Short Circuit(Apple II) FAQ/Walkthrough version 1.0.0 by spam spoonerism) Please do not reproduce this FAQ for profit without my prior consent. If you write a polite e-mail to me referring to me(and this FAQ) by name, then I will probably say OK. But if I ignore you that means no--and I am bad about answering e-mail. Sorry. ================================ OUTLINE 1. INTRODUCTION 2. CONTROLS 3. STRATEGIES 4. WALKTHROUGH 5. VERSIONS/CREDITS ================================ 1. INTRODUCTION Short Circuit is a great little game about a guy who shrinks down to molecular size, runs around wires, jumping from side to side, avoiding neutrons, and pumping up a power grid to explode a microchip that may kill the earth off. There are 12 whole levels of this! The game is really fun, as despite a rather linear nature, you don't even have to go through the levels in perfect order, and there's even a bit of arithmetic to do. It's obscure(I had to add the game data at GameFAQs) but very interesting, and I am glad bloomer mentioned it in his wonderful Apple II hardware review. Go read it now. You'll remember a game you used to like! 2. CONTROLS AND SCORING Joystick moves the character. Moving diagonally allows the character to turn a bend. Holding the joystick and pushing the button allows you to jump to a nearby wire. To activate a power outlet, step on it. Note that if you are 45 degrees off a straight line you are on, you will be able to turn--if there's a passage there, you'll be forced to. [escape] pauses the game if you need to calculate, but real tech people can do the important calculations in their head. One other trick to know is jumping over an enemy. This is important for neutrons that seem to be guarding an area with no way to get over them. If you jump over them just as, or before, they leave a wire, you'll get past them. The elevators later are trickier as often you have to jump when they are coming at you and then when they bounce off the wall and come back. 3. STRATEGIES 3-1. BASIC ARITHMETIC First, if you are near two equally accessible nodes at the start, go for the one with more power. That gives the one far away more power. Patience is of the utmost importance. You can afford to lose time, even on speed level #8. But if you are hit by a neutron early on, it takes a lot out of you for a while. Let's say you start with 150's on all nodes. And you go back and forth between 1 and 2. 1: 150 2: 150 3: 150 [take 20 time to get there...] [get hit but take 10 time] 1: 0 2: 260 3: 260 1: 0 2: 140 3: 280 1: 260 2: 0 3: 520 1: 140 2: 0 3: 420 1: 0 2: 260 3: 780 1: 0 2: 140 3: 560 1: 260 2: 0 3: 1040 1: 140 2: 0 3: 700 Obviously we did not take timing fully into account, but it's clear that the change even of 150, half of a neutron, sets you back at least one run through, all for trying to save 5 time. It's like walking in front of a bus to pick up a penny The general procedure is: if it's hazardous to get to 3, go back and forth between nodes 1 and 2, then run to node 3. If it's not, then you can always try for the node with the greatest power. That will overload the circuit more quickly. It's worth using time to go out of the way, because the maximum can close to double with each time you step on something. Oh, and if there's a spark off to the side, it's very worth it. It touches all nodes, and that has an effect down the line. An example: 1: +50 2: +50 3: +50 Step on 1 1: +0 2: +100 3: +100 Step on 2 1: +200 2: +0 3: +200 This is a net difference vs not grabbing the spark. So you can see how worthwhile it is. If you are on a level where you have nodes at, say, 300-300-250 And you can just continually grab sparks, this allows an opportunity for a HUGE bonus. Just keep grabbing the sparks til the nodes are at 950 or so, reversing the microchip polarity when need be. You can pick up 30 gold with each trip, at least. Again, it's a matter of patience. 3-2. WHEN TO WAIT/SACRIFICE If your node and one of the others adds up to under 1050, then you are better off waiting. If you don't get to the final node in time, it drops to zero, and it puts you at risk of losing your life when you were so close. Generally, waiting is not good, but sometimes it's necessary. You don't need to do much math--you can even pause the game if you want. Basically, if > hundreds add to 9 and tens to 10, wait or get a spark > hundreds add to 10 and tens to <10, wait or get a spark A spark will mean you don't have to wait, but if you get it after overloading, the spark will not add to the overloaded node. Prepare beforehand! You can also sacrifice to get past a neutron if you are very close. The damage goes against the overloaded node, and if it is above 300, you are set. 3-3. AVOIDING NEUTRONS AND PHOTONS If you are on a wire behind a neutron, obviously you