========================================================================= *************************** Bomber Hehhe! FAQ *************************** ========================================================================= Dreamcast Puzzle Game, released 2002 by Fujicom FAQ version 0.51, released 13/11/2005 minor update 04/01/2010 FAQ written by Yann Best Yann can be contacted at yprbest@gmail.com ========================================================================= Disclaimer: this guide was written as just that - a guide. It was created to be used by GameFAQ's, and while I am likely to be happy to have it displayed elsewhere, please ask me beforehand - my contact details are a few inches up, fact fans! I am in no way affiliated with the makers of this fine game, nor do I have a good grasp of the Japanese language - as such all my findings and explanations here come from my own deductions, and may well be inaccurate. I ask for your understanding in this matter! Update 04/01/2010 - this guide is, and will remain, incomplete. However, I have accepted the gracious offer of another fan of Bomber Hehhe! to take this basic guide and flesh it out - should he find the time to do so I will be happy to remove this file in order that it be replaced with the updated one. So if you do see an expanded version of this file around don't worry that I'm being ripped off in some way - I'm just happy that the guide helps people, not that it stays 'true to me' or any such nonsense! ========================================================================= Table of Contents 1 - Introduction 1.1 - What's this all about, then? 1.2 - Main Menu Navigation 2 - Gameplay 2.1 - The Main Game 2.11 - Mission Intro 2.12 - Planning 2.121 - Display 2.122 - The Basics 2.123 - Controls 2.124 - The In-Game Start Menu 2.13 - Viewing The Action 2.14 - Post Level Menu. 4 - Notes 5 - Credits 6 - FAQ Release Data ========================================================================= 1 - Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 - What's this all about, then? Simple, really. You're a planner for a demolition company, and as such you must position explosive devices on multi-storey buildings in such a way as to bring about their (literal) downfall, preferably with as little collateral damage as possible. A solid understanding of physics should see you through, as you try to weaken buildings as effectively as possible so as to destroy them with the minimum of fuss. The game itself is made up of two main stages - the planning stage, where you are given three-dimensional plans of the building and must place the actual explosives, and the action stage, where you watch your carefully orchestrated destruction extravaganza in glorious, fully-textured 3D. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2 - Main Menu Navigation Upon starting the game, you will be presented (after a brief loading period where the game checks for the presence of any saved data) with the main menu. The options are, from top to bottom, as follows: A - Main Game menu B - Completed Missions menu C - Bonus Mode **MENU ONLY UNLOCKED AFTER COMPLETING THE FIRST MISSION** D - Office/Quiz Mode menu E - Options Menu And they subdivide as follows: ------------------------ A - Main Game menu - a - New Game - Does what you'd expect, and starts the game from the first level. - b - Continue Game - No surprises here, starts the game from the last level you saved your progress on. ------------------------ B - Completed Missions menu - a - *Unknown* - the top option serves no obvious purpose, and I cannot translate the dialogue that pops up upon selecting it. - b, c, d etc. - selects and loads individual missions, up to and including the level you are currently attempting in the main game. Really like a certain level? Then play it whenever you like from here - just try and remember which number level it was! ------------------------- C - Bonus Mode - a, b, c etc. - initially contains only a single option, which each loads the first bonus mission. Every completed mission in this mode unlocks yet another bonus mission. A small icon is shown next to each option depicting the vehicle you will be commanding in the bonus mission. ------------------------- D - Office/Quiz Mode menu - a - *Unknown* - engages a text-based game in which you appear to answer questions within your office. Impenetrable to those of us who can only comprehend Latin script. - b - *Unknown* - see above. ------------------------- E - Options Menu - a - Save Data - forgot to save your progress? Want the game to remember your settings? This is the button for you! - b - Load Data - accidentally started the game without the VMU in the slot? Then use this to force the game to load your saves without having to resort to resetting the game! - c - Rumble Pack - ON or OFF. You can probably work this one out for yourself. - d - Sound Settings - Stereo [Top] or Mono [Bottom]. There's one thing you've got to ask yourself here - do you have more than one channel of sound emitting from your Dreamcast? If yes, then go stereo. If not (or if you're deaf in one ear), mono's the output of choice! ========================================================================= 2 - Gameplay ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 - The Main Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.11 - Mission Intro Before each mission you will be presented with a small, lightly animated introduction. I have no idea what is said in any of these intros, and so tend to skip them (press the start button to do so). Following this, you will be given a virtual print out. This print out will include a picture of the structure you have to demolish, along with basic details (such as the number of floors) and other details that I am unable to translate. You can scroll back up and down the print out by using the D-Pad. There is one thing you really should pay attention to on the sheet - the number visible at the very bottom of the sheet. This number tells you the percentage of the building you must have demolished in order to clear the stage. Pressing A will move you from this sheet onto the Planning stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.12 - Planning ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.121 - Display Having passed beyond the introduction, you'll be thrust into the meat of the game - planning the demolition of your target. You will be presented with a screen with a large amount of data present, which I shall try to