=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for ZAK MCKRACKEN AND THE ALIEN MINDBENDERS =============================================================================== GUIDE INFORMATION ----------------- Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com System: PC Updated: 19th June, 2008 Version: 1.1 CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Walkthrough 3. Item List 3.1. Zak 3.2. Annie 3.3. Melissa 3.4. Leslie 4. Copyright Information VERSION HISTORY --------------- 1.1: 19th June, 2008 (Format update) 1.0: 12th July, 2005 (First version) =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Tabloid reporter Zak McKracken is sent to investigate the case of a mysterious two-headed squirrel hidden in a mountain. After tracking down the squirrel, Zak soon discovers a yellow crystal that proves to be the beginning of a bigger mystery. Showing the yellow crystal to an expert, Zak learns that there are two more that need to be found, and that the three crystals are the only way of preventing the invasion of an evil alien race. Zak sets out to find them. =============================================================================== 2. Walkthrough =============================================================================== SAN FRANCISCO ------------- The game starts in Zak's bedroom. Open the dresser drawer at the left side of the room and get the phone bill. Get the sushi in fish bowl. Use the phone bill on the plastic card under the desk at the right side of the room. Open the desk drawer and get the kazoo. Get the torn wallpaper at the left side of the door. Open the door and exit the bedroom. Get the cushion at the right side of the TV to reveal a power outlet. Get the power cord and use it on the power outlet. Get the left cushion on the couch to reveal a remote control. Get the remote control and use it to watch the news. Walk over to the right side of the room and open the door to exit the flat. Walk left and use the doorbell outside the bakery three times. Get the stale bread that the baker throws out the window and then return to Zak's flat. Get the butter knife above the counter. Open the refrigerator and get the egg. Get the small key near the right door. Walk west to the bedroom. Get the bottom- right corner of the rug to move it. Use the butter knife on the loose boards to bend the knife. East. East to exit the flat. Walk to the right side of the street and then walk north to 14th Avenue. Open the door to enter Lou's Loans shop. Walk to the sell window at the left side of the shop and sell him the bent butter knife to receive $1500. Buy the golf club, guitar, hat, nose glasses, tool kit and wet suit. Exit the shop. Walk to the right side of the area to see a bobby pin sign. Open the tool kit in the inventory and then use the wire cutters on the bobby pin sign to get it. Walk to the left side of the area and then walk north to 13th Avenue. Walk west and return to Zak's flat. Open the cabinet under the sink and get the box of crayons. Use the monkey wrench on the pipe under the sink. Use the stale bread on the sink and then turn on the switch. Get the bread crumbs from the cabinet. Turn off the switch and use the monkey wrench on the pipe under the sink to fix it. Use sushi in fish bowl on the sink to get the fish bowl. Exit the flat. Put on the hat and the nose glasses. Open the door on the right to enter the phone company office. Get the application from the cabinet at the left side of the office. Open the counter door and then use the computer terminal to pay the phone bill. Exit the shop. Take off the hat and the nose glasses. Use the yellow crayon on the application in the inventory. Use the small key on the mailbox. Use the application on the mailbox. Walk to the right side of the area and then use the kazoo to wake the driver. Use the cashcard in the cashcard reader to go to the airport. Give the cashcard to the devotee to receive the book. Walk west to the gate to board the plane. PLANE ----- The stewardess will give peanuts to everyone on the plane. Walk west and open the door at the back of the plane to enter the bathroom. Get the toilet paper and use it on the sink. Turn on the sink and the bathroom will flood with water. Push the call button and then quickly walk east to the room at the front of the plane. Open the microwave. Put the egg in the microwave and close the door. Turn on the microwave and the egg will explode. Exit the room. Get the cushion from the right seat and then get the lighter that falls onto the floor. Open all of the luggage bins and get the oxygen tank. Press the escape button to arrive in Seattle. SEATTLE ------- Exit the airport to arrive outside the cave. Give the peanuts to the two-headed squirrel in the hole. Get the tree branch from the tree. Use the tree branch on the loose dirt above