Date: Sun, 14 Feb 99 07:11:02 PST TTTTTTTTTT EEEEEEEEEE KK KK KK KK EEEEEEEEEE NNN NN 33333333333 TT EE KK KK KK KK EE NN N NN 3 3 3 TT EEEEEEEE KKK KKK EEEEEEEE NN N NN 3 3 3 TT EE KK KK KK KK EE NN N NN 3 3 3 TT EEEEEEEEEE KK KK KK KK EEEEEEEEEE NN NNN 33333333333 -----------------------Complete Endings List-------------------------------- This is the COMPLETE endings list for Tekken 3. It has a LOT of endings, and they're all confusing. Well, here goes: Jin Kazama- Dirty Blood Jin stands, watching Ogre dissolve. Sparks fly out from the pyramid-temple that Ogre was in. Jin then looks angrily upon a fleet of soldiers as they open fire. As Jin looks up, dying, he sees Heihachi shoot him last. Heihachi begins walking away, but sees one of the soldiers go flying by him and hits the wall in a heep. Turning, he sees Jin, who has become posessed by Devil (from Tekken 2). Jin grabs Heihachi by the head and throws him through a wall to plummet to his death. Jin jumps out after Heihachi as wings sprout from his back, and slams the old man into the ground. Jin flies away into the night as Heihachi (who doesn't seem to be hurt in the least!) watches. Paul Pheonix- Winning Run Paul guns it on his motorcycle behind a transport, and quickly passes the truck. A cop on a bike sees him, and gives chase. It shows Paul complaining as the cop rights up a ticket, and tears it off, giving it to Paul. Forest Law- Middle Age Paul pulls up to the front of Marshall's Dojo, Forest on the back of the bike. Marshall looks pissed off as they walk in, and points back towards the training mats. It chows all three stretching, then switches to Forest. He pulls of half of a Shaolin Spin Kick, then catches himself on his hands and swings back to his feet. There's two *thunk* kind of sounds as the screen shakes, and it shows Paul and Marshall on the ground. Forest shrugs. King- Destiny King is in a wrestling match against some masked guy, with Armor King is watching at the sidelines. King whips the guy into the ropes and clotheslines him. Armor King gives a thumbs down, signalling King to finish the guy. King gives the jobber a powerbomb and wins a belt, but looks around to see no Armor King! He drops the belt and runs back to the dressing room to see Armor King, without his mask on. Yoshimitsu/Dr. Bosconovitch- Ogre's Blood Yoshi and Dr. B are in a laboratory. A jar labeled "Ogre's Blood" sits on the counter, filled with a bubbling green liquid. They waych as a test mouse drinks some of the blood from a petri dish, and look at eachother. It zooms up close to the mouse, whose stomach seems to be beating. It goes to outside the large house, where we see Yoshi running with the Doc under his arm. The house explodes as a giant mouse goes flying out towards the screen. Nina Williams- War Between Sisters Nina is shown in a thing that look like a tanning bed, at Mishima Financial Research Lab. Dr. Bosconovitch is typing on a computer, and Anna is watching on. "Work was underway to restore Nina's memories, but..." It oes to a graveyard in the winter, with Anna bringing flowers to their fathers' grave. Nina starts getting blurred flashbacks, and Anna goes to see if her sister is okay. Nina knocks down Anna, and points at her (looks like she's saying "you bitch!"). Nina walks away as Anna holds her face. Zooming in, Anna smiles. Lei Wulong- Afternoon Nap Lei is on top of a mountain training.with a spinning bowl thing. It flashes over to a snowy mountain where he is training moving an egg along some bamboo poles. He is also shown training with a sword on another mountain. Then it shows him stretching out, cradled in the arms of a sitting golden statue. Eddy Gordo- Fixer A car pulls up at a mansion, and a goon gets out. It flashes over too Eddy's apartment. Eddy shows up at the mansion (the Organization's HQ), and trashes one goon. He shakes the other one down, and the goon points to a desk. Eddy is shown sitting at the desk, looking at some black and white snapshots of Kazuya Mishima. Hwoarang- Rival Hwoarang is sitting at the edge of a dock, holding a golden trophy that looks like Heihachi's head. He is about to throw it away, when he sees an injured Jin head into an empty warehouse with three soldiers following him. Hwoarang sneeks in, throwing the trophy forward. He kicks on soldier into the other, and grabs the other on by the arm and snaps his neck. Jin starts to power up, and super-jumps out a window. Hwoarang stares at his hands, and starts to smile. Ling Xiaoyu- Dreamland? It shows "Xiaoyu Land". Xiaoyu and Panda ride a rollercoaster, go on the merry-go-round, and run around buying a whole lotta stuff. It goes down from a thought bubble in her head. Heihachi is shown holding a big power switch, and throws it. Xiaoyu Land is a lot darker, with huge golden statues of Heihachi everywhere. The "Xiaoyu Land" sign falls of, revealing "Heihachi Land". Heihachi laughs evilly. Xiayou taps Heihachi on the shoulder, and when he