can step to the side, wait for it to bounce back, and continue if you need to. This works if the neutron is fast or slow. If you are on a pair of wires with a fast/slow neutron, try to tail the slow at a reasonable distance and shift back and forth quickly to the fast to loop around the slow as it comes back. You may also have to move several times up and down a lattice of ropes. This is not bad as you can judge where the neutron should go easily enough. If neutrons are bouncing in a box, follow them until they bounce back the other way, then work around them. You may have to back up a bit to ultimately go forward. The same goes for photons. In an arena, remember moving as close to perpendicular to an object as possible is the best way to get out of its way. I like to go with an arc to get from one corner of an arena to another. It's relatively quick, you don't wind up in the center, and you have enough space to alter your path if you need to. 3-4. AVOIDING THE VACUUM You have to see ahead for this one. It bounces at a 30 degree angle to the horizontal, and those who really want to pump up their bonus can push escape to see where it is going. You have to avoid it while grabbing sparks, and while time runs out quickly, you can still work around it pretty easily most of the time. But don't sweat it if it traps you, especially if you didn't have much time anyway. 4. WALKTHROUGH Because you may start anywhere in a level, the walkthrough cannot be exact. Generally, though, you will have to loop through a level once. So even if I assume you start one place and forget to tell you how to get there, you should be able to find where to start and go from there. Basically, any place you see a spark, you may wind up to start. There are usually three such places. LEVEL 1 bouncing neutrons A fairly easy introductory level. If you start in the upper right, you get a free few points by going down. The 2-d neutron is not hard to avoid. You may in fact wish to follow it and then pass over it on the rebound when it makes sense to--back up if you need to, as well. For the upper right, you may wish to move UL and then grab the wire to the right, then follow the slow UL neutron. You may have to retreat to avoid the U/D fast neutron in the center. Then flip down, hit the power switch, and wait for the neutron to come back before flipping up when it is to the left. You will have plenty of time to flip back to the right. You may wish to retreat back to the right and back to the left a few times, which will begin to overload the lower left. Exchanging between the top two is a relatively worry proof way to go about building up a power surge. You should have the time to be able to go back and forth, or if you really need, you can pick off a stray power surge. It should only take 10 time-units or so, and you gain 50 or 100. For moving from the top to the bottom, wait for the U/D neutron to go down, then flip down onto the c-shaped wire. Then circle around(DL DR) and flip down. If there is a spark in the DR, flip down when the slow neutron below is to your left. The detour is worth it. Then follow it back up. Go past the neutron in the box and to the lower left. There may be a surge above the lower right power node. You should be able to knock out the surge and win this. LEVEL 2 quicker neutrons Now this one requires you to make use of a tricky move you may or may not have read about in the "controls" section. Basically you need to flip over a wire when a block is coming at you. There are potentially two, in the UL and UR, which look like you have to run into them to disarm them. Good news: you don't. And there's a large window of time where you can hop over a wire and a neutron: from when it's split by the wire to when it's still just touching the wire. You can outrun it with wire jumps from there. Also there is what appears to be a dead end for each wire, but it's really a one-way deal. Push in the direction of the open space at the dead end, and you are on a new wire. You can loop through this for quite a few sparks if you want. The only real annoyance in this loop is the potential four neutrons that can touch you. You have to be at the right spot here, and it may be worth your while to adjust up/down just to make extra sure. You want to make sure your head and feet are not in either of the two wide boxes, although you can tap up/down quickly when the neutrons pass. Also the left/right fast neutron on the top is worth waiting for so it goes past. Won't take too long--it's fast. This is a good level to get a potential huge bonus on because you can keep grabbing the sparks in the DR and on the main center loop, stopping to readjust the microchip when necessary. Though if you start in an upper corner that is unguarded, that will be good to pick off