*********************************************************************** CAPCOM VERSUS SNK 2: MILLIONAIRE FIGHTING 2001 Color Edit FAQ Written By Andy Wilson (a.k.a. Andy787) Contact the Author At: Andy78787@hotmail.com *********************************************************************** =============== Version History =============== 0.1 - Putting preliminary sections together - Added edits for Rock as Michael Jackson, Rock as Kyo, Undead Terry, Undead E.Honda 0.2 - Added the rest of the sections and explainations - Added edits for Gouki as Dan, African American Zangief, Dan as Sean, Rolento as Heidern, Dan as The Joker, Shin Gouki as The Joker, Yamazaki as The Joker 0.3 -Added edits for Rock as K', Undead Yamazaki, Invert Outfit Kim, Neo-Shadow Ryu, Neo-Shadow Evil Ryu, Neo-Shadow Ken, Neo-Shadow Gouki #1, Neo-Shadow Gouki #2, Neo-Shadow Zangief, Neo-Shadow Kyo, Neo-Shadow Ryo #1, Neo-Shadow Ryo #2, Neo-Shadow E.Honda #1, Neo-Shadow E.Honda #2, African American Mai, Yamazaki as Shin Gouki 0.4 -Added edits for Undead SuperHero Morrigan, God Rugal as The Joker, Neo-Shadow Morrigan, Zangief as IronGief, Todo as Geese, Nakoruru as Ibuki, Ice Rock, Zombie Dhalsim 0.5 -Added edits for Electified Blanka, Smooth Criminal/Superstar Terry, Patriotic Iori, Yun as Bart Simpson, Geese as Homer Simpson, Sakura as Chicago Bulls Chearleader, Rock as Banana/Charlie, Vampiric Blanka, Psycho Energy Vega, '60s Bond Villan Cammy, Rolento as Vega, "Night on the town" King, Thriller Zombie Morrigan, Ghost Rock, Ghost Iori, Evil Rock, Evil Yuri, Blanka as Hunter, Geese as Jedi 0.6 -Added edits for Sagat as Hellspawn, Todo as Mario, Eagle as Luigi, Man Beast Blanka, Super Psycho Vega, Evil Dan, King as Michael Jackson, Haohmaru as Keiichiro Washizuka, Morrigan as Lilith, True Evil Shin Gouki, True Evil Gouki, Evil Ken, Evil Ken #2, Evil Mai, Kyosuke as Dante, Tyrant Vega, Cyber Sagat, M.Bison as Mike Tyson, Reverse Color Iori, Zombie Kim, Evil E.Honda, Hero Ryo, Funeral Sakura, Mystic Athena =============== CONTENTS =============== 1. o LEGAL 2. o INTRODUCTION 3. o CONTRIBUTE 4. o CAPCOM CHARACTERS 5. o SNK CHARACTERS 6. o CONTRIBUTORS 7. o CREDITS *********************************************************************** 1. LEGAL *********************************************************************** First of all, before I put anything else on this FAQ, I want to acknowledge the color edit FAQ for Capcom VS SNK: Match of the Millennium, also on GameFAQs. I want to make it clear that I have not looked at his FAQ in any detail and no color edit on this FAQ was used directly from it (unless it was contributed by the same person). That said, I would like to make known that if any of these color edits are similar or the same in any way, it is purely coincidental, and I give full credit to whoever came up with the edits first. That said, this FAQ is Copyright (C) 2001 Andy Wilson. This FAQ can be used on other websites, but I MUST be told before hand AND approve of such. If you want to use this FAQ on your website please email me at Andy78787@hotmail.com. If this FAQ is used without permission legal action may be taken. This FAQ can be used or printed by anyone for PERSONAL use. All contributions are used with permission and are property and Copyright (C) Andy Wilson. Now that I've finished the icky legal mumbo jumbo, let's get on with the FAQ shall we? *********************************************************************** 2. INTRODUCTION *********************************************************************** Well this FAQ is pretty simple (thus why it's my first FAQ), you won't find any strategies or button combos anything of that like here. No, the purpose of this FAQ is just to put all of the cool custom outfits you make in the Capcom VS SNK 2 Color Edit mode into one easily accessible area where you can find interesting color edits made by others and share your personal edits. Hopefully this FAQ will grow into a good sized base where you can find plenty of over the top outfits for your favorite characters, and give you something else to do when you pry your hands off of CvS2's main gameplay :) Using this FAQ is pretty easy. For each color edit there is 15 lines of three double