turns around Xiaoyu karate chops his face "J", smashes him in the stomach "E", punchs him back "R", and kicks him up "K". The word "JERK!" Flashes onscreen. (Note this one is mostly done in anime) Kuma/Panda- Honey... At the Mishima Polytechnical Institute, Ling Xiaoyu and Panda walk out chatting busily (uh, Panda can talk?). The shadow of Kuma is shown, as if he is going to ambush them. Kuma jumps out with flowers for Panda, but the two don't even notice him and they walk right by. Kuma is shown standing in that position for hours, as someone closes the gates of the Institute at dusk and Kuma is still there. Julia Chang- Homecoming Julia looks around the temple, calling out Michelle's name. Michelle appears, and Julia runs to her as Michelle collapses. Later, they are sitting on stairs in the temple, discussing Ogre: Michelle: You have conquered Ogre. Now the key to controlling Ogre is this pendant. It was all Heihachi's evil plot... Julia: I'll never let Heihachi get away with this! Michelle: No, Julia, wait! Julia, hatred is not the answer. Do you remember why I tought you the power to fight? It was to protect Mother Earth, not destroy it. Now let's go home to Arizona, where the land awaits. Julia is shown looking off into the horizon at the edge of a canyon. Gun Jack- Complete Jill is working on a computer in an old hangar, trying to get Jack operational. A schematic for Jack flashes onscreen, along with the words "King of Iron Fist". Jill smiles as Jack becomes operational, and climbs up on to him. The pair go outside into the wilderness. Dr. Abel is shown using a tracking satellite to target them, and shoots a huge laser beam down from the satellite. The result is a powerful explosion, destroying the land. But Jack shielded himself and Jill from harm with an energy shield, and looks up into the sky. (If you beat it without the Jack-2 outfit, it doen't show anything past the explosion) Mokujin- Uppercut Mokujin gets smacked by his wife (I guess) and she tells him to get some water. As Mokujin walks home with two pails of water, he sees a couple of wooden kids playing Tekken 3. He plays as himself, beating his wife up. His wife his standing right behind him, and when Mokujin turns around he gets a big juicy uppercut and goes flying. (note except for the wooden people, everthing in this is live-action) Anna Williams- Poolside Anna and Nina are in the tropics catching some rays, when three guys come up and check out Nina. Nina roles her eyes and turns to Anna, who is hanging out with two of the guys. As she starts walking away, all three of the guys follow Anna. Nina sits there in shock, staring at the camera, as Anna smiles. Bryan Fury- Last Laugh Bryan is running down an alley, and knock over a trash can. A tank and five soldiers corner him, and a huge spotlight comes on. The soldiers start shooting at him, but he runs forward unscathed. The tank shoots at him, but he keeps running. He jumps on top of the tank and pulls off the cannon. Seeing the soldiers running away, he swings the cannon around and heaves it at them in a big explosion. Bryan laughs maniacally. (from the looks of it, Bryan Fury is undead in one form or another) Heihachi Mishima- A Grandson's Fall True Ogre is shown dying, as Heihachi watches. Jin is lying unconscious on the floor of the temple. The view changes to helicopters flying along. Heihachi and the unconscious Jin are in one of them, as Devil, starts taking over Jin. Heihachi picks Jin up and throws him out the open side of the helicopter. It shows Jin fall out of sight as Heihachi watches on. Ogre/True Ogre- Awakening Ogre starts to bubble up, then starts shapeshifting in much pain. He morphs into True Ogre, and roars. Two helicopters fly towards the temple, and Ogre nails one with his flame-breath. The other spins out of control and Ogre destroys it with one huge fist. Ogre roars again in a very cool-looking shot. Tiger- Supa Fly! Tiger is simply shown disco dancing to some funky-ass music. He's just so smooooooth! (note: press Start with Eddy Gordo after using him 10 times to get Tiger) Gon- Loop Gon shoots out of the water, riding on the back of a doplhin. They are hit by a whale, and Gon shoots up into the air on the whale's blowhole spray (oh, shut up!)he hits the ground in a forest and starts rolling really quick, knocking over trees and sending animals running. He steals a fish from a hungry bear as he lies by, and funally stops on the back of a puma, finishing off the fish. The puma starts running, and Gon goes flying when it stops at the edge of a clif. Gon lands on a seagull, and after a minute tries to fly with his arms and tail. He stops flying after a few seconds, and falls into the ocean. (Note: it loops around and around and around and around and around and around and around...) Well, hope you enjoyed the endings and the game! Kyle Lees Other FAQS: Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout Works in progress: WCW/nWo Thunder