DDD AA NN DDDDD AAAA NNN NN DDDDDDD AAAAA NNNN NNN DDDDDDDDD AAAAAA NNNN NNNN DDDD DDDDD AAAAAAA NNNNN NNNN DDDD DDDDD AA AAAA NNNNN NNNN DDDD DDDD AAA AAAA NNNNNN NNNN DDDDD DDDD AAA AAAA NNNNNNN NNN DDDDD DDDD AAAAAAAAAAA NNNNNNNNNNNN DDDD DDDDD AAAAAAAAAAAA NNNNNNNNNNNN DDDD DDDDD AAA AAAA NNNNNNNNNNN DDDD DDDDD AAA AAAA NNNN NNNNNN DDDD DDDDD AA AAAAA NNNN NNNNN DDDDDDDDD AAA AAAAA NNNN NNNN DDDDDDD AAA AAAA NNNN NNN DDDDD NNN NN Hibiki All-Purpose Super-FAQ v0.5 ============================ For Capcom vs. SNK 2 ============================ By Matt DelGiudice (noamattd@aol.com) Issues of Legalness This FAQ was created, edited, proofread, maintained, and nurtured by me, Matt DelGiudice (noamattd@aol.com). It is to be used only for private and personal purposes. Under no circumstances is this FAQ to be used for promotional or profitable purposes, including being used in any way by or within magazines, strategy guides, newspaper articles, mini-series' on FOX, etc. This FAQ may be used on a web site as long as this disclaimer appears in full, and the content remains UNCHANGED. Other copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged. Don't steal from me. My FAQ. In layman's terms: This document Copyright 2000-2001 Matthew DelGiudice. The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at www.gamefaqs.com. The Street Fighter series and all related characters and indicia are Copyright Capcom of Japan. I guess all SNK characters are Copyright SNK, also. ***************** Table of Contents ***************** - Who is Dan and what makes him so damn special THIS time? - FAQ Vocabulary List - Dan-at-a-glance - Get your Groove on - The Groove Systems and how they apply to Dan - Saikyo-Ryu basics (Normal moves) - Advanced Saikyo-Ryu (Special moves) - REALLY Advanced Saikyo-Ryu (Super Combos) - Delicious Cheddar Cheese wrapped in a Pretzel Shell (Combos) *In Progress* - How to taunt and look good doing it (Strategy) *In Progress* - Dan vs. Everyone (Even More Strategy) *In Progress* - What the hell is he SAYING, anyway? (Translations) - Stuff you probably know but I have to say anyway (Secrets) - The colors, Duke. The colors! - Revisions - Upcoming events - Acknowledgements ******************************************************** Who is Dan and what makes him so damn special THIS time? ******************************************************** If you wish to read up on Dan's illustrious history, you should check out my Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Dan FAQ (also available at gamefaqs.com), or some of the great Dan-related web sites at the bottom of this FAQ. Personally, I think Dan is at an all-time high in this game, possibly even better than his Alpha 3 incarnation. He's decently fast, he can combo a little better, and I think they actually INCREASED the range on his Gaodu-ken! 0_o On the lighter side, Dan is funnier than ever. If you thought he was noisy before, brace yourself. The man taunts CONSTANTLY. Roll, throw, dodge, counter, win... Dan has a bigger arsenal of abuse than ever, and there's no way your opponent will be able to avoid a severe verbal browbeating. However, this has all come at a terrible, TERRIBLE price. It makes me weep to say this but...taunts are no longer useful. For anyone. For anyTHING. Why? Because taunting will give your opponent a HUGE amount of super energy, something like 1/3-1/2 a C-Groove level, if not more. And you don't get squat from it, not even the satisfaction that you've annoyed your opponent. You've just made him a big fat happy clam. So, Dan players, take a moment to mourn this, then come back with renewed vigor to be SO GOOD with Dan that you can afford to taunt your opponent! CHARGE! All in all though, Dan is special because he's DAN. There's simply no other way to put it. So on that note, I shall begin detailing the deadly techniques of Saikyo-Ryuu... read each section carefully, and be warned, abuse of these mysterious and powerful techniques will ultimately lead to your downfall. 'Cuz you know...Dan's not so easy to use... ******************* FAQ Vocabulary List ******************* F - Forward (The direction Dan is facing) Dan walks towards his opponent. B - Back (The direction opposite the way Dan is facing) Dan walks away from his opponent or blocks if being attacked. U - Up Dan jumps up. D - Down Dan crouches. UF - Up-Forward Dan jumps forward. UB - Up-Back Dan jumps backward. DF - Down-Forward Dan crouches. No different from pressing down. DB - Down-Back Dan crouches or blocks low if being attacked. LP LK Light (jab) Punch Light (short) Kick MP MK Medium (strong) Punch Medium (forward) Kick HP HK Hard (fierce) Punch Hard (roundhouse) Kick PPP / KKK Hit all 3 punch button / all 3 kick buttons. QCF / QCB Rotate the joystick/D-Pad D,DF,F or D,DB,B. C-Dan C-Groove Dan A-Dan A-Groove Dan (see where I'm going with this?) (air) Move can be done in the air as well as on the ground. J. Jumping C. Crouching XX/Buffer Cancel into... Tick Make someone block a hit or two, then quickly throw them DKK Dankukyaku K.DKK Kuuchu (mid-air) Dankukyaku HBK Hisshou Burai-Ken DC Dreamcast *************** Dan-at-a-glance *************** Gadou-ken