the hole. Walk east to enter the cave. Use the What is command to find the abandoned bird nest at the top-middle part of the area and the fire pit at the bottom-middle part of the area. Use the tree branch on the bird nest to get the nest. Use the bird nest and the tree branch on the fire pit. Use the lighter on the nest and branch in the fire pit. Use the yellow crayon on the strange markings at the right side of the room to open a doorway. Walk east to the blue crystal room. Use the remote control to open the crystal container. Get the blue crystal. West. West. West to return to the airport. Use the reservations terminal and select San Francisco. Press the OK button to get the ticket and then walk west to the gate to board the plane. SAN FRANCISCO ------------- Z: Exit the airport to ride the bus back to 13th Avenue. Walk north to 14th Avenue. Walk to the right side of the area and use the blue crystal on the drop slot to be invited into Annie's house. A new switch icon will appear at the bottom-right corner of the command list which enables you to switch between the four characters. The Z at the start of this paragraph refers to Zak, A stands for Annie, L stands for Lesie and M stands for Melissa. Exit Annie's flat and walk to the left side of the area. Walk north to 13th Avenue. Enter Zak's flat and then exit it to see that a letter has arrived in the mailbox. Use the small key on the mailbox and get the letter regarding the King fan club. Walk to the bus at the right side of the area. Switch to Annie. A: Get the blotter on the desk to reveal a cashcard under the corner. Get the cashcard. Exit the flat and walk to the left side of the area. Walk north to 13th Avenue. Switch to Zak. Z: Use the kazoo to wake the driver. Board the bus. Switch to Annie. A: Board the bus and use the cashcard in the cashcard reader. Switch to Zak. Z: Use the cashcard in the cashcard reader to travel to the airport. Use the cashcard in the reservations terminal and select Miami. Walk to the gate to fly to Miami. MIAMI ----- Z: Give the book to the bum to receive a bottle of whiskey. Use the reservations terminal and select Cairo. Walk to the gate to fly to Cairo. CAIRO ----- Z: Use the reservations terminal and select Kinshasa. Walk to the gate to fly to Kinshasa. KINSHASA -------- Z: Walk outside to enter a jungle maze. Every jungle maze in the game is random and there is no set path to the exit. Keep walking through the entrances to arrive in the village. Enter the hut at the left side of the village and give the golf club to the shaman. Watch the sacred dance and pay attention to the last part of the dance where the three men crouch down. Write down the order that the men crouch. The left man is 1, the middle man is 2 and the right man is 3. For me it was 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2. Walk east to the jungle and find the way back through the maze to the airport. Use the reservations terminal and select Katmandu. Walk to the gate to fly to Katmandu. KATMANDU -------- Z: Exit the airport to arrive in the town. Give the book to the guard on the right and he will open the door. Enter the building and walk east to talk to the shaman. Exit the building. Walk to the right side of the area and use the lighter on the hay to distract the guard. Walk to the left side of the area and enter the building. Get the jail key and then exit the building. Get the flagpole. Use the cashcard on the yak to travel to the airport. Use the reservations terminal and select London. Walk to the gate to fly to London. LONDON ------ Z: Use the reservations terminal and select San Francisco. Walk to the gate to fly to San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO ------------- Z: Use the reservations terminal and select Lima. Walk to the gate to fly to Lima. LIMA ---- Z: Exit the airport and travel through the random jungle maze to arrive in an area with a bird feeder. Use the bread crumbs on the bird feeder and then use the blue crystal on the bird. As the bird, fly east to the huge carving. Fly into the left eye and get the scroll. Exit the eye. Fly west to the valley. Fly west to Zak and give him the scroll. Switch to Zak. Walk west to the jungle before the aliens arrive. Walk through the jungle maze to return to the airport. Switch to Melissa. MARS ---- M: Open the shuttlebug and walk inside. Turn on the oxygen valve to refill the oxygen supply. Get the boom box above the glove compartment. Get the digital audio tape from the radio. Open the glove compartment and get the cashcards and the fuse. Exit the shuttlebug. Give Leslie's cashcard and the fuse to Leslie. Switch to Leslie. L: Walk inside the shuttlebug. Turn on the oxygen valve to refill the oxygen supply. Exit the shuttlebug. Switch to Melissa. M: Exit the shuttlebug. Switch to Leslie. L: Walk west to the monolith