Jin Kazama Faq v.3.0 6:33 PM 5/9/97 Compiled by Aoi (William Knight) Saekkiam Tekken 3 Mezzanine http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/3297 Newsgroup: rec.games.video.arcade IRC Channel: #tekken3 Email: aknight@frontiernet.net Jin Kazama Faq (C)1997 William Knight all rights reserved. For recreation purposes only. Any version of my "Jin Kazama Faq" may be reproduced in it's whole form please do not take sections and reproduce them. If any information from this faq is used anywhere in any type of media (magazines,books, electonic media, & anything related) where money is compensated please consult me, do not take it upon yourself to just "rip" information from this faq as you please. Yes I will name names, ehem EGM. I used to buy an issue or so but you can forget it now with all the stealing you've been doing. This faq looks perfect in the generic MS-DOS text editor edit.com Type edit.com at a MS-DOS prompt and print from there the results are great I used edit.com and notepad in monospace format to write this faq. Revisions from version 2.0 to 3.0 are I added some new juggles,commentary, strategies, and two or so moves to the movelist. If you encounter any errors in this faq even typographical errors please contact me you will be credited. ############################################################################# ########################### Table of Contents ############################### ############################################################################# Introduction to Jin's FAQ v3.0 1)Tekken 3 Storyline 2)Moves Conventions 3)Brief glossary of terms 4) General Description of Jin - Jin's story line - Jin's appearance - Jin's profile 5) Jin's move list 6) Comparison of Jin’s moves to Kazuya & Jun's moves 7) Jin's juggles 8) Jin's stun punch combos 9) Jin's canned combos 10) Jin's unconventional combos 11)" Armageddon Stun Combo" and a little something I call "Pearl Harbor" 12) Jin's strategy a) Jin V.S. the computer b) Jin V.S. humans 13) Okizeme Tactics 14) Credits ############################################################################# ########################### Tekken 3 Storyline ############################## ############################################################################# The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2 draws to a close. Jun Kazama comes to the stunning realization that Kazuya's supernatural strength stems from Devil. But she cannot help being drawn to him, propelled by a mystic force beyond her control. Several days later, the final challenger arrives to face Kazuya, the organizer of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2. In a reprise of the first Tekken Tournament, the father and son clash in a cursed blood battle. Eventually, Heihachi emerges scarred but victorious to regain control of the immense Mishima Conglomerate. Unaware of Devil's presence, Heihachi casts the lifeless Kazuya into a fiery volcano. As Kazuya's body burns, Devil appears before the pregnant Jun Kazama in a bid to enter the soul of the new life beating within her. But in a desperate struggle for the future of her child, Jun defeats Devil and retires to desolate Yakushima so as to raise Kazuya's son, Jin, alone. Having regained control of the Mishima Conglomerate, Heihachi sets about to further increase his powers. He embarks on a crusade to win the trust of world leaders by putting wars and conflicts to rest. Using his immeasurable wealth, he forms Tekkenshu, a mercenary group employed to quell conflicts efficiently. He also takes strong interest in the well-being of developing nations by helping them build agricultural systems that will sustain them. Through Heihachi's efforts, the world appears to be regaining peace. Around fifteen years have passed, the winter of Jin Kazama's 15 years birthday. Under Heihachi's orders, the Tekkenshu are excavating a Central American archeological site when they discover a mysterious life form. Heihachi orders the creature's capture, but loses contact with the Tekkenshu after a garbled radio message, "... they are all dead... Toshin (Fighting God)?!..." Upon arriving at the dig, Heihachi finds a field of corpses. Heihachi is wracked by sorrow, but also realizes "the power of the mysterious life form could be the key to my long dormant dream of world domination." To obtain Toshin, and moreover, the world, Heihachi tempts the fates once again... Within weeks, strange disappearances occur throughout the world. Persons of strong soul, masters of martial arts and other derivative fighting disciplines are reported missing... with no knowledge of their whereabouts. Jun Kazama instinctively