Pole Position 2 Atari 7800 FAQ/Strategy Guide Version: 1.0 Author: Larcen Tyler Last Revision Date: 08/06/04 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This document is electronically published work Copyrighted ©2004 Larcen Tyler. Permission is granted to make a copy _ONLY_ as a personal reference copy, in which case the document _MUST_ remain in its original, unedited form. Any other reproduction is strictly prohibited. This document may not be used as a promotional item or for profitable means of any kind (even if no profit is intended to be gained.) This document is only allowed to appear on the GameFAQs website and no other website whatsoever, nor may any part of this document appear on any website for any reason whatsoever. Pole Position 2 is a registered trademark of Namco, Ltd. Atari 7800 version manufactured by Atari under license from Namco. Atari 7800 ProSystem, and any accessories mentioned within are registered trademarks and copyrighted materials owned by Atari Games. GameFAQs is a registered trademark and copyrighted 1995-2004 by Jeff 'CJayC' Veasey. Any other names mentioned within not mentioned within this section are registered trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. Larcen Tyler is in no way affiliated with any of the companies listed above, or their affiliates in any way. No affiliation should be assumed for any reason whatsoever. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. REVISION HISTORY 2. PREPARING FOR THE RACE 3. HOW TO PLAY 4. THE TRACKS 5. HINTS AND TIPS 6. CONTACT INFORMATION 7. CREDITS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. REVISION HISTORY Version 1.0: 05/28/04: Decided to write this since I love Pole Position. 06/14/04: After a short hiatus, got back to work on it. Version 1.1: 08/06/04: Fixed errors regarding the initial time amounts. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. PREPARING FOR THE RACE First, set up your Atari 7800 ProSystem according to the instructions in your owner's manual. Plug a ProLine Joystick into the left controller port. (If you don't have a ProLine Joystick, a standard Atari 2600 joystick will work just fine.) Insert the cartridge into the slot untill it is firmly inserted. Turn on the system. After a brief loading screen, the title screen, along with the tracks available for play, should appear. If nothing happens, recheck your system's configuration and that the cartridge is inserted properly and then try again. You can use the joystick to select a track, or use the SELECT button on your Atari 7800 ProSystem to do so. Press the RESET button or either button on your joystick to begin gameplay. If, at any time, you wish to start over on the same track, press the RESET button. To return to the track select screen, press the SELECT button. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. HOW TO PLAY Hold the joystick so that the stick end faces toward the TV, and the end with 'ATARI' on it is nearer to you. (If using an Atari 2600 joystick, make sure the button is in the upper-left hand corner.) Steer your car by tilting the joystick left or right. To shift gears, tilt the joystick forwards or backwards for high and low gears respectively. To accelerate, depress either button on your ProLine Joystick (or the button on your Atari 2600 joystick) and keep it pressed. (for some reason, there aren't any brakes in my copy of the game.) QUALIFYING RUN: When you begin the race, you will have 120 time units (or units of fuel if you want :) ) in which you must qualify for the main race. To do this, you must complete one lap with a time of no more than 73 seconds even. If you successfully do so, once you complete a lap, you will receive your starting position and bonus points based on how well you did. If you didn't qualify, then you can continue to drive untill your time runs out. Then your car will stop, you will be awarded 50 points for each other driver that you passed during the lap, and the game will end. The qualifying times are as follows: STARTING LAP TIME BONUS POSITION REQUIRED POINTS 1 58"50 4000 2 60"00 2000 3 62"00 1400 4 64"00 1000 5 66"00 800 6 68"00 600 7 70"00 400 8 73"00 200 In order to qualify for a certain position, your qualifying lap time must be no more than the time given. All qualifying times are the same for each track. MAIN RACE: When you start the main race, you will see four lights, three red, and one green. As each red light lights up, you will hear a low warning tone, telling you to get ready. When the green light is lit, a high tone will sound, telling you that the race is underway. You start with 75 units of time, and every time you complete a lap, you will receive a bonus of 60 time units. If you successfully complete five laps, then your car will come to a stop, 50 points will be awarded for each driver you passed during the race, then you'll receive 200 points for each unit left on the clock, and the game will end. If you run out of time before you complete a lap, then your car will come to a stop, you will receive a 50 point bonus for each driver you passed, and the game will end. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. THE TRACKS (If someone wants to help out with ASCII renditions, please do so!) There are four tracks to race on: ============= |TEST COURSE| ============= The Test Course is a simple track to race on, as there are only four left turns to worry about. As long as you slow down for the turns and watch for rival cars, you should be fine. After starting, you'll come on the first left turn, followed by a short straight section, and then the second left turn. After that, you'll be on a straightaway where you can floor it. Be ready to slow down as you go into the third left turn. After taking that turn, you'll be in a short section, and then take another turn, and end up in another straightaway. You can floor it again. =============== |FUJI SPEEDWAY| =============== The Fuji Speedway was the original track in the first game, and is back to be raced on again. A little more difficult than the Test Course, but not that difficult. After you start, slow down as you head into the first right turn, then shift into high gear as you exit. The second and third turns (left and right, respectively) can be taken easily if you ease off the gas for them. After coming out of the third turn, immediately shift into low gear, as the hairpin curve is coming, and if you attempt to go through it too fast, you'll crash into a roadside sign. After that, you'll go into a long right turn that seems to ease out slightly before curving again, which eventually will lead you to the home stretch, where you can floor it again. =============== |SEASIDE TRACK| =============== The Seaside Track shouldn't be attempted untill you've completed the Fuji Speedway and the Test Course. There are a lot more curves and dangerous sections than the previous two tracks. Almost immediately after you start, you will have a quick right turn, then a set of turns, alternating between left and right, with very little straightaway. It is possible to go through them in high gear, but I recommend staying in low gear, shifting only when you reach the next straightaway. After that, though, be ready for two short right turns as well as a short left turn, then an extremely dangerous hairpin right turn. Make sure that you are in low gear after you come out of the left turn, or else you'll crash. After that, it's a couple more turns, and you're in the home stretch. ================ |SUZUKA RACEWAY| ================ The Suzuka Raceway is set amidst a traveling carnival, and it's no surprise, as this track could easily be described as a roller coaster for race car drivers! After you start, you'll go into a long right turn, and then a left-right-left-right set of turns, with the last turn being a real doozy, so make sure you shift gears as you come out of the second left turn. After you take that, another hard left will be coming up, so be ready, followed by yet another hard right. Then be ready for a left hairpin curve. After that, you'll ease out into a brief straightaway, before you have an easy left go into a medium right hand turn, and finally the finish line! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. HINTS AND TIPS -Don't start out in high gear, as it will take your car longer to warm up. Instead, start in low gear and give your car a chance to get up to speed. Racing professionals usually shift gears around 160 MPH. Shift into low gear when you are going into a turn, and shift back into high gear when you come out. -If you crash into a roadside obstacle or another car, you will lose time. You won't lose the race, though, and you will be set to low gear automatically, so you can resume racing right away. -Watch out for puddles during the main race, they will slow you down. -Beginners should start with the Test Course and work their way up. -If you find that you are having trouble selecting a course with the joystick, use the SELECT button on the 7800 console instead. -And most importantly, HAVE FUN! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. CONTACT INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION READ THIS BEFORE YOU SEND ME ANY E-MAIL! The following types of E-Mail I will _NOT_ accept under any circumstances: -Mail that contains flaming (insults) or offensive content within. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything! -Spam/Advertisements of any kind. This is against the law, and will not be taken lightly. -Asking if you can use this on your website/in your FAQ/Magazine/anything like that will not be tolerated. In case you missed it, I specifically stated that I won't allow it in the disclaimer section at the beginning. -Asking where to find this game in a ROM format, or any other illegal software requests will be ignored. -Asking me where to find this cartridge. (Honestly, I wish I knew where to find Atari games, but I have as much of a hard time finding them as you probably do! Your best bet is to check online.) The following types of E-Mail I will accept: -Suggestions and/or constructive criticism. -Strategies of your own. -Any information I may have left out in this version. -Generally, anything that will help me improve this guide in future revisions! (Make sure you put "Pole Position 2 Guide" as your subject line.) You can reach me at: larcentyler480@yahoo.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. CREDITS Sure, I wrote this guide, but there are a lot of things that helped me write it, so take a bow, you deserve it: -My mother, for buying the Atari 2600 when it first came out, which made me learn to love video games and buy an Atari 7800 when my 2600 was on the fringe a few years back. -Atari, for releasing the Atari 7800 ProSystem, and for packing it with Pole Position 2! -Jeff 'CJayC' Veasey, for providing the 'GameFAQs' website, where authors like myself can share our work. -AtariAge (www.AtariAge.com) for providing information on the game when it was needed. -And most importantly, the one person who brings it all together and makes these credits complete: YOU, for reading my guide! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ©2004 Larcen Tyler