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MZM MZM MZ0Z M2aM M0 :aMMM, :M0M aMMMMMZMMMMMMMMMM MMMrBMMW MMMM MMM MMMZMMMM @MMMMZMMMMMMMMM XMMMM FAQ/Walkthrough ZX 1987 Version: 1.0 released on the 1st of July 2008 Author: odino http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/47976.html This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available at GameFAQs. .============================================================================. | .========================================================================. | | | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | '========================================================================' | |============================================================================| | 01.) Introduction | G0100 | | 02.) Basics | G0200 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | 03.) Walkthrough | G0300 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | YY.) Version History | GYY00 | | ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-' =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'Terramex' for the Spectrum ZX, released by Grandslam Entertainment in 1987. The same (or almost identical) game was also released on the Amiga, C64, CPC, MSX and Atari ST. In the US the game is called 'Cosmic Relief: Prof. Renegade to the Rescue'. Suggestions, comments or errors - tell me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) BASICS G0200 =============================================================================== The Story: `````````` [There is this hilarious prologue cartoon in the manual you might miss out if you do not have access, but I will try to re-tell the story.] One day Professor Eyestrain read the Astronomy newspaper which contains an article about a giant asteroid heading for earth. He things "Mein Gott! Ze Asteroid will collide with ze Earth. I must warn the Academy". (Note: You would think they know, seeing that they probably have members at the Astronomy paper). He holds a meeting to explain the danger of the asteroid destroying the planet but the response from the audience is on the lines of "Ha! Ha!...Ho! Ho!...Eyestrain, you're mad!" The professor storms out of town with his suitcases while ranting "Mad am I! Wait and see you idiots! Then we'll know who's mad!" Twenty years late, Count Darnit is holding a meeting with his five allies to explain the missing professor, and that "He is the only man who can save the world, and one of us must find him!" Now you can choose who to send on this expedition. [The introduction is continue and in more detail in the manual in the form of text.] ... and there we have it, gentlemen", concluded Count Darnit. "Eyestrain disappeared twenty years ago when the scientific world pooh-poohed his idea of a giant asteroid colliding with the Earth. Now the asteroid has appeared and only Eyestrain can destroy it. We have to find him!" " 'ow long 'ave we?" asked Henri Beaucoup, fierce gallic eyes flashing. The most famous duelist in France, he once killed a man for asking him directions. "I am an onion seller, not an atlas!" he explained. His prowess on the unicycle, a legend. "Not long, Henri" conceded Darnit, "hours at most!" "Sticky wicket? What?" chuckled Wilbur Fortisque-Smithe, laconically lighting a small cigar. The truest opening bowler to ever play for England until the controversial 'Jawline' tour of Australia always found the humour in a situation. "We mus' act quickly, Darnit" agreed Wu Pong the fanatical martial artist from Japan. "As a flash", roared Big John Caine the grizzly wrestler for America with what amounted to wit for him. He was gazing at the eleven cameras suspended around Wu Pongs neck. "But where do ve start?", Hans Krusche, the meticulous German brought the conversation back to reality. "Ve haf no idea where he is!" "Not so, Hans" smiled Darnit. "Eyestrain was last seen in a high mountainous plain - fiercely hostile to human survival. Prehistoric birds, acid rain, poisonous snakes and horrible mutations, presumably created by Eyestrain himself. One man, unequipped may just be able to persuade the Professor to save the Earth. There was a moments silence, and then with the courage borne of a thousand close scrapes the intrepid adventurers all spoke at once. .... vital Test Match you see, night before on Thursday! .... 'ave to oversee ze onion crop, otherwise ....... .... never been one to trust a parachute, and my spurs are still being re- chromed ..... .... international Origami Championship in Tokyo. .... Marching display and duelling scar contest. Darnit smiled. "Well someone has to go .... or we're all dead anyway! So have we a volunteer, or do we draw lots? The Adventure: `````````````` Your volunteer selected, he and his party of bearers must move around the landscape and try to find Professor Eyestrain. Eyestrain will then ask for various items from your bearers in order to create an asteroid deflector. Woe betide you if you miss anything. You can collect previously abandoned items from other expeditions by walking over them. Once held by a bearer you can easily use the article whenever you need to. Each character has a key item which he will need to complete the mission. Your character will obey all your instructions, even stupid ones, although this may lead to some head shaking. When stuck the character may have a bright idea about which item to use or then again he may not. It's a race against time. Asteroid Time. And if, 'Asteroid Time', then it's running out fast. Not sure if there is a hidden time limit as the introduction proclaims, maybe they were just being frightful to give you extra stress. You have three lives and each single touch kills you, whether it is a snake, bird or even