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Filesize: 60.455 bytes (59,0 kb) more info and lots of screenshots: > http://selmiak.bplaced.net/games/c64/index.php?lang=eng&game=zak < _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Table of Content ............................ [HERE] Controlls & Characters ...................... [CTCH] Walkthrough ................................. [WLKT] Questions and Answers ....................... [Q&A] Version History ............................. [VERH] Disclaimer .................................. [LGLS] Thanks to all ............................... [THKY] _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ [CTCH] Controlls & Characters -------------------------- This Chapter is placed ahead of the actual Solution to Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, because it is quite short and very helpful and gives you a good insight into the game. Browse around here and you will learn a lot about the controlls and about the four main characters in the game. That's why the chapter is called Controlls & Character, if you hadn't figured yourself... This Chapter is split into several subchapters: ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------- a) Controlls ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------- b) Characters --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------- And we start with the controlls: ----------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------- a) Controlls ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------- So, when you are playing Zak on your olde Commodore 64 Machine it is no problem to play with the joystick, and when playing on PC you get the luxury of being able to use a mouse to play. The stupid thing is, when playng on the PC the Mouse is never activated! YOU ACTIVATE THE MOUSE IN THE PC VERSION BY PRESSING > CTRL + M < When you are playing the game on a Windows XP OS there is something new, out there. You can use the nice ScummVM Tool. With this DOS EMulator the Mouse is always activated and with ScummVM you can also play all Scummbased games like Zak McKracken, Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Beneath a Steel Sky, or Simon the Sorcerer, or... anything else adventure again on your modern Com- puter! That's cool, eh? You can get the tool there: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv > http://www.scummvm.org/downloads.php < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The controlls are based on the already mentioned Scumm Engine, what means Scrip Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion and elevated the textadventures from the stoneage of getting your input by entering the orders letter by letter over the keyboard to the nice and simple Point 'n Click Adventures. You just click on one of the verbs on the lower half of the screen and then put it together with an item or a person to a complete sentence (well, your english teacher wouldn't call it a sentence, but Zak understands it) and tell Zak what to do, e.g. pick up + wallpaper and Zak tears the wallpaper off the wall or e.g. Use the torn wallpaper with the plastic thing under the desk. and Zak will pull out his CashCard from under the desk (..how he got it under there I wounder...) After delivering your first Artifact to Annie you can also change the Character you want to play with, and they are all decribed in the next Chapter. ------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ------------- b) Characters --------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------------- The folowing Paragraph is a list of all the Main Characters in the Game Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders. There are not that many Characters but even more text. There are some interesting Informations in the text so feel free to take a look and read into it! <> ZAK MCKRACKEN <> Zak is the Main Character in the game Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, which occurs obvious after looking at his name, because the game is named after him. Zak is a reporter for a tabloid nwespaper in San Francisco and has the duty to raise the Prints for his boss (as always) and he has to do so by writing a report about the vicious twoheaded squirrel. The squirrel was seen at the Mt. Rainer in Seattle, so Zak has to Check out the location there, but in the night before his depature Zak has an exciting dream about Aliens, that want to make the world stupid, other Aiens that want to prevent the first aliens from doing, what they are up to do, a beautiful young lady and a lot of other con- fusing stuff. In the end it sums up to Zak saving the world from the aliens (the first ones) by collecting the artifacts left on earth by the aliens (the second ones) and building a skolarian drive out of these artifacts. He can only do so with his new friends I will introduce to you in the following lines: <> ANNIE LARRIS <> Annie works for the Historical society of Silent H.., uhm, of San Francisco of course and collects artifacs of all kind. She already had a TV Appeareance on national Television and told the public about her work. You can say, that she is Zaks dreamwoman, and Zaks mother has the same opinion. Annie is very eloquent in antik languages and can read old scrolls and Hyrogl- yphs that no one else can read! She's a real hot exciting dreamwomen. <> MELISSA CHINA <> Melissa is a student, who decided, after a strange dream, to transform her VW- Minivan into a spaceship. And instead of driving to Ft. Lauterdale for spring break she decided to fly to Mars with her newly build spaceship. She's the one with the blue spacesuit, don't confuse her with her friend Leslie, who decided to come with Melissa to Mars and is waering the pink spacesuit. Melissa is the one of the two girls on Mars with the most Cash on her Cashcard so in case you meet the girls on Mars it's good to know who can buy the Tokens for the Marsexpress! <> LESLIE BENNETT <> Leslie is the student on Mars in the pink spacesuit who has travelled with her friend Melissa in a transformed VW-minivan to mars. <> THE ALIENS <> The Aliens like to wear black sunglasses and a horrible and stupid looking Hat to hide their ugly visages behind this.They plan to make all the humans stupid by