################################################################################ Ao no 6 Go (Blue Submarine No.6) -Time and Tide - English Manual and Walkthrough (Complete). ################################################################################ INFORMATION: Author : kinsukeJP (User ID : 346603) Version : 2.0 Released Date:09/16/2002 (first half) Revised Date:10/5/2002 (complete) Copywrite Notice : I let everyone use this FAQ freely. E-MAIL: kinsukejp@hotmail.com ############################## About "Ao no 6 Go" ############################### Ao no 6 Go -Time and Tide - (DC) is a sub-story of the the CG anime, Ao no 6 Go. The anime is also based on the Comic, which was written in 1960's. The story of the Anime is; In the last of 20 century, the resource lacked by the environmental destruction, International organization "Ao (means "blue")" is organized, and began to develop the deep sea. Dr.Zorndyke, one of the staff of "Ao", betrayed and occupied the facility of "Ao", in the Antarctica. He melted the ice of the Antarctica, to annihilate the human being, who are the cause of environmental destruction. The sea level was up and 1,000,000,000 people died in the world. Next, Zorndyke made many mutants and attacked the human being, who were still alive. "Ao no 6 Go", which is a submarine made by "Ao", go to the south, to kill Zorndyke. The hero, Tetsu Hayami, had been a member of the "Ao" but retired because of a trouble. The story of the anime begins from the scene that he comes back to "Ao". While he was away from "Ao", he had a job of salvaging items from the sea. Ao no 6 Go -Time and Tide - (DC) is the story about Tetsu Hayami, when he was a salvager. ############################## Basic Manual ############################### *SAVE You can save the data in Hero(Hayami)'s room or on the carrying ship. *The place where the hero can go to in the city. see Appendix. *the control of the little submarine named "Sele". Analog key : change directions. D-Key : see around (look up, look down, look right and look left). R-trigger : go forward. L-trigger : go backward. L-trigger+R-trigger : stop. Y button : use the sonar (see right-bottom of the screen) B button : exchange tool, LEFT WEAPON -> RIGHT WEAPON -> NEEDLEGUN -> MANUPILATOR->... (see the left-top of the screen) A button : action. L-trigger+X: sink down. (see the right-middle of the screen) R-trigger+X: float up. (see the right-middle of the screen) L-trigger+R-trigger+X: stop sinking or floating. (see the right-middle of the screen) * You can see the map by "SYSTEM MENU/MAP". (see Appendix in GIF file; "Menu in the Submarine") * You can call the carrying ship to the place you are by "SYSTEM MENU/COMTACT/CALL". (see Appendix in GIF file; "Menu in the Submarine") * You must check the rest of Battery and Air by "SYSTEM MENU/STATUS". (see Appendix in GIF file; "Menu in the Submarine") * About "Sonar" see Appendix in GIF file; "Sonar List". ############################### Walkthrough #################################### ##### 1.the 1st salvage ##### At the first scene Hayami and Yungjing are on the ship. They carries a little submarine named "Sele". Yungjing says to Hayami that his father, "Tahreng" (means the boss), wants to meet him. After the movie, Hayami is in his room. You can select "SAVE" or "EXIT" only. If you select "EXIT", Hayami goes out of the room. In the city named "Shin-Sekai"(means "new world"), Hayami can go the some place. (see Appendix in GIF file) Select Jeng's house. Jeng and his wife in the room. He said that; *He is the boss of the East Guild, which assigns the job of salvage. *Hayami is not registered to the East Guild yet, though he works on salvaging. It's problem for the Guild, so they want to register Hayami as a member. *He explains that, in the city "Shin-Sekai", there is a castle area surrounded by the fence, and people living in the fence are discriminating the people living in out of the fence. *Jeng wants to take the fence away some day. His wife says to Hayami to go to the East Guild if he want a job. Go to the East Guild. At the East Guild, the staff said there's no job now. Return to home. A movie will begin. A little girl, named Rau-pa, comes to Hayami's home. She is a street child, who has a good skill of engineer. In the room, you can select "DOCK", "SAVE" or "EXIT". Select "DOCK". (see Appendix in GIF file; "Menu in the Dock") Yungjing invites Hayami to go to the sea to test the submarine, which he did the maintenance. Select "Departure". In the sea, you can select only "Diving into the Sea". The system menu will be opened.