picks up on the dark power encroaching on her life. She has no understanding of what it is, but senses that she has become a target. Accepting her destiny, she tells Jin everything she knows of their haunted past to prepare him for the fateful day she now feels is imminent. Among her instructions, one is for Jin to go to his grandfather Heihachi should anything befall her. Her intuition proves right on a cold, stormy night. Toshin comes to the mountains bringing a chilling, swirling wind. "Run away!" cries Jun, Jin opts to face Toshin against his mother's pleas and is knocked unconscious. When Jin awakens, the house and everything around it is burned to the ground. Searching frantically for his mother she is nowhere to be found. Jun dies at Toshin's hands. Honoring her instructions, Jin goes to Heihachi and begs to be trained to exact revenge. Heihachi, hearing Jin's tale, is convinced that Toshin is after the souls of powerful fighters. To attract Toshin, Heihachi decides to host the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3. Four years later, the winter of Jin Kazama's 19 year birthday. The curtains rise for the King of Iron Fist Tournament 3. ############################################################################# ########################### Tekken 3 Conventions ############################ ############################################################################# f - tap forward F - hold forward b - tab back B - hold back u - tap up U - hold up d - tap down D - hold down d/f - tap down and forward D/F - hold down and forward d/b - tap down and back D/B - hold down and back u/f - tap up and forward U/F - hold up and forward u/b - tap down and back U/B - hold up and back QCF - quarter circle toward (d,d/f,f) QCB - quarter circle back(d,d/b,d) HCF - half circle toward (b,d/b,d,d/f,f) HCB - half circle back (f,d/f,d,d/b,b) .----------------- LEFT PUNCH | .-------------- RIGHT PUNCH | | | | | | | | O O O O | | | | | | | | | ._________________ RIGHT KICK .____________________ LEFT KICK FC------------> full crouch (must be in full crouching animation) N------------> no direction pressed on the joystick WR------------> while running WS------------> while rising SS------------> sidestep+ do moves on either side(s) together ~------------> immediately followed by... =------------> Denotes that move has optional extension ( _ )------------> denotes "or" - used for optional commands (f-throw)------------> forward throw (s-throw)------------> side throw (b-throw)------------> back throw (g-throw)------------> ground throw (c-throw)------------> crouch throw (starter)------------> multi-part starter ******************************* Standard Attacks **************************** ***************************************************************************** f,f------------> Forward Dash b,b------------> Backward Dash b,b,b,N------------> Backflip (only some characters) u,N------------> Axis Shift - Sidestep d,N------------> Axis Shift - Sidestep d+lp------------> Low Left Jab d+rp------------> Low Right Jab d/f+lp------------> Uppercut d/f+rp------------> Uppercut (Juggles) d+lk------------> Left Sweep d+rk------------> Right Sweep d/f+lk------------> Side Kick d/f+rk------------> Front Kick (u/b_u_u/f)------------> Jump (u_u/f+rp)------------> Quick Pounce f,f,f------------> Run f,f,F------------> Shoulder Smash WR+b------------> Stop Running WR+lp+rp------------> Running Dive WR+lk------------> Flying Side Kick WR+rk------------> Sliding Leg Trip lp+rp+lk+rk------------> Ki Power (raises block damage) lp+rp+lk+rk------------> Reversal Break(must be done at the beginning of reversal animation) ******************************* While on ground ***************************** ***************************************************************************** U------------> Stand Up D+lp------------> Roll Over lp------------> Roll Sideways rk------------> Get Up With Sweep lk------------> Get Up With Side Kick D+rk------------> Ankle Kick B------------> Roll Backwards b,b+lk+rk------------> Get Up F------------> Roll Forwards f,f+lp+rp------------> Forward Dive _/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Glossary _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Reversal: A reversal is when a character actually grabs your arm or leg as you attack and reverses it. Usually either with an arm or leg break, or some kind of throw. Only certain characters have these 'reversals' and sometimes they are referred to as a 'Meta technique'. Stun: A stun is basically an attack that when hits, or sometimes even blocked, stuns the opponent for a short amount of time. Sometimes the stun is