sending a stupidray over the telephone net. The Central of this Telephone Company is right under Zaks appartement. What a lucky guy he is, so he can / has to save the world from the Evil aliens (the first ones). The Boss of the aliens is a big Elvis fan and cruises around space in his cadillac like looking spaceship and is waiting for humanity to turn completely stupid and then take over the world (filled with stupid humans, what a goal is that? Sounds like an average TV Comercial). That's it for the Characters in Zak McKracken, there are no more main Characters, the rest is only there for looking good (and making a goodstory of course!) _______________________________________________________________________________ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HERE THE SOLUTION STARTS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ________________________________________________________... not the revolution! [WLKT] Introduction to the story: .............:::::::::::: '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' In the night Zak has a weird dream all about agyptian signs, a beatiful woman, the Mars and aliens (the first and the second ones) The next morning in Zak's Bosses Buero: Zak and his Boss are having an argument about him not wanting to make up sto- ries anymore, so he ha s to find out what's going on around Mt. Rainer and the twoheaded squirrel. ........^.................... .::.. San Francisco ..::. ''''''''''''''''''''''''' Zak starts (t)his adventure in his room next to his bed (the first time I was playing I thought he just woke up and is already dressed after waking up from this weird dream) and just thinks wow, what a crazy dream I had this night, I have to draw the map I saw in my dream somewhere! So look out for the Plasticcard under the desk, the green thingy on the right side, this is Zak's CashCard, which is a VERY important item in this game, you won't get anywhere without it so you have to get it now. You can get the card into your inventory by ripping the wallpaper from the wall next to the door and putting it under the card to get it out of there. :alternate strategy: You can also use the butterknive to scrap the card out, you will get the knive later. Now open the deskdrawer and take the Kazoo with you. Play it if you like. Next thing to take with you is Sushi in the bowl. Just take the bowl, it may get wet in Zaks pockets but he can handle it. Under Sushi's Bowl is another drawer. Open it and take the phone bill with you. If you want you can turn on the answering machine, but you don't have to. If you do so there will be some fun messages on it later in the game. Now leave Zak's room. * * * After the cutscene introducing your enemy in this game, the Aliens (the first ones) you will find yourself in Zak's livingroom. Take the pillow next to the TV and plug the powerchord into the fitting device. Now lift the other pillow to find the TVs remote Controll. Use this to switch on the TV and see a well known Dreamwoman on TV, who collects all kinds of artifacts in her mailslot. Well, okay then, let's search for an artifact and we'll have a date with her. Oh, darn, the boss wants you to have a look at the mysterious things happening at Mt. Rainer and the twoheaded squirrel. So let's go on, walk to the sink, open the door under it and take the yellow crayon. Out of the poor fridge you need the egg. What else? Now just take the butterknive and the small key for the letterbox and we can go out on the streets. * * * Lets walk to the left now and ring the bakery's bell. With the stupid frenchie not acting like we want him to, let's ring that bell once more. Well, ring the bell one more time and pick up the bread coming atcha. Now we enter the TCP Telephone company and take the appilcation for the King's fan club. Don't walk behind the counter, because under your flat there is the headquarter of the Aliens, that want to turn the human race into a stupid kind of being and are not amused when a stranger like Zak enters their headquater uninvited. Use the yellow crayon to fill out the application. As you already have the yellow crayon in your hands let out all your artistic talent and skills and use it to draw the map you saw in your dream on the torn wallpaper. Now leave the telephone company and use the small key to open up your letterbox and stick the completely answered application for the king's fan club into the letterbox. Now walk to the right until you can walk to the background, which leads to the 14th street. * * * Enter the shop called Lou's Loans, and start fullfilling your girlfriends wet dreams, start with buying all the things you see, doesn't matter if you like them or not. Buy the golf club, the toolkit, the hat, the false glasses with nose, the guitar and the divingsuit. Open the toolkit and find out what nice and useful things you can find in there. Walk to the end of the 14th street and get used to handling the wirecutter by using it on the bobby pinz sign. Whohah cutte'd off and taken away that gigantic hairironthing. Now get back to the 13th street, the one Zak lives in. You sure have noticed the bus here! But you can't enter it because the busdriver is asleep. So, let's wake him up. Play a nice melody on your kazoo and he will wake up at once. You can try to play some heavy metal on your Kazoo but Zak only knows one song. Now enter the bus and pay with your cashcard and let's go to the airport. * * * At the airport you give your Cashcard to the devotee guy and get a book about true enlighning (raising your consciousness and lowering your golfscores) from him. You don't need a ticket by now, as you boss pays for your flight to Seattle to Mt. Rainer, so enter the plane now. .......