(see Appendix in GIF file; "Menu in the Submarine"). Yungjing said to Hayami to go to "A2-025", because the sensor found something metallic there. Go forward to the target. See the map and confirm the place. (press "START" and select "MAP"). "A2-025" means the crossing point of A2 line and 025 line. Sometimes Yungjing calls you, but don't mind. If you are near the target, Yungjing will call you again and explain about the sonar. (see Appendix in GIF file; "Sonar List") If you are very near of the target, Hayami calls Yungjing and tells him that he found it. 1)Approach the object slowly . 2)By the L-trigger+X, sink to the bottom of the sea, and by L-trigger+R-trigger+X, stop sinking. 3)Push B button until "MAN" on the left-up screen is lighten, and push A button. 4)If the place of submarine, against the object, is good, the manupilator (mechanical hands) will catch the object. If manupilator doesn't work, move a little and push A button again. If you catch the object, Hayami and Yungjing will begin to talk, and suddenly Hayami shout that the big fishes are approaching. Go back to the carrying ship.(see the right-bottom of the screen. The white mark tells where the carrying ship is). When you arrived at the carrying ship, you can select only "Supply the Bullets" and "Diving into the Sea". Select "Supply the Bullets". These menu will be indicated. RIGHT WEAPON LEFT WEAPON NEEDLEGUN EXIT Select NEEDLEGUN and set the bullets. Then select "EXIT" and select "Diving into the Sea". Kill the big fishes! After that, Yungjing calls Hayami and tells about the next target. He says there is something at A4-035. 1)Go back to the carrying ship. 2)Select "Supply the Bullets", select "LEFT WEAPON" and set the float bullet. This is the bullet which floats the object up by the balloon. (see Appendix in GIF file; "Bullets List") 3)Go to the point A4-035. If you find the object, Hayami will calls Yungjing. 4)Select LEFT WEAPON by the B button and shoot the Float Bullet to the object. It's difficult to attach the float bullet to the object. Try it hard! 5)If 2 float bullets were attached to the object, open the menu by START button, select "ITEM" and select "Float Controller".(see Appendix in GIF file; "Item List") The balloon is swelled and the object is floated up. 6)Return to the carrying ship, and confirm what was salvaged. The 1st salvage was ended. ##### 2.Free Salvage (into the secret place)##### After that, you can go to 4 areas any time, and sell the objects you salvaged at the Scrap Shop. Earn the money and buy good tools and customize the submarine! NOTICE : If you go to the "Storehouse Town", children teach you a secret. In the Zouge (Ivoly) Area, where the highway is sinking underwater and groups of fish are crossing, a hidden place exists. And if you reach near the place, Yungjing says to Hayama to search around the pile of broken concretes. Try to find it! (If you can't find it untill the 5th job....) ##### 3.Job from the East Guild (No.1 - 3) ##### When you visit the East Guild, the staff explains the system of the guild. You must deposit some money to the Guild to get job. If you achieve the job, deposited money comes back with a reward, but if you cancel the job, deposited money never come back. *Using "+" Key, you can select any job among them. The 1st job from the East Guild is to salvage a tricycle from Shinju(Pearl) Area. The money to deposit is $1,500 and the reward is $5,000. The information of the point is given (A3-025). This item is little and can be salvaged by Manupilator. The 2nd job is to salvage a duralumin case (a cello in it) from Shinju (Pearl) Area. The money to deposit is $1,500 and the reward is $5,000. The information of the point is given (A1-005). This item is little and can be salvaged by Manupilator. The 3rd job is to salvage a duralumin case from Zouge (Ivory) Area. The money to deposit is $2,000 and the reward is $6,000. The information of the point is given (C5-010). This item is little and can be salvaged by Manupilator. After these jobs, a rumour is coming, that a beautiful woman came and gave the East Guild a big job. They say, the reason, that she brought such a big job, is because she is looking for a skillful salvager. The East guild gives a next job, after Hayami met the priest Goldon at Hayami's house. ##### 4.Job from the East Guild (No.4 - 6) ##### *Using "+" Key, you can select any job among them. The 4th job is to salvage a large container of unexploded bombs from Shinju (Pearl) Area. The money to deposit is $3,000 and the reward is $10,000. The information of the point is given (A4-005). The 5th job is to salvage a wooden box from Amber Area. The money to deposit is $2,000 and the reward is $8,000. The information of the point is given(H4-010). This item is little and can be salvaged by