falling down far enough. When you lose all lives the game is over. Characters: ``````````` Wilbur Fortisque-Smithe: British, likes cricket. Big John Caine: American, likes horses. Herr Krusche: German, likes beer. Wu Pong: Japanese, likes martial arts and *cough* taking photos. Henri Beaucoup: French, king of unicycles apparently. It does not matter which character you choose, they all act the same. There is only one tiny difference in one screen of the game at which point you have a different puzzle to solve depending on your character. See the walkthrough for more details, which collects all the items regardless of which character you use. Objects: ```````` ACME EXPANDING BRIDGE: Obviously a copyright pending on this one as its use is invaluable. Simply place the bridge on one side of a large chasm and it will form a bridge across it. It also automatically retracts and the best part is that you seem to have unlimited uses without picking it back up... ANTI RADIATION PILLS Ever had the situation of radiation preventing you from, hmm, let's say stealing large amounts of plutonium for your DeLorean? Now you can. Simply pop these babies before you enter the area and you will not even die...really! Trust me on this one, you'll get your money back if you fail and since you found these that would be 0 dollars. ATOMIC PILE This pile of...atomic is used for creating devices that the professor needs to save the Earth. Don't ask any more questions, I'm sure he knows what he is doing. BALLOON Fixed at the mountain, you can use it to float up and possible make it to land on said mountain. There aren't any more uses for this, think of it as a lift you can move sideways as well. BATTERY Used to power the Earth-saving device created by the Professor, in other words: vital. BEER BARREL Used only by Herr Krusche and used for his character-specific secret formula puzzle. Who knew beer can make a person drunk, huh?! BELLOWS Used for fires, but also blowing air. For example, a balloon could rise up in the sky if you add a little extra. BUCKET In most games this would probably be called a cart or platform, but in this game you actually get to be transported by a bucket. This thing will only move when you flip a switch, but in return it will drop you off automatically, what a service! CANNON The cannon works with just gunpowder. There are three different types of gunpowder you can use place inside with different effects. Try each type for fun. COAT HANGER Darnit probably thought the Professor would hang up his coat and give up on his plans, but instead he will use this for his device. How ironic. CRICKET BALL Used only by Wilbur Fortisque-Smithe and used for his character-specific secret formula puzzle. I thought he was only joking when was talking about his love for cricket earlier, he can really bowl! CUP OF TEA Must have meant coffee, but I suppose tea also calms the nerves. That is exactly what the professor must do while he is working on the device. ENERGY CRYSTAL Teleports run on energy crystals, every kid knows that. If you didn't then you must have slept through Teleporting & Asteroids 101, back to school for you. FLASHGUN Used only by Wu Pong and used for his character-specific secret formula puzzle. *begin racist Japanese rant here* For one, Wu Pong being a Japanese name is ridiculous already, besides him having to know martial artist, (to quote George Takei: "I find that offensive. Just because I'm of Japanese ancestry you assume I know karate." But what makes this worse is that he uses flash photography to defeat the enemy...any more racial stereotypes in store for us today? *end racist Japanese rant here* Ah, you know I'm just joking about all this. Nice homage to 'Rear Window' I suppose. FLUTE The flute is used in Asian countries like India to charm snakes. One little side note: when you drop down into a pit with snakes at one point during the game, even with the flute equipped you will be killed when you walk through one. This is because else you would be stuck here I guess. Contradictory though. GUNPOWDER Comes in three different sizes; large, medium and small. You want fries with that? Jokes aside, they all go into the cannon. Once you use the cannon you can not go back so choose wisely. In fact if you choose the wrong one you die so chose double wisely, if that exists. PARTY MANIFESTO No clue what that does, I think maybe the professor will not let you help out if you arrive without on, I have never tried. RED BUTTON Part of the professor's device to destroy the asteroid, or maybe his coat was broken and he wanted to fix it so he looks good on his "I saved the Earth from destruction" picture in the newspaper. But why red?! SECRET FORMULA There are two uses for this. One is for using it yourself by creating a bridge over energy sparks leading to the professor. The second is for the professor himself as he can apply this on his device to save the planet from certain doom. SILVER CROSS It may be a myth that silver and crosses defeats vampires, but a silver cross definitely does make them run like girls as this game proofs. SILVER LINING Useless by itself, but you can do much with the power of an anvil. I suppose the hammer comes for free with the set. SPURS Used only by Big John Caine and used for his character-specific secret formula puzzle. Something about horses and spurs that only this rancher knows. SRING Similar to the trampoline, this thing makes you bounce high up into the air to reach places you would never dream of finding. SWITCH A lever if you must, it switches on the bucket that transports you over the large chasm in the cave. Without it you can just stare and wonder why your trusty expanding bridge did not work at this stage. A call to ACME might be