and use the cashcard in the slot to receive a token. Walk east and enter the hostel. Use the token on the metal plate to open it. Get the burnt fuse from the fuse box and then use the fuse in the fuse box. Switch to Melissa. M: Walk west and enter the hostel. Switch to Leslie. L: Push the button near the middle of the room to close the Mars door. Push the button at the right side of the room and then walk east into the bedroom. Get the vinyl tape from the right locker and then open the right locker. Get the flashlight. Get the covers on the bottom bed and get the broom alien. West to the hostel entrance room. Switch to Melissa. M: Get the ladder at the right side of the room. West to the hostel entrance room. Give the ladder to Leslie. Switch to Leslie. L: Push the right button to close the door. Push the middle button to open the Mars door. Get the fuse from the fuse box and then exit the hostel. Use the broom alien on the sand outside the hostel. Walk east to the huge face. Use the ladder on the door. Press the buttons in the order that the men crouched while performing the sacred dance in Katmandu. Walk north to the great chamber. Walk to the massive door. Switch to Melissa. M: Exit the hostel. Walk east to the huge face. Walk north to the great chamber. Walk to the massive door. Switch to Leslie. L: Give the vinyl tape to Melissa. Switch to Melissa. M: Use the ladder on the pedestal. Use the vinyl tape on the digital audio tape in the inventory. Use the digital audio tape on the boom box in the inventory. Turn on the boom box and select record. Push the crystal sphere at the top of the ladder to open the massive door. Turn off the boom box. Climb down the ladder. Switch to Leslie. L: Get the ladder and then walk north to the doorway. Turn on the flashlight to see a maze. Enter the purple doorway. Walk west and enter the blue doorway. Enter the purple doorway to arrive in the machine room. Turn on both switches to make the air breathable inside the huge face. Take off the helmet. Walk east to return to the maze. Enter the far-right doorway. Enter the far-right doorway. Enter the far-left doorway to exit the maze. Switch to Melissa. M: Take off the helmet. Switch to Zak. LIMA ---- Z: Use the reservations terminal and select Mexico. Walk to the gate to fly to Mexico. MEXICO ------ Z: Exit the airport and then walk through the jungle maze to arrive at a temple. Enter the left temple entrance to arrive in a dark maze. Use the What is command to find the torches in the rooms of the maze and then use the lighter on the torches. Walk through the top-right doorway. Walk through the far-right doorway. Walk through the far-right doorway. Walk through the far-right doorway. Walk through the middle doorway to enter the statue room. Switch to Leslie. MARS ---- L: Walk to the great chamber. Walk east and read the strange markings on the second statue to see a symbol. Switch to Zak. MEXICO ------ Z: Use the yellow crayon on the strange markings and then draw the symbol that was seen on the Mars statue. Select Finished Drawing and then get the crystal shard from the statue. Walk west to return to the maze. Enter the left door, left door, top-right door, left door, right door to exit the maze. Walk west to the jungle. Walk through the jungle maze to return to the airport. Switch to Annie. SAN FRANCISCO ------------- A: Use the reservations terminal and select London. Walk to the gate to fly to London. Select Zak. MEXICO ------ Z: Use the reservations terminal and select London. Walk to the gate to fly to London. Select Annie. LONDON ------ A: Switch to Zak. Z: Give both crystal shards, the flagpole, the scroll, the whiskey and the wire cutters to Annie. Use the reservations terminal and select Miami. Walk to the gate to fly to Miami. MIAMI ----- Z: Use the reservations terminal and select Bermuda Triangle. Walk to the gate to fly to Bermuda Triangle. BERMUDA TRIANGLE ---------------- Z: Zak will be transported onto an alien ship. Remember the order that the pilot pressed the buttons. For me it was purple, green, yellow, blue. Wait until the pilot leaves. Push the button at the right side of the door to meet the King. Give him the fan club card or the guitar to be shown a way to leave the ship. Walk east and read the lott-o-dictor at the right side of the room. For me it was 5636. Walk west to return to the buttons and press the combination shown by the pilot. Quickly walk over the line on the left and then wait to transport out of the alien ship. While falling, put on the wet suit and then use the parachute to float down to the ocean. Use the kazoo to call the dolphin. Use the blue crystal on the dolphin. As the dolphin, swim underwater. Get the seaweed at the right side of the area to reveal a glowing object. Get the glowing object and then swim to the surface. Give the