Manupilator. The 6th job appears if you have found the hidden place in Zouge(Ivory) Area untill this time. The job is to salvage a metal pod from there. The money to deposit is $3,500 and the reward is $13,000. After these job, go to the Bar Rodoriges. A beautiful woman, Yang Chung-yu, gives Hayami a big job, which is to salvage 3 statues of the India god. She left $50,000 and a disk, in which the salvage point is recorded. When Hayami went home, the little girl, Rang-ha said that she had analyzed the submarine which Hayami salvaged before (see "the 1st salvage"). She found the submarine is a automatically controlled type and has strong weapons. She guessed the submarine is Governmental Army's. ##### 5.Job from the East Guild (No.7 - 9) ##### *Using "+" Key, you can select any job among them. The 7th job is to salvage a bus loading premium goods from Zouge(Ivory) Area. The money to deposit is $4,000 and the reward is $15,000. The information of the point is given(C4-020). There are many buses in this point. Salvage one after another! The 8th job is to salvage a small and heavy machine from the underground in Zouge(Ivory) Area. Did you find the place ? The money to deposit is $6,000 and the reward is $20,000. This machine is very heavy and it needs power to carry. Improve your submarine before salvaging it! The 9th job is to salvage the Memorial Bench (with a graffiti on it) from the underground in Zouge(Ivory) Area. The money to deposit is $3,000 and the reward is $10,000. There are some benches in this point. ##### 6.Job from Chung-yu (1st statue)##### When Hayami went to the dock, Yungjing says to go to Kohaku (Amber) Area, to search the statue. When Hayami dived into the Kohaku (Amber) Area, Yungjing says the point is H6-044. Get the statue! After finding 1st statue, go to Combinato. You can find another person there. His name is Somtou. He says to Hayami not to concern with the affair of the city. And go to the church. You can find the priest Goldon and he says that he has something to request Hayami. But Hayami doesn't accept his request, before he explains what it is. If you go to the Shin Sekai Nippou, the writer tells him about the admiral Bayard. He had made a great submarine and resisted the government, but was beaten and died. If you go to Jeng's House, he says about Cox. Cox is a governor-general, and want to rule the city. If you go to the Yamucha Pao-Pao-Tei, a woman says to Hayami that she saw the priest Goldon at the castle area inside of the fence, when she went there for her job. She wonders how he could get into the castle area. ##### 7.Job from the East Guild (No.10 - 11) ##### The 10th job is to salvage a safe from Kohaku(Amber) Area. The money to deposit is $3,000 and the reward is $8,000. The information of the point is given(H2-030). This item is little and can be salvaged by Manupilator. They says there lives a big creature. Be careful! The 11th job is to salvage millennium wine in the wooden box from Kohaku(Amber) Area. The money to deposit is $5,000 and the reward is $20,000. The information of the point and depth is given (point:H7-050, depth:over 400m). This item is little and can be salvaged by Manupilator. When Hayami reached the treasure, suddenly Yungjing calls Hayami. He says that big sharks are attacking the carrying ship! Harry! Go back to the carrying ship and help Yungjing! After the salvaging, Yungjing says that he guessed this job is from the priest Goldon. Go to the church and meet the priest Goldon. He says that he requested the East Guild this job, because Hayami didn't accept his job. And he also says to Hayami, that he regarded Hayami as a great salvager. If you have a time, call at Jeng's house. Hayame says to Jeng's wife to be wary of the priest Goldon, who asked the East Guild a strange job. The 12th job is to salvage a duralumin case with cash from Hakkin (Platinum) Area. The money to deposit is $4,000 and the reward is $15,000. The case is left on the highway in the west side of the Area, and precise information of the point is not given. This item is little and can be salvaged by Manupilator. They says there is a hard current around the area. When Hayami dived, Yungjing says that there is a hard current in the right side of 025. If you try to go over the right side of 025, Yungjing calls Hayami and says this submarine can't go there. When Hayami got the duralmin case, Yungjing calls Hayami and says that there is a entrance to another underground place, on the D2 line in this area. Try to find it! ##### 8.A Trouble ##### After Hayami got money at the East Guild and went back home, Yungjing says that he wants to dive. And they go to the sea. But some accident happened at D2 020 