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Introduction | G0100 | | 02.) Basics | G0200 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | 03.) Command Walkthrough | G0300 | | 04.) Detailed Walkthrough | G0400 | | 05.) Maps | G0500 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | YY.) Version History | GYY00 | | ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-' =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'Tass Times in Tonetown' for the PC, a text adventure released in 1986 by Interplay. It was also released on the Amiga, Apple II, Atari ST and Commodore 64. Suggestions, comments or errors - email me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) BASICS G0200 =============================================================================== The game is mainly played with the command input, but a mouse or joystick can be used for some aspects. Refer to the game's manual for more details if you wish to use these extra input options. This walkthrough uses commands only to finish the game. Each command is written with > at the beginning but you do not need to type this character, nor care about capitalization of the sentences as they will all be written in UPPER CASE anyway. Shortcuts and Save/Load: ```````````````````````` F1 Save Game F2 Load Game F3 Repeat last command F4 Tell me about F5 Drop F6 Get all F7 Quicksave F8 Quickload F9 Talk to F10 Look at Press ENTER to switch between the command only display and the colorful interface plus location and inventory images. Commands: ````````` Get: Use this to place items that you want or think you may need in your inventory. Drop: The opposite of the Get icon, this removes items from your inventory. Hit: When nothing but force will do, click on this to strike a blow to another character or to an object then click on the poor creature or thing you want to hit or type its name from the keyboard. Look at: Click on this for a detailed description of someone or something that interests you, then click on the object of your interest or type its name from the keyboard. Talk to: Use this icon to start a conversation with some body, then click on the person you want to talk to or type his other name from the keyboard if you know it. Talk to: Use this icon to start a conversation with some body, then click on the person you want to talk to or type his other name from the keyboard if you know it. Tell me about: Once you're involved in a conversation with someone, you can ask him or her to tell you about - well, anything or anybody you see (or have seen) on the screen. Enter: Click on this to go through a door, into a build ing, or wherever you want to go. Move around with the N, S, E, W commands or use the directional keys instead. The latter is more convenient as it does not require pressing 'Enter' to confirm the command. There are two walkthroughs below. The first is a basic command-only input which leaves you with little spoilers but might make it more confusing of what is going on. Use it if you feel comfortable with the game and do not want to know anything about the story beforehand. The detailed walkthrough contains all the messages within the game and will greatly help you to know where you should be at while following the guide. =============================================================================== 03.) COMMAND WALKTHROUGH G0300 =============================================================================== >S >Get Key >N >W >Unlock Door >Take Book And Picks >E >Throw Switch >Enter Hoop >N >Look Trench And Take Jar >S >E >E >Dye Hair >Choose Pink >E >Buy Hooplet >Buy Jumpsuit >Wear Hooplet And Jumpsuit >W >W >S >S >Talk Nuyu >Take Camera >E >Turn Computer On >Turn Printer On >Type ___ (your name) >Yes >Take Pass >W >N >N >N >N >N >Talk Stelgad >Show Pass To Stelgad >Drop Key And Pass >Take Photo >Drop Camera >Take Zagtone >Wait (...until Stelgad escorts you back) >S >S >S >S >S >Give Photo To Nuyu >N >N >N >N >W >Buy Blobo >E >E >Buy Mask >Take Black Mask >Wear Mask >W >N >E >N >W >W >W >Take Card >N >N >E >E >N >Drop Book >S >Take Mushroom >N >N >Throw Mushroom At Eye >E >S >S >S >S >S >W >S >S >E >Buy Burger >Drop Picks >Take Mitts >Wear Mitts >Take Burger >W >N >N >W >D >W >W >N >N >N >U >N >E >Unlock Gate >Open Gate >E >E >S >S >Take Devil >S >E >E >E >N >E >N >N >Enter Boat >W >S >W >N >N >W >Insert Card >Push Button 5 >E >Hit Chain With Zagtone >W >Push Button 1 >E >S >Enter Boat >S >W >W >W >S >Take Book >N >Open Gate >W >W >W >N >Sic Ennio On Snarl >Open Jar >Give Book To Gramps >Throw Snarl Into Hoop It seems that the game ended. =============================================================================== 04.) DETAILED WALKTHROUGH 00400 =============================================================================== Log Cabin: `````````` This is your grandfather's main living area in a secluded, winterized log cabin, deep in the northern woods. The dining table has an order slip from the local pizzeria. Spot is here, lying on the floor. >S You're in a small, familiar kitchen. Spot is here, barkig at the kitchen counter. >Get Key You got the key. >N >W You're in a hallway off the living area. A bedroom is to the south. while the lab door is off t othe north. >Unlock Door You open the door and rush inside. You're in Gramp's lab. It looks like it could use a good dusting. There is a half-eaten pizza and a fishbowl sitting on the lab bench. You see a book. >Take Book And Picks You got a book. You got a bunch of guitar picks. >E You're in the eastern part of the lab, standing before a silvery hoop which is large enough for you to talk through. A generator is bolted to the floor in the corner. Spot is here, leaping through the hoop like a circus dog. >Throw Switch The generator springs to life and a hum of power pulsates through the mysterious hoop. Spot leaps up with a glance over his shoulder, lets loose a little yip as he leaps through the hoop in a burst of bright sparks! >Enter Hoop You get dizzy fir a moment, then find yourself in another place. You're in a dirt-filled construction site. A trench running north and south starts here. It appears to be dug by unconventional means -- the walls of it are smooth. You look at Spot and notice he looks radical! He turns to you and says, "say bye to Spot 'n 'Lo to Ennio! I have arrived! Let's blast!" Ennio is following you. Tonetown: ````````` >N >Look Trench And Take Jar The sides of the sandy trench appear to be fused as if burned by a strong acid. You brush some dirt aside and discover a jar. >S >E You're on a north and south sidewalk. To the east is the Jamac Salon, while the construction site is off to the west. Hovering before you is a floatfone. >E You are sitting in a chair in the Jamac Salon. Off to the east you see a rack of brightly colored clothes through a doorway. Chaz, Tonetown's famous BodyStylist, hands you a dyecut dyeorama. >Dye Hair Chad says "Choose a color." >Choose Pink Chaz puts a wild streak of Pink in your hair and says, "Now you're looking tone! Better than that Jonboi Waltune look you had! Let's jet back to the 'Tique'. >E You are standing in a clothing boutique. >Buy Hooplet You purchase a hooplet for 2 picks. >Buy Jumpsuit You purchase a jumpsuit for 5 picks. >Wear Hooplet And Jumpsuit You put on a hooplet. You slip into the jumpsuit. >W >W >S You're on the sidewalk right outside of the Tonetown Times. Sitting on the sidewalk is a small newspaper dispenser. >S You're in the main office of the Towntown Times, the local newspaper. There is the doorway off to the east. The editor, is sitting behind his desk working. >Talk Nuyu "You look tone! Go print a press pass at a free terminal. You're on photo assignment for 'The Legend.' Here is an instant camera. We need a close up of the Daglets." >Take Camera You got an instant camera. >E You are sitting behind a terminal and printer in the newsroom, across from Ennio's desk. >Turn Computer On Okay. The terminal displays the following: TYPE YOUR NAME>. >Turn Printer On You hear the printer's carriage position to home. And you see the printer's ready light goes on. >Type ___ (your name) Do you need a press pass? Yes/No> >Yes As the printer clicks, a press pass appears. >Take Pass You got a press pass. >W >N >N >N You're on a north and south sidewalk. There is a strange bullet-shaped building to the east and a construction site to the west. >N You're standing in the center of the town square. To the north are beautiful weeping willows, to the west is a pet store, and