Crimson's Julia Chang FAQ Ver 1.00 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= American Woman -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= First off go to this web page: thanks to GraVeDiggA a LOT for basically letting me use his whole Julia Chang section on his web page. THANK YOU GraVeDiggA! Hello and welcome to my Julia Chang FAQ: American Women:) I hope this guide will help and inform you of this great character. On my ranking chart (which won't be finished by the time you read this) she is ranked high. If used correctly, she is a deadly character. When you look at her moves, dont worry. When you learn the most usefull moves (which is a section in this FAQ) you will be doing great. Expect more updates. *********** *Information* *********** Name: Julia Change Nationality: American Fighting Style: Chinese Kenpo Age: 18 years old Height: 165cm Weight: 54kgs Blood Type: B Occupation: Archaeology Research Hobby: Hunting Likes: Buffalo _-_-_-_ -Story- _-_-_-_ Julia Chang is seeking revenge after the death of her sister, Michelle Chang. Michelle's and Julia's grandmother was kidnapped by Kazuya. Since Michelle did not get to free her mother through the tournament, she was angered and never found her. She went on a hunt for Jin but ended up fighting The God of Fight (ogre). After her brutal loss she was defeated and killed. Julia Chang found out about her defeated sister and trained at a very young age. She learned from her sister and found a few new arts. She also heard of the King of the Iron Fist 3 tournament and knew that Ogre would enter. So she enters secretly in an attempt to defeate the evil menace that has killed her sister. She also hopes that Heihache knows the whereabouts of her missing grandmother. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Good Attributes: Speed of some moves and a huge arsenal of moves. Also no one knows her to well so she is very un-predictable. Great range in sweep attacks. Bad Attributes: No power in her moves and juggles hard to pull of for below avrage players. Must know all of her moves to be effective with her. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MOVES Sweep: d+4 Double Sweep: d+4,4 Sweep into Uppercut: d+4,1 Uppercut: f+1 Slice Uppercut, Elbow: (WS)+2,2 Slice Uppercut, Catapult Combo: (WS)+2,1,1 Slice Uppercut, Sweep, High Kick: (WS)+2,4,N+4 Slice Uppercut, Sweep, Fan Kick: (WS)+2,4,D+4 Slice Uppercut, Sweep, Uppercut: (WS)+2,4,1 Slice Uppercut, Club Fist, Sweep, Bow Leg: (WS)+2,1,4,3 Blue Sky Cannon: (WS)+4 Punches, Sweep-Bow Leg: 1,1,4,3 Earthquake Stomp: U/F+3+4 (when opponent on ground) Catapult, Sweep, Bow Leg: (WS)1,1,4,3 Kick, Leg Sweep, High Kick: 4,4,N+4 Kick, Leg Sweep, Fan Kick: 4,4,D+4 Kick, Leg Sweep, Uppercut: 4,4,1 Dashing Left Elbow: f,f+1 Dashing Punch: D#,D/f+1 Dashing Right Elbow: D#,d/f+2 Dashing Punch, Heaven Cannon: 1~2,1 Dashing Punch, High Kick: 1~2,3 Dashing Punch, Low Kick: 1~2,4 Dashing Elbow, Kick: f,f+1,4 Club Fist, Sweep, Bow Leg: 1+4,3 Death Push, Punt Kick, Uppercut: 2+3,1 Rushing Uppercut: f+1 (1~1,1) or (d/f+1,1) Catapult Combo Back Leg Sweep: D#,d/f+4 +Penetrating Bow Leg: D#,d/f+4,3 Side Spin, High Kick, Leg Sweep: 3+4,4,d+4 2-punch Combo: d/f+1,1 Punt Kick: d/f+3 (1st must connect) Death Push, Big Punch: d/f+2,1 Death Push, Axe Kick: d/f+2,3 Double Strike: 1+2 Death Push, lowkick or high kick: d/f+2,3 or 4 Front Leg Sweep: (WC)+4 +Uppercut: (WC)+4,1 +High Kick: (WC)+4,N+4 #THROWS# Front Suplex- 1+3 Fisherman Suplex- 2+4 German Suplex- (while going behind) 1+2 Nelson Suplex- d/f+1+2 German Suplex- 1+3 or 2+4 Front Suplex- d,d/f+1+3 Cyclone Suplex- d/b, d/b+1+2 Triple Threat- hcb,F+1+2 Low Hit Break- d/b+1+3 or d/b+2+4 :NEW MOVES: Dashing Punch, Elbow: d,D/F+1,2 Dashing Punch, Elbow: f,f,F+1,2 Palm Attack: F+1~ Low Attack Breaker: d/b+1+3_d/b+2+4 Palm Attack: (WR)1,2 or F+1~2 _Ten Strings_ 2,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,1 2,1,1,2,3,3,2,3,2,1 2,1,1,2,3,3,2,1,4,3 !UnblockableS! F+1+4: Heaven Cannon -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Co/\/\bos Uppercut, Sweep into Uppercut, Sweep into Uppercut.... (can do up to 3-5 times) Sweep into Uppercut, Sweep into Uppercut, Sweep into Uppercut Heaven Cannon, Sweep into Uppercut, Sweep into Uppercut Heaven Cannon, crouching right kick, Front Leg Sweep into High Kick Heaven Cannon, Heaven Cannon (large characters only. Kuma, Gun-jack etc. Still needs testing) Heaven Cannon, crouching right kick, Sweep into Uppercut Heaven Cannon, Catapult Combo, Sweep into Uppercut Uppercut 2+3,1 2+3,d+4,1 d+4,1,d+4,1 1~1~1 Hopkick 1,1,b+1 1,1~1~1 1,2,1,1,2,3,3,3 1,f,f+1,4,4,4 1,1,2,4 1,1,2,3 1,d/f+1 Treble Clef Cannon 1,d+4,1 1,f,f+1 1,1,1,d+4,1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Most Useful Moves: *Sweep into Uppercut* Her most useful move by far. This move is very good in juggles and is even cheesy. *Uppercut* Good damage and an awesome jugle starter. *All Slice Uppercut Moves* They are all confusing. *Front Leg Sweep and all its veriations* Confusing and damaging. *Normal Throws* The 1+3 and 2+4 throws are great. If your opponent gets up right away their back will be facing you with their back turned. *Dashing Elbow into Kick* Confusing and good damage. No one expects the last hit. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stretegy's Julia should definatly be played offensivly. Use her Most Usefull Moves all the time and go in for some juggles. She is hard against some characters like Jin and Nina, but if you know her well and got some juggles down you will do fine. Against Lei: Do her Sweep Into uppercut when he lies down. Or do her Double Sweep which is also very effective when he is in most of his stances. Use as many air juggles as possible. Lei is greatly annoying when played defensivly. Especialy against an offensive character like Julia. Just chip away at health and then back off. Make Lei come to you and dont play any games with him. Try to wait for time to run out if possible. Against Jin: Jin is a very hard match for Julia. You must try to confuse Jin as much as possilbe. Switch between low and high attacks and get a rythem. When he thinks you are going for a high attack, nail him with an uppercut and juggle away. Play as cheap as possible. Against Lin: Do as many sweep variations as possible. Most Lin players leave themselves open in a Pheonix stance. So do a Sweep into Uppercut a lot and you should be fine. Against Eddy: Same as Lin. Eddy leaves himself wide open and Julia has great range in her leg attacks. Use all sweep variations to get the Eddy player whining. Just don't freak out and stay on the offensive. Against Nina: Another hard match. Nina is one of the best, if not the best, character in Tekken 3. This match is almost impossible if the Nina player knows what he/she is doing. I suggest her ten hitter if you know your opponent cant block well against ten hitters. Against King: Do you hate multi-link throws? So do I. Just learn to escape from his throws and stay your distance. Do far reaching attacks and a throw here and there. After a throw do a Sweep into Uppercut. Most King players don't know Michelle's attacks. Exploit this. Against Paul: Paul is almost the opposite of Julia. He is fast in some of his moves, but he is basically a power hitter. So don't let Paul do his moves on you. Wail out on those attacks and throw a lot. After a few throws try some high low variations and then go for a juggle. Against Law: Just counter. Law isnt a great character. If you counter his atatcks and throw, or juggle, you will be fine. Against Hwaorang: Pick another character:) Hwaorang is a hard character for Julia because he is total offense. Again, go on high/low variations and do her Sweep into Uppercut a lot. Wait for him to atatck and while he is doing some long kick chain, do an Uppercut and juggle. Against Yoshimitsu: Sweep into Uppercuts and ten hitters. Yoshi is not known for his counters. So just try your hardest to make it hard for him to block. Against Kuma: Heh, hes so big he is easy to juggle. Sweep into Uppercut, Ten hitters, and Uppercuts. You will do fine against this horrid character. Against Gun-Jack: A true powerhouse but also very big. Use Kuma tactics and don't let him get close. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thanks: All the guys in #tekken3. They are just cool and such great masters at Tekken 3. My clan buddys in #theforsaken on clannet. Always provide a laugh and always point out my stupidity. To the Twisted Tekken guys for letting me work with them. Here is their web page: Of course, GraVeDiggA for being so cool. He always updates:) His page Tadarich for getting the new first. His great web page: Catlord for being so nice and helping me out when I need it. His page and FAQ @: Richard "Da Boss" and his great page, The Tekken Information Center. A fine web page. And his awesome message board that I use to much;) His page: And, as always, to all who took the time to download this. Hope it helped you out. c. 1997 by Crimson. No part of this FAQ may be rewritten witout the written consent of the author. You may use what's here, but give credit where credit is due. Don't stick your name claiming that this FAQ is yours. That's no good. Anybody abuse this, you'll be considered as one of the most lamest person on the internet (unless you apologize).