in order, 555-ACME4YOU. TRAMPOLINE Similar to the spring, this thing makes you bounce high up into the air to reach places you would never dream of finding...really. Not sure what the differences is between these two devices. UMBRELLA A vital item in your quest. Leap down from ledges without fear of death by using an umbrella carnies like to show off in their shows. (Hang on a minute, cannon, trampoline, umbrella? One would think the previous expedition down here was a frickin' circus! What's next? A darn unicycle or something?) UNICYCLE Used only by Henri Beaucoup and used for his character-specific secret formula puzzle. (OMG...) VACUUM CLEANER A vacuum cleaner (or hoover if you are from the UK, not that this has anything to do with the word hover which happens to be this items ability) that looks like from the 50s, apparently in style in Britain in the 80s. This baby, brought to you by traveling salesmen everywhere, can use a floating device if the wind is strong enough. What a bargain! I'll buy that for a dollar. Too bad the sales person forgot to mention that the winds are only strong enough in two locations. Still, that is pretty good for the amount of trash you can pick up in the clouds. (Hang on, did anyone find it strange you can walk in the clouds, and that there are pillars in the cloud?) Enemies & Hazards: `````````````````` BIRDS These flyers are all over the first area, where you actually have clouds and open air. Once you start entering underground caves and labs they will not be seen. The birds are predictable in their movements and you should normally have an easy time to avoid them, slow as well. SNAKES There are two types of snakes. One is the charmed snake that is rolled up and can be avoided by using the flute. The second type is hiding in rocks and constantly takes a bite into thin air. Of course should you be standing there it will kill you instantly. Very annoying as they are hard to spot and do not have a pattern in their attacks. ACID DROPS They also drop from clouds at the beginning but you will most likely see them a lot in the cave. They can be a tough nut to dodge if the path is narrow or you have to jump at the same spot. What is worst, they often cover the location of an item and you need to jump through their drop line. MONSTERS The good news is that they do not move around and unless you want to get hugged to death they will not harm you. There is only one situation where you actually get close to touch it, so be careful. There is also on place where it may look like you are blocked by one but you can get around without further ado. RADIATION At only one place in the game, you have to use the anti ration pill to get through unharmed. ELECTRIC STRAEM High voltage kills you as well, not a surprise. There is one section where you need to cross it and it is just before meeting the professor. Apply what you have learnt from the secret formula and you can cross. ROBOT There are two robots in the lab. One appears to be a cleaner of sorts, the other is a dangerous clock-like robot. The latter will kill you by driving over your previous body. HEIGHTS You can only drop around half of a screen before the drop will kill you (ok maybe just break your legs but that is bad enough in this situation). Use an umbrella to drop down further unharmed, unless the chasm is just too large or close to bottomless. CANNON Although you use this as a tool to progress, the wrong use will drop you into water or smash you against the mountain. WATER I have not actually tried, but I guess what the cannon does also applies to the situation of simply jumping into the water to drown. Not recommened, and who let these guys "volunteer" to go on this expedition in the first place if they can not swim?! Controls: ````````` Spectrum C64/128 Amstrad CPC MSX Atari ST Amiga Left Z Z Z Z Z Z Right X X X X X X Up 0 P 0 0 P P Down K L K K L L Jump Space Space Space Space Space Space Bearers Left 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bearers Right 2 2 2 2 2 2 Swap/Switch Object S S S S S S Think T T T T T T Music On - F1 - - - F9 Music Off - F3 - - - F10 Abort Caps/Q Shift Ctrl/Esc Ctrl/Stop Ctrl/Esc Ctrl/Esc The directions are easy enough to understand. Jumping is a little awkward but necessary as our heroes cannot even walk up a slope without getting stuck. There are many bearers who carry your items on the way. To cycle between them use the Bearers Left/Right buttons. This is basically just an item cycle but the bearers make it funny I guess, and with all this army on the way I wonder where the hide out or why they can not take care of these enemies while you jump and run through the area. Switching items is between you the bearer on the left side of the few you currently see. If you ever get stuck or do not know what to do in a certain area, simply use the Think command. It gives you a hint in the form of icons that will hopefully be enough to give you a clue of what to do. One might think this is cheating so try not to use it straight away. The rest should be pretty straightforward. Cheats: ``````` Called POKEs on the ZX. (Sorry no other platform's cheats at the moment) Infinite Lives: Address 43517, Value 182 Usually you start with three lives. This cheat will still kill you and revert your position but you will never get game over screen. =============================================================================== 03.) WALKTHROUGH G0300 =============================================================================== Walk right a few steps to pick up the VACUUM CLEANER. Float up to the screen above and land on the left cloud by swapping the item to an empty slot. Walk left and step down to the ledge where your character will shake his head. At