first. You should be able to learn the leap over the wire and the neutron block pretty easily. It's worth noting the game can shut you out with double-neutrons if it wants, and if you haven't mastered the jump over the wire. You can get both top power nodes to 999, but if they are guarded and you step into one, that is 500 down. Then you can activate the node and the other node gets something less than 499+999=498. So stepping to the other node brings it below 1000 and puts the microchip out of danger. Even if you eek up your stats with the sparks, you can't be assured of a win without the flip. Of course, if you do eek up and get the flip, you can have a nice long bonus round, if you want. LEVEL 3 neutron chambers If you form on the right, then go for the greater of the two power nodes in the upper left. It's pretty easy to avoid the neutrons as before. Follow them til they bounce off the wall, and if they don't bounce in an upper corner, walk through. If they do, retreat and then run back under them. You can switch between these two--that is the easiest way to pump things up to get the batteries to overload. Leave at least 100 energy for the next bit, which is to go to the lower left and clean out the level. You need to enter the lower left arena and avoid the neutrons bouncing around. For that, it's imperative you move straight left after jumping over the 1-way gap, or you will get stuck. You need to wait for an opening, then go UL and scramble along the walls as you need to. Let a neutron by if you can. Cutting underneath it gets you there quickly. You really want to leave the lower left for last. If somehow you get stuck in the lower left, run straight right out the wire and work along the wall as before, but in reverse. You don't have to be exact to reenter the wire. Follow the fast neutron up/down to the right, then hold DR so you can flip right easily. Flip the microchip if you need, then enter the right chamber going straight right and go along the walls again. If you go along the walls, you are less of a target to hit, and you can always pull back or move diagonally if you need to. Then once back at the 4-way intersection, work the top nodes again. LEVEL 4 photon chamber This is not a bad one except you have to accept that photons may just zap you for no good reason in the upper left. Cannons fire them randomly, the top one slowly and the bottom one quickly. You should be able to zigzag, but it may even be worth sacrificing into one of the guns that isn't firing much in order to get a clean getaway. Having said that, I'll assume you are starting in the lower right, and I will show you how to get through. LEVEL 5 chamber maze Moving diagonally helps a bit here. I usually started in the top little wedge, and from there you can go to the UL. The wedges allow you to touch the sparks which seem encased in the green boxes in the maze. Be aware you can also be half up against the walls, and there is no penalty for running into them--this is handy if you seem trapped by something running diagonally. You will probably do a lot of backtracking here due to the winding nature of the maze and the neutrons bouncing every which way. There's no clear favorite of a pair of nodes to hit, but counting squares from the t-intersection facing left in the center, upper and lower left = 25 squares away lower right = 21 away microchip = 23 away You can cut around corners by serial diagonal moves to avoid the more painful zigzagging, but I think it's safe to say that mining the bottom of the maze is most useful. The wedges on the left are easily worth detouring for, but the right one should only be used if you are low on time to take out the microchip. You have to watch that, as it is easy to get caught up and forget about it. You will probably have to get there once to be safe. LEVEL 6 dbl cross chamber A nasty convoluted level where it is tough to see what you are doing. I'll start from the upper right, though you may wind up starting in the lower left. You'll have to loop around eventually, anyway. Touch the upper right node. It's a bit risky to jump vertically over the quick neutron in the very upper right, so you can just trail it, go left on the long rope, then go back right and up when it goes below you. For the next part, be patient and follow a slow photon when nothing's coming from the left. Go to the bottom right rope, wait and then floor it UL to get to the next rope. Look both ways, then gp DL when the left cannon can't fire at you. Now coming down the left you have another unfortunate and annoying scenario. Reverse polarity if need be, and try and jump over the block. Or you can trail it, less risky but more time consuming. Take the curvy wire to the right, and you can jump over the wires going to the DR to get to the lower