very quick, and other stuns will actually make you fall over. There are two main types of stuns: the 'block stun' and the 'counter stun'. See their definitions separately. Ten hit string: A ten hit string is a preprogrammed set of linked attacks that add up to usually ten hits(sometimes nine). It is one of the things Tekken was famous for, and now there are about 3 times as many in Tekken 2. These are not to be confused with combos, as these have many places to be able to effectively block or interrupt. Axis shift: An axis shift is the act of actually shifting axis from the traditional x fighting plane. You shift axis all the time in normal Tekken game play, but an axis shift is usually considered one that is performed as an actual move. Combo: A combo is often miss interpreted with a string. A combo in general is a series of moves that work well together happening smoothly so that it is difficult or impossible to block. A string is generally the same, though a string is not guaranteed to keep hitting you should you miss a block somewhere along the way. There are many types of combos and strings so you will have to check the definition of each for a thorough understanding.(true combo, pre: canned combo, juggle combo, ten hit string) Pre-canned combo: A pre canned combo is very much like a string, though the difference is usually the actual moves that are performed. The name 'string' is usually reserved for ten strings or parts of them, while a pre canned combo is usually a pre determined set of attacks generally used as one move. Much like Law's kicks, or Heihachi's jab 'combos' and such. Juggle combo: A juggle combo is a combo performed while your opponent is floating in the air with no chance to block, thus all juggle combos are considered 'true combos'. A juggle combo generally starts with a move, or set of moves that launch your opponent into the air and allow you to 'juggle' them with more moves. These are the best type of combos in Tekken because you cannot block a juggle combo once you're floating in the air. Interrupt: An interrupt is the act of 'interrupting' your opponents attack with an attack of your own. It is generally referred to in the ten hit string when you stop your opponent early, usually by a quick move like a jab or sweep. It can also be used yourself if you 'interrupt' the natural progression of a ten string or a pre canned combo by stopping it early. Thus you 'interrupted' the string/combo. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ General Description _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ | | ------- ------- | | _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Jin's Storyline _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ At the age of 15, he knew that he was Kazuya Mishima's son, and at the same time, he lost his mother, Jun Kazama. Jin trained himself under the supervision of Heihachi every day with the intention of defeating Toshin who is supposed to have killed his mother. For him, Heihachi was his grandfather and also a reliable "teacher". Four years have passed, and Jin Kazama is 19 years old now. Mastering the Kazama style of Judo and Mishima style Fighting Karate, Jin starts to take action as a martial artist. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Jin's Appearence _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ Jin is one original looking character. Devil from Tekken 2 resembled Kazuya Mishima because they were palette swapped. Jin on the other hand looks like Jin. He has no obvious traits that would make you automatically assume he was Kazuya Mishima and Jun Kazama's son. Although his stature is just like his father Kazuya but his fighting style is truly amazing. He is a mixture of Kazuya and Jun which in Tekken 2 would have been the ultimate character. You know how hard Kazuya could get, well if you imagine him with reversals you get Jin with a little Kazama finesse. *********************************** Outfits ********************************* ***************************************************************************** Player 1: Topless, black pants w/flame going up one leg. Red gloves with rivets on the back like Kazuya Mishima. Player 2: Gold & black jacket with black biker type pants w/red streak going vertically along the side. Black gloves. Special Outfit: Blue & black puffy gi top w/blue & black pants. Black gloves. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Jin's Profile_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ "Fatal Lightning" Nation of origin: Japan Fighting Style: Advanced Mishima Style Karate and Kazama Style self-defense Age: 19 Height: 180cm Weight: 75kg Blood Type:AB Occupation:Martial Artist Hobby:Forest Bathing Likes:Mother's precepts Dislikes:Deceiving others _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Jin's Complete Movelist_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ********************************** Throws ************************************ ****************************************************************************** (f-throw)lp+lk------------->Roundhouse/Hook kick (f-throw)rp+rk------------->Arm Break, Shoulder Toss f,f+lp+rp------------->Headbutt d/f+rp+lk------------->Striking Shiho-Nage QCB+lp+lk--------------->Wrist Toss (rs-throw) lp+lk_rp+rk------------->Arm Twister (ls-throw) lp+lk_rp+rk------------->Sideways Toss (b-throw) lp+lk_ rp+rk------------->Mop the Floor ****************************** Special Attacks ******************************** ******************************************************************************* b+lp+lk------------->Reversal b+rp+rk------------->Reversal b+lp+rp-------------->Electric Guard ss,rp------------->Tooth Fairy (Juggles) lp,rp,lk,rk--------->Shoot the Works lp,rp,lk,rk,B+rk--------->Shoot the Works w/Arching Right Hook Kick lp,rp,lk,rk,F+lk--------->Shoot the Works w/Arching Left Hook Kick B+rk------------->Arching Right Roundhouse F+lk-------------->Arching Left Roundhouse D+lp+rp (starter)------------------------------------->Ultimate Tackle = lp+rp-------------------------------------->Arm Bar = lp,rp,lp,rp,lp--------------------------->Mounted Punches = lp,rp,lp,lp+rp-------------------------->3 Mounted Punches, Arm Bar f,n,d,d/f+rp------------->Wind Godfist b,f+rp----------------------->Gut Punch (stuns on counterhit) b,f+rp,lp,rp---------------->Gut Punch, Elbow, Stomach Rush b,f+rp,lp,d+rp---------------->Gut Punch, Elbow, Piston Uppercut (ws)+rp---------------->Piston Uppercut (ws)+lp,rp------------->Twin Pistons lp,rp,rp------------------>Devil Fists lp,lp,rp------------------>Shining Fists uf,n,rk,rk,rk,rk------------->Rising Sun -> Devil Sweep -> Roundhouse f,n,d,d/f+lp------------->Thunder Godfist f,n,d,d/f+lp~lk------------->Thunder Godfist w/sidekick f,n,d,d/f+lp~rk------------->Thunder Godfist w/hellsweep u/f+rp+lk------------------>Corpse Splitter lp+rp+lk+rk------------>Ki Power (raises block damage) lp+rk,rp,(rk or d+rk)------------>White Heron Combo d+lk+rk------------->Can-Can Kicks f,n,d,d/f+rk----------->Hellsweep f,n,d,d/f+rk,rk-------->Hellsweep w/sidekick rk~lk------------------------->Flipkick f,f+rp------------->Stomach Rush f+rp------------->Overhead Smash (stuns) d/f+lp,rp------------->Low Shot -> Overhead Smash Combo f+rk------------->Knee f,f+lk------------->Axe Kick d/f+rk,rk----------->Double Axe Kick lp,rp,rk----------------->1-2 Jabs, Knee lp,rp,lk----------------->1-2 Jabs, Axe Kick ****************************** Ten Hit Combos ******************************** ****************************************************************************** b+rp,rk,rk,rk,rk,rp,lp+rk,rp,lp,rk b+rp,rk,rk,rk,rk,rp,lp+rk,rp,lp,lk f,f,N+rp,lp,rp,rp,lk,rk,rk,lp,rp,lp f,f,N+rp,lp,rp,rp,lk,rk,rk,lk,rp,lp lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,rp,rp,lp,lk lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,rp,rp,lp,rk lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,rp,rp,lk+rk lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,rp,lp,lp,rp ******************************Five & Nine Hit Combos ******************************* ****************************************************************************** f,f,N+rp,lp,rk,rk,rp,rk,lk,rp,lp b+rp,rk,rp,lp,rp lp,rp,lp+rk,rp,(rk or d+rk) lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,rp,rp,lp,rp lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,rp,lp,rk lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,rp,lp,lk lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,rp,lk+rk lk,rp,rk,lk,lp+rk,lp,lp,rp ****************************** Unblockables *********************************** ******************************************************************************* b+lp+rk----------------->Spinning Godfist B+lp+rk---------------->Double Spinning Godfist ############################################################################# ################################# Comparison ################################ ############################################################################# Jin has many of Jun's flashy and finesse moves, but he takes on Kazuya's power and has speed from both parents. Some of his ten hits show the devastation of mixing Jun and Kazuya's moves, you will have to learn them and do them to see what I am talking about. All in all Jin is without a doubt one of the most powerful characters in the game. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Jin's Juggle Combos _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ SS= Sidestep (sidestep motion is done down~up) Extended words= Juggle Starters TGF= Thunder Godfist ws+rp---------->Piston Uppercut (must counterhit for TGF to hit cause you get the opponent juggling way high) f,n,d,d/f+lp,lk, rk~lk ss,rp---------->Tooth Fairy(Juggles) lp,rp,lk lp,rp,rk lp,rp,df+rk lp,df+rk,rk lp,lp,rp,rp lp,f,f+rp lp,df+lp,rp lp,rp,df+rp lp,d+lk+rk lp,rp,f,n,d,df+rp lp,rp,rk,rk~lk lp,lp+rk,lp+rk, f,n,d,d/f+rk (new) lp, b,f+rp,lp,rp (new) f,n,d,df+rp------------->Wind Godfist lp,rp,lk lp,rp,rk lp,rp,df+rk lp,df+rk,rk lp,lp,rp,rp lp,f,f+rp lp,d/f+lp,rp lp,rp,df+rp lp,d+lk+rk lp,rp,f,n,d,df+rp lp,rp,rk,rk~lk lp,lp+rk,lp+rk, f,n,d,d/f+rk (new) lp, b,f+rp,lp,rp (new) lp, f,n,d,d/f+rk, d/f+rk,rk (new) d+lk+rk------------->Can-Can Kicks (more are under the stun sombos) d+lk+rk lp,rp,rk lp,rp,lk lp,rp,df+rk lp,lp+rk,lp+rk, f,n,d,d/f+rk (new) lp, b,f+rp,lp,rp (new) ############################################################################# Standard Juggles: Combos starting with f,N,d,d/f+rp can also begin with WS+rp and SS+rp. ############################################################################# f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp, lp,lp,rp f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp, lp,rp,rp f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp, lp,rp,lk f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp,rp, d/f+rk,rk f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp, lp+rk,rp,rk f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp,rp, f,N,d,d/f+rp f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp,rp, f,f+rp f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp, d/f+lp,rp f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp,rp,rk f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp,rp,lk f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp,rp,rk, f+rp f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp,rp,rk, f,f+rp f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp,rp,rk, lp+rk f,N,d,d/f+rp, lp,rp,rk, f,N,d,D/F+rk,rk f,N,d,d/f+rp, b+1+2 (electric guard, no damage just fun to do) ############################################################################# Stun Punch Combos (you can do w/out stun also) You can do any of the combos (piston uppercut,tooth fairy,wind godfist, etc. I just used the Can-Can starter for default purposes. ############################################################################# b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, d/f+rk,rk b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp,lp,rp b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, d+1, WS+rk,rk b,f+rp(stun), f,f+lk, d/f+rk,rk b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp+rk, lp,rp,rp (new) b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp+rk, lp,lp,rp b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp+rk,rp, lp,lp,d/f+rk,rk (very tough to connect afer lp,lp) (new) b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp+rk,rp, f+rp b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp+rk,rp, f,f+rp b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp+rk,rp, f+rp,d/f+rk (new) b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp+rk,rp, f+rk, f,n,d,d/f+rk,rk (new) b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp+rk,rp, f,n,d,d/f+rp (new) b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp+rk,rp, f,f+lk (new) b,f+rp(stun), d+lk+rk, lp+rk,lp+rk, f,n,d,d/f+rk (new) b,f+rp(stun), f,f+lk, lp+rk,lp+rk,rp, f,n,d,d/f+rk,rk (new) b,f+rp(stun), f,f+lk, lp+rk,lp+rk,rp,d+rk (new) b,f+rp(stun), f,f+lk, lp+rk,lp+rk,rp, f,f+rp (new) b,f+rp(stun), b,f+rp,lp,rp, lp+rk, d/f+rk,rk (new) b,f+rp(stun), b,f+rp,lp,d+rp, lp+rk, d/f+rk,rk (new) b,f+rp(stun), f,n,d,d/f+rp, b,f+rp,lp,d+rp, lp+rk, d/f+rk,rk (new) b,f+rp(stun), f,n,d,d/f+rp, b,f+rp,lp,d+rp, f,f+rp (new) ############################################################################# Miscellaneous Juggles (new) ############################################################################# You must get a bounce on the first left kick which is an axe kick to finish the juggles that have a left kick listed at the beginning of the combo. lp,rp,lk, lp+rk,rp, d/f+rk,rk lp,rp,lk, lp+rk,rp, f,f+rp f,f+lk, lp+rk,rp, d/f+rk,rk f,f+lk, lp+rk,rp, f,f+rp d/f+rp, lp+rk,rp, f,f+rp ############################################################################# Hellsweep & Axe Kick Combos ############################################################################# f,N,d,d/F+rk, d/f+rk,rk