glowing object to Zak. Switch to Zak. Wait for the aliens to appear. SAN FRANCISCO ------------- Z: Wait until the aliens let Zak outside. Wait until the command list returns. Take off the wet suit. Put on the hat and nose glasses. Open the door to enter the phone company office. Open the counter door and enter the back room. Open the cabinet to get the items that were taken by the aliens. Exit the back room. Exit the phone company office. Take off the hat and the nose glasses. Walk to the right side of the area and then walk north to 14th Avenue. Open the door to enter Lou's Loans shop. Select buy and then select the lotto sign above the windows to buy a ticket. Enter the number that was shown on the lott-o-dictor in the alien ship. Exit the shop. Switch to Annie. LONDON ------ A: Exit the airport. Give the whiskey to the sentry. Pull the switch in the guard hut to turn off the fence. Use the wire cutters on the fence and then walk to stonehenge. Use both crystal shards and the flagpole on the altar stone. Read the scroll to join the crystal shards. Get the yellow crystal from the altar stone. Switch to Leslie. MARS ---- L: Walk north to the maze. Enter the far-right doorway. Enter the blue doorway. Enter the far right doorway to enter the map room. Read the strange markings below the sphinx carving and remember them. Exit the map room. Enter the purple doorway. Enter the yellow doorway. Enter the far-left doorway to exit the maze. Switch to Zak. SAN FRANCISCO ------------- Z: Open the door to enter Lou's Loans shop. He will add the lotto money to Zak's cashcard. Exit the shop. Walk north to 13th Avenue. Use the kazoo to wake the driver. Use the cashcard on the cashcard reader to travel to the airport. Use the reservations terminal and select Miami. Walk to the gate to fly to Miami. MIAMI ----- Z: Use the reservations terminal and select Cairo. Walk to the gate to fly to Cairo. CAIRO ----- Z: Walk east to exit the airport. Walk east to leg of the sphinx with the markings and then use the yellow crayon on the strange markings. Draw the symbol that was seen in the Mars map room. Select Finished Drawing and then walk through the secret entryway to enter the sphinx maze. Only walk through the doors with the sun symbol above them to arrive in a long hall. Enter the doorway with the eye symbol above it at the left side of the hall to enter the button room. Switch to Annie. LONDON ------ A: Walk east to the guard house and then walk west to the airport. Use the reservations terminal and select Cairo. Walk to the gate to fly to Cairo. CAIRO ----- A: Walk east to exit the airport. Walk east to leg of the sphinx with the secret entryway. Only walk through the doors with the sun symbol above them to arrive in a long hallway. Enter the doorway with the eye symbol above it to enter the room with Zak. Read the hieroglyphics and Annie will translate them. Press the buttons in the order that she says. For me it was left, middle, right. Read the strange markings and remember them. Give the yellow crystal to Zak. Exit the button room to return to the maze. Walk through the right doorway six times and then the left doorway twice to exit the sphinx. Walk west to the desert. Continue west to the pyramid and walk to the pyramid door. Enter the pyramid. Enter the first doorway. Switch to Zak. Z: Use the yellow crayon on the torn wallpaper to draw the dream map and the Mars map. Exit the button room. Walk through the right doorway six times and then the left doorway twice to exit the sphinx. Walk west to the desert. Walk north to return to the airport. Use the reservations terminal and select Kinshasa. Walk to the gate to fly to Kinshasa. KINSHASA -------- Z: Exit the airport. Walk through the jungle maze to return to the village. Enter the left hut and give the yellow crystal to the shaman. Use the yellow crystal and select Cairo. CAIRO ----- Z: Pull the lever at the left side of the room. Switch to Annie. A: Walk to the left side of the room and then walk up the steps at the top-left corner to enter the room with Zak. Switch to Zak. Z: Use the yellow crystal and select the Mars face chamber. MARS ---- Z: Use the yellow crayon on the strange markings and then draw the symbol that was seen in the sphinx button room to open the three doors. Enter the right tunnel. Turn on the lighter. Enter the green doorway. Enter the far-right doorway. Enter the far-right doorway. Enter the far-left doorway to exit the maze. Turn off the lit lighter. Switch to Melissa. M: Walk to the great chamber. Walk east to the second massive door. Turn on the boom box and play it to open the door. Switch to Zak. Z: Walk to the great chamber. Walk east to the second massive door and enter the doorway. Walk to the right side of the dark room and go through the doorway to enter the statue room. Get the ankh from