right area. Retreat back to the left and this time hook around right so that you come out on the UR of the arena. There are two ways to do this: touching the UR node or not. You must determine whether that is necessary. Then shuffle back DR and so forth. Watch to make sure the microchip isn't about to fry. Once you've got the power nodes pumped up(either to almost at 1000, or at 1000,) work your way to the DL exit and step on the lower left. You need to execise some care here, since it is tricky to get to. It's pretty easy to get from the DL to the DR with the one-way circuit, so I recommend that if you can swing it. It's worth waiting around if need be so that the numbers work out. You want to make sure you have at least 100 units of time to get to the final node. The lightning run is a wash--just clean up in the arena and with the photons above. The doubler may appear in the lower right, but wherever it does, it'll be hard to get again. LEVEL 7 magnetic chamber This level is not too bad, although the photons look vicious. The solution? Don't go to the left side til you have to. I don't know if the game ever sticks you in the bottom, but if it does, you're pretty much dead. It's hard to make your way up through the photons. If you start in the center, fake out the neutron below and get to the orange room on the right after touching the node. If in the left, also go there. I'll show you how to get through the orange room from the bottom, and then you it the top node and return, pretty much reversing the instructions. 1. move right when the 2 neutrons near you are going up. With the left edge and right edge neutrons going quickly, it's the middle one that can crush you slowly. You need to get from 2 to 7 at first, go up, then hit 4--preferably when the middle neutron is coming back down. Then you can even go from 4 to 1 and back to 4 if you need an escape valve, but the object is to go from 4 to 1 to 3. Should not be hard if the middle neutron is going down. Then 1-3-6 is easy. The reverse is just this, rotated 180 degrees. Not getting hit is very important. You should have plenty of time to do what you need. 1 3 6 1 3 6 1 3 6 1 1 4 7 1 4 7 1 4 7 7 2 5 7 2 5 7 2 5 7 LEVEL 8 high speed This is not a bad level, and actually it's a good place to sacrifice one of your hits to go through quickly. The nodes count down ten times as quickly, but you will find a lot of ways to compensate for that. First, the spark. It will be in one of three places, so if you get it as soon as possible, it will reappear in one of the other two places where you need to go. It acts as insurance against getting caught, too. Second, you just need to move quickly from one area to the next. Don't go for the spark if it's on the opposite side--for instance, if you are at the top, stop in at the left, then at the bottom. If you see a way to get to the next node and it's blocked by only one photon, you may wish to run into the photon to clear the path. It shouldn't take more than five times to get a node to critical. Oh and finally give yourself, or try to, 150-200 units of time to get through. Wait if need be. The microchip does not progress as quickly as the clocks do, so it is the least of your worries. For the lightning run, it's pretty easy to play catch, which makes sense, since the photons were hard to avoid. Just remember the bounce off the inner wire at the same angle they come on, so just be where you think they'd be. If you're into that math stuff, picture where they'd go without the wall and flip it with respect to the line they bounce off. You can collect all or most of the photons quickly, then duck in for the bonus recharger as long as the vacuum is moving away from you. The bonus timing does not decrease any faster than in other levels, so this is a good level to pump your score up. LEVEL 9 short circuit This is the first level with that obnoxious looking elevator. If it hits you, it kicks you to the bottom of that right bit. You want to concentrate on the top and center nodes here. Though the elevator is fast, it's actually easy to avoid, because you can even jump away from it and still probably make it onto the next wire without it touching you. The pattern is--walk right when it moves down, then jump up/down towards the other node. Stay on the upper C, then walk in and jump to the next bit when the elevator passes. If you want, you can wait a half-second to jump into the elevator for extra security. As long as your timing isn't terrible, you should be okay. Use the c-wires to stay out of the elevator's way. A few moves back and forth should do it. The left is completely useless for this level, so don't bother until the lightning round. Also, as long as the sparks are around the corner, you might as well get them too. You probably need