Jumpman Junior FAQ Game: Jumpman Junior System: Colecovision Contributor: CZewe E-mail addy: Icewind717@hotmail.com Version: 1.0 Date of last update: 11/23/02 I. Introduction Hey everyone. Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT dead. I just took a (year-long) break from FAQ and review writing. So sorry. Ah well, here's your intro. Yes I know Colecovision is dead and never coming back, but some people still play the games...I guess. Even though Colecovision is a system that's almost twenty years old, it's actually quite new to me. I bought one off E-Bay for fifty dollars then I bought a complete set of games for 90 dollars. This all happened about a month ago. After using the most reliable source for game information (GameFAQs) I saw that very few games had FAQs written for them. I saw a window of opportunity and decided to write this FAQ, and I'm working on several others for the Colecovision. This Jumpman Junior game is the one that you could find in arcades back in the late 70s, but it's slightly enhanced on the Colecovision. The point of the game is to have Jumpman collect all the red flowers in a level by jumping from place to place avoiding bullets, fires, and a few other things too. Now that you know the whole point behind the game, shall we move on to the table of contents? II. Table of Contents I. Introduction* II. Table of Contents* III. Contacting Me* IV. Version History V. Controls* VI. Walkthrough VII. Hints & Tips VIII. Frequently Asked Questions IX. Game Genie Codes X. What to Expect in the Next Version XI. Legal Stuff* XII. Word Count * Means that the section is completed. III. Contacting Me My e-mail address is Icewind717@hotmail.com, and I'll accept e-mails that have anything to with the stuff on the "E-mail Me With" list. But if I get anything that is on the "Do not e-mail Me With" list I will delete it and block your e-mail address. My AOL screename is Outcast717 so you can IM me about anything. E-mail me with: Contributions Spelling and Grammatical errors on my FAQ Hate Mail Praise Letters Asking for help on Jumpman Junior as long as your question isn't answered on this FAQ Asking if you can use this FAQ on your site Do Not E-mail me with: Spam Large Contributions Things that have nothing to do with Jumpman Junior Questions about Jumpman Junior that are answered on this FAQ Viruses Chain Letters Etc. You can e-mail me asking for help on the game itself, but just don't overdo it. If you want to talk about anything on the not list, IM me, except the obvious like viruses and spam. IV. Version History Version Number: 0.1 Date Added: 11/23/02 What's New: Everything! V. Controls The controls are fairly simple in Jumpman Junior, and here they are: Joystick Left- Moves Jumpman Junior left Joystick Right- Moves Jumpman Junior right Joystick Up- Allows Jumpman Junior to climb ladders Joystick Down- Allows Jumpman Junior to go down ladders Joystick Button- Makes Jumpman Junior jump Keypad 1- Set speed to 1 at the menu Keypad 2- Set speed to 2 at the menu Keypad 3- Set speed to 3 at the menu Keypad 4- Set speed to 4 at the menu Keypad 5- Set speed to 5 at the menu Keypad 6- Set speed to 6 at the menu Keypad 7- Set speed to 7 at the menu Keypad 8- Set speed to 8 at the menu Keypad 3 + Joystick Button- Starts game at title screen Keypad 8 + Joystick Button- Starts new game at high score screen VI. Walkthrough This Walkthrough is going to be as detailed as I can make it, but this is one of the simplest games and it's also one of the smallest games (not cartridge size, memory size) so it will be pretty short. I will add one level per update, because if I didn't do that, and if I just had all of the levels covered on version 0.1 I would have no reason to update. To start out I have done levels 1 & 2 to help everyone out. By the way, all of the levels are symmetrical, so when I say, "Now do the same thing on the other side" don't get confused. Level 1: Nothing to It You will start out on the second lowermost portion of the ladder in the center of the level. Run straight up the ladder then move to the left part of the ground that it touches when you first reach the third platform. Grab the red flower by touching it and then get the one on the other side of the ladder. When you do that you will notice that a big portion on the opposite side of the platform will disappear with each one you grab. Now jump over the incoming bullet then run up the ladder to the highest platform. Gather the flower on the right first then the left. Now leap off the far-left part of the platform onto the ladder to left of the screen. Descend the ladder then get the red flower. Now go back up and jump off the top of the ladder back to the center platform. Now do the same thing you did just, but to the right side. Next, go down the long ladder down to the ground and get the two flowers beside it. Dodge the two incoming bullets then leap to the ground on the right side and gather the flower. Run up the ladder and get the flower up there. Do the exact same thing you just did, except do it on the other side. After you've gotten the last two flowers, take a deep breath then move on to level two. Level 2: Fire! Fire! On Level 2 entitled "Fire! Fire!" you will start out at the very top of the ladder in the center. Move left immediately and collect the red flower. After you do that a fire will start up right beside you and on the platform to the left of you. Go to the edge of the platform that you're on right now, run towards the fire. Right before you hit it jump back to the center ladder. Now walk to the right and get the red flower there. Again you should jump to the center ladder. Now move back to the side of the platform and you'll notice the fire has gone out. Run then jump to the platform on the left that had a fire. Its fire went out too. Get the red flower on the far left of the platform then a fire will appear right in front of you and on the ladder by you. Jump over the fire in front of you then go to the opposite side of level and do the same