digit numbers. Each double digit number represents one color of the RGB table. RGB stands for "Red, Green, Blue". Each of the three colors blend together to form any other color in the spectrum. So basically, there are 15 colors used for each character, each of these colors is made using the RGB numbers, which are listed under each color edit. To use a color edit in this FAQ, just copy or print the RGB numbers of the character you want, then input the three double digit numbers for each of the 15 base colors on the character. It may sound tough, but don't worry, it is very easy once you take a look at the actual Color Edit mode in the game. Anyway, there's one thing I do need to point out. I'm pretty sure most importers are aware of this, but I should make mention just to be clear. In Capcom's Street Fighter games, the Japanese versions have different names than the US versions for a few of the characters, the reason being that Balrog's name in Japan is M.Bison, and Balrog being a boxer and having a name that rhymed with Mike Tyson didn't sit well with Capcom :P So just to make things clear, the characters in this FAQ will use their Japanese version names, so this is how the names work: Japanese Name/US name Gouki Akuma Shin Gouki Shin Akuma Vega M.Bison M.Bison Balrog Balrog Vega Finally, I hope you enjoy yourself! And check back often, I'm going to try to add as many edits as possible! *********************************************************************** 3. CONTRIBUTE *********************************************************************** So you've got some cool color edits of your own and you want to share them with the rest of GameFAQs huh? Well send em here! The only guide lines are that they should have a theme (i.e. an undead character) or someone they're impersonating (i.e. a celebrity, a rock star, ect). I will accept custom edits as well even if they don't have a theme, but they must be done exceptionally well. Please keep in mind that I'm trying to keep the quality of the edits in this FAQ as high as possible, so please try your best when making an edit :) Finally, if you've got one or more ready, just shoot me an email (at Andy78787@hotmail.com) with a description and the RGB numbers in the format listed below and I'll include them in the next update! Hope to hear from you guys :) *********************************************************************** 4. CAPCOM CHARACTERS *********************************************************************** =============== TOTAL EDITS: 47 =============== CONTENTS: =============== a. -Balrog b. -Blanka c. -Cammy d. -Chun-Li e. -Dan f. -Dhalsim g. -E.Honda h. -Eagle i. -Gouki j. -Guile k. -Ken l. -Kyosuke m. -M.Bison n. -Maki o. -Morrigan p. -Rolento q. -Ryu r. -Ryu (Evil) s. -Sagat t. -Sakura u. -Shin Gouki v. -Vega w. -Yun x. -Zangief ----------------------------------------------------------------------- b. Blanka ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Vampiric Blanka =============== By Shelton Doutherd =============== 05-00-00 28-28-31 30-30-30 18-26-26 20-22-22 12-20-20 08-14-14 04-10-10 31-00-00 23-00-00 15-00-00 05-00-00 14-00-00 11-06-00 31-00-00 =============== Electified Blanka =============== By F15PenguinC =============== 09-09-04 03-01-11 07-01-21 11-05-25 15-09-31 19-11-31 23-17-31 27-21-31 31-31-00 31-28-00 29-24-00 21-21-00 17-17-00 28-28-28 18-18-18 =============== Blanka as Hunter (Resident Evil series) =============== By MACHETERO =============== 08-02-01 01-08-01 01-06-01 01-04-01 01-02-01 01-01-01 01-04-01 01-01-01 01-03-01 01-04-01 01-03-01 01-04-01 01-02-01 17-01-01 01-04-01 =============== Man Beast Blanka (Must see! Very cool ^_^) =============== 00-00-00 25-19-15 25-15-09 19-09-05 13-05-01 07-01-00 03-01-00 20-00-00 15-00-00 10-00-00 02-02-02 03-03-03 00-00-00 30-00-00 22-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- c. Cammy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== '60s Bond Villan Cammy =============== By F15PenguinC =============== 00-00-00 30-24-18 30-20-14 28-16-10 24-24-24 06-06-06 00-00-00 14-14-14 19-19-19 31-31-31 10-10-10 06-06-06 27-27-27 30-26-20 30-26-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- e. Dan ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Dan as The Joker =============== By ProTect =============== 02-02-02 29-29-29 26-26-26 23-23-23 11-17-11 10-16-10 30-30-30 09-15-09 29-00-31 20-00-27 16-00-23 13-00-20 09-00-16 02-14-02 00-12-00 =============== Dan as Sean =============== By Andy787 =============== 02-02-02 30-25-18 30-21-14 28-17-10 22-13-08 16-07-00 30-30-30 20-13-00 31-31-00 26-22-12 23-11-00 23-11-00 23-11-00 12-02-00 08-00-00 =============== Evil Dan =============== By The Double D G =============== 20-05-05 22-17-10 22-13-06 20-09-02 14-05-00 08-00-00 30-00-00 30-30-30 05-05-05 04-04-04 03-03-03 02-02-02 01-01-01 25-10-10 20-05-05 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- f. Dhalsim ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Zombie Dhalsim =============== By Shelton Doutherd =============== 02-02-02 17-16-12 12-14-10 11-09-04 06-04-02 09-00-00 14-15-13 11-13-11 07-08-05 13-14-14 07-05-06 29-27-25 27-25-31 18-12-14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- g. E. Honda ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Frozen E. Honda =============== By Andy787 =============== 00-00-25 19-19-29 17-18-26 15-15-27 12-12-25 06-12-23 06-04-24 04-05-25 11-11-22 12-13-17 08-06-16 12-13-17 08-06-16 11-06-19 00-00-22 =============== Neo-Shadow E. Honda #1 =============== By RagingShoto =============== 00-00-00 05-00-03 00-00-00 04-00-04 01-00-02 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-20-25 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-02-02 00-05-05 04-02-00 00-20-09 =============== Neo-Shadow E. Honda #2 =============== By RagingShoto =============== 00-00-00 00-06-01 00-00-00 00-02-02 00-01-01 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 04-20-12 00-00-00 00-00-00 02-00-02 05-00-05 07-00-00 20-10-00 =============== Evil E.Honda =============== By kilik_tag =============== 03-02-01 28-12-09 22-07-07 17-03-03 12-03-03 09-03-03 05-01-01 03-01-01 06-04-02 09-11-17 05-08-12 05-06-08 03-04-05 11-01-01 17-03-03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- h. Eagle ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Eagle as Luigi (yes, from Mario Bros. ^_^) =============== By The Double D G =============== 25-18-11 22-15-08 24-12-08 18-06-00 14-07-00 00-25-00 00-25-00 00-20-00 00-15-00 00-10-00 00-00-30 00-00-25 00-00-20 00-00-15 10-07-03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- i. Gouki ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Gouki as Dan =============== By Andy787 =============== 24-24-24 28-20-12 26-16-08 22-12-08 16-08-04 12-06-02 30-00-00 22-00-00 16-00-00 31-25-25 25-15-19 31-18-20 20-08-09 25-09-10 02-02-02 =============== Neo-Shadow Gouki #1 =============== By RagingShoto =============== 00-00-00 00-00-00 04-00-00 06-00-00 02-00-00 13-00-00 00-00-00 06-31-24 00-00-00 04-09-11 00-07-02 00-01-02 00-02-04 00-00-00 00-00-00 =============== Neo-Shadow Gouki #2 =============== By RagingShoto =============== 00-00-00 00-00-00 04-00-00 06-00-06 02-00-00 13-00-13 00-00-00 31-18-14 00-00-00 00-07-09 00-05-09 00-00-01 00-02-04 00-00-00 =============== True Evil Gouki (awesome) =============== By KingRob and Tenchi =============== 30-26-18 28-18-12 22-12-08 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 24-24-24 05-05-05 02-01-02 01-01-01 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 31-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- k. Ken ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Neo-Shadow Ken (awesome) =============== By RagingShoto =============== 28-28-28 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-07-12 00-10-14 00-16-31 09-26-00 00-19-00 00-12-12 05-02-05 05-02-05 01-00-01 00-00-00 00-00-00 01-01-01 =============== Evil Ken =============== By KingRob and Tenchi =============== 30-26-18 28-18-12 22-12-08 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 24-24-24 05-05-05 02-01-02 01-01-01 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 31-00-00 =============== Evil Ken #2 =============== By KingRob and Tenchi =============== 27-27-27 26-24-26 21-19-20 16-15-15 12-09-06 09-07-02 27-27-27 21-21-21 15-13-15 02-02-02 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 31-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- l. Kyosuke ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Kyosuke as Dante (Devil May Cry) =============== By Shelton Doutherd =============== 30-26-18 28-18-12 22-12-08 15-09-05 30-00-00 20-00-00 10-00-00 05-00-00 00-00-00 05-05-05 04-04-06 27-27-29 20-20-22 20-00-00 03-03-03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- m. M.Bison ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== M.Bison as Mike Tyson =============== By Shelton Doutherd =============== 04-04-04 25-10-00 18-07-00 14-04-00 10-01-00 07-00-00 12-12-12 08-08-08 04-04-04 03-03-03 02-02-02 01-01-01 12-12-12 08-08-08 04-04-04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o. Morrigan ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Undead SuperHero Morrigan =============== By ProTect =============== 00-00-00 28-09-28 22-22-22 18-18-18 08-18-26 06-14-22 04-12-18 02-10-16 00-00-12 23-23-00 27-27-04 31-31-08 04-16-26 06-20-30 31-15-31 =============== Neo-Shadow Morrigan =============== By RagingShoto =============== 00-00-00 00-03-00 02-00-03 11-00-11 01-00-00 01-00-00 05-00-00 05-00-00 00-00-00 00-03-04 00-01-01 00-00-00 02-00-00 02-00-00 20-30-10 =============== Thriller Zombie Morrigan =============== By ProTect =============== 00-00-00 31-31-31 22-24-21 19-22-19 10-20-10 07-16-07 04-12-04 02-10-02 01-06-00 23-00-10 27-00-14 31-00-18 08-20-08 11-24-11 31-31-31 =============== Bride of Gouki Morrigan =============== By ProTect =============== 00-00-00 28-00-00 28-20-12 26-18-10 15-15-15 11-11-11 08-08-08 06-06-06 03-03-03 06-06-06 10-10-10 14-14-14 14-14-14 17-17-17 21-15-00 =============== Miss Jaundice Morrigan =============== By ProTect =============== 00-00-00 09-28-28 28-30-21 26-28-17 26-26-06 22-22-04 18-18-02 16-16-00 12-12-00 10-23-00 14-27-00 18-31-00 26-26-02 30-30-04 15-31-31 =============== Morrigan as Lilith =============== By KingRob and Tenchi =============== 00-00-00 26-18-30 30-26-22 28-20-18 25-24-30 25-24-30 16-16-24 12-12-20 12-12-20 28-00-00 28-00-00 30-14-10 22-22-28 22-22-28 30-30-30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- p. Rolento ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Rolento as Heidern =============== By Hayato42 =============== 25-19-09 25-15-07 13-13-13 06-06-06 04-04-04 09-09-09 06-06-06 11-09-23 09-06-19 07-06-15 05-06-10 04-05-09 06-06-06 04-04-04 03-03-03 =============== Rolento as Vega (Street Fighter 2 Turbo color) =============== By F15PenguinC =============== 30-18-11 25-15-18 22-12-05 19-03-00 15-00-00 11-11-11 04-04-04 30-30-31 26-26-30 22-22-26 18-18-22 13-13-17 31-12-12 19-05-05 10-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- q. Ryu ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Neo-Shadow Ryu (just try it, it's VERY cool ^_^) =============== By RagingShoto =============== 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 09-00-05 04-00-03 22-00-10 22-22-00 12-12-00 07-07-00 07-00-15 02-00-10 01-00-01 00-00-00 00-00-00 01-01-01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- r. Ryu (Evil) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Neo-Shadow Evil Ryu =============== By RagingShoto =============== 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 03-03-06 02-02-05 05-05-13 00-20-20 00-12-12 00-08-08 00-03-05 00-03-07 00-01-01 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- s. Sagat ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Sagat as Hellspawn (from the comic) =============== By RagingShoto =============== 12-10-12 09-07-09 05-04-05 02-01-02 00-10-00 08-06-08 02-01-02 04-03-04 24-00-00 16-00-00 25-25-25 20-20-20 16-16-16 12-12-12 04-04-04 =============== Cyber Sagat =============== By Shelton Doutherd =============== 19-19-20 17-16-14 09-10-08 07-06-06 05-00-00 05-05-06 03-03-03 01-01-01 10-10-09 11-12-10 09-09-11 06-06-06 03-03-03 05-06-04 10-10-12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- t. Sakura ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Sakura as Chicago Bulls Chearleader =============== By F15PenguinC =============== 31-31-31 27-19-17 25-17-15 21-15-13 17-12-10 06-06-06 03-03-03 00-00-00 31-31-19 31-00-00 09-00-00 04-00-00 12-05-05 06-02-02 02-01-01 =============== Funeral Sakura =============== By