about 100-150 units of time to get to the bottom, especially if you overload the top node. So those are things to keep in mind when going in for the kill. To get through with the level, you just need to move down the lower C from the center. This is a bit tricky as you are best served waiting for the elevator to come up slowly. Then jump down two so you can walk left to the node. For the lightning run, just hit whatever photons you can. You won't get any big bonuses here. LEVEL 10 wire maze Okay, since I don't know where you'll start, I'll just show you which node should go to which and mention that it's worth going a bit out of your way to track down a spark, since you can eat up a lot of time walking sideways in this maze. It's also not really a gamble to take the spark if it is in the DL by node #1(from left to right.) You just should probably revers the polarity, since it is a trek, and you have to observe how the photons bounce back and forth. Usually, go under them after they go to the middle, and you should be safe, though you are as fast as they, so you can outrun them if you have the path planned out. Also, if you are very careful, you can wedge between two photons on adjacent rows. Just have the head parallel to the top of the background. 3 should go to 2. Go up avoiding the photons til below the intersection, then go down the 1-way and DR and keep going back down. 2 should go to 3. Take the 1-way up for a shortcut back. It's not bad to get to the top to reverse polarity. From there it's easy to get down to #2--the first two one-ways on the side, then back DR and DL. Go to #1 for the final overload to complete the level. See above, or from 2, zigzag UR then UL then down the 1-wa. The bouncy photon is tricky but not deadly. From 3, use the 1-way down as before. It's helpful to have 150 or so before you destroy the microchip, especially if the microchip is about to blow. This is a good place to sacrifice a hit for time. LEVEL 11 photon walls If you can get to either of the bottom two nodes, you can win this level pretty easily. But if you are not speedy you may need to make a detour--if you notice the microchip getting unstable after hitting the DR, move your way up carefully to reset it(detour to the UL before or after, to make things easier) before coming back down. If you start in the upper right, just go left, then swing down 2 wires, left and down when you can. You can use the same trick to avoid the fast photons as you did for the neutrons, but if you get hit once, don't be too upset. It's most efficient just to plow through. To go between the DR and R nodes, which is not as risky as the DR/UL though, interestingly, a bit slower, you can go up/down two wires at the bottom(avoid the neutron) and then back to the center, then loop up/down again as needed. Then in the chambers, you can run after the photon once it bounces, and you can duck under or above to get around it. Back up if you need to, so it is at one edge or another. Go quickly forward when the fast vertical photon is above you, then repeat the way back. LEVEL 12 photon diamonds The annoying part here is the end, and in fact you do need to plan to give yourself several chances at it. You need to be able to move down quickly twice from the upper left. Then you must run back right to get to the UL node. You may have to ride your luck and hope the elevator comes back up slowly, so this is annoying, but the other bit is easy. If you start by the left elevator, just let it knock you to the bottom, then when it's at the bottom, jump up quickly twice and run right til you get it to work. That gets you to the main area. The photons move as follows: U/D are clockwise L/R are counterclockwise Center is clockwise You will need to enter the diamond from the lower left. Go DR, then when the photon behind you turns UR, double back UL and go DR. You can head into the side room if you need to--the spark is useful here. If you are lucky, it won't appear in the left til later, which cuts down on your work. Getting a large overload is important, since you may need several tries at entering the UL node, so try and calculate that out. End of FAQ Proper ================================ 5. VERSIONS/CREDITS 1.0.0: sent to GameFAQs 4/9/2009, functionally complete but I know I can touch up details. Thanks to the usual GameFAQs gang, current and emeritus. They know who they are, and you should, too, because they get/got some SERIOUS writing done. Good people too--bloomer, falsehead, Sashanan, Masters, Retro, Snow Dragon/Brui5ed Ego, ZoopSoul, War Doc, Brian Sulpher, AdamL, odino, JDog, Lagoona, Da Hui, StarFighters76 and others I forgot. OK, even Hydrophant in his current not-yet-banned message board incarnation. I am not part of his gang, but I want him to be part of mine.