thing. Now go back to the platform on the left and go down the ladder, which isn't on fire anymore, and get the red flower on the lower platform. The ladder will ignite again so you should jump to the small platform left of the middle ladder. It will light a fire on one of the lower platforms, so you're safe from it. Jump to the center ladder than go back to the top of it. Now go to the other side of the level and do the same thing you just did. And if you haven't noticed, the levels are symmetrical. Now move down the ladder until you are slightly above the next platform down. After the bullet goes above you, jump onto the platform and get the red flower. That will start a fire above you and one will block your way. Jump over it then jump back to the center ladder. Do the same thing the same way on the other side. Now go down to the next platform, jump to the left side and get the red flower. Now an impassable fire will start right beside you, so move to your left and go to the red vine. Press the Joystick Button when you're touching it to go down. You will land right on a red flower. Jump over the fire beside you now by getting a running start. Then jump to the platform in the center where the big ladder starts and get the two red flowers beside you. The ladder will catch on fire, so you can't climb up it, so jump back tot he platform you were just on, on the left side. Jump onto the green vine to climb up it to the second platform again. Run and jump to the identical platform on the right side of the screen and get the red flower. Since you can't get back tot he ladder again, go down the red vine on this side and climb down in so you will land right on the last red flower. Level 3: Sreddal (I don't know what that means, but that's what it's called...) Start off by going immediately right, and then grab the flower. Now go up the ladder and head right again to get the next red flower. Now go back down the ladder and go left to the edge of the platform. Now jump left to the center platform. Next, run to the left end of that platform and jump onto the platform identical to one you started on. Get the red flowers the same way you did before, then jump back to center platform. Now, for a tricky part. Head to left end of the platform and wait until the floating ladder on that side to start coming down right by you. Let it grab you then push down on the joystick so you go with it. When it starts to ascend again, jump on the platform directly beneath the on that you started on and run and get the red flower. Next, jump to the ladder as it goes by you and ride it to the center platform. Get off and go to the left edge this time. Do the same thing you just did and go back to the center platform. Wait for the left ladder to come up and start down again, then get on it. When it is lined up with the next platform with flowers, jump to it. Go back to center and repeat. Next, ride the left right ladder to the fragment of a platform right above the ground, and then jump to it. Now, get a running start and jump to the other fragment on the edge of the screen and nab the flower. Go back to the main center platform and do the same on the left side. Now, you have to go for the last, and hardest, two flowers. Ride either one down to the ground, and time it just right so you don't go plummeting to your doom. Now, run and jump to the left or right side of the level and get the last two red flowers. Congratulations! You beat a very hard level! Level Four: Hellstones ***COMING IN VERSION 1.1!*** VII. Hints & Tips Here is where I'll provide hints and tips for Jumpman Junior. These are not specific for any particular level, nor will they work on all of the levels. *Don't be afraid to jump over things such as fire. You'll waste a lot of precious time not doing so. *If you see a bullet coming, seek refuge ASAP. *He's called "Jumpman" for a reason. Use his power. *If you choose speed 1 you'll move a lot faster, but so will the bullets and other enemies. *If you get mad or frustrated, don't take it out on the control. They're old and they break easily. *For longer distance jumps hold the joystick button and the joystick direction that is the same direction as your jump. *You can climb up green vines and climb down red vines. Most people who I've asked don't know this. VIII. Frequently Asked Questions I don't have any questions yet, probably because this is the first version of this FAQ! But feel free to send me questions via email (Icewind717@hotmail.com) or use AOL Instant Messenger (Outcast717). IX. Game Genie Codes Infinite Lives: 0399-0394 Start On the Last Level: 0399-3149 X. What to Expect in the Next Version Version 1.2- I'll add a walkthrough for level four, five, and maybe six, add some frequently asked questions if I get any, add some more Game Genie codes, and make some other updates. XI. Legal Stuff This document has been written for it to appear at Gamefaqs.com. This script may not be copied in any way and/or published in any way. Any commercial usage of this FAQ is strictly forbidden and can only be used for personal use. Any necessary legal action will take place if any of these rules are violated. Jumpman, Mattel Inc., and any related materials are copyrighted too. NOTE: You may use this on your site as long as I say you can. To reach me e-mail me at Icewind717@hotmail.com Want that in English? This FAQ was made to appear GameFAQs. It can't be published on any site, WITHOUT my permission. You can NOT sell this FAQ or use it to promote your website or company in any way (again) WITHOUT my permission. I will take legal action if I ask you to remove this FAQ from your site and you don't. The rest is self-explanatory. Now, for the condensed version- DON'T USE THIS ON YOUR SITE WITHOUT PERMISSION! Sites already authorized to use this FAQ: GameFAQs, Gamewinners, and Neoseeker. If you would like your site to be added to that list, email me. XII. Word Count Pages: 5 Words: 1928 Characters (W/out spaces): 8245 Characters (W/ spaces): 10152 Paragraphs: 100 Lines: 212