the statue. Exit the room and walk west to return to the great chamber. M: Walk to the great chamber. Walk east to the third massive door. Turn on the boom box and play it to open the door. Switch to Zak. Z: Walk to the great chamber. Walk east to the third massive door and enter the doorway. Walk to the right side of the dark room and go through the doorway to enter the force field room. Use the ankh on the panel to remove the force field. Get the small golden key. Push the button on the back of the device. Exit the room. Walk west to return to the great chamber. Give the golden key to Melissa. Walk to the great chamber. Use the duct tape on the fish bowl in the inventory. Put on the oxygen tank, taped fish bowl and wet suit. Walk west and exit the huge face. Enter the shuttlebug and turn on the oxygen valve to refill the oxygen supply. Exit the shuttlebug. Walk west and use the cashcard on the slot of the black monolith to get a token. Walk to the tram. Switch to Leslie. L: Put on the helmet. Exit the great chamber. Enter the shuttlebug and turn on the oxygen valve to refill the oxygen supply. Exit the shuttlebug. Walk to the tram. Switch to Melissa. M: Put on the helmet. Exit the great chamber. Enter the shuttlebug and turn on the oxygen valve to refill the oxygen supply. Exit the shuttlebug. Walk west and use the cashcard on the slot of the black monolith to get a token. Use the token on the tram. Switch to Leslie. L: Use the token on the tram. Switch to Zak. Z: Use the token on the tram to travel to the pyramid. Switch to Leslie. L: Walk to the pyramid and use the broom alien on the sand pile. Switch to Zak. Z: Walk to the pyramid and use the bobby pin sign on the key hole to open the door. Enter the pyramid and walk through the first doorway on the right. Switch to Melissa. M: Walk to the pyramid. Enter the pyramid and walk through the first doorway on the right to arrive in the room with Zak. Switch to Leslie. L: Enter the pyramid and walk through the first doorway on the right to arrive in the room with Zak and Leslie. Push the sarcophagus feet to reveal hidden steps. Switch to Melissa. M: Walk up the steps at the top-left corner of the room to enter the white crystal room. Switch to Zak. Z: Walk up the steps at the top-left corner of the room to enter the white crystal room. Switch to Leslie. L: Walk away from the sarcophagus feet to remove the steps. Switch to Melissa. M: Use the golden key in the box at the top-right corner of the room. Push the button and then quickly switch to Zak. Z: Get the white crystal from the containment device. Use the yellow crystal and select Lima. LIMA ---- Z: Take off the taped fish bowl, oxygen tank and wet suit. Get the candelabra. Use the yellow crystal and select the Egyptian pyramid. CAIRO ----- Z: Use the glowing object on the base. Use the candelabra on the glowing object. Use the blue, white and yellow crystal on the glowing object. Switch to Annie. A: Pull the switch at the left side of the room. Switch to Zak. Z: Pull the switch at the right side of the room to complete the game. =============================================================================== 3. Item List =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. Zak ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANKH Found in the statue behind the second massive door on Mars. It is used on the panel behind the third massive door on Mars. APPLICATION Found in the cabinet in the San Francisco phone company office. It is combined with the yellow crayon in the inventory. The completed application is used on the mailbox outside Zak's flat. BENT BUTTER KNIFE Found by using the butter knife on the loose boards under the rug in Zak's room. It is given to the shop owner in San Francisco. BIRD NEST Found by using the tree branch on the nest in the cave in Seattle. It is used on the fire pit in the cave. BLUE CRYSTAL Found in the cave in Seattle. It is used on the drop slot on 14th Avenue in San Francisco. It is used on the bird in Lima. It is used on the dolphin in the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle. It is used on the glowing object in the pyramid in Cairo. BOBBY PIN SIGN Found by using the wire cutters on the bobby pin sign on 14th Avenue in San Francisco. It is used on the key hole outside the Mars pyramid. BOOK Found by giving the cashcard to the devotee at the San Francisco airport. It is shown to the bum in the Miami airport to get the whiskey. It is given to the guard in Katmandu. BREAD CRUMBS After using the stale bread on the sink in Zak's flat, the switch is used to make the bread crumbs. They are used on the bird feeder in Lima. BUTTER KNIFE Found on the counter in Zak's flat. It is used on the loose boards under the rug in Zak's room to get the bent butter knife. CANDELABRA Found in the right eye of the statue in