f,N,d,d/F+rk, lp+rk,rp,rk f,f+lk, d/f+rk,rk f,f+lk, lp+rk,rp,rk ############################################################################# Armageddon Stun Combo ############################################################################# This stun combo does 122% damage with 4 hits (with the flipkick it does 122%, I am not sure what damage the others do yet) b,f+rp------> Gut Punch (stuns on counterhit) f,n,d,d/f+lp~lk------------->Thunder Godfist w/sidekick You can end the combo off with either of these 4 enders: rk~lk----->Flipkick For the next 3 you have to run up to them f,N,d,d/f+rk----->Hellsweep d/f+rk,rk----->Axe Kicks, f,N,d,D/F+rk,rk----->Hellsweep, Spinning back kick *NOTE* They maybe able to roll away from the flipkick. ############################################################################# Pearl Harbor "Mishima Style" This one is: Power,Quickness,Stealth ############################################################################# "Pearl Harbor" uses some okizeme tactics, so this is a perfect combo to get used to if you want to learn okizeme. b,f+rp------>Gut Punch (stuns on counterhit) f,n,d,d/f+rp,lp------>Wind Godfist, jab lp+rk,lp+rk,rp------>Two White Herons (the 1st one is just sweep,jab the 2nd Heron is sweep,jab,backfist) || || .--------------- ---------------. | | | | | | | | | | | | .---- ----. .---- ----. | | | | f,n,d,d/f+rk-->One Hellsweep or f,n,d,d/f+rk,rk-->Hellsweep, spin back kick | | | | | | | | .---- ----. .---- ----. | | | | d/f+rk,rk------>Axe Kicks or rk~lk------>Flipkick *NOTE* They maybe able to roll away from the flipkick. ############################################################################# Pearl Harbor "Kazama Style" This one is: Finesse,Skill,Flashiness ############################################################################# b,f+rp------>Gut Punch (stuns on counterhit) d+rk+lk------>Can-Can Kicks,jab lp+rk,lp+rk,rp,quickly dash forward while tapping--->lp+rk Three White Herons (the 1st one is just trip,jab the 2nd Heron is trip,jab,backfist, the last is just the trip,jab) f,n,d,d/f+rk,rk-------->Double Axe Kicks (I have only been able to get one of the axe kicks to connect) You even might be able to tack on a Corpse Splitter too for both Mishima & Kazama Styles. This is just awesome to look at. I will have a movie with Jin's juggles so you can see for yourself if you have trouble doing them or just doubt that they actually work. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Jin's Strategy _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ************************* Basic strategy when using Jin********************** versus CPU Characters ***************************************************************************** 1)Canned combos like the White Heron combo lp+rk,rp, add extra hits to a floating opponent, mix up different moves after the white heron to make up powerful juggles. 2)If opponents are ducking alot do the Overhead Smash (stuns) f+rp to get them standing and be weary of ducking anymore. I usally tack on a hellsweep, spin back kick after the overhead smash. 2B) With the hellsweep after a combo, you may have to run in to do it. You won't have to go too far, but enough to connect with both the hellsweep and back kick. 3)When playing against tougher characters like Hwoarang and Yoshimitsu on later stages opt for a defensive style and emphasize reversals into your arsenal. Watch out though cause a reversal can be reversed. 4)If you can stun any character and get them reeling forward do the Armeggedon Stun Combo. Even if they fall backwards you can still hit them, but getting them to fall forwards gives you extra time to do combos, throws, or whatever you want to do to punish them. 5) Learn Jin's combos. Even if you learn at least two, have something to fall back on in case you are in a jam. Ten hits can come in handy. Be careful because ten hits can be reversed, blocked or interrupted in certain places in the combo. 