to the east is an oval shaped building. >N You're standing in a beautiful park. There is a crowd of people here listening to rock music. A band is playing in the bandstand. A woman with soft green feathers in her intense pink hair emerges from the crowd near the bandstand and smiles sweetly at you. >Talk Stelgad She says, "Hi, I'm Stelgad! Buyu told me you were coming." She looks at Ennio and seems awestruck by his presence. "You must be 'The Legend' She looks at you. "You me your press pass and I'll take you to the Daglets." >Show Pass To Stelgad Stelgad takes you by the arm and leads you through the crowd to the back of the bandstand, where the Daglets have just left the stage for their break. You're standing behind the bandstand. >Drop Key And Pass a key dropped. a press pass dropped. >Take Photo You get your camera ready, yell "Cheese and onions!" and snap a photo of the Daglets arm in arm. You get a photo. You're behind the bandstand. >Drop Camera an instant camera dropped. >Take Zagtone Zahg says, "That's one of our Zagtones. I have an extra, keep it." You got a zagtone. You're behind the bandstand. >Wait (...until) Stelgard walks up and says, "Your break's over, Guys! See you later!" and escorts you back to the park. >S >S >S >S >S >Give Photo To Nuyu Nuyu smiles. "You've proven yourself worthy of a chance to really work with the legend," Nuyu says, motioning towards Ennio the dog. "It seems like our old-time friend and creator, Gramps, is in deep water with Snarl. It's time you and Ennio checked it out. We think he's behind held in the tower. When you finally get to Snarl be sure to "sic" Ennion on him." >N >N >N >N >W You're standing inside Snarl Pets. There is a glassed-off wall of Blobpets making strange squealing sounds. Franklin Snarl sits behind a black plexiglass register, grinning in your direction. There is a small sign near the register on the wall. Ennio appears very nervous. >Buy Blobo Franklin Snarl grins, takes 5 picks from you and brings you a nice little Blobpet. He says, "This one's name is Blobo! Cute little fellow. Real purebred." You got Blobo. >E >E You're standing in a Party Supplies shop, a place for party masks. The woman in charge stands behind the counter. >Buy Mask "It's a party day in town. Take a black of gold mask if you like." >Take Black Mask You got a black mask. >Wear Mask It's a snug fit, but it's on! >W >N >E You're on a nature trail leading through a pretty section of flowers and trees. A sign says, "Preserve our wooded areas. Please stay on trail." >N >W >W >W Blobo digs a hole in the path of sand and finds a card. Then he runs away, leaving the card behind. You're standing in densely treed woods. There is sandy patch of soil here. A faint path heads east. You see a debossed metal card. >Take Card You get a debossed metal card. >N >N >E >E >N >Drop Book a book dropped. >S >Take Mushroom You manage to get a lasagna-thick chunk of it. >N >N >Throw Mushroom At Eye The dust cloud of spores from the mushroom floats over the eye creature, causing its large sad eyes to swell shut. The dust cloud of spores from the mushroom floats over the creature's bulbous nose, crippling it in a sneezing fit. >E >S >S >S >S >S >W >S >S >E The waitress has seated you at a boot and waits to take your order. From where you sit, you can see Fast Freddie's is really hopping. There are dancers whirling around on the dance floor, people eating and chatting at various booths along the walls, while rock music blasts out across the room. There is a small sign on the wall in your booth. You see mitts. >Buy Burger The waitress says, "You should try a Fizzie with that." And then she brings you a Glo burger and places it on the table. The waitress asks, "And what will you have, our legendary Ennio?" "A cold woofie on toast," Ennio says. >Drop Picks a bunch of guitar picks dropped. >Take Mitts You got mitts. >Wear Mitts You put on the mitts. Nice fit! >Take Burger You get a Glo Burger. >W >N >N >W >D Ennio hops onto your back, and you grab handholds and slowly step downwards, rung by rung, into the inky blackness. The Glo burger is starting to flicker. You're at the bottom of a well. Off to the west, a doorway is carved into a smooth, stone wall, heading off into a gloomy, barely