in the Hakkin (Platinum) Area, and Yungjing was wounded and carried to his home. Call at Jeng's house. His parents says Hayami, that Yungjing had died. Go back home, Rau-pa says to Hayami that she found a strange machine on the computer of the submarine. She guesses someone planned to kill Hayami. If you go to the Shin Sekai Nippou, the writer tells him that Cox, the governor-general, begins to mark Somtou. who organized a resistance. If you go to Combinato, Somtou says that he also thinks there is Cox's spy in this area. And another man says that he saw a beautiful woman yesterday, whom he had seen before. If you go to the Bar Rodoriges, master says that he heard there is Cox's spy in this area. And another man says that he saw a woman went out from Hayami's house. If you go to the church, the priest Goldon says that the funeral is over. Go back home, Rau-pa says to Hayami that she doubts the beautiful woman, Chung-yu. Hayami says that he thinks Cox has commanded her and that he will go to meet Cox. Go back home again. You can go in the dock and got to salvage. Rau-pa helps Hayami salvaging, in stead of Yungjing. Go to the Scrap shop. You can buy new goods. Go to the East Guild and get jobs! ##### 9.Job from the East Guild (No.13 - 15) ##### *Using "+" Key, you can select any job among them. The 13th job is to salvage a duralumin case from the underground in Hakkin (Platinum) Area. Could you find the place ? The money to deposit is $5,000 and the reward is $20,000. Find a place which two dark brown broken trains are blocking the route. Hayami says "A strong torpedo may breaks them...". Get Special torpedo "Satsu-Ika" or 533mm CANNON-BALL and break them! The 14th job is to salvage a pod with chemical object from South-East of Hakkin(Platinum) Area. The money to deposit is $5,000 and the reward is $15,000. The information of the point is given (D4-020). This item is little and can be salvaged by Manupilator. They say that a big creature "Catherine" was seen in this area. The 15th job is to salvage 3 drum can with quicksilver from South of from the underground in the Hakkin(Platinum) Area. The money to deposit is $6,500 and the reward is $25,000. They says that the drum cans are in the narrow subway station where train are floating. (Different from the place of the 13th job.) If you go to Combinato, Somtou says that he also thinks Cox killed Yungjing by his man. If you go to the Bar Rodoriges, master recommend to meet the priest Goldon, if Hayami wants to meet Cox. If you go to the church, Goldon teaches Hayami how to get into the castle area. He tells to Hayami to go to the East Guild and get a job of salvaging the raw ore of Diamond. The job was ordered to the East Guild by Goldon, whom a person in the castle area had asked the job. ##### 10.Job from the East Guild (No.16) ##### The 16th job is to salvage the raw ore of Diamond from North-West of Hisui(Jade) Area. It exists in the Stone pillar. The money to deposit is $7,500 and the reward is $30,000. The information of the point is not given, but the depth is max 550m. You must prepare for diving into such a deep sea. If you buy something in the scrap shop, check the parameter "MAX DEPTH" at least. They say that the place was a mine of diamonds before the revolt of Zorndyke. After received money from the East Guild, go to the Church and meet priest Goldon. He says to Hayami to go to the gate. If Hayami talks to the gate keeper, he will let Hayami in. Hayami goes to Cox's room and says that Cox killed Yungjing by the his woman. But Cox says that he has no time to concern with such a thing, because a big submarine of "Ao" is coming. And he gets angry and turns Hayami out. If you go to the Yamucha Pao-Pao-Tei, a woman says that big submarine of "Ao" is coming to this harbor. If you go to Combinato, Somtou says that he admires Hayami, who met and blamed Cox, and invites him to his organizaion. If you go to the Shin Sekai Nippou, the writer tells him that Cox, the governor-general, is searching for the "Heritage of Bayard", which might be able to change the world. If you go to the Storehouse Town, children are talking about Bayard. If you go to Jeng's house, they say that a difficult job is coming from the West Guild to the East Guild, which the West Guild couldn't achieve. Before you go to the Jeng's house, you can get the 17th job at the East Guild, but after talking Jeng and his wife, the No.18 job also appears. (Using "+" Key, you can select the one of two jobs.) Go to the East Guild and get the job! ##### 11.Job from the East Guild (No.17) ##### The 17th job is not to salvage but to kill big creatures named "Oago"(Big Jaw). The money to deposit is $8,000 and the reward is $30,000. Three "Oago"s are living in the Hisui(Jade) Area, under 400m depth. They can swim max 40 knots! Go to the Scrap Shop and improve the submarine! When Hayami dived, Rau-pa lets Hayami know the point where Oago lives. 