kilik_tag =============== 25-18-08 17-10-04 12-06-02 09-04-02 05-02-02 04-04-04 02-02-02 00-00-00 21-05-05 12-12-12 07-07-07 02-02-02 06-06-06 03-03-03 00-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- u. Shin Gouki ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Shin Gouki as The Joker (yes, from Batman ^_^) =============== By ProTect =============== 24-24-24 29-29-29 24-24-24 21-21-21 18-18-18 12-12-12 19-31-19 04-16-04 00-12-00 29-00-31 22-00-29 20-00-27 18-00-25 16-00-23 02-02-02 =============== True Evil Shin Gouki =============== By KingRob and Tenchi =============== 27-27-27 26-24-26 21-19-20 16-15-15 12-09-06 00-00-00 31-00-00 15-00-00 02-02-02 02-02-02 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 31-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- v. Vega ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Psycho Energy Vega =============== By F15PenguinC =============== 02-02-04 02-02-17 00-00-08 00-00-12 07-07-14 31-31-31 25-25-25 20-20-20 17-17-17 04-04-06 28-24-22 22-18-17 17-12-11 11-06-06 08-14-22 =============== Super Psycho Vega =============== By The Double D G =============== 16-00-16 12-00-12 06-00-06 02-00-02 00-00-00 00-25-25 00-20-20 00-15-15 00-10-10 00-05-05 31-27-19 27-21-13 23-17-07 19-13-09 00-20-20 =============== Tyrant Vega =============== By Shelton Doutherd =============== 06-06-06 02-02-02 04-04-04 02-02-02 01-01-01 31-00-00 20-00-00 10-00-00 05-00-00 04-04-06 28-22-18 22-16-08 18-12-02 14-08-04 02-02-02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- w. Yun ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Yun as Bart Simpson =============== By F15PenguinC =============== 31-31-00 27-27-00 20-20-00 15-15-00 11-11-00 25-19-00 22-13-00 19-10-00 16-08-00 06-06-18 04-04-12 02-02-09 00-13-20 00-08-16 31-31-20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- x. Zangief ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== African American Zangief =============== By Andy787 =============== 05-00-00 17-10-05 17-07-01 15-03-05 13-01-01 05-00-00 05-00-00 30-00-00 22-00-00 18-00-00 12-00-00 30-30-30 20-22-20 30-26-00 28-20-00 =============== Neo-Shadow Zangief =============== By RagingShoto =============== 00-06-06 03-02-03 00-00-00 01-01-01 00-00-00 00-05-05 00-03-03 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-31-00 00-22-00 30-30-30 10-10-10 =============== Zangief as IronGief =============== By Gokuma =============== 00-04-00 07-15-07 06-13-06 05-10-05 03-07-03 02-05-02 01-03-01 15-00-00 11-00-00 09-00-00 06-00-00 00-30-00 00-22-00 00-26-00 00-20-00 =============== Mech Zangief (As seen in SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighter's Clash) =============== By Andy787 =============== 08-04-00 25-22-21 21-18-19 17-15-16 13-11-12 10-09-09 08-07-07 09-08-12 13-11-15 09-08-12 08-06-09 08-06-10 07-05-09 07-05-09 07-05-09 =============== Zangief as Tazz (WWF/ECW wrestler) =============== By Shelton Doutherd =============== 02-00-00 12-08-02 07-04-00 05-04-03 04-01-00 01-00-02 02-00-00 00-00-00 02-02-02 03-01-05 00-00-00 30-08-00 30-08-00 30-08-00 30-08-00 ***********************************************************************5. SNK CHARACTERS ***********************************************************************== ============= TOTAL EDITS: 32 =============== CONTENTS: =============== a. -Athena b. -Benimaru c. -Chang d. -Geese e. -God Rugal f. -Haohmaru g. -Hibiki h. -Iori i. -Joe j. -Kim k. -King l. -Kyo m. -Mai n. -Nakoruru o. -Orochi Iori p. -Raiden q. -Rock r. -Rugal s. -Ryo t. -Terry u. -Todo v. -Vice w. -Yamazaki x. -Yuri -----------------------------------------------------------------------a. Athena ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Mystic Athena =============== By The Double D G =============== 30-21-20 30-15-15 23-09-07 17-05-03 31-31-31 20-20-30 15-15-20 05-05-15 20-00-10 15-00-10 10-00-10 17-11-15 00-20-20 00-15-15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- d. Geese ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Geese as Homer Simpson =============== By F15PenguinC =============== 31-31-00 27-27-00 20-20-00 15-15-00 11-11-00 31-31-31 28-28-28 23-23-23 18-18-18 00-00-00 08-08-29 06-06-18 04-04-12 02-02-09 02-02-04 =============== Geese as Jedi (Star Wars) =============== By MACHETERO =============== 31-31-31 31-28-31 31-22-31 28-14-31 18-08-31 31-31-31 28-30-31 22-24-31 14-18-31 04-04-31 31-06-31 28-04-31 22-04-31 18-04-31 12-04-31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- e. God Rugal ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== God Rugal as The Joker =============== By ProTect =============== 22-22-22 31-31-31 27-27-27 22-22-22 11-24-11 13-20-13 00-13-00 11-04-11 07-00-07 31-07-31 23-05-28 17-04-26 14-02-23 11-00-20 -----------------------------------------------------------------------f. Haohmaru ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Haohmaru as Keiichiro Washizuka (from Last Blade) =============== By ZedPower =============== 30-24-16 29-20-12 27-16-08 20-11-06 13-08-03 15-15-25 12-12-22 10-10-20 08-08-18 06-06-16 10-15-10 08-13-08 06-11-06 31-31-31 02-02-02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- h. Iori ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Patriotic Iori =============== By F15PenguinC =============== 30-26-22 28-19-15 24-12-07 15-05-01 30-30-30 28-24-24 24-18-18 17-07-07 13-03-03 09-01-01 03-02-02 08-08-12 06-06-10 04-04-08 02-02-06 =============== Ghost Iori =============== By KingRob and Tenchi =============== 31-31-31 31-31-31 31-31-31 31-31-31 08-08-31 08-07-26 07-06-20 09-06-11 07-04-08 04-03-05 02-01-02 27-28-29 22-22-23 17-15-18 12-09-12 =============== Reverse Color Iori =============== By Shelton Doutherd =============== 30-26-18 28-18-12 22-12-08 14-06-00 26-00-00 24-00-00 16-00-00 10-02-00 05-05-05 03-03-03 01-01-01 30-30-30 24-24-28 18-18-20 11-11-13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- j. Kim ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Inverted Outfit Kim =============== By Fuuraisen =============== 31-29-27 31-26-18 28-20-13 24-14-08 20-08-03 14-04-02 00-00-00 00-03-09 00-00-00 00-00-05 01-04-08 00-00-00 31-31-31 31-31-31 16-16-16 =============== Zombie Kim =============== By kilik_tag =============== 31-31-31 31-27-23 21-19-16 11-11-08 06-07-05 03-06-03 00-03-00 18-21-18 11-14-11 05-08-05 02-05-02 00-03-00 20-00-00 14-00-00 07-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- k. King ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== "Night on the Town" King =============== By Shelton Doutherd =============== 31-26-21 31-21-15 26-16-10 22-11-07 16-06-00 31-24-18 30-00-00 20-00-00 10-00-00 04-00-00 12-12-12 07-07-07 06-06-06 01-01-01 =============== King as Michael Jackson =============== By The Double D G =============== 27-23-17 27-17-11 05-05-05 22-10-06 16-06-00 03-03-03 06-06-06 04-04-04 02-02-02 00-00-00 29-30-31 26-27-28 23-24-25 20-21-22 17-18-19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- l. Kyo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Neo-Shadow Kyo =============== By RagingShoto =============== 00-00-00 05-00-00 12-00-00 07-00-00 00-00-00 00-02-00 00-02-00 00-10-07 00-05-00 07-07-11 03-03-07 00-00-02 00-00-00 00-00-01 11-24-14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- m. Mai ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== African American Mai (yowzers! ^_^) =============== By FighterX =============== 28-15-07 24-11-03 17-07-03 10-04-00 03-03-03 01-01-01 12-12-12 08-08-08 04-04-04 00-00-00 00-00-00 30-30-30 26-26-26 22-22-22 18-18-18 =============== Evil Mai =============== By KingRob and Tenchi =============== 27-27-27 26-24-26 21-19-20 16-15-15 00-00-00 31-00-00 31-00-00 15-00-00 31-00-00 02-02-02 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- n. Nakoruru ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Nakoruru as Ibuki =============== By Hayato42 =============== 31-27-21 30-20-15 23-14-07 17-10-03 11-05-00 23-23-23 21-20-20 16-15-14 13-12-11 15-11-17 06-06-10 05-05-06 19-19-19 13-13-13 00-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- q. Rock Howard ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Rock as Michael Jackson (from the Thriller video =P) =============== By Hayato42 =============== 18-15-13 18-15-13 16-07-00 09-09-09 05-05-05 04-05-03 31-06-03 21-02-00 13-02-01 26-03-01 22-04-01 13-13-13 09-09-11 05-05-06 02-02-02 =============== Rock as Kyo (KoF 99/Evo