lit tunnel. >W You're in a small cavern, before a wall of cages containing wild, terrifying animals. To the west, a dimly lit tunnel heads into the blackness. To the east, light filters down from above. A Philbert stands here, guarind the cages. Ennio sniffs cautiously at the Philbert. >W You're at the southern end of a tunnel. Off to the east you can see a hole in the cave wall, while the tunnel branches off to the north. On the cave wall is a button with a small plaque over it. >N You're in a north and south tunnel whose walls are made of fused stone. >N You're in a north and south tunnel whose walls are made of fused stone. >N You're at the northern end of a dark tunnel. A tube extends upward and you can make out handholds in teh side of the tube. >U You pick up Ennio and climb up in a tree. You're on Franklin Snarl's estate, standing by a hollow tree. To the north you can see more lawn. A brick wall is to the south. >N You're in the middle of Snarl's huge estate. Lawn surrounds you on all sides but the west. To the west is a wing of Snarl's house. >E You're at the eastern end of an east and west path through Snarl's estate. A gate in the brick wall to the east can be easily seen. The lawn continues to the north and the south. >Unlock Gate You slide open the bolt. The gate remains closed. >Open Gate You open the gate and quickly slip out of the lawn. >E >E >S >S >Take Devil You grasp the lightning bolt firmly and hear a sizzling sound. It jumps about in your hands, but you manage to put it in the jar. You get a jar with a devil in it. >S >E >E >E You're near the northern end of along flowing river. Straight ahead looms a magnificent waterfall, pouring down into the river. A passable shoreline starts up to the east. >N You're at the northern end of a long flowing river. Straight ahead looms a magnificent waterfall, pouring down into the river, almost deafening you. >E You climb up an embankment to another stretch of shoreline. A high wire fence is to your right. >N You're on a high shoreline of a lake. To the east is a barbed wire fence through which you can see mile after mile of plain houses, all the same. A path travels to the north and south, bordering and fence and the water. To the west, the lake looks treacherous as a waterfall crashes down to the south. >N You're at the entrance of Ennui Estates. Beyond, to the east, you can see what could only be millions of identical picket fences surrounding identical white clapboard houses. To the west is the lake and a small landing. A small rowboat is moored there. >Enter Boat Ennio hops into the boat right behind you. >W You're floating in the boat. The current to the north seems to push you to the south a bit. To the south, a waterfall rars as millions of gallons of water pound a hundred meters below. >S >W You're on a section of the lake directly south of a landing for the Island of the Tower. The current to the west is rather strong. >N Before you lies the entrance to the Tower. To the east and west is a heavily bouldered area. Your boat is moored to the south. >N You're inside a chrome, glass and steel office complex, an antiseptic and empty tower. An elevator sits off to the west, its door open. >W You're in a small elevator. Before you are four buttons, mounted on a plaque. There is a slot beside a top, fifth button. >Insert Card You insert the card into the slot. >Push Button 5 You feel a slight movement as the elevator starts and then stops again. >E "Great to see you, Whippasnappa! Get these cuffs off me!" Gramps says. You are in a vast penthouse. Ennio sits by Gramps's feet and yaps, "Alright, old timer. Lets bolt outta here. >Hit Chain With Zagtone The cuffs sping open! >W >Push Button 1 >E >S Gramps motions towards the boat and yells, "Come on! Time's a wastin'! That Snarly thing is going ta upset the whole space-time continuim if'n we don't get to his lab soon!" >Enter Boat Ennio hops into the boat right behind you. Gramps slides into the boat, too. >S >W You fight your way across the current to the west and manage to land the small boat. You, Gramps and Ennio leap to the shore. Before you can tie up the boat, the current pulls it out into the lake, far out of reach. >W >W >S >Take Book You got the book. >N >Open Gate The