Lima. It is used on the glowing object on the base in Cairo. CASHCARD Found under the desk in Zak's flat. It is used on the cashcard reader in the San Francisco bus. It is given to the devotee at the San Francisco airport to get the book. It is used on the reservations terminals in the airports. It is used on the yak in Katmandu. It is used on the monolith slot on Mars to get the token. CRYSTAL SHARD Found by showing the blue crystal to Annie in San Francisco. It is given to Annie. CRYSTAL SHARD Found by completing the drawing in the temple Mexico. It is given to Annie. CUSHION Found on the seat in the plane to Seattle. It is not used. DUCT TAPE Found in the tool kit. It is combined with the fish bowl in the inventory to get the taped fish bowl. EGG Found in the refrigerator in Zak's flat. It is used on the microwave in the plane. FAN CLUB CARD After using the application on the mailbox outside Zak's flat, the fan club card is later found in the mailbox. It is shown to the King on the ship in the Bermuda Triangle. FISH BOWL Found by using sushi in a fish bowl in the sink in Zak's flat. It is combined with the duct tape in the inventory to get the taped fish bowl. FLAGPOLE Found outside the jail in Katmandu. It is given to Annie. GLOWING OBJECT Found under the seaweed in the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle. It is used on the base in the pyramid in Cairo. GOLDEN KEY Found by using the ankh on the statue behind the second massive door on Mars. It is given to Melissa. GOLF CLUB Bought from the shop in San Francisco. It is given to the shaman in Kinshasa. GUITAR Bought from the shop in San Francisco. It is shown to the King on the ship in the Bermuda Triangle. HAT Bought from the shop in San Francisco. It is put on Zak before entering the phone company office in San Francisco. JAIL KEY Found in the jail in Katmandu. It is not used. KAZOO Found in the desk drawer in Zak's bedroom. It is used outside the bus in San Francisco. It is used in the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle to call the dolphin. LIGHTER Found under the cushion on the seat in the plane. It is used on the nest and branch in the fire pit in the cave in Seattle. It is used on the hay in Katmandu. It is used on the torches in the temple in Mexico. It is used in the maze on Mars. LIT LIGHTER Found by turning on the lighter. It is used to provide light in the maze on Mars. MONKEY WRENCH Found in the tool kit. It is used on the pipe under the sink in Zak's flat. NOSE GLASSES Bought from the shop in San Francisco. It is put on Zak before entering the phone company office in San Francisco. OXYGEN TANK Found in the last luggage bin in the plane. It is put on Zak before leaving the huge face on Mars. PARACHUTE Found after boarding the plane to Seattle. It is used after transporting out of the alien ship in the Bermuda Triangle. PEANUTS Found after boarding the plane to Seattle. It is given to the two-headed squirrel in the hole in Seattle. PHONE BILL Found in the dresser drawer in Zak's flat. It is used on the plastic card under the desk in Zak's flat. POWER CORD Found behind the cushion near the TV in Zak's flat. It is used on the power outlet. REMOTE CONTROL Found under the left cushion on the couch in Zak's flat. It is used to turn on the TV. ROPE Found in the tool kit. It is not used. SCROLL Found in the left eye of the statue in Lima. It is given to Annie. SMALL KEY Found near the right door in Zak's flat. It is used on the mailbox outside the flat. STALE BREAD Found by using the doorbell three times outside the bakery in San Francisco. It is used on the sink in Zak's flat. SUSHI IN FISH BOWL Found in Zak's bedroom. It is used on the sink in Zak's flat to get the fish bowl. TAPED FISH BOWL Found by combining the duct tape with the fish bowl in the inventory. It is put on Zak before leaving the huge face on Mars. TICKET Available at the start of the game. It is used to travel from San Francisco airport to Seattle airport. TOILET PAPER Found in the bathroom on the plane. It is used on the sink in the bathroom. TOKEN Found by using the cashcard on the monolith slot on Mars. It is used on the tram. TOOL KIT Bought from the shop in San Francisco. It is opened in the inventory to get the duct tape, monkey wrench, rope and wire cutters. TORN WALLPAPER Found at the left side of the door in Zak's bedroom. It is combined with the yellow crayon in the inventory. TREE BRANCH Found on the tree outside the cave in Seattle. It is used on the dirt above the hole in Seattle. It is used on the bird nest in the cave. It is used on the fire pit in the cave. WALLPAPER MAP Found by combining yellow crayon on map. After using the yellow crystal, the wallpaper map is used to select different locations. WET SUIT Bought from the shop in San Francisco. It is put on Zak after transporting out