Drol ----- Version : 1.2 Date : 2012-09-23 E-mail : zurd33@gmail.com GameFAQ ID : zurd33 Copyright (c) 2012 Zurd - GNU Free Documentation License Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is available at : http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html#SEC1 Contents -------- 1. About 2. Friends 3. Enemies 4. Ending message 5. Links 6. Changelog 1. About -------- Drol is a small arcade game which was released in 1983 on the Apple II system. The controls are very simple, you can shoot, turn left, turn right, fly in the air and land on the floor. The goal of the game is to rescue (by catching them), in level 1, both the Rocket Lizard and the Balloon Girl. Then, in level 2, to rescue the Rocket Lizard and the Helicopter Boy. And, in level 3, to rescue the Lady. When you complete those 3 levels, the game will acknowledge that you just made 1 round and it will put you back in level 1 where you'll start over. It won't be the exact same level, because the more points you have, the harder the game will be. For example, the more points, the faster the Balloon Girl, the Helicopter Boy and the Rocket Lizard will go. In level 2, there will be more Small Demons, maximum of 4 though. In level 3, the throwables will also go faster. Here's some more examples with the exact points you need to get in order for the game to get harder : - At 5,000 points, all jumping enemies will start to shoot. - At 5,000 points, the level 1 will start with 2 Toxic Slimes. - At 15,000 points, you can encounter the laser drone if you stay in the air for more than 5 seconds. Know that, in level 1 and 2, the Balloon Girl and the Helicopter Boy is always coming from the right and the Rocket Lizard is always coming from the left. Here's my simple strategy I always use : Start by going right, drop one floor and continue right until you reach another trap, wait there until you get the girl/boy, it is most of the times right on the same floor as you already are. Then the lizard is coming to your way from the left. In level 3, the last floor has three entrances, one of them is randomly safe, the other two has a Carnivorous Plant in it. When you take one of the entrance, as soon as you go down, fly back up, if there's a Carnivorous Plant, you'll be able to evade it. You win 1 life for every round you complete. There is no end to this game, after 99,999 points, the score just goes back to 0 points and starts counting all over. After round 99, it will warp to 0, just like when you start a new game, but you do keeps your scores and your lives. The maximum life in this game is 79. 2. Friends ---------- Balloon Girl - 300 points - In level 1 only, if you shoot her balloon, she will stop walking. Helicopter Boy - 300 points - In level 2 only, if you shoot his helicopter, he will stop walking. Rocket Lizard - 300 points - In level 1 and 2 only, he can go slow or fast. Balloon - 100 points - You must fly to be able to hit it. Helicopter - 100 points - You must fly to be able to hit it. Flying chicken - 500 points - If he touches you, you'll die but if you shoot it for 6 hits, he'll turn into a friend chicken that you can grab. Lady - 1000 points - In level 3 only. 3. Enemies ---------- Jumping Scorpion - 35 points - In level 1 only, almost impossible to kill if you fly. Jumping Goblin - 35 points - In level 2 only. Jumping Snake - 35 points - In level 3 only. Magnet - In level 2 only, you cannot destroy them. If you're near them, they will attach themselves on you and preventing you from shooting. The only way to get rid of them is to switch to another floor. Small Demon - 100 points - In level 2 only, they can be kill only when they are jumping. They can teleport themselves from one floor to another and they will always pursue you. Throwables (Sword, Dagger, Arrow) - 100 points - In level 3 only. Axe - In level 3 only. Toxic Slime - In level 1 only, cannot be killed, you can fly over them. Laser Drone - In all levels, cannot be killed, stay low to evade the lasers. Carnivorous Plant - In level 3 only, cannot be killed. 4. Ending message ----------------- Round 1 : Congratulations. Being a hero isn't easy!! But your troubles are only beginning... Round 2 : Incredible!! You've won the battle! But the war isn't over... Round 3 : Totally Wow!! Your skills are amazing! But your days may be numbered. Round 4 : Super Duper!! Few have traveled this far. Is it the end of the line for you? Round 5 : Victorious!! And they all lived happily ever after... Or did they? After round 5, the messages just keep repeating themselves. 5. Links ---------- Wikipedia article : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drol Video of first 2 rounds completed : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThmJb8tALe8 Video of 100,000 points at 2.5 times the normal speed : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHC6Ro2M-s0 Video of 99 rounds : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l46hfM7dT9U 6. Changelog ------------ 2012-09-23 - 1.2 Added more information in section 1. About Added more information in section 5. Links 2012-07-10 - 1.1 Added more information in section 1. About 2012-06-24 - 1.0 First version