^...................... .::.. Inside the plane ..::. '''''''''''''''''''''''''' The Stewardess is coming and hands you your food in form of some peanuts in a small bag and tells you where to sit. About fucking time to do something! But to be able to do something you first have to distract the stewardess that is guarding the whole plane with her eagleeyes. So, let's go to the toilet at first at the back end of the plane. Use the toilet paper in the sink and clock it that way. Now turn on the water and watch the sink overflow. Call the Stewardess by pushing the callbutton and now run to the front end of the plane. Open the Microwave oven and put in that egg. Now you just have to turn on the microwave oven and you will have all the time you need to do what you want to do and the stewardess won't interupt you anymore as she is quite busy. Take all the time you need to take the first seating cushion and also the lighter that drops out once you lift the cushion. Now open all the things you store your luggage in above the passengers and in the last one (yeah sure, always the last one, no matter what you do!) there is the oxygene tank we need. Now you can wait for the plane to land or if this takes too much time for you (as for everyone else probably) you can press the two mouse buttons at once and you will get the plane landed. The two mouse buttons are a standard in Lucas Film and in Lucas Arts games to skip cutszene you already know or don't want to see or for stuff like this. Once the plane has landed and you didn't manage to do all the things mentioned above or you just read them and didn't know about this you will be able to get on the plane everytime you start another flight until you do all the needed stuff. ........^.............. .::.. Seattle ..::. ''''''''''''''''''' Once you reached the airport in Seattle you already leave this one and get to Mt. Rainer. Now you can do your first digital act of destroying nature. Pick up the branch of the huge tree there. The two headed squirrel attacks you once you come close to it so tame it with the peanuts you got on the flight. :alternate route: beat it to death with the branch or the golfclub or the butterknive or anything else deadly. Now we still need a story about the twoheaded squirrel, so, no matter if dead or alive dig your way through the huge pile of mud with the butter knive. You will ruin the knive that way, but other people will love it that way. :Alternative route: use the golfclub or the branch or the bobbypinz sign to dig, but that's not as good as is using the butterknive, you will see later on. As it's very dark inside the cave we need a fire. If you killed the two-headed squirrel you can just take it's nest. In case you love digital animals all that much get your nintendog tamagotchi now and play with it, pet it, take it to bed with you and... no, wait forget it they both are boring and suck, just use the "what is" function and scroll around until you find the abandoned bird- nest. The nest is at the beginning of the cave very high up. It's so high up, you will need a large object to push it down like the golf club or the bobby pinz sign again. You can also turn on the lighter to find it even better. Or look at the screen- shot on my website ( www.selmiak.de.vu ) Once you got it throw it into the firepit together with the branch from the tree in front of the cave and light it up with the lighter. Now there should be light. As there is light now you can see the strange yellow markings on the wall. So play around with them, take your yellow crayon and connect the dots. woooooooosh(a)! A secret door to a even more secret room will open up and you will gain entrance to the very first artifact room in which you can find the mystic BLUE CRYSTAL! But the Crystal is locked, so use your TV's remote controll to let the safety thing open up and now take the Crystal with you. Let's go back to the airport. /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | Seattle, WA SEA-TAC | ||=======================================================\ || to Abr. Price || ||------------------------------------------------------|| || Miami, FL MIA $407 || || San Francisco, CA SFO $260 || \\======================================================// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Here we want to get back home to San Francisco. ........^.................... .::.. San Francisco ..::. ''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dropped of from the bus we start marching to the 14th street already and search for the red door with the slot for the archiological society. Open the slot and drop the Crystal in and now wait for Annie to react to your action and see the Crystal. After a short moment of nothing... Annie will open up her door and tell you everything you need to know. NOW YOU CAN PLAY WITH ALL THE OTHER CHARACTERS TOO! So try this by now and change controls to Annie. ANNIE: Lift the flat thing on her Desk and take your CashCard with you! ZAK: Give the butterknive to Annie (if you used it for digging and/or if it is damaged). If you used another Item for digging you can of course still give it to Annie, but this will do nothing for her. Give her the Guitar too. Get back to Zaks home now. If you are lucky there is already an answer from the Elvis Fanclub in your mail box, if so unlock it and take the Fan Club Card with you. Now walk up the stairs and enter Zak's home. Under the sink there is a pipe. Use it to smoke some wee... uhm, use the monkey wrench to get rid of the pipe. Now put the dry bread in the sink and turn on the disposer. The dry breadcrumbs will fall out of the place the pipe once was at. Now take them with you. DON'T FLUSH THE BREADCRUMBS AWAY OR YOU CAN JUST RESTART THE WHOLE GAME BECAUSE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THE GAME WITHOUT THE BREADCRUMBS! ANNIE: Walk into Lous's Loans and sell the Guitar and the bend Butterknive, ...pardon, the silver statue and get some good money for this stuff! Now get some action going and walk to the 13th street to the bus and wait for Zak. ZAK: Also go to the bus and wake up the Busdrive with your Kazoo, enter the bus with Annie & Zak, use both Characters to pay and off we go to the airport. Once at the Airport there is a sad goodbye for the two, but they are just pixels, so buy a ticket to London and from there fly to Katmandu. .........^................ .::.. Katmandu ..::. '''''''''''''''''''''' In Katmandu we walk to the very right of the scene and see the pile of hay. Hey! Come on bay, light my fire, and fire up the hay. The guard will be coming there and screaming loud for help. As he now is at the fire he has left his prison unguarded so we walk back to the very left of the scene in highlandish Katmandu. See that nice Flagpole above the door to the prison. Take it with you as the prison guard is distracted by the fire and you are free to steal everything from him. You learn something new everyday. Note: If you should try to pick up the flagpole without lighting the fire first the guard will throw you in the prison. Now you need Annie to fly to Katmandu and give her the lighter and light the fire (come on baby) with her and free Zak with the cellkey. But if you read this you should be doing fine and don't need Annie in Katmandu. Back to the fact, now you walk up to the guardian in front of the temple and give him the book about enlighting written by the guru he guards. So the guardian will let you enter the gurus place! Enter the Gurus chamber and he will explain to you how to use the blue crystal and what to do with it and how to play with animals' minds with tzhe use of the crystal and some other interesting gurutalk. Now stick your cashcard in the yak's arse and you'll be on your way to the airport. From there you can fly over London to Miami. .........^............ .::.. Miami ..::. '''''''''''''''''' Here we meet a bum who's just drinking the whole day long. He's missing something so let's give him the book we got from the devotee in San Francisco. He will be very happy with this and give up his drinking and you his bottle of whiskey. Miami is out of order and closed for repairs, so we fly to the bermuda triangle because it's quite cheap from here on, 99$ is not the world. So buy your ticket now and take off. .........^....................... .::.. Bermuda Triangle ..::. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Just after the pilot finished his bad jokes, Zak and the pilot get beamed up to the space caddilac of THE king. The pilot enters a comination of on these colorful shwitches that you better remember. Just push "space" once he pushed a button and note down what color he pushed. there are 4 colors in this combination. So the pilot asks you if you are comming or if you want to wait. Of course you wait on the right side of the screen at the door. Once the pilot is gone you push the doorbell. The king's guard will take on you and bring you to the king himself. The king (himself) is not very amused to have you in his spacecaddy, so he wants to do do some bad things to you. You can chill his mood by giving him the fanclub card or the guitar (only if you still have it of course) and he will finally be pleased to meet a fan. His guard will bring you to the door now and enter another code. This one is not that important but you better note it down too. Check back inside the spaceship and take a good look at the Lottomat at the very right of the screen and note down the Lotto numbers. They are very usefull in the future of the game. Get back to the landingzone with the colorbuttons and enter the code the pilot entered. This is the first code you noted down. The pilot's code lets you spawn directly above the open sea of the Bermuda Triangle. The code the alien entered takes you back to your room in San Francisco. After you entered the Pilot's code you will be falling towards mother earth. While you are falling you should open your prachute. What a stroke of luck you have your floating cuission out of the airplane with you. Have a good seat on it. The animal in the background is not a shark but a dolphin who is very interested in the melodies you can play on your kazoo, so you can lure him near with the kazzo. Now do so and play a melody on the kazoo. Do it, you know just do it. In no time he's here. Now it's time to practice what the guru told you, so use the blue crystal on the dolphin and within the blink of an eye you are the dolphin. How cool is that, eh. The bad thing is, the aliens get alerted once you use an artifact like the blue crystal, so dive down under the surface fast. Swim to the very right of the screen and nibble away the seagras from in front of the opening. The now exposed glowing object is very interesting. So take it, just take it, don't ask just take, I said TAKE IT! Now swim back to the surface and give the object to Zak. Now there is nothing else to do than swim from left to right and the other way round. Wait for the alien to appear and take you into the mindbender. Here you will get your mind bend and all your objects from your inventory will be taken away and you will loose all your abilities. Finally you'll be thrown out on the street. ........^.................... .::.. San Francisco ..::. ''''''''''''''''''''''''' On the streets of San Francisco you have to wait until the "put on" icon appears again on the screen and then you can put on the hat and the false glasses and get straight back into the phonecompany and take back the stuff the alienbastard stole from you. Your stuff is stored in the backroom of the office, you enter there through the door behind the counter. As you are here now, just use your phonebill with the computer in the first room of the phonecompany and get your phonebill paid. :alternate strategy: Get into Zaks room and open up the rug, use the monkey wrench on the boards and tie the rope to the door and climb down into the secret room and take back your artifacts. But you can't pay your phonebill that way, as you can't get behind the counter without getting arrested and ripped off again. Get back into Zaks Room after you paid your phonebill and turn on the answering machine. Now don't forget to play lotto as you are here, so go to Lou's loans in the 14th street and use the command "buy lotto sign" to play lotto. You are asked to enter four numbers, guess what, you enter the four numbers you got from the space caddy, this will higher your chances of winning the jackpot by... a lot. If you haven't already cut and trashed the bread this is the last chance to do so, so if you haven't done so, do so, then continue with reading from here on. At that time you should also flush Suhsi into the trasher! After all the womanswork is done with the sink drive to the airport and fly to Lima, Peru. .......