of the alien ship in the Bermuda Triangle. It is put on Zak before leaving the huge face on Mars. WHISKEY Found by giving the book to the bum in the Miami airport. It is given to Annie. WHITE CRYSTAL Found in the pyramid on Mars. It is used on the glowing object in the pyramid in Cairo. WIRE CUTTERS Found in the tool kit. It is used on the bobby pin sign on 14th Avenue in San Francisco. They are given to Annie. YELLOW CRAYON Found in the cabinet under the sink in Zak's apartment. It is combined with the application in the inventory. It is used on the strange markings in Seattle, Mexico, Cairo and on Mars. It is combined with the torn wallpaper in the inventory to get the wallpaper map. YELLOW CRYSTAL Annie gives the yellow crystal to Zak. It is used on the glowing object in the pyramid in Cairo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2. Annie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASHCARD Found under the blotter on the desk in Annie's house. It is used on the cashcard reader in the San Francisco bus. It is used on the reservations terminals in the airports. CRYSTAL SHARD Zak gives the crystal shard to Annie. It is used on the altar stone in London. CRYSTAL SHARD Zak gives the crystal shard to Annie. It is used on the altar stone in London. FLAGPOLE Zak gives the flagpole to Annie. It is used on the altar stone in London. SCROLL Zak gives the scroll to Annie. It is read after putting the crystal shards and the flagpole on the altar stone in London. WHISKEY Zak gives the whiskey to Annie. It is given to the sentry in London. WIRE CUTTERS Zak gives the wire cutters to Annie. It is used on the fence in London. YELLOW CRYSTAL Found by reading the scroll after putting the crystal shards and the flagpole on the altar stone in London. It is given to Zak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3. Melissa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOM BOX Found above the glove compartment in the shuttlebug. It is combined with the digital audio tape in the inventory. It is used to record the sound of the crystal sphere in the huge face. It is used to open the second and third massive doors in the huge face. CASHCARD Found in the glove compartment in the shuttlebug. It is used on the monolith slot on Mars to get the token. CASHCARD Found in the glove compartment in the shuttlebug. It is given to Leslie. DIGITAL AUDIO TAPE Found in the radio in the shuttlebug. It is combined with the vinyl tape and the boom box in the inventory. FUSE Found in the glove compartment in the shuttlebug. It is given to Leslie. GOLDEN KEY Zak gives the golden key to Melissa. It is used on the box in the room in the pyramid. HELMET Available at the start of the mars section. It is taken off in the huge face after making the air breathable. It is put on before leaving the huge face. LADDER Found in the hostel. It is given to Leslie. TOKEN Found by using the cashcard on the monolith slot on Mars. It is used on the tram. VINYL TAPE Leslie gives the vinyl tape to Melissa. It is combined with the digital audio tape in the inventory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4. Leslie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROOM ALIEN Found in the bed in the hostel. It is used on the sand outside the hostel. It is used on the sand pile outside the pyramid. CASHCARD Melissa gives the cashcard to Leslie. It is used on the monolith slot on Mars to get the token. FLASHLIGHT Found in the right locker in the hostel. It is turned on in the maze. LIT FLASHLIGHT Found by turning on the flashlight. It is used to provide light in the maze. FUSE Melissa gives the fuse to Leslie. It is used in the fuse box in the hostel. HELMET Available at the start of the mars section. It is taken off in the huge face after making the air breathable. It is put on before leaving the huge face. LADDER Melissa gives the ladder to Leslie. It is used on the door at the huge face. It is used on the pedestals in the huge face. TOKEN Found by using the cashcard on the monolith slot on Mars. It is used on the tram. VINYL TAPE Found on the right locker in the hostel. It is given to Melissa. =============================================================================== 4. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This file is Copyright 2005-2008 Tom Hayes. As it can be difficult to keep track of websites that haven't posted the latest version of this file, please do not distribute it without my permission. Send an e-mail to me if you would like to post this file on your website and you will likely receive a positive response. If you do post the file, please keep it in its original form with all of the sections intact and credit the author (Tom Hayes) as the writer of the file. The latest version of this file can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.