this point you have to jump left. It is not too easy and often you will die. If the bird is already on its way to you then go back right and return for another attempt. Basically you will fall half-way through the air but hopefully still land on the left cloud. Pick up the MEDIUM GUNPOWDER and do a similar jump to the left yellow rock. Walk down the mountain and right to the start screen. Float up again with the vacuum cleaner, pick up the ACME EXPANDING BRIDGE and continue right. Collect the PARTY MANIFESTO and walk right yet again until you get the UNICYCLE. Further right are two birds patrolling the area. Follow the lower one closely and quickly climb up the column to reach the UMBRELLA. One screen left, drop down and collect the SILVER LINING in the next screen. Switch to the umbrella and dodge the drops as you fall down below. You will land almost on the FLUTE which you also want. Make sure you keep the flute selected as you walk past the two snakes in the next screen. Drop down into the well. Walk left twice (some of these obstacles are awkward to jump over) to find the FLASHGUN. There is another SMALL GUNPOWDER on the left which turns out to be useful, do not bother and instead turn around to the right past the well to arrive at a large chasm. Select the expandable bridge to get across. In the next screen, select the flute and jump on the rope. Without the flute the snakes would grab you from underneath. Eventually you will end up at a large spring. Jump on it to bounce up. Grab the BELLOWS and the SPURS before jumping over to that monster. Select the flute to make a rope appear. Climb it down and go left twice, using the rope & flute to get past the screen with the snakes again. Use the expandable bridge to get across and climb up the rope in the well. Pick up the CRICKET BALL. Run all the way right and jump into the balloon. Select to the bellows to float up. Float right and unselect the bellows when it is safe to land on the mountain. Walk right to find the ANTI RADIATION PILLS. Select the umbrella and float down to the bottom of the mountain, past the cave with the monster from earlier. In the screen on the right is a LARGE GUNPOWDER. Select the medium barrel, however, and step into the cannon. The large barrel would blast you into the mountain on the right, the small barrel we did not pick up would just land you in the water. With the correct barrel you will land on the side of the chasm. Use the umbrella to float down into the cave below. Before entering the screen to the left, there are five different ways to solve the puzzle in the next area depending on your character. Select the appropriate item and walk into the left screen to retrieve the SECRET FORMULA: Wilbur Fortisque-Smithe: Cricket ball. Big John Caine: Spurs. Herr Krusche: Go right to pick up the beer barrel and then return. Wu Pong: Flashgun Henri Beaucoup: Unicycle When you have the formula, walk right to pick up the BEER BARREL unless you have done with as Krusche already. Continue right twice to find an ENERGY CRYSTAL. This weightless room is a little tricky to maneuver, try not to bounce off the walls too much because there is a way to control your movements. Ride the small blue lift down once and go left. When you walk on the green rope ladder, keep on jumping or else you will fall through and find out you were not the only one to have failed here. Continue left to find a BATTERY and then go left once more. Jump on the trampoline to collect the SWITCH above. Run left and float down using the umbrella (you can possible make it down unharmed without it but you might as well be cautious). Walk left to find a COAT HANGER and continue left for a teleportation device. Place the energy crystal on the table beside it and step into the teleport itself. Before walking left, switch to the anti radiation pills (in my game I did not have to use them, it could be bugged, quite sure you are supposed to be killed here if entering without). Walk into the room to find the ATOMIC PILE. Walk right once more to arrive at a slot. Dodge the dripping acid and jump up to insert the switch into the slot. This activates the bucket in the next screen. Jump into the bucket to get across and walk right all the way to find a a RED BUTTON. Walk back left and flip the switch at the ceiling to get the bucket back on your side. Jump into it to get across and eventually teleport back to the lab. Walk left, climb up the ladder and down on the other side. Step on the blue elevator and ride it down all the way. Walk right all the way but avoid the hazard in the last screen. Ascend the ladder and grab the CUP OF TEA on the left. Descend again and return one screen left. Up the ladder, use the silver lining on the anvil to create a SILVER CROSS. Walk right up here and climb up the ladder and walk right. Wear the silver cross to get scare away the vampire. Use the formula to create a bridge across the deadly energy stream. You have finally made it to Professor Eyestrain. He will also take some time to ask for them so just wait around until he does. When it is time for the next item he will have icons above his head for the specific objects. Select the items in the following order: Secret Formula, Coat Hanger, Battery, Atomic Pile, Red Button, Cup Of Tea. You have saved the Earth from destruction, pinball style! =============================================================================== YY.) VERSION HISTORY GYY00 =============================================================================== v1.0 First release, complete (1st of July 2008) =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Teque & Grandslame for the game, parts were taken from their manual. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=