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Lei is a good example cause he uses the 5 animal kung-fu system. Not many people know all of the stances inside and out, the ones who do make Lei move so fluidly through his stances creating a opponent to be reckoned with. Julia is a great character for the advanced juggler. JULIA'S ATTRIBUTES Upside ............... Julia has tons of moves. Mixing it up shouldn't be too hard if you practice with her like crazy. Her power comes from her speed and variations of combos and moves. Downside ............. You need to know her like the back of your hand to be very effective. She is a top notch choice though if you can create attacks on the fly. JULIA'S STATISTICS NATIONALITY ------ American FIGHTING STYLE --- Various Chinese Martial Arts AGE -------------- 18 HEIGHT ----------- 165 cm WEIGHT ----------- 54kg BLOOD TYPE ------- B OCCUPATION ------- Archeology Student HOBBY ------------ Hunting LIKES ------------ Buffalo DISLIKES --------- Mishima Finacial Empire STAGE ------------ Pyramid Interior JULIA'S BIO/STORYLINE Searching for Michelle......... Julia studies archeology in Michelle Chang's tribal lands. As a baby, Julia was deserted in the ruins of ancient Native American settlements, where Michelle found her. Michelle rescued Julia and brought her up with love. Julia loved Michelle and her adopted tribe and trained with Michelle to protect her beloved homeland. When Julia was 18, stories of sudden disappearances of famous martial artists all over the world began to reach the tribe. The tribe knew the cause, which was contained in the tribal legends...the legend of the God of Fighting. People in the tribe feared that Michelle's pendant, the key to Native American sacred treasure, had something to do with the disappearances. With apprehension spreading through the tribe, Michelle left for Japan to ask Heihachi why he had sought to take the pendant during the second tournament. Michelle hoped to learn about the origin of the God of Fighting's power. Michelle did not return. Julia suspected Heihachi and now seeks him out to discover the truth. CONVENTIONS f - tap forward F - hold forward b - tab back B - hold back u - tap up U - hold up d - tap down D - hold down d/f - tap down and forward D/F - hold down and forward d/b - tap down and back D/B - hold down and back u/f - tap up and forward U/F - hold up and forward u/b - tap down and back U/B - hold up and back QCF - quarter circle toward (d,d/f,f) QCB - quarter circle back(d,d/b,d) HCF - half circle toward (b,d/b,d,d/f,f) HCB - half circle back (f,d/f,d,d/b,b) left punch = lp rp = right punch left kick = lk rk = right kick FC------------ full crouch (must be in full crouching animation) N------------- no direction pressed on the joystick (neutral) WR------------ while running WS------------ while rising WJ------------ While jumping SS------------ sidestep+ do moves on either side(s) together ~------------- immediately followed by... <>------------- Denotes that move has optional extension ( or... )--------- Denotes "or" - used for optional commands (f-throw)----- Forward throw (s-throw)----- Side throw (b-throw)----- Back throw SPECIAL MOVES WITH DAMAGE POINTS AND RANGE H ----- High M ----- Medium L ----- Low Numbers are in %'s ____________________________________________________________________________ | MOVE AND JOYSTICK/BUTTON COMMAND | DAMAGE _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Low Counter Dodge ----- d/b (or d) 1+3 or 2+4 | Reversal | _____________________________________________________________|______________ | | G-Clef Cannon --------- 1,1,1 |10, 5, 21 H,M,M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | | Alternate G-Clef------- d/f+1,1 | 8, 21 M,M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | | Spinning Sweep -------- (wc)+4 | 10 L | _____________________________________________________________|______________ | | Crazy Horse ----------- (wc)+4,1 | 10, 21 L,M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | | Spinning Sweep, High Kick -------- (wc)+4,N,4 | 10, 23 L,H _____________________________________________________________|______________ | | Sweep, Low Kick -------- 3, d+3 | 10,10 L,L | _____________________________________________________________|______________ | | Skyscaper -------------- (ws)+4 | 15 M | _____________________________________________________________|______________ | | Foot Stomp ------------- (wj)+3+4 | 35 M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Tequila Sunrise -------- (ws)+2 | 15 M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Tequila Sunset --------- (ws)+2,1,1 |18, 5, 21 M,M,M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Tequila Sunrise, High Kick --- (ws)+2,4,4 |15, 12, 23 M,L, H _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Tequila Sunrise, Slicing Uppercut--- (ws)+2,4,1 |15, 12, 21 M,L, M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Tequila Sunrise, Low Kick ------ (ws)+2,4, d+4 |15, 12, 10 M,L, L ______________________________________________________ ______|______________ | Tequila Sunrise, Arrow Kick ---- (ws)+2,1,4,3 18,5,12,15 M,M,L,H ____________________________________________________________|______________ | Twin Arrow ------------- 1+2 (melts opponents guard) | 25 M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Rising Sun ------------- d/f+2 | 10 _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Rising Sun Combo ------- (during Rising Sun) press 1 | 21 M, Special H _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Front Snap Kick -------- d/f+3 | 17 M ________________________________________________________________|______________ | Turnaround Punch ------- b+2 | 12 H ________________________________________________________________|______________ Spinning Sweep --------- d,d/f+4 | 12 L ________________________________________________________________|______________ | Spinning Sweep, Bow Leg ---- (during Spinning Sweep) press 3 | 15 H ________________________________________________________________|______________ | Spinning Evasion, Kick ------- 3+4,4 | 20 H ________________________________________________________________|______________ | Sting --------------- f,F+1 | 10 M ________________________________________________________________|______________ | Rapid Fire ----------- d,D/F+1 | 14 M ________________________________________________________________|______________ | Machine Gun Punch ---- 1,2 | 10, 8 H,M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Stun Gun ------------- D,D/F+2 (stuns on a counterhit) | 20 M ________________________________________________________________|______________ | Alley Oop, Elbow Smash ---- (ws)+2,2 | 15, 22 M,M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Bow Kick Combo --------------- d/f+1,4,3 |8, 12, 15 M, L,H _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Bow Kick Combo 2 ------------- 1+4,3 |12,12,15 M,L, H _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Slicing Uppercut ------------- 3,2 | 15 M ________________________________________________________________|______________ | Moon Cannon ------------------ 1,2,1 |10,15,21 H,M, M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Gerinimo Cannon -------------- 2+3,1 |8, 9, 25 L,M, M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Moon Cannon, High Kick ------- 1,2,4 |10, 8, 20 H,M, H _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Moon Cannon, Low Kick ------- 1,2,3 |10, 8, 10 H,M, L _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Quick Slice Uppercut -------- 3,2,4,4 |15,12,23 M,L, H _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Spinning Slice Uppercut ----- 3,2,4,1 |15,12,21 M,L, M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Double Slice Uppercut ------- 4,2,4,d+4 |15,12,10 M,L, L _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Slice Uppercut, G-Clef Cannon --- 3,2,1,1 |18, 5, 21 M,M, M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Slice Uppercut, Arrow Kick ------ 3,2,1,4,3 |18,5,12,15 M,M,L,H _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Uppercut, Bash --------------- 3,2,2 | 15, 22 M,M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Slow Power Punch, High Kick --- d/f+2,4 | 10, 20 M,H _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Slow Power Punch, Low Kick ----- d/f+2,3 | 10, 10 M,L _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Kicking Flurry --------------- 4,4,4 |20, 12, 23 H,L _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Low Kicking Flurry ----------- 4,4,d+4 |20, 12, 10 H,L,L _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Sting, Skyscaper ------------- f,f+1,4 | 10, 15 M,M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Lighting Uppercut ------------ f+1 | 15 M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Cupid's Arrow ---------------- d,D/F+1,2 | 14, 21 M,M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Fatal Fury --------------- f+1,2 | 21 M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | Thunderbolt -------------- f,f,f+1 | 10 M _____________________________________________________________|______________ | UNBLOCKABLE | | 50 Unblockable Heaven Cannon ---------- F+1+4 (unblockable) | _____________________________________________________________|______________ ____ TEN STRINGS 2,1~1,2,3~3,3,4,4,1 Tenstring 2,1~1,2,3~3,2,3,2,1 Tenstring (last hit unblockable) 2,1~1,2,3~3,2,1,4,3 Tenstring MISCELLANEOUS MOVES Taunt -------------------- 2+3+4 Feel the Power ----------------- 1+2+3+4 (1st attack is a counterhit and does guard damage. You are left vulnerable during the charge up.) THROWS (Forward Throws) Death Valley Bomb --------- 1+3 Cradle Suplex ------------- 2+4 Double Arm Lock Suplex ------ d/f+1+2 Mad Axes -------------------- d,d/b,b,f+2 Waist Suplex ---------------- d,D/B+1+3 Cross Arms Suplex ----------- D,d/b,d,D/B+1+2 SIDE THROWS (you must sidestep to get these throws) Running Bulldog ----------- 1+3 or 2+4 (left side) Twisting Frankensteiner ---- 1+3 or 2+4 (right side) BACK THROW Branded --------------------- 1+3 or 2+4 (back throw) JUGGLE COMBOS (more are on the way) *(wc) is the same as the down command* ie. (wc)+4,1 is the same as d+4,1 (wc)+4,1, d+1, d,d/f+4,3, (wc)+4,1 (wc)+4,1, 2+3,1 (wc)+4,1, d+1, (wc)+4,1, (wc)+4,N,4 (wc)+4,1, d,d/f+4,3, f+1,2 1,2,1 (counterhit on 2), f,f,f+1, (wc)+4,1 1,2,1 (counterhit on 2), f,f,f+1, (wc)+4,N,4 1,2,1 (counterhit on 2), f,f,f+1, f,f+1, f+1,2 1,2,1 (counterhit on 2), f,f,f+1, d/f+2,4, (wc)+4,N,4 u/f+4, f,f,f+1, f,f+1, f,f+1,4 u/f+4, 1,2, (wc)4,1, (wc)+4, n, 4 u/f+4, 1, (ws)+2, d,d/f+4,3, f+1 AGAINST THE CPU JIN...... The dude has a total package of defense, offense, you name it. The key here is to try to interrupt his attacks frequently. Dodging frequently also helps but don't abuse a good thing. Jin tries to crowd out his opponents. Playing keep away won't fair too well. Instead opt for a counter-attack strategy. PAUL..... Paul likes to sit back and wait for opportunity to knock at his door. If you try this strategy he will more than likely beat you to the punch. The best way to get the ball rolling is to start with some low attack then follow up with a combination of maybe high then mid range. Mix it up. Don't brawl back and forth with him though, that's his forte. More or less dodge very frequently after his mistakes beacuse recovery time between a lot of his attacks is a little slow. LING..... Ling is a pretty good match up for Julia. When she goes into the Art of Phoenix, stay on her and go low and follow up with another low attack or combo maybe low, high to catch her off guard. ---- Simple ie. Low sweep then skyscraper kick ---- NINA..... Nina is tough because alot of her attacks come from everywhere, like high, high, mid, low, etc. Try to keep a good distance between yourselves and use poke tactics. YOSHIMITSU..... Keep low against Yoshi. Don't just sit there though cause you can get juggled with a uppercut. Most of Yoshi's attacks are mid and high range so keep that in mind and emphasis low combo starters. FOREST..... I find that spinning attacks and sidestepping seems usefull if you time it right against Law. If it is used correctly this is his biggest weakness. If not used correctly you will pay very dearly cause his kicks can track or follow you while you go in and out of the background. EDDY..... When he starts his low combos poke at him with low sweeps and finish off with skyscraper kicks or alley oop, elbow Smashes or tequila sunrise attacks when he tries to recover. From here there are alot of juggle opportunities. Mainly poke tactics are very useful and keeping a