1st point is L1-010 (depth; about 400m) 2nd point is L4-025 (depth; about 300m) 3rd point is L6-010 (depth; about 300m) She says that there are big Stone pillars near the each point. Try to kill them all! If you go to the church, here is a man who used to be in the Bar, and says that he couldn't find the priest Goldon. Where is he? The 18th job is not to salvage but to find a wrecked ship in the bottom of South-East sea of Hisui(Jade) Area. The money to deposit is $10,000 and the reward is $40,000. The information of the point is not given. Search around the deep or dangerous point thoroughly. It's buried half in the bottom of the sea. ##### 12.Job from Chung-yu (2nd statue) ##### After getting the reward from the East Guild and coming home, the mysterious woman, Chung-yu, is waiting. She says that she never killed Yungjing, because she has asked Hayami and Yungjing to salvage the statues, She knew that she would be in trouble for getting statues, if she killed Yungjing. She hands Hayami a disc, which the data of the point of 2nd statue is in. Then TV says that the submarine, "Ao no 6 Go", is coming here for greeting to the government of this city. They think it will be the cause of various troubles. Go into dock. Rau-pa check the disk and tell Hayami that the point is D1-030 in the Hakkin(Platinum) Area. When Hayami dives, Rau-pa calls him and says that the 2nd statue is in a big building, but the point is beyond the hard current on the 025 line. Hayami says he is going there through the underground. Go down to the underground and find a place where the hard current flows! When Hayami found the place, he finds the current is too hard to proceed. Back to the carrying ship! Rau-pa teaches Hayami that the current sometimes stops. Hayami says that he have to lighten the submarine for speed up. Try it! When Hayami went down to the underground again, he notices that the current stops. Hurry! Reach the place, where hard current flowed, as soon as possible! If you reached there in time, the submarine comes out near the building. Rau-pa says to Hayami to get the object and come back soon. But you couldn't reach there in time, Hayami says that he must try again. Waiting there doesn't mean nothing. Try again from the carrying ship. If you go to the Church, you will find Jeng's wife here. She says that she was going to investigate the priest Goldon, but she couldn't find him. If you go to other place, people are talking about coming of the Ao's submarine, "Ao no 6 Go". They say that Cox is thinking something about "Ao". Go to the East Guild and get the job! ##### 13.Job from the East Guild (No.19 - 21) ##### *Using "+" Key, you can select any job among them. If you finished any job and go to the Bar Rodoriges, you will find Chung-yu and get the disc of the 3rd statue. You can buy some engines in the Scrap Shop. Check the "SILENCER" of parameters. This is the volume of noise raised by the engine. If "SILENCER" is 0, the engine raises no noise. If you have much money, try it! The 19th job is to salvage a floodlight from the underground in Hakkin(Platinum) Area. The money to deposit is $5,000 and the reward is $20,000. The information of the point is given (D3-030). This item is little and can be salvaged by Manupilator. The point is beyond the hard current. When Hayami dived, Rau-pa tells him that the only way is through the underground. The 20th job is not to salvage but kill the "assault crabs" in the Hakkin(Platinum) Area. The money to deposit is $7,000 and the reward is $25,000. The information of the point is given (between D4-030 and D5-005). They says that assault crab has strong shell, so you need stronger weapons. When Hayami dived, Rau-pa tells him that assault crabs doesn't make enough noise to catch by normal sonar. She advises Hayami to equip the sonar for battle (AS Type-410). Strong bullets are expensive. Try to use various weapons to kill the assault crabs! The 21th job is not to salvage but to find a hot spring ("Onsen") in the south of Aigyoku (Aquamarine) Area. The money to deposit is $8,000 and the reward is $40,000. The information of the point is not given. If you didn't meet Chung-yu yet, go to the Bar Rodoriges. You will find Chung-yu there and get the disc of the 3rd statue. ##### 12.Job from Chung-yu (last statue) ##### After getting the disc and coming home, Rau-pa check the disk and tell Hayami the place is in the town of Kogyoku(Topaz) Area. When Hayami dived in the Kogyoku(Topaz) Area, Rau-pa