6) For low standing/attacking characters like Ling Xiaoyu and Eddy Gordo use hellsweep combos in your arsenal because if you notice they are not always in a defensive crouch when attacking low (ie.) In Ling's Art of Phoenix (low outspread arms) she is in an offensive crouch which leaves you with the logical question "Can she block while in her Art of Phoenix stance". The conclusion I have come up with against the computer is some of the time "no" she won't block while in the stance because her legs are wide open for sweeps. Although she does also block like Chun-Li from Street Fighter so you can expect a fight to sweep her off her feet while in the AOP stance. You never know though because the CPU can pull off some crazy stuff in the heat of a battle. As for Eddy, when he gets into his low swaying stance treat him the same way as Ling, do hellsweep combos. Here are some examples of hellsweep combos: f,N,d,d/f+rk, d/f+rk,rk----------->Hellsweep, Double axe kicks f,N,d,d/f+rk, lp+rk,rp,rk----------->Hellsweep, White Heron Combo 7)Versus Ling Xiaoyu (look above) 8)Versus Eddy Gordo (look above) 9)Versus Hwoarang: When playing against Hwoarang, add reversals to your arsenal and duck his high attacks so you can get a chance to stun him with the gut punch (f+2). I play against him sort of like I played Baek Doo San from Tekken 2. I say sort of like Baek because he fights a little different than Baek, but not much. I usually wait for Hwoarang to attack because he can get real aggressive in latter stages and he turns into a brawler after a while coming straight at you using heavy damage techniques. The ten hit (b+rp,rk,rk,rk,rk,rp,lp+rk,rp,lp,rk) seems to be a problem for the CPU Hwoarang, but don't do it over and over cause like any Tekken game, the CPU will seem to catch on quickly. 10)Versus Nina: Use Okizeme tactics whenever you get this girl on the ground. If not expect to fight for your life. I really don't have that much trouble with her early on, but latter stages prove to be more difficult because I usually have to get real technical with her using juggle combos, okizeme, and keeping her away from me anyway I can. 11)Versus King: King loves to do multithrows and the (B+lp+rp) Irish Whip, (lk+rk) Toss to Ground. Whenever you see him ducking for a multithrow knee him right in the chin. If you are not quick enough and get grabbed anyways, try breaking out of the throw by hitting (rp+rk) or (lp+lk) early on when he does the over the shoulder flip. When yo land on the ground and as King gets ready for the next part of the multithrow you character kicks him in the knee breaking out. For the Irish Whip, toss to the ground try the quick rise if you are still alive. If you stay down too long King will try to grab your legs and do a ground throw. 12)Versus Forrest: Personally I love reversing Forrest, but for a straight fight against him I usually like to start off with pre-canned combos like the 4-hit starter for one of Jin's newer ten hits. I doesn't have a name but I'll call it Lightning Rush beacuse it is mainly high attacks that just smother the opponent if you connect it is lk,rp,rk,lk. I like to finish things off so I usually do this lk,rp,rk,lk, f,n,d,d/f+rk, d/f+rk,rk. It is the same 4-hit starter, but I just include the hellsweep, double axe kicks for extra measure. After that I then follow up with a hellsweep if he is slow getting up. 13)Versus Lei: Lei's main weakness is transitioning between stances. Take advantage of this period, it is very quick though. Also Lei likes to play dead (d+3+4) more than ever. I just back up way out of his range and just sit there. I am not turtling but if he wants to lay there on the ground and think I am coming near him he can forget it unless I do maybe a flipkick or corpse splitter but that is questionable because he'll just get up and counterattack if you miss. If he does lay down and won't get up until you come he'll get up more than likely. 14)Versus Jin: I can't tell you how to beat my own character! 15)Versus Paul: Paul doesn't do the falling leaf combo as regularly as he did in Tekken 2. He does do something similar though. The "Elbow Smash", which is (f,f+rp). He does have the same lag time with the elbow smash as he did with the falling leaf combo. This time its only an elbow not the sweep then elbow. 16)Versus Yoshimitsu: Yoshi's main weakness against Jin is his lag time between some of his combos. I have noticed he is quick in some aspects but he loves waiting for you to do the first move. Take it! But be careful cause he isn't just counter fighting for his health. 17)Versus Kuma: Kuma is faster than her father who has the same name, Kuma. She is just a mixture of a counter fighter, turtler, and aggressive fighter. I just reverse her 3 swinging chops (Wang, Michelle, Jack-2, Kuma). I don't really have a die hard strategy against her just yet. 18)Versus Heihachi: Heihachi is the same old Heihachi. He is a bit more aggressive and still loves to grab. I usually try connecting with a juggle starter whenever he does the tile splitter, deathfist. I tack on the starter right after blocking or sidestepping the tile splitter. If I block the tile splitter I will do a Can-Can as the juggle starter and go from there. If I sidestep I will do the Tooth Fairy juggle starter and go from there. 