solid distance away from him allows you to poke him to death. LEI..... Lei's main fault is when he gets on the ground. It isn't necessarily a weakness, but it doesn't have as much flare as it did in the previous Tekken. His main priority is his different stances. Spinning attacks work very well and he falls for the turnaround punch, low jab, skyscaper kick very often. So do most all of the other CPU characters. If you do it too much to characters who can reverse high attacks mainly Paul and Nina, they will more than likely stop you dead in you tracks on the turnaround punch and reverse it. But..... you can always "chicken" out of it and reverse them back. HWOARANG..... Sidestepping works like a gem against Hwoarang. Make sure you follow up immediately afterwards though cause he has very quick recovery and can jab you out of most opportunities you think you may have. Other than that he is rather moderate, but can track like a punk when he starts losing. KING..... King is another character you can poke at and fair pretty well. He is quite aggresive because his moves aren't plentiful so he has to do what he can to make up for his lack of moves. When he goes for multis poke him or sweep him if you can. Keeping away doesn't do too well cause he likes to get in your face like he knows you. Sticking and poking at him while playing some tough defense you can carry you through. GUN-JACK..... Since he is very aggressive I base some emphasis on the 1,2,1 Moon Cannon to get a counterhit juggle launcher, then start juggling. Poking and spinning work quite well and if timed right while he is doing those Cossack Kicks or Swinging Punches you can be preparing yourself for the unblockable and executing a juggle. Kuma..... Kuma is similar to Gun-Jack the only thing I would watch for is interrupting her attacks and plan on breaking out of alot of grabs. MOKUJIN..... Use strategy according to the character that is being mimicked. BRYAN..... Bryan is also a very aggresive fighter with too many powerful combos that take off mad damage. Poking works somewhat but he has too many damaging blows that if you mess up in least you will get beat down. Spinning seems useless against him cause of his low shin kicks. A good tactic to use is the one similar to Gun-Jack's. I do a lot of Moon Cannons (1,2,1) and juggle follow ups to wear him down. HEIHACHI..... I emphasis sidestepping alot against him because of the tile splitter he uses often and low sweeps followed by a high, mid attack. OGRE He uses the backflip, tooth fairy like crazy. Block high for both moves and maybe grab or combo afterwards. _______________________________________________________________________________ CREDITS/LEGAL Namco Limited. Most of the names of the moves are official some I modified for visual clarity to place a picture in your mind of the move. All moves are from the Julia Chang section of the Namco page and Gamest Mook Magazine. 1 or 2 moves were added. Copyright 1994-1997 by Aoi. No part of this FAQ is to be altered without prior consent. Freely distribute this faq and it's contents granted no monetary fees are collected. Contact me if you want to place this faq and/or it's contents in media, print, or otherwise. Tekken 3 is Copyright (C) 1996 Namco Limited. All rights reserved. Tekken, Tekken 2, and Tekken 3 are all trademarks of Namco Limited. All images, characters, and any other indicia are owned by the companies who license and/or market the products. This FAQ is in no way related to any company mentioned herein. You can get this faq on numerous Tekken 3 Sites: http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/3297/links.htm Also my faqs are archived at Gamefaqs: http://www.gamefaqs.com My Tekken 3 faqs will be under: http://www.gamefaqs.com/varc_tz.html ============================================================================== d8888 d8b d88888 Y8P d88P888 d88P 888 .d88b. 888 d88P 888 d88""88b 888 d88P 888 888 888 888 d8888888888 Y88..88P 888 d88P 888 "Y88P" 888 aknight@frontiernet.net http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/3297 Please send corrections/suggestions/concerns ===============================================================================