind that map with the star on the holder. A hand will come out of the ground holding a wand. Take the wand for it and the hand will descend back into the ground. GO left and you will see a bag and a pot of gold. OPEN the bag and take the large coin and one small coin. If you want you can take all the coins but the other two small coins aren't required and just end up taking up more of your inventory space. Now go back into the hall with the two doors. Take the right door. You will see a skeleton on a chair. That is Sir Doogan. OPERATE the sceptre you got from the coffin with the mummy inside on the Sir Doogan. There will be a gold plate on the right with a shield on it. OPERATE it. It will move up. Now there is a hole inside it. OPERATE the ring on the hole. Now the chair with the skeleton will move up. GO down the hole. There are two passages. Take the passage in front and you will see two gargoyles. Take the right passage and avoid the gargoyles. You will see a statue holding a glowing thing. OPERATE the glasses you got in the table in the library on yourself. Now OPEN the book you also got in the library and OPERATE the opened book on the statue. It will move down and you can go forward. GO forward. You will see 3 switches. OPERATE the 3rd switch, 2nd switch and third switch again. You will see the cage (or whatever it is) has opened up. Take the orb inside it. It will now close. Now we are going to take a LONG step back... GO back to where Sir Doogan is, then the banquet hall. Then keep going back until you get back into the room with the 3 mirrors. GO down the trapdoor into the room with the rope in it. You will see an outline of a door at the end of the hall. Now OPERATE it. It will now open. GO through the door. You will now see a slot. Put you last gem in it (Dark Blue Gem). You will now see the wall move up revealing a wizard (Or Wizard's head in the Windows version.) He will leave you a scroll. Take the scroll. Now keep going backwards until you get to the two bridges. Remove EVERYTHING (except the wand the hand gave you) out of your inventory. Also keep a torch. Now cross the bridge on the right and you will see a snake. OPERATE the wand you got from the hand on the snake. It will turn into a staff. Take the staff and go back. Now you can make the wand, the wand that can destroy the Behemoth! OPERATE the blade you got near the woman who was really a werewolf on the staff, then OPERATE the orb you got from the room with the switches on the staff. Now you can put everything back into your inventory. GO past the left ladder. Then GO forward into the room with the rope. GO up the rope. GO forward into the firedrake room. GO forward and you be back at the bridge. Try to cross the bridge and... its our good ol' buddy the troll! OPEN the scroll the wizard gave you and OPERATE it on yourself. You will be invisible. Now keep going forward until you are in the banquet hall. GO through the lower middle door. GO through the right door. GO down the hole. GO forward. Now OPEN the last scroll you have and OPERATE it on one of the gargoyles. They will be blinded temporarily GO through the passage they are guarding quickly. Now you will see a closed well. OPERATE the lever on it to open it. Now OPERATE the large coin on the well. Now GO down the well. You will see a mallet and a gong. OPERATE the mallet on the gong. You will see a grim reaper looking guy on a raft. His name is Kros. OPERATE your small coin on him. Now GO onto the raft that he is on. Now you will be in a room with a huge skull on the left. OPERATE the talisman you got in the room with the wyvern on the slot with the sword on top of it. Now OPERATE the horn you got from the hellhound. You will play the horn. Now the skull mouth will drop. GO through the stone mouth. This is it. You will see the Behemoth AND the warlock lord. Now let's take care of that beast and the warlock lord once and for all! OPERATE the staff with the blade and orb you attatched on the Behemoth. You've tooken care of the Behemoth AND the warlock lord, as the Behemoth takes the warlock lord with him! Now just sit back and watch the ending of the game. Congratulations! You have officialy completed Shadowgate for the PC, DOS, Atari ST, Amiga, Commodore 64, etc. Whichever port you played! Treat yourself to some ice cream! Party! Do anything to celebrate your victory! ======= 6. FAQ ======= Q: What's the differences between ports for Shadowgate? A: Nothing except the graphics and sound effects. The NES version is the only version of the game that is different from the others since it was made by a different developer (Seika). Q: What is your e-mail address if I need to contact you? A: My e-mail can be located at the top of this guide. Q: What versions of these games have you played? A: Just about all of them except for the C64 versions since they are hard to get running. Q: What emulators do you use for different ports of this game? A: For the Amiga version, I use WinUAE, for Atari ST, I use STeem, for the MS-DOS version, I use DOSBox. And for a Macintosh, well, I had an actual Mac plus but it died only a few days after I bought it and I didn't have Shadowgate, only Uninvited and Deja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True!!. Q: Have you done a video walkthrough or plan to do one? If so, where can I view it at? A: I have already done a playthrough of the Amiga and Windows version and I have videos of the MS-DOS version. You can view my video walkthrough by going to http://www.youtube.com/user/doommaster1994 Q: I'm stuck at (Put part you're stuck on here). What do I do? A: Read everything again for that part and make sure you have all of the items required. If the problem continues, e-mail me. My e-mail can be located at the top of this guide. Q: Your guide sucks. You suck. Kill yourself now. A: Simply move on to another guide. I'm sure there is some other guide that will help you. Nobody forced you at gunpoint to view my guide. Q: Is there any music in the computer versions of this game? A: Yes, you will hear a song when you die or when you complete the game. ========================== 7. Credits/Special Thanks ========================== Special Thanks goes to: Me: For making this guide. You: For taking your time to view this guide. And any site which posts this guide on their website.