tells Hayami the point is A7-005. She looks like having a secret. Find the statue! When you reached the place, Hayami says that the safe is empty. And Rau-pa calls Hayami and said that the house is hers. She was living there with her mother and want Hayami not to touch the house. Then they goes home. If you go to other place, people are still talking about coming of the Ao's submarine, If you go to the Shin Sekai Nippou, the writer tells Hayami that Cox, the governor-general, is proposing a new "Security Treaty" to "Ao". And she want to know whether "Ao" will respond or not. She doubts the purpose, which "Ao" comes here for, is the Heritage of Bayard. And she says the Bayard, who resisted the government, is dead and sinking under the sea with his submarine "X". They say that the "Heritage of Bayard", which may be a secret weapon, is still in the "X". If you go to the gate, Hayami meets Iga, the captain of "Ao no 6 Go", after a long time. It means that "Ao no 6 Go" has just arrived at this city. Iga says that the purpose is salvage the Bayard's submarine with the secret weapon. If you go to other place, people are talking about the arrival of the Ao's submarine, If you go to Combinato, Somtou says that guessed Cox and "Ao" had formed a alliance. He thinks that his organization should attack Cox, and asks Hayami to help them. If you go to the Shin Sekai Nippou, the writer also guesses Cox and "Ao" formed a alliance. If you go to the Bar Rodoriges, master says that the priest Goldon got a good business, but didn't let him know what it is. Go home and go to the dock. Rau-pa says that the burglars with gun took the two statues, which Hayami has salvaged. Go to church and see what has happened. Chung-yu says that Goldon had been a close attendant of Bayard and knew the secrets. Hayami doubts she killed Goldon, but she says that she is a staff of "Ao", the code name "Flamingo". Her mission is to ask Hayami to salvage the statues, which are the keys to activate the secret weapon of Bayard,"Granova". They guess the burglars are Cox's men. Chung-yu says to Hayami, who is going to the Cox's place, shows him TV, which tells that the residents of outside of the castle area and the goverment in the castle area are opposed to each other seriously. She scolds Hayami that he should look around well and understand what happens. She takes him to the west part of the city, where she regards as safer place than east. Hayami says that the last statue was not in the place she told. She thinks that is related to the death of the priest Goldon. And she goes to connect to "Ao". ##### 13.Job from the West Guild (No.22 - 24) ##### If you go to Maruji-Jiujia, master says that they say the resistance of the east part were beaten immediately and punished. There is a man Hayami saw in the Combinato. He says that he got away from east part and they should be quiet for a while. If you go to the west Scrap Shop, master says he know Hayami as a great salvager. If you go to the West Guild, a staff registers Hayami and gives jobs. The 22th job is to salvage a motor of train from the underground in Zouge(Ivory) Area. The money to deposit is $10,000 and the reward is $35,000. The motor is at the place where the trains are floating. When Hayami dived, Rau-pa says there are so many trains in the underground that he should better carry enough Air and Battery. She is a nice girl. Try to find the motor! When you have gotten the motor and went back the exit to Zouge(Ivory) Area, the pile of broken concretes falls and buries the exit. You have to find another exit! Hurry up! If you go to Maruji-Jiujia, master says that Jeng's wife and the priest Goldon were making a secret agreement and did something together. Really ? The 23th job is to find a big hall in the south-west of Hisui(Jade) Area, and salvage a pod from it. The money to deposit is $10,000 and the reward is $45,000. The information of the point is given (L4-005). The depth of Hisui(Jade) Area is 550m and the depth of the hall is unknown (maybe over 550m). The 24th job is to salvage a wooden box from the underground of Hakkin(Platinum) Area. The money to deposit is $10,000 and the reward is $35,000. The point is in the station of north. They say the box is heavy and needs a power of submarine. When Hayami found and got the item, the main light suddenly has a trouble. Hayami thinks he have to manage to go back using VR-Sonar, though it's spend too much battery. (You can change the sonar by "SYSTEM MENU/SONAR") ##### 14.Job from the West Guild (No.25 - 27) ##### When you finished former 3 jobs, these jobs appears. *Be careful. If you go to the Maruji- Jiujia after 25th job... The 25th job is to salvage