describe and explain. In the top-left corner of the screen is the Planning Menu, upon which is written "Bomb Set"; "Bomb Select"; "Timetable" and "Preview". The highlighted option shows what part of the planning process you are dealing with - each level should start with "Bomb Set" highlighted. In the top-centre of the screen will be a number written in the format 1/N, where "N" represents the number of floors that make up the building you are to demolish, and the 1 shows that you are currently looking at the plans for the first (bottom) floor of the building. Obviously as you look at other floors (see the basic controls for details on how to do this) the first number will change accordingly. In the top-right corner of the screen is a circular icon-based menu - this is the Explosives Menu, and is the menu from which you select which explosives to place. In the middle of the Explosives Menu are two numbers - the top number shows the cost of the currently selected explosive, the bottom shows the amount of money you have remaining. To the left of the screen you should see a green-backdropped frame, in which various values are shown: Strength; Height; Width and Weight. This is the Data Frame, and gives details on whatever object you currently have selected. At the start of each level, this will invariably be a strut - hence the Strength, Height, Width and Weight values. Somewhere in the middle of the screen should be large, red circle, with green lines shooting out from its centre. This is your Main Cursor, and shows you which strut is currently selected. The green lines show you to which adjacent struts you can move the cursor (see the Basic Controls section for more information on moving the Main Cursor). Below this should be a black frame, upon which are white lines. This is the Timetable Frame, and it is through this frame that you will be able to set the timing of your explosives. At the very bottom of the screen is the Preview Frame, which is simply a miniaturised, non-interactive variant of the Timetable Frame, allowing the user to glean an idea of how their explosions will be spaced from one another, time-wise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.122 - The Basics The Planning section revolves around four main 'modes' - "Bomb Set" mode; "Bomb Select" mode; "Timetable" mode and "Preview" mode. You can switch between these four modes at will. In "Bomb Set" mode, you control the Main Cursor, and are able to highlight every and any strut in the building you are in the business of deconstructing. Highlighting these supports will bring up vital details about them in the Data Frame. It is in this mode that you are able to physically place your explosives. In "Bomb Select" mode you select which explosives you are going to be placing in "Bomb Set" mode. Whilst in this mode, the Data Frame shows details on the currently selected explosive. By using the data provided in this and "Bomb Set" mode you should be able to match up explosives with supports they can adequately affect. Always remember to bear in mind the range of the blast of each explosive; however , and the fact that it is possible to destroy a strut in successive blasts, rather than just relying on single, powerful explosions. In "Timetable" mode you set the time at which individual explosives detonate - you can have at most four explosives detonating simultaneously, and you must remember to bear in mind that some explosives have a longer-lasting blast, and as such take up more slots on the timetable. Whenever you place an explosive you are forced into this mode to choose when to detonate it, but you can always return to "Timetable" mode and change the time of detonation. "Preview" mode does just that - shows an accelerated preview of your detonations, highlighting the blast radii of each explosive in time. It does not, however, give any indication as to how the building will react to said explosions. Using these four modes, you must successfully place explosives about the building in such a fashion as to ensure that it is suitably demolished. How you achieve this is up to your imagination and intelligence! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.123 - Controls Okay, so you have an idea of what the on-screen objects are, and understand the basics of play - how do you actually control things? ------ Analogue Stick - Always controls the camera. Left and right rotate the view, up and down zoom in and out, respectively. ------ Triggers - the left and right triggers cycle the view down and up through the floors, respectively. ------ D-Pad - In "Bomb Set" mode moves the Main Cursor. The cursor will snap between struts, and you can see how it can move by the green lines pointing out from its centre. The direction you press to move the cursor is relative to the viewing angle selected - for example, if the camera is rotated so that there is a green line pointing directly up, and another pointing diagonally down-left, then pressing up on the D-Pad will move the cursor to the strut indicated by the line pointing "up", whereas pressing left, down or down-left on the D-Pad will result in the cursor moving to the strut indicated by the other line. Sometimes it can seem impossible to manoeuvre the cursor to a certain strut - this can always be rectified by rotating the camera. - In "Bomb Select" mode, left and right cycles through the Explosives Menu, while pressing up or down allows you to select a camera to place instead of explosives (though I have yet to discover what purpose this serves beyond enabling you to see the inside of the building during planning). - In "Timetable" mode moves the cursor and any 'picked up' time-segments around the Timetable Frame. - In "Preview" mode has no effect. ------ X - Always toggles between sections of the planning process, as depicted in the Planning Menu. The first time you press it you will switch from "Bomb Set" to "Bomb Select" mode, the next time you will switch to "Timetable" mode, then to "Preview" mode, before returning to "Bomb Set" mode. ------ Y - In "Bomb Set" mode has no effect - In "Bomb Select" mode gives details on the selected bomb in Japanese - In "Timetable" mode toggles between displaying the building or just the blast radii for placed explosives - In "Preview" mode has no effect. ------ A - In "Bomb Set" mode places an explosive on the currently selected strut - In "Bomb Select" mode selects the currently highlighted explosive. - In "Timetable" mode 'picks up' and places currently highlighted time segment. - In "Preview" mode has no effect. ------ B - No use in "Bomb Set" mode, in all other modes cancels the currently selected action (such as bomb selection or time-setting) ------ Start Button - brings up the In-Game Start Menu (see below) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.124 - The In-Game Start Menu Upon pressing the start button during the planning stages, you will be presented with a three-option menu. The options are as follows (from top to bottom): A - Reset - removes all explosives place, returning the building to its initial state. Upon selecting this option, you will be asked if you are certain you wish to reset the building - Yes [top] or No [bottom]. B - Complete - completes the planning process, and moves on to the viewing stage. You will be asked if you are certain you have completed all planning work - Yes [top] or No [bottom] C - Cancel - cancels the menu. Nothing happens. Exciting, no? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.13 - Viewing The Action So you've had enough of planning, and have told the game that you are well and truly sure that you've completed it? Then its time to sit back and enjoy the show! Having sat through the joys of another spinny loading screen, you'll see your building - plus surrounding neighbourhood - in all its glory. Pretty soon it will start to crumble before your eyes. The building, that is. As ever, the analogue stick will enable you to move the camera, but it is limited in its range here. So what if you want a completely different angle on things? Simple, use the D-Pad to choose cameras facing each of four respective sides of the building. There are generally four camera positions for each of these four angles on the building, and you can cycle between each individual camera by repeatedly pressing the same direction (e.g. pressing left four times will cycle through four different cameras, all concentrating on the left-hand side of the building). Anyhow, having played with the cameras for a while, the chances are that the explosions have ceased, and a prompt will appear on screen, asking you to press either Y or A. But which to press? Well, if you want to see the action again, press Y. The explosions will repeat, allowing you to watch the havoc you have wreaked yet again, If, on the other hand, you tire of watching the same building crumble over and over, press A. You will get a report, which shows three figures. The first is the most important - this is your destruction percentage. Early levels will require you to achieve at least 70% on this - later ones may need higher. Not sure what you need to reach? See section 2.11 The second shows collateral damage. I'm not too sure as to the importance of this one, but it's nice to know how many windows and how much furniture you've managed to spew out into the streets. As for the third figure... I'm not entirely certain what it means. Sorry! Press A again to end the level. You'll be brought to the Post Level Menu (see below) - unless you failed to clear the level, in which case you first get to enjoy what appears to be a news report, presumably mocking you for messing up. Probably makes most sense if you understand Japanese. As usual, you can skip it by pressing the Start button. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.14 - Post Level Menu. Now that you've finished your viewing, you will be presented with a menu, upon which are three options, one of which will vary depending on whether you succeeded in achieving your goals or not. The options are as follows: A - Save Progress. Press A to confirm you wish to save when prompted, and again to confirm overwriting any previous saves. B - Next Level/Restart Level. This is the one that varies. If you met your goals, then bully for you! You get to go on to the next level. If, on the other hand, you failed to fully destroy the building, and instead have left a monstrous skeleton of a building standing, then you're just going to have to restart the level. Sorry. C - Quit. Had enough? Level getting you down? Or perhaps you just can't face the next level yet? Then this is the button for you. For once your determination to carry out this action is not questioned. ========================================================================= 4 - Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE - sadly, the update is simply that there, er, won't be any updates to this FAQ, so apologies for those looking forward to a fuller version/ me making the numbers of my categories, well, make sense. END OF UPDATE This is an early version of the FAQ, so there may still be errors in it - if you spot any, please let me know! Also, as you've probably noticed I am missing quite a few details - if you can help me out at all with anything I'd be really grateful. Also - I can actually count, honest! The reason that my sections jump from 2.14 to 4 is that this is an unfinished FAQ. I have sections planned that are as yet unwritten. For anyone interested, the intended sections are as follows: 2.2 - Bonus Games 2.21 - How to play 2.22 - Basic Controls - Tank 2.23 - Basic Controls - Artillery 2.24 - Basic Controls - Helicopter 3 - FAQ's 3.1 - Language barriers, and how I came to love the UFO 3.2 - Unlockables That's it, really. Oh, I should probably mention this is my first ever FAQ. Hope it's up to standard - I only wrote it because I noticed that nobody else had covered the wondeful, yet complicated and untranslated game that is Bomber Hehhe!. At least this way I feel as if my FAQ has some actual purpose, little though it may be! ========================================================================= 5 - Credits & Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits - just me, actually. Um, thanks to GameFAQ's for existing, and to Notepad for working. Oh, and Fujicom for the this game. And Sega for making the Dreamcast, so that I might play it. Oh, and my parents, for making me so that I might play anything. That was pretty decent of them. Oh, and of course - thanks to you for reading this! If you read it and found it useful, or have any comments, please feel free to contact me! My address is back at the top of the document. ========================================================================= 6 - FAQ Release Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.51 - 15/11/05 - second release, a few minor corrections made. Nothing too important! Version 0.5 - 13/11/05 - first release, contains explanations of menus, controls and basic game concepts.