19)Versus Ogre: Basically the same as Heihachi except he does the backflip, tooth fairy combo. I just either sidestep the backflip and do a tooth fairy of my own then juggle from there, or block both the backflip & tooth fairy then do whatever juggle starter I want (wind godfist, can-cans, piston uppercut, hellsweep, etc.) He also likes doing Lee Chaolan's Infinity Kicks, just reverse one of those suckers and your set. You can even do a little white heron juggle after the reversal. *************************Basic strategy when using Jin************************* versus humans ******************************************************************************* 1) Human players come in wide varieties all I can really say is don't underestimate anyone, when your energy is down to almost zilch keep going no matter what (I'll tell you a Tekken 2 story about coming back from near defeat), learn all of your characters' moves - knowing more things about your character can help a great deal. --------------------------------From Tekken 2--------------------------------- I was playing a friend at school one day he was Paul Phoenix and I was Kazuya Mishima. I was having one of those days where I couldn't block anything low. He caught on an kept doing the falling leaf combo if not he would just do the sweep portion of the falling leaf and that one sweep move from Paul annoys me very, very much because your character just falls on his neck embarrasing the hell out of you. On top of this he was laughing at me the whole time. So to make a long story short I won the first round he got the second then on the final round he beat me down to about 10% energy and he had about 90% of his. I fell back on the Armageddon combo and the rest was history. I caught the drop on him jabbed him in the knees then immediately followed up with the stun punch. Lucky for me he tried attacking after the jab. I was quick enough to counterhit him with the stun, he buckled forward I did the Thunder Godfist w/sidekick then ended with the flipkick. Everything I mean all 90% of his energy was gone and then some because of the % damage the Armaggedon Stun Combo does. *Note* The flipkick hardly ever connects on the CPU because it rolls away so quickly. Unless it is already dead while you are half way through the combo. I noticed though that the CPU on Tekken 3 will lay there sometimes and get hit. Our machine is set to medium though so that may be a factor I don't know. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Okizeme Tactics_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ I use Jin religiously. Well in Tekken 3 there is a new feature were as soon as you hit the ground you can jump back up immediately, this is called "quick rise". Using the art of okizeme (keepng opponents down) you can keep people down until they figure out "Maybe I should play dead a little and wait to see what comes next instead of constantly getting hit back down" Well with Jin if you are standing right next to them when they are falling do a quick combo.(for example) Short jabbing as a oppenent is jumping at you will make them float a very short distance try these hellsweep combos that are short and quick and fairly damaging: f,N,d,d/f+rk, d/f+rk,rk f,N,d,d/f+rk, lp+rk, lp+rk,rp d/f+rk,rk You can also tack on these moves at the end of some juggle combos such as the juggles with the white heron which is used alot to link moves together. _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ Tekken 3 Credits _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ****************************************************************************** Special thanks to Vinny Petisi who will be writing the other characters' faqs while I wrote Jin Kazama & King's. Our complete faq with everyone will be available soon. aknight@frontiernet.net..............William Knight tbrienza@aol.com.....................Vinny Petisi ******************************************************************************** Also special thanks to: Slikatel.................................................slikatel@metro.net The guys on the IRC Channel #tekken 3.....................#tekken3 Joey Alpern...............................................For proofreading ********************************************************************************* This faq can be found at my website Saekkiam Tekken 3 Mezzanine Html Link: http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/3297/faqs.htm Text File: http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/3297/jinfaq.txt Archives: http://www.gamefaqs.com/varc_tz.html ****************************************************************************** --------------7B60493A6238--