^........... .::.. Lima ..::. ''''''''''''''' Enter the Jungle in Lima! All paths here are totally random so don't even try to remember where you came from or think about where you should go. Just continue into the Jungle until you reach the platform with the birdfeeder deep inside the Jungle. Put the dry breadcrumbs on the birdfeeder and wait for the bird to arrive. Guess what, exactly, you need the help of an animal again, so use the blue crystal on the innocent birdy. As the bird you fly to the left eye of the gigantic Aliensculpture in the background and take the scroll with you. You have enough time to take a look inside the other eye but it doesn't matter you can't do anythere here. At least not now ...! So, head back to the valley and give the Scroll to Zak and then switch to Zak. Now there should be enough time for you to get away from the alien. Now there are three options for you now, the first is, to get caught by the aliens again and then getting stuffed into the mindbender again, the second is you just fly back to San Francisco, and once you are back in San Francisco you can collect your Lottery price from Lou's Loans. I think the second one is faster, as you don't have to wait all the time in the mindbender, but I haven't actually compared the time it takes to do both paths. The thirs option ist to just continue without getting extra money with this out of plan route and take a flight to Kinshasa. From San Francisco it is best to take the route over London and Cairo to Kinshasa, but if you collected the money from the Lottery the price doesn't matter anyways... ........^............... .::.. Kinshasa ..::. '''''''''''''''''''' Find your way through the random Jungle (again) and then enter the door to the witchdoctors hut. Give him the Golfclub and he will be very thankful and show you the dance that is said to "open the door to the head". Sounds cool, eh, but when you find out more about it you'll be even more surprised. Just like with the color combinations the pilot in the bermuda triangle did you note down the combination these dancers dance as this is another code you need later. Make an X inside the empty space into the following table and keep it for further reference. The best thing is to print out the table before making the x's, or your dad will get mad when he sees what you have done to his monitor. ______________________________________ | medicine | middle | right | | man | dancer | dancer | |------------+------------+------------|----------. | | | | 1st step | |------------+------------+------------|----------. | | | | 2nd step | |------------+------------+------------|----------. | | | | 3rd step | |------------+------------+------------|----------. | | | | 4th step | |------------+------------+------------|----------. | | | | 5th step | |------------+------------+------------|----------. | | | | 6th step | '------------+------------+------------'----------' Now there is nothing left to do for you here so find a way back to the airport through the Jungle and make your way to Mexico. The fastest way from Kinshasa is to Cairo to London to Mexico. ........^............. .::.. Mexico ..::. '''''''''''''''''' And again another Jungle! Fight your way through the jungle and find yourself in front of the Temple! Now find your way around inside the temple. The best thing to do here is to use the map I drew and posted here: > http://selmiak.bplaced.net/games/c64/index.php?lang=eng&game=zak&page=Maps < With the map you will find your way to the statue with the crystalshard, I'm sure! Once you're there let Zak be whatever he wants to be and switch to Melissa on Mars. ........^........... .::.. Mars ..::. '''''''''''''''' MELISSA: Take Melissa into the Van and open the glove compartement. Take the two Cashcards and the DAT Tape out of the radio and also the Ghetto-blaster called Boom box. Give Leslie her CashCard and then walk past the youth hostel to the Monolith (from 2001?) and buy a token. Then enter the Youth hostel on Mars. LESLIE: Also enter the Youth Hostel with Leslie MELISSA: Use the token as a screwdriver and open the metal plate next to the door with the token. Girls can do that too! Take the burnt fuse and and replace it with the new one from the glove compartement. Close the door to the Marssurface now and open the door to the rest of the youth hostel. Take a look around in there. Now you can also take off your helmet. This way you can save oxygen and prevent the girls on mars from suffocation. (Only take off your helmet when the door to the surface is closed!!!) On the one locker inside the Youth hostel on Mars is a little piece of ductape, take it with you. Inside this locker is a flashlight that you'll need too, so take it, TAKE IT! There is noone (human) around you to be against it. At the end of the room there is a ladder that belongs to noone so just take it and now it's Leslies turn, because she's got the better nerves. LESLIE: Open the covers of the bed in the youth hostel and take the broom alien with you. As you are a woman now do something useful and enter the pressure chamber, put on your helmet and open the door to the surface of planet mars. Now leave the Youth hostel and use the newly discovered broom on the sand in front of the Youth hostel to uncover a solar panel. MELISSA: Put on your helmet and leave the hostel to the Marssurface. Walk to the right until you reach the gigantic head. Lean the ladder against the door and search for your notes on the combination the medicinman in Kinshaasa showed you with his dance. Push the buttons on the door in the same order the dancers moved and you will open the door at once. Now take the ladder with you again and enter the Mars- face. Enter with Leslie too. Nevertheless you go to the first big door with Melissa and lean the ladder against the pedestal. You strap the Vinyl tape on the DAT Disc and put it inside the Boom box. (yeah, you had to do it this way in a time where no CD Burners were available and noone ever thought about a DVD!) Switch the boom box to record and push the crystal sphere on top of the pedestal. With this record you can open all three doors in the Marsface without having to climb up the ladder or having problems with broken crystal spheres. So enter the middle door in the gigantic marsface chamber and get the ankh there. Now open and enter the last door in the great chamber and stick the ankh in the place it fits. Now turn on the projector and listen to the Skolarian's message telling you that they recorded this messages so many years ago, ... wait how do they know that you will