madus236's A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET for the MS DOS/C64 Walkthrough == Background == In 1984, horror director Wes Craven would direct one of the most terrifying and famous slasher movies of all time: A Nihgtmare On Elm Street. The movie dealt with four friends (one of whom was played by Johnny Depp in an early role) being stalked by a mysterious figure in their dreams... one who had a striped sweater, dirty brown hat, and a glove with knives attached. This figure was Freddy Krueger, and he would become one of the most famous movie characters of all time. With six movies in the franchise, one cross-over with Jason Voorhees (another famous slasher of the 80s), and a 2010 remake, it is one of the most succesful movie franchises to date, and gave life to production company New Line Cinema. In the 1980s, A Nightmare on Elm Street and Freddy Krueger were very popular, and the franchise was heavily marketed. A TV show, board games, trading cards, t-shirts, costumes, dolls, pajamas, etc. So it was unsurprising that in 1989 and 1990, two unrelated games were released based on the series. The latter was developed by Rare (Battletoads, Goldeneye 007) and published by LJN for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This is the game that most fans are aware of BUT there was another game, released the year before, for the Commodore 64 and IBM PCs. It was released by Monarch Software and developed by Westwood Associates. == Controls == === PC === Move Up- Up Arrow Move Down- Down Arrow Move Right- Right Arrow Move Left- Left Arrow Select Item- Mouse Click in Inventory Use Item- Space Drop Item- D Menu- Esc (You can also simply click in the direction you want to move there) === C64 === Unfortunately I do not own a Commodore 64, a C64 emulator, or the C64 version of the game, so I cannot give you the exact rundown of the controls. Sorry :/ == Version Differences == The only signifigant differences that I can discern from the two versions is that the DOS version has much better graphics. The Commodore 64 version however actually has music! And the offical theme song at that! It's On the main menu only, but still! == Items == |Bat| A melee weapon that can be used against all enemies, but works best on the skeleton enemies. |Holy Water| A sort of projectile weapon that sprays water outward in a radius |Pick| A tool used to crash through walls |Taser| A battery-powered weapon that can crash through walls |Gold Coin| Work as currency in the game, can be used on vending machines |Batteries| These power the chainsaw, taser, and Freeze Gun |Dagger| Weapon that is best used against the slime enemies |Coffee| Restores soul bar |Pills| Hypnocil restores both the soul bar and power bar |Ammo| Ammunition for the pistol and shotgun |Freeze Gun| Puts out fires |Chainsaw| A melee weapon, requires batteries, works well against all enemies |Pistol| A projectile weapon, works well against all enemies |Shotgun| A projectile weapon, works well against all enemies |Rope| Helps you cross giant black holes |Shield| Has a constant shielf effect that reduces the amount of damage taken |Magnet| DON'T PICK THESE UP |Lantern| Allows you to light dark areas |Cross| Important item, is used as protection in boss fights == Story == Based primarily on the 1986 hit movie A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Warriors, the game puts you in the shoes of one of five of the dream warriors from that film (Nancy, Kincaid, Will, Taryn, and Kristen), each who have their own special dream power. With the help of the deceased nun Amanda Krueger, the mother of the boogeyman himself, you must make your way through the iconic dream house, survive its traps, solve its puzzles, pass its tests, and destroy Freddy for good. == Playing the Game == While in the game, there are four windows. The main one is the game screen, which shows the player, the level, and the enemies. Unlike the side-scrooling NES game, this is a top-down adventure game. Your main goal is to progeress through each stage by locating keys to open doors and destroying some stock horror enemies (skeletons, slime) as well as some not-so-stock enemies (possessed wheelchairs). Right of that window is the status window, which shows the current characters' soul and power bars. It also shows the soul bars for the four other unselected characters. It also shows what level each character is on. The character you are will (obviously) be on the floor you are on, but the others are scattered around the levels at random. Once you find them, you can switch to them at will. But be careful! If you take too much time finding them, you will hear a scream, meaning that Freddy has found on of them and has taken some of their power bar. Once a character dies, they're gone for good. Right of the status window is the inventory menu. It is a seven-box column that holds up to (you guessed it!) seven items, one for each box. You can drop one of these items whenever you want, in case you want to swap it for something else. Below all these windows is the text window. It notifies of things going on in the game, such as when you pick up or drop an item, what weapon you have selected, what the character hears or sees, and other options. == Walkthrough == Okay! Onto the game! Watch the intro movie (if it can be called that) and select "Begin New Game" from the menu. === Character Select === Welcome to the character select screen! There are six boxes, one with each dream warriors' portrait. Your options are Nancy, Kincaid, Kristen, Will, and Taryn. The sixth box is for Joey, but he's been captured by Freddy. Poor Joey, that happened in the movie too! Anyway, now select your primary character for the game. But be quick! If you wait too long, Freddy will slash their portarait and theyll be unusable! Each character has a "power" bar and a "soul bar". The power bar is self- explanatory, but the soul bar is actually the amount of hits your character can take. They also have their own unique dream power. Look below for my rundown of each character, ordered from most to least reccomended. |Kristen-| Kristen was a young girl who was admitted to a mental hospital after a bout with Freddy, and was portrayed by a young Patricia Arquette. In the game Kristen is the most balanced character, and almost perfect for new players. She has a medium soul bar, a medium power bar, and a power kick move that is very similar in use to Kincaid's power punch move. HIGHLY RECCOMENDED |Kincaid-| In stark contrast to Nancy, Kincaid is arguably the best character in the game. In the movie, Kincaid was a tough guy with a mouth. His personality is shown in