gate creaks open in the dim light. >W >W "Be very very careful, now. That Snarl is an extremely tough cookie!" Gramps wanrs. "You said it, buster!" Ennio says. >W You're in the house of Franklin Snarl. The place smells of old things, best left unnaed. Even in your light the place seems dim and dingy. You can hear crackling coming through the doorway to your north. Ennio says, "I smell Snarlmeat". >N Franklin Snarl attacks Gramps, and they roll about on the floor of the lab. It looks bad for Gramps. You're in the laboratory belonging to Franklin Snarl. It looks oddily similar to the lab in Gramp's house, though it's a much smaller version. A hoop buzzes and crackles in the corner. Franklin Snarl is here! Ennio growls at Snarl. >Sic Ennio On Snarl Ennio corners Snarl and growls like a fighting tiger, holding him at bay. You now know that the legend of Ennio was well-founded -- he is fearless! "Gimme my lab book, youngster!" Gramps shouts. "I need something from the first few pages." >Open Jar Since Ennio has him cornered, the lightning seems to home in on him and stuns the creature. "Gimme my lab book, youngster!" Gramps shouts. "I need something from the first few pages." >Give Book To Gramps Gramps grabs the book and immediately sets to fixing the hoop. In a few short seconds , he's done! "Let's get that Snarlburger through the hoop! And Fast!" >Throw Snarl Into Hoop You manage to push Franklin Snarl through the hoop! A great sizzling, as if bacon frying, accompanies his passing through to the other side. You and Gramps wave to each other and you bend down to pat Ennio's head. "So long, Whippasnappa," Gramps shouts, waving to you. "You keep the cabin and come visit me soon. I'll be right heyah in Tonetown, waiting'!" And with that, everything twists and turns -- your knees buckle and you find yourself on the road a mile or so north of Gramps's cabin. Sitting by the side of the road is a cute little pig, a darling raccoon, and a little crocodile shedding a few tears. It seems that the game ended. =============================================================================== 05.) MAPS G0500 =============================================================================== Log Cabin: `````````` ------------- ------------- | Lab |-| East Lab | ------------- ------------- | ------------- ------------- | Hallway |-| Living Area | ------------- ------------- | | ------------- ------------- | Bedroom | | Kitchen | ------------- ------------- ToneTown: ````````` This map would never fit within the guide's width limits and also be too complicated when not shown on a large scale. You can simply look at the graphical map or try the non-detailed map below. http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/564588/53966 5th.-(Z) | 4th|-(*) | 3rd|-(*) | 2nd|-(*) | 1st|-(*) | (X) (*) - (*) - (*) (W) - (D) - (*) (E) - (T) | | | | | | | '----(S) - (*) - (*) - (G) - (*) - (*) (T) (L) - (B) | | | | | | | | .----------(*) - (*) (W) - (*) - (*)<--------(L) - (L) (*) | | | | | | (W) - (W) - (W) - (*) - (D) - (M) - (M) - (*) - (*) | | | | | | | | | (U) (F) - (F) - (F) - (F) - (F) - (M) - (R) - (*) | | | | | | | | (U) (*) - (N) - (N) - (N) - (M) - (R) - (R) | | | | | (U) (8) - (9) - (N) - (R) - (R) - (M) | / | | (U) - (*) - (C) (7) - (2) - (6) (M) | (0) - (*) - (5) | | (0) - (*) - (3) - (4) | (1) | (1) - (1) 0: Construction Site 1: Tonetown Times 2: Town Square 3: Jamac Salon 4: Clothing Boutique 5: Fast Freddie's 6: Party Supplies 7: Snarl Pets 8: Wishing Well 9: Park B: Boat C: Cavern D: Tree/Red Devils E: Elevator F: Forest G: Gate M: Marsh N: Nature Trail L: Lake R: River S: Snarl's House T: Tower U: Tunnel W: Wall X: Laboratory Z: Gramps =============================================================================== YY.) VERSION HISTORY GYY00 =============================================================================== v1.0 First release, command-only walkthrough complete (6th of October 2006) v1.1 Added a detailed walkthrough, map and fixed a tiny mistake which nobody ever emailed me about (1st of September 2008) v1.11 New ASCII map (3rd of September 2008) =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Interplay and Activision for this game. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=