a big tanker from the north-west of Zouge(Ivory) Area. The money to deposit is $30,000 and the reward is $100,000. The information of the point is given (between C1-010 and C2-010). They say that it needs special float bullets to salvage it. If you equipped proper float bullets, Rau-pa calls Hayami when he was approaching the tanker. Rau-pa doubts that he can salvage the tanker, but Hayami says he equipped special float bullets, and has a confidence to salvage it. When Hayami shot some float bullets, Rau-pa calls him and says that sharks are approaching. The 26th job is to salvage a treasure of the pirates from the Aigyoku (Aquamarine) Area. The money to deposit is $5,000 and the reward is $200,000. The information of the point is not given. You can buy a bumper in the west Scrap Shop, which improves MAX DEPTH very much. Search every place where you couldn't go before. The 27th job is not to salvage but beat the "Catherine", which is a big cuttlefish you fought before. The money to deposit is $1,000 and the reward is $100,000. It lives at the 800m depth in the Aigyoku (Aquamarine) Area, but it sometimes comes up near the surface of the sea. When Hayami dived, Rau-pa calls him. She says that something exists at Z1-014 near the surface of the sea, and "Be careful!". Catherine is running away when it gets damage, to Z3-014 under 300m -> Z1-014 deep -> Z2-016. After that, the real battle begins! Beat it! ##### 15.The Battle ##### After 25th job, if you go to the Maruji- Jiujia, a man says that Hayami's salvaging of the big tanker became a big news, and everyone including east side knows Hayami is here. When you went back home, Cox is waiting. He demands Hayami to give him 3 statues, which are the key of the Heritage of Bayard. He says that he needs them to protect "Shin Sekai" from "Ao" or creatures made by Zorndyke. Hayami says that the statues were stolen and he doubts Cox did it. But Cox says that he never come here if he has already gotten the statues. He gets angry and... After that Iga says... Cox wanted to trade the statues (the key of the "Heritage of Bayard") with Berg (Zorndyke's creature). "Ao" came to Shin Sekai to prevent it. Iga has heard from Chung-yu (the beautiful woman) that Hayami had salvaged and been stolen the statues. So he was taking care of Hayami, secretly. And he says that a information came from "Ao no 6 Go", that a ghost battleship is approaching. In the city, hayami meets Somtou. Hayami says to him that he is going to Cox's place. Somtou says that he want to go with him, but... Hayami thinks "Who killed Yungjing ?" When Hayami went home, Chung-yu is lying tied up. She says that Rau-pa was kidnapped by Jeng's men. They demand that Hayami bring the statues to the ship, which stays in the offing. At that time, the ship of Berg (Zorndyke's creature) begins to attack the Shin Sekai, to destroy "Ao no 6 Go". Chung-yu asks him to come with the submarine to the ship, which she is going to provide. When Hayami dived, he tries to communicate with Chung-yu. But it's impossible. Try to find her! (The ship is indicated as white point.) ##### 16.The truth ##### When they reached Jeng's ship, Jeng's wife says that she killed priest Goldon and Cox, because they became no use. And the trouble which caused Yungjing's death was made by her, who wants to warn Hayami. She doesn't mind the death of Yungjing, her son, who didn't obey her. She requires the last statue, but... The submarine appears and he said that he is going to destroy Zorndyke and "Ao". The reason he resisted before was to beat the Zorndyke by his great weapon, and his resistance was stopped and his submarine was sunk by "Ao". He rides on the submarine with Rau-pa, starts it by the 2 statues, and goes into the battle between Berg and "Ao". Hayami follows him, but some fighters appears. Beat them! ##### 17.rescue of Rau-pa ##### Berg's battleship attacks Bayard's submarine and it's almost broken. Bayard asks Rau-pa to give him a pendant which her mother gave her. Bayard picks up a little key from it and gives back to her the pendant. And he lets Rau-pa escape from the ship. But the escape pod is caught by one of the broken bodies of the Bayard's submarine. Find the pod and rescue her! ##### 18.Ending ##### Chung-yu says that she has a lot of job from "Ao", and "See you again.". Hayami says Rau-pa that he is going to leave this city and ask her if she comes with him. But Rau-pa says that she has a lot of memories about her mother in this city, and she want to do what her father couldn't complete, with people in this city. And she made her farewell to Hayami. ###############################################################################################