his dream power, which is a surprisingly useful super punch and tunneling move. He can crash through walls, which is very helpful through the first couple levels in the house. And although he has a large soul bar, he has the least amount of power. RECCOMENDED |Taryn-| In the movie, Taryn was a former drug addict and tough girl with a firece personality, sort of like a female version of Kincaid. In the game, she carries throwing knives, which are a useful projectile weapon. What helps is thatshe also has by far the biggest power bar of any character in the game. But this is unfortunately balanced out by her short soul bar. RECCOMENDED |Will-| Will was a wheelchair-bound nerd in the movie, and his dream power was being able to walk and being able to do magic. In the game, he has a dream power of being able to shoot lighting from his fingers, a VERY helpful projectile and by far the best in the game. He has a big power bar, but the shortest soul bar of any character. SORTA RECCOMENDED (for his lightning!) |Nancy-| Nancy is the main protagonist from the original film, and returns for the third movie. She helps the dream warriors realize their powers. Strangely, she is also the worst character to play as. While she does have a large soul bar, she also has a small power bar, as well as fairly unhelpful time freeze ability. The time-freeze power sounds cool at first, but it doesn't stop your enemies or any of the moving traps in the game! it just stops the clock. NOT RECCOMENDED. Those are your characters! My personal reccomendations are Kristen, then Taryn and Kincaid. Will is a decent back-up, and Nancy is your last resort. Of course all these characters will be able to use the same weapons and items you find within the game. === Level 0 === Welcome to Elm Street, which is apparently a maze of streets and houses. Seriously this is the most confusing neighborhood ever laid out. Your main goal is to find Freddy's house, which can be identified by it's brown color, blinking lights in the windows, and gnarled old trees on the lawn. Unfortunately, the house is randomly placed in the neighborhood each time you play, and theres NO WAY to navigate. You pretty much will just have to wander down streets until you find it. BUT I can tell you that the house will always be facing down :) BUT you have an obstacle. Freddy is also running around Elm Street, and if he finds you he'll kill you. Fortunately for you though, Freddy is slow, stupid, and not much of a threat to you. He is very easy to lose, and normally you can just run right past him (or through him) before he'll get a chance to attack. Also he can kill you, but then you just have to start the level over again. Once you find his house, a picture of Amanda Krueger (Freddy's mother, and a catholic nun) tells you that the rest of your friends (the dream warriors you didn't decide to play as) are trapped inside, and you must save them. She also grants you your respective dream power. Congradulations! You've beaten Level 0 of A Nightmare on Elm Street! === Level 1 === You are greeted with a screen that says that you are "Now Entering Level 1". It also says you can tunnel here, which is always good news. This is the first floor of Freddy's house. This is also the easiest level. You start in the middle of a three way intersection. Go up, and near the wall, pick up the HOLY WATER. Not far north than that is the DAGGER. Pick that up, and runup again until you see another intersection, one going up and one going left. Take the left one, and grab the GOLD COIN. Return to the intersection, go up, and take a left at the next one. In here, you're greeted with a blinking rug...creepy isn't it? Anyway, pick up the COFFEE and the GOLD COIN that is in this room and return to the intersection. Go into the room heading north and find the LEVER on the right wall. Use it, and the game will tell you to finds a key. Exit this roomand continue down until you are at the area where you found theholy water. Enter the room just below this area, and in the corner you'll find the BAT (which honestly jus looks like a wooden plank to me). Exit the room, and head south. Then take a right and travel down the hall. At the end, skeletons will sometimes appear. Use the bat on them, but NOT your dream power. It's best to conserve that for when you need it! You will notice that there is a door there at the end. You can't get in there without the key. Where to get the key? Go north right beside the door. Keep heading north, ignoring the sitting room to the left (there's nothing in there) until you reach a three way intersection. Occasionally there will be an item in the sitting room to the right. On the left there is a room with a series of fires most likely blocking a valuable item (although sometimes one will not be there). My advice, don't go for the item, as you'll most likely find it soon and it's not worth the damage to run through the flames to get it. After you're done with those rooms, head north. Go left at the intersection (the right leads to a dead end) and you'll find a sitting room with a hole connecting it to an adjoining room. In there, you'll find a key (!!!), and most likely one or two cups of coffee, holy water, and a gold coin. Travel back to the locked door and open it up. Depending on how long it took you, there may be a skeleton or two in here. Beat them with the bat until they die and collect the coffee in the foyer. Now head down the hall and BOOM! A maze is in front of you. Inside there are many differentitems, including coffee, gold coins, etc. There is also the exit! If you wish to wander around the maze to collect the coffee and coins, do so. But watch out for the couple of skeletons roaming the paths. If not, head right, then down, then left, then down, then right. Along the way you should find enough coins/coffee to keep your inventory full. Now travel along this hall (mobing carefully around the fire) until you reach a ladder surrounded by AMMO, COINS, and COFFEE. Pick those up and select the ladder. Congradulations! You've beaten Level 1 of A Nightmare on Elm Street! =From here forth, you can return to any level you have previously beaten by simply coming back to the ladder at the beginning of the level, in case you want to pick up any items you may have left behind. But be careful, because the enemies respawn when you return!= \\\\TO BE UPDATED!//// == Legal Crap == This guide is copright 2013 madus236. It may be not be used without permission on any other site for personal/private use. If I am notified that it is being used somewhere else, for profit or otherwise, than that is a violation of copyright, and is forbidden.