see it this time past the recording..., no matter, they are aliens and know everything. And they want to help you defeating the other (the first?!) aliens, that's good enough for me, so pick up the keys on the wall and leave this place to the Mainhall and give the flashlight to Leslie. LESLIE: enter the first big door. Now I refer to my map posted here: > http://selmiak.bplaced.net/games/c64/index.php?lang=eng&game=zak&page=Maps < Go and find the room labeled "levers" and activate the machine. Once the levers are on top there is oxygen inside the Marschamber and you can take off your helmet inside the Face on Mars and breath fresh marsair. So, now I ask myself what this will smell like. Now use the map again and find a way to the "maproom". Look at the maps and the signs on the wall. You'll need them later on at the sphinx. MELISSA: Take off you helmet too and go to the second statue in the Main hall and take a good look at the Markings at the statue in the mainhall. Zak need these now! ........^............. .::.. Mexico ..::. '''''''''''''''''' ZAK: Zak is still in the Jungle and standing in front of the gigantic Mexican statue with the crystalshard in it's hand and he's waiting for the symbol Melissa just saw. Use your yellow crayon and draw the symbols on the socket of the statue. Now the statue will release it's grip and you can take the other half of the yellow crystal with you. The light turns off, but that doesnt matter now, you got the crystal shard, that's all that counts. Use the map again and you will be out of the temple in a second. Run through the Jungle back to the airport and take a flight to London. ........^............. .::.. London ..::. '''''''''''''''''' Here yo park ZAK and let him wait for Annie. ANNIE: Fly to London with Annie. ZAK: Give the whiskey to Annie. ANNIE: Get out of the airport and get the guard as drunk as you can and the switch off the electric fence. ZAK: Leave the airport and use the wirecutters to cut a hole in the fence. Enter stonehenge and stick that flagpole into the crypt. Now lay both crystal shards on the altar and give the scroll to Annie. ANNIE: Read the scroll out aloud. Kaboom, the two Crystalshards will blend together to only one whole crystal. ZAK: Get the Yellow Crystal and fly back to the medicinman in Africa. ........^............... .::.. Kinshasa ..::. '''''''''''''''''''' Find your way through the Jungle (again) and talk to the Shaman. He will be very short but clear in explaining how to use the yelow crystal. So, use it and beam yourself to Southamerica inside the one eye of the Gigantic figure in the rock and take the candelabra with you. ........^............ .::.. Cairo ..::. ''''''''''''''''' Beam Zak to Egypt and activate the switch in the pyramide. Now you can leave the Pyramide without a problem and can move to the right foot of the sphinx. Here is another yellow marking, just use the yellow crayon to complete it so that it looks like the one found just minutes ago in the sphinxroom on mars, in which Leslie is standing at the moment, so, if you want to look again switch to Leslie. Wait for the door to open and after the door is open, enter the Sphinx and follow the superb card that can be found here: > http://selmiak.bplaced.net/games/c64/index.php?lang=eng&game=zak&page=Maps < or just walk through a walkthrough (with the use of this walkthrough I guess) on which you can see a sun above. If you managed (however though) to get into a dark room in which you can hear strange sounds just leave as fast as possible, because this is the room of the guardian of the sphinx. The guardian is sleeping there and he has a very light sleep. Once you reached the room with the 3 buttons do nothing until Annie arrived, so switch to Annie immedeately now. ANNIE: Enter the same room in which Zak is in at the moment and read the Hyroglyphics above the buttons. Then, surprise, press the buttons as described by the translation of the Hyroglyphics and there you go, there is a secret map opening up behind the wall on which the mars pyramid and the face on mars can be seen. ZAK: Remember the markings, that are on the top right of the map and use the yellow crayon to draw the rest of the map on your recent map. To do so you first have to take a look at the map in the shinx and then just use the yellow crayon on the map an now you will be able to beam Zak to Mars inside the huge Face on Mars. ........^........... .::.. Mars ..::. '''''''''''''''' ZAK: You are inside a room with three doors on Mars now. Use the middle one to perform the first Marsgrafitti in history and go crazy with your yellow crayon on it. Try to make it look like the sign in the sphinx in the end. If you can't quiet remember how the sign in the sphinx looked like, just switch to Annie and take at look at it with her until you can remember or take some notes and then switch back to Zak and draw the sign on there with him. Once you completed the sign and it was correct the door will open and you can leave through the doors. Just refer to the Mars Face Maze map I mentioned before. Keep in mind, that the doors in front of you are labled 1,2,3 from left to the right and the numbers on the map are from right to left, which is logical, because you are standing in front of the doors and looking at them. Where the doors lead you is not that logical, but I'm sure you can manage to get the right one. But it is better to get the left one. Once you are in the maze just walk out to the main hall. ZAK, LESLIE, MELISSA: Meet with the girls in the Mainhall of the Marsface. Make the girls put on their spacesuits and helmets. ZAK: Now we need a spacesuit for Zak. We do this by using the oxygentank from the plane, the divingsuit from Lou's Loans and the fishbowl from sushi. Put on the stuff. Now you'll see, that the fishbowl is leaking, so use the ductape to fix the holes. Now you can go out with all three of them. ZAK, LESLIE, MELISSA: Now move them all to the spacebug and let them refresh their oxygen. After this move on to the monolith and buy tokens without an end. Make sure that Zak owns at least one token and Melissa and Leslie both own 2 tokens. Now use a token with everyone of the three character on the Marstram and leave the landig side with all three of them, because you need