outfit) =============== By Hayato42 =============== 31-26-20 28-19-11 16-07-00 16-16-00 16-07-00 13-04-00 27-27-27 23-23-23 20-30-20 00-00-00 22-23-24 13-13-15 09-09-10 05-05-06 02-02-02 =============== Rock as K' (KoF 99, 2000, 2001) =============== By Aleks =============== 25-22-16 24-17-07 17-08-04 29-30-29 21-23-26 16-15-18 05-05-07 02-01-01 00-01-00 04-04-03 01-01-02 07-07-09 03-03-04 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 =============== Ice Rock =============== By Jon Lee =============== 00-00-07 00-00-07 16-16-22 24-24-31 12-12-23 00-00-07 00-00-07 00-00-16 04-04-16 00-00-07 04-04-27 02-02-10 00-00-06 00-00-20 =============== Rock as Banana/Charlie =============== By F15PenguinC =============== 31-28-22 30-21-14 20-10-03 31-31-31 19-19-19 13-13-13 31-31-00 20-20-00 15-15-00 31-31-31 26-26-26 02-07-02 02-05-02 00-04-00 00-02-00 =============== Ghost Rock =============== By KingRob and Tenchi =============== 31-31-31 31-31-31 31-31-31 29-30-29 19-21-23 12-12-15 14-14-28 11-11-11 01-02-01 30-30-30 22-23-24 14-14-28 14-14-28 05-05-06 02-02-02 =============== Evil Rock =============== 27-27-27 26-24-26 21-19-20 00-00-00 00-00-00 31-00-00 31-00-00 15-00-00 31-00-00 02-02-02 00-00-00 02-02-02 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- s. Ryo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Neo-Shadow Ryo #1 =============== By RagingShoto =============== 00-20-31 00-11-16 00-03-03 00-00-00 00-10-10 00-00-00 00-24-24 03-03-03 00-00-00 01-01-01 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 10-00-10 =============== Neo-Shadow Ryo #2 =============== By RagingShoto =============== 31-00-00 20-00-00 03-00-00 00-00-00 10-00-00 00-00-00 24-00-00 05-00-04 00-00-00 02-00-01 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-08-00 =============== Hero Ryo (very cool!) =============== By kilik_tag =============== 31-29-21 31-16-00 29-17-12 24-10-18 14-05-03 08-03-01 03-01-01 23-26-26 19-21-21 11-15-15 03-04-04 01-01-03 25-00-00 19-00-00 12-00-00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- t. Terry Bogard ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Undead Terry =============== By Andy787 =============== 20-16-18 15-10-12 05-07-11 11-10-12 15-13-18 06-06-09 07-03-13 01-02-06 13-11-17 15-12-18 13-11-17 11-09-15 09-06-15 04-03-09 06-07-11 =============== Smooth Criminal/Superstar Terry =============== By F15PenguinC =============== 30-26-18 28-18-12 22-12-08 14-06-00 31-31-31 26-26-26 21-21-21 00-00-00 07-07-07 06-06-06 04-04-04 03-03-03 02-02-02 00-00-00 28-22-06 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- u. Todo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Todo as Geese =============== By Hayato42 =============== 31-26-18 28-20-13 24-14-08 20-08-03 14-04-02 24-24-24 16-16-16 15-15-15 29-31-31 19-21-21 30-00-00 20-00-00 15-00-00 07-00-00 00-00-00 =============== Todo as Mario (yes, from Mario Bros.) =============== By The Double D G =============== 31-26-18 28-20-13 24-14-08 20-08-03 14-04-02 00-00-30 00-00-25 00-00-20 30-00-00 25-00-00 00-00-30 00-00-25 00-00-20 00-00-15 00-00-10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------w. Yamazaki ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Yamazaki as The Joker =============== By ProTect =============== 27-27-27 29-29-29 24-24-24 22-18-22 19-08-19 15-04-15 05-31-05 00-26-00 29-11-31 23-08-28 21-06-26 19-04-24 18-03-23 16-01-21 15-00-20 =============== Undead Yamazaki =============== By Fuuraisen =============== 28-28-28 24-22-24 22-18-18 16-14-14 12-07-00 08-07-02 31-31-31 00-00-00 00-00-18 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 =============== Yamazaki as Shin Gouki =============== By FighterX =============== 24-24-24 27-11-08 21-04-07 17-03-01 12-01-00 09-00-01 31-31-31 20-17-11 16-13-07 11-06-11 10-04-07 07-03-05 04-02-03 03-01-01 02-02-02 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- x. Yuri ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== Evil Yuri =============== By KingRob and Tenchi =============== 27-27-27 26-24-26 21-19-20 16-15-15 12-09-06 31-00-00 31-00-00 15-00-00 31-00-00 02-02-02 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 00-00-00 *********************************************************************** 6. CONTRIBUTORS *********************************************************************** Well without the contributors this FAQ would be nothing, so this section is for them, and they deserve all the credit the get. =============== Andy787 (me ^_^) - (Andy78787@hotmail.com) =============== Contributions: =============== -Undead Terry -Undead E. Honda -Gouki as Dan -African American Zangief -Dan as Sean (SF3:TS) -Mech Zangief (SvC: CFC) =============== Hayato42 - (hayato42@angelfire.com) =============== Contributions: =============== -Rock as Michael Jackson -Rock as Kyo (99/Evo outfit) -Rolento as Heidern -Todo as Geese -Nakoruru as Ibuki =============== ProTect - (coder2@mad.scientist.com) =============== Contributions: =============== -Dan as The Joker -Shin Gouki as The Joker -Yamazaki as The Joker -God Rugal as The Joker -Undead SuperHero Morrigan -Thriller Zombie Morrigan =============== RagingShoto =============== Contributions: =============== -Neo-Shadow Ken -Neo-Shadow Ryu -Neo-Shadow Evil Ryu -Neo-Shadow Gouki #1 -Neo-Shadow Gouki #2 -Neo-Shadow Zangief -Neo-Shadow Kyo -Neo-Shadow Ryo #1 -Neo-Shadow Ryo #2 -Neo-Shadow E. Honda #1 -Neo-Shadow E. Honda #2 -Neo-Shadow Morrigan -Sagat as Hellspawn =============== Fuuraisen =============== Contributions: =============== -Undead Yamazaki -Inverted Outfit Kim =============== FighterX =============== Contributions: =============== -African American Mai -Yamazaki as Shin Gouki =============== Gokuma =============== Contributions: =============== -Zangief as IronGief =============== Aleks - (missx@gm.dreamcast.com) =============== Contributions: =============== -Rock as K' (KoF 99, 2000, 2001) =============== Jon Lee (lee_x_treme@hotmail.com) =============== Contributions: =============== -Ice Rock =============== Shelton Doutherd (sinkiller23@yahoo.com) =============== Contributions: =============== -Zombie Dhalsim -Zangief as Tazz (WWF wrestler) -Vampiric Blanka -"Night on the Town" King -Kyosuke as Dante (Devil May Cry) -Tyrant Vega -Cyber Sagat -M.Bison as Mike Tyson -Reverse Color Iori =============== F15PenguinC (jivemellon@yahoo.com) =============== Contributions: =============== -Electrified Blanka -Smooth Criminal/Superstar Terry -Rock as Banana/Charlie -Patriotic Iori -Yun as Bart Simpson -Geese as Homer Simpson -Sakura as Chicago Bulls Chearleader -'60s Bond Villian Cammy -Psycho Energy Vega -Rolento as Vega (SF2 Turbo color) =============== KingRob and Tenchi =============== Contributions: =============== -Ghost Rock -Ghost Iori -Evil Rock -Evil Yuri -Morrigan as Lilith -True Evil Gouki -True Evil Shin Gouki -Evil Ken -Evil Ken #2 -Evil Mai =============== MACHETERO =============== Contributions: =============== -Blanka as Hunter (Resident Evil series) -Geese as Jedi (Star Wars) =============== The Double D G (giltinan@ix.netcom.com) (http://DDG.d-a-v-e.com) =============== Contributions: =============== -Todo as Mario (Mario Bros.) -Eagle as Luigi (Mario Bros.) -Man Beast Blanka -Evil Dan -Super Psycho Vega -King as Michael Jackson -Mystic Athena =============== ZedPower (zedpower@hotmail.com) =============== Contributions: =============== -Haohmaru as Keiichiro Washizuka (from Last Blade) =============== kilik_tag =============== Contributions: =============== -Zombie Kim -Evil E.Honda -Hero Ryo -Funeral Sakura ***********************************************************************7. CREDITS ***********************************************************************We ll I'd like to thank first of all, me, for being the genius that I am :P Only playin, seriously though, I'd like to thank first and foremost, CJayC, for having such a great site that really provides the best way for us gamers to share our knowledge and help each other. Secondly, I gotta give a big shout out to all the contributors, because without them, like I said before, this FAQ would suck. Also, Miffo for helping me format this FAQ. Hayato42 for helping right at the start. Roufuss for being the "factual consultant" ^_^. Falsehead for encouraging me to write a FAQ. ***********************************************************************Fi n! ***********************************************************************