all three over at the Marspyramide. Now move to the Pyramide with all of them. LESLIE: Use the broom Alien to get rid of that sandpile in front of the door to the mars pyramide. ZAK: Lock the door open by using the Bobby pinz sign in the gigantic keyhole. After this you all can enter (at your own risk). LESLIE or MELISSA: With the girl, that doesn't have the golden key (most likely Leslie) push the sarcophacus' feet. This opens up a door and you can walk up the stairs with Zak and the remaining student. Open the small box on the right with the golden key. Now position Zak in front of the white crystal and switch to the other student up there. The next action has to be done very fast, but I'm here to help you here too. Just use the keyboard to do the commands. Push the button with the student, then switch to Zak and pick up the white crystal. The button "b" on your keyboard is used to switch between characters, and the button "d" activates the command for "pick up". LESLIE AND MELISSA Walk to the Tramstation with both of them and throw in your tokens to drive back to the Landing site. Pick up the fuse you put into the youthhostel on mars and then put it inside the spaceshuttlebug. Enter the bug with both of them and once you plugged in the fuse start the bug with the controlls and Blast off to space for a save way home. ZAK: Beam back to mother earth and into the Pyramide in Cairo. ........^............ .::.. Cairo ..::. ''''''''''''''''' ZAK: Now we want to build the Skolarian drive. To do so, you take the glowing object and put it on the socket, then the Candelabra on top of it, then the 3 Crystals on the Candelabra and voila, there is your new and improved Skolarian drive. ANNIE: Leave the Labyrinth of the Sphinx and enter the Pyramide. Here you should find Zak, who just beamed down from Mars. Now activate one switch of the scolarian drive with Annie to activate the Machine halfways. ZAK: With Zak you can now activate the last switch in this game to be used and the scolarian drive will be activated and the earth will be saved from the alien mindbenders and their evil plans. so this is ... ... THE END! _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ [Q&A] FAQs -------- This chapter deals with the most common and of course _f_requently _a_sked _q_uestions about Zak McKracken & the Alien Mindbenders, thats why this section is called FAQs. If there is still another open unsolved question, drop me a line at : faqs [at] gmx [dot] de hey ho, Let's go: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: So I got this hypermodern Zillionen Gigahertz Computer with Windows XP or another modern Operating System on it, and Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders won't run on it, damned! So what on earth can I do to save the Earth from the Alien Mindbenders? Answer: To save the world from the Alien Mindbenders is your main task in the game, about how to manage to do this, you just have to have a look at the whole file above, but before that you have to get Zak running on your modern PC. To do so, you need a nice little emulation programm called ScummVM. The guys behind this programm wrote a nice rewrite of the old SCUMM engine that lets you play all the old textadventure games on your newer computers. To get the programm just surf to the following url, download it, install it and start playing, so here's the addresse: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv > http://www.scummvm.org/downloads.php < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: I'm at the Guru and he says I have bad Karma. What's up? Answer: You have to close your gamefaqs Useraccount immedeately and format and destroy your harddrive! Actually, no, this is because you did something bad, like killing the doubleheaded squirrel. So you just have to wait until your bad Karma has gone away. _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: I'm at the bird in Lima and don't have the breadcrumbs because I shredded the bread and turned on the water without removing the pipe. Answer: I'm sorry, but you're stuck! There is no way to regain the breadcrumbs and complete the game by now. You will have to restart and better remove the sink's pipe next time. _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: Can I die in Zak McKracken? Answer: Of course you can! _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: okay, so how you freaking huggybear? Answer: There are a lot of possibilities, here is a small collection, I don't know if I covered all of them: Use the parachute too late when you are falling down from the Space Caddilac towards earth. Sit over 1 hour on the cuision in the water in the bermuda Triangle. Step on the Marssurface without a helmet or take it off. This won't kill you at once but very fast indeed. Stay on the Marssurface for too long without refreshing your oxygen tank. Take of the oxygentank while you are in your spacesuit. Push the buttons inside the sphinx in the wong order. Stay for too long in the room of the guardian of the sphinx or disturb him too often. _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: I got the Marsface on my Wallpapermap but when I'm using the yellow crystal to beam Zak there I can't beam up there. Answer: First make sure you click on the Marsface, not on the Marspyramide. Second, you got to know that you can only beam Zak somewhere, where there is oxygen around. So it may be that you haven't activated the levers on Mars or just activated one of the two levers, so switch to Leslie and activate the Levers on Mars. The thing with the Oxygene around is also the reason you can't beam to Atlantis in the Bermuda Triangle, because the beam platform is under water and for normal reasons there is not that much oxygen under water. _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: So I'm on Mars and want to put on the Fishbowl but I still have Sushi in there and have to put Sushi somewhere. Where? Answer: Sorry, you have to get back to Zaks apartement. To do so, just beam back to Mt. Rainer and take a flight to San Francisco and pour her (?) into the sink. Then you can beam back to Mars, but now you have to go through the labyrinth there once again. Just use the Maps I made an mentioned in the Walkthrough already quite often. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ [VERH] Version History ------------------- This is quite boring stuff here, only for those really interested in creation of this document (I doubt someone is) and for me to see that I actuall proceded and do not stay stuck somewhere. Read on on your own risk, It could be that you will start sleeping within the next ten seconds. \''::............,,..,,..........::''/ > Version 0.01 ---- 23.09.2005 < /..::''''''''''''`´`´`´''''''''''::..\ Just started translating the FAQ from german to english. Not much done, only the table of contents and the header. Well, I wanted to show good will hunting where he belongs. Or something like that! Okay, I also shrunk the guide by deleting the Airport guide section because it is already posted as an independent FAQ in english language on gamefaqs. \''::............,,..,,..........::''/ > Version 0.80 ---- 05.10.2005 < /..::''''''''''''`´`´`´''''''''''::.. a lot of progress in translating all the stuff in the walkthrough. \''::............,,..,,..........::''/ > Version 0.90 ---- 13.10.2005 < /..::''''''''''''`´`´`´''''''''''::..\ Just one more thing to be done, that is translating all the FAQs, the thank yous and the disclaimer, then it's done, but not today! \''::............,,..,,..........::''/ > Version 1.00 ---- 14.10.2005 < /..::''''''''''''`´`´`´''''''''''::..\ So, finally the translation is done, and the file is submitted to gamefaqs.com. Let's hope the file gets accepted there and you all can read it, if not you won't be reading this anyways. enjoy \''::............,,..,,..........::''/ > Version 1.xx ---- xx.xx.2005 < /..::''''''''''''`´`´`´''''''''''::..\ will surely follow up,because I always discover that many mistakes as soon as a file is online, and I couldn't see them before, dunno why, but there will be an 1.xx higher than 00 release I'm sure. \''::............,,..,,..........::''/ > Version 1.01 ---- 22.11.2005 < /..::''''''''''''`´`´`´''''''''''::..\ Finally there is the long awaited update! Just a small overhaul! Some spelling error eleminated, but surely not all of them. \''::............,,..,,..........::''/ > Version 1.05 ---- 01.04.2006 < /..::''''''''''''`´`´`´''''''''''::..\ Done a huge correction reading session and reworded some of the strange sounding stuff. I got sick from reading some of the stuff I had rushed in here, so I took my time and changed it, to get in the mood of the game again, so this is now a even better guide for Zak McKracken, I hope you like it this way. Well who wouldn't like an improved guide. For a game more than 15 years old! _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ [LGLS] Disclaimer -------------- This FAQ is written by me, selmiak, just for the purpose to help you, so that you are allowed to look at it, download it or print it out. The only websites allowed to host this FAQ are: > www.selmiak.de.vu > www.gamefaqs.com > www.neoseeker.com If you want to host or publish this guide you need my permission. I'm a nice guy (most of the time, not always, and not in this FAQ...) and will most of the times say yes, but hosting my guide without asking me is stealing my work, and you commit a crime. Same is for claiming this guide as your work altering it's content, selling it without my permission and what else you can think of to profit from my work. If you find Typos or other constructive criticism, different pathes or other stuff that should be in this guide drop me a line at: !!! please make sure that you have the name of the game in the subject !!! ---> faqs [at] gmx [dot] de If it's not obvious, the [at] is for @ and the [dot] replaces . I replaced these symbols because of robots scanning the web for email-adres- ses and spamming my account. If you think one (or more) of my statements posted in this guide make you sick, embarresed or are against your nature, please mail me at: imnotinterestedyoucanstopreadingallthetime@chitchat.fuk So, that's enough to my position of right, that means: you have no right! :P _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ okay, now the the very last paragraph in this nice Document... [THKY] the Thank You's ------------------- Thanks to Jens Reisenweber for the ASCIIArt picture at the beginning and at the end of the FAQ. I found this on the Tentaclevilla, a german website dedicated to all the old Lucas Arts Adventure games. Check it out Baby! do so here: ... > http://www.tentakelvilla.de/ < __....._ ,', ,-_ `'. ;// , _,-.\\\ ;/ //,-' '._\ ; // / \ |/,-' ~~~~ ~~~| |(( : \ http://dict.leo.org/?lang=de&lp=ende < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thanks to CjayC and Gamefaqs for hosting my guides and providing us gamers with these massive amount of information and messageboards and stuff. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thanks to you for still reading this. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thanks to me for writing all this. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ another SHAMELESS SELFPROMOTION: To find more FAQ to other great games penned by me go to: >>>> http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/39198.html >>>> or check out my website <<<< www.selmiak.de.vu <<<<< there are also some helful maps for Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders and other neat stuff written by me on gamefaqs.com! now to the very last and least: ___________ Oh, you're still reading... well, there is even MORE!!! If you think, this FAQ helped you out, then why not pay a visit to my website for the game and browse around and in case you find an interesting ad consider checking it out. > http://selmiak.bplaced.net/games/c64/index.php?lang=eng&game=zak < You can't loose anything by doing so, except half a minute of your time and I get some tips and write more guides! And eventually you find something really interesting on my page as I have tons of stuff there!! ______________ ...ENJOY! _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 2005-06 - selmiak > www.selmiak.de.vu < \\\\\\\\\\\\\\) (////////////// ___________ ___________ ,--',-------..._`. ,--. ,'_...-------.`--. `-./ ..:::::..`.\.__./,' ..::::::..\.-' ||.::::::::::::|| ||.::::::::::::|| \\ ''::::::'','; .'. 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