QCF + Punch Koryuken F,D,DF + Punch Dankukyaku QCB + Kick (air) Zenten Chouhatsu QCF + Start, or LK + Start on DC Kouten Chouhatsu QCB + Start, or LK + Start on DC. Shaghami Chouhatsu D + Start, or LK + Start on DC. Tachi Chouhatsu Press Start, or LK + Start on DC. Jump Chouhatsu Jump and press Start, or LK + Start on DC. Saikyou Seoi Nage When close, press F + HP/HK or B + HP/HK Shinkuu Gadou-ken QCF, QCF + Punch Koryurekka QCF, QCF + Kick Hisshou Burai-Ken QCB, QCB + Kick Chouhatsu Densetsu QCF, QCF + Start, or LK + Start on DC. Counter Attack: MP Koryuken Custom Intros: Yuri, Joe, and Sagat. Main Strengths: - Decent range, speed and priority on normal moves, better than usual - Slightly above-average power and vitality - Second-longest roll in the game - Funny guy...Dan Hibiki is a FUNNY GUY! - BAD-ASS new face lift - He's DAN! Main Weaknesses: - He's pretty stupid - Taunts are long and leave him vulnerable, and fill the opponent's super gauge - Most people are too mean to let him finish a Chouhatsu Densetsu - Newbies just don't get him ****************** Get your Groove on ****************** There are much better explanations of the six groove systems out there (http://www.shoryuken.com is great), but here's a quick rundown: C-Groove: Much like the Street Fighter Alpha games. You get a maximum of three levels of super energy, and you can use Level 1, 2, and 3 supers at any time if you have enough meter by doing the motion and hitting a light, medium, or hard attack, respectively. This is a good groove for beginners and casual Capcom gamers as it's very easy to pick up. The special features are Dashing, Air Blocking, Rolling, Counter Attacks, Level 2 Cancelling, and Tactical Recovery. A-Groove: This is a lot like the Variable/Custom Combo feature of Street Fighter Alpha 3's V-ISM. You have one meter that must be full before you can initiate an A-Combo, and you can also use Level 1 supers at the cost of half a bar. If you perform a level 1 super DURING an A-Combo, it takes all your remaining meter, so be careful. While doing an A-Combo, the juggling system for you changes completely, and you can hit your opponent pretty much any time and juggle them infinitely until your meter runs out. You can also cancel any move into any other move at any time (i.e. specials into another specials, specials into normal, and multiple moves while airborne. This is important for Dan!) The special features are Dashing, Counter Attacks, Rolling, and Safe Falls. P-Groove: Meant to resemble Street Fighter 3, the only real feature of this Groove is Parrying, which I am not good at. You need a full bar to do supers, but they will all be Level 3. If you're good at parrying though, you can be especially annoying with P-Groove, because you can parry anything, even when you're in the air, and you can parry repeatedly to stop multi-hit attacks. The only special features are Dashing, Low Jumps, and Tactical Recoveries , so again, you'll be relying on parrying to carry you to success with this Groove. S-Groove: Much like the SNK Groove in CvS1, which was pretty much KoF's Extra mode, and also has roots from Art of Fighting. Holding HP and HK will charge your super meter, and it will slowly drain to nothing once it has been filled. During this time, you can perform a Level 1 super. When you are under about 1/3 life and your energy is flashing, you can perform unlimited Level 1 supers as long as you have even a speck of your bar filled, and Level 3 supers when you fill it up to max. You also gain a slight power boost (15%) while your meter is filled and draining back to empty. Your bar will fill slowly at first, then it will rev up and begin going faster as you keep charging. The special features are Running, Low Jumps, Counter Attacks, Dodging, and Tactical Recoveries. N-Groove: KoF's Advanced Mode. You charge up your meter as normal, and when it fills, it is stored in a "stock" ball and returns to being empty. You can hold up to 3 stock balls, and you use them for most of your tactical moves, such as Counter Rolls and Level 1 supers. Also, by hitting HP + HK, you'll perform a Stock Break, giving Dan a %20 increase in strength, and also the ability to use ANOTHER stock to perform Level 3 supers. You get a lot of options with N-Groove, and Stock Breaks are so fast that making use of them frequently is never a liability. The numerous special features are: Running, Low Jumps, Counter Rolls, Counter Attacks, Rolling, and Safe Falls. K-Groove: This is from Garou: Mark of the Wolves and Samurai Showdown, both of which I have barely even heard of, let alone played. This is a powerful Groove, though; your Rage meter (from SS) will build as you are hit or Just Defend attacks (meaning hit block at the very last second instead of holding it, from Garou). When it fills, Dan will start glowing red and smoking with anger, and for that time will do 35% more damage and can perform a Level 3 super, which will help him vent that anger and calm back down to an empty gauge. The only problem is that attacking doesn't increase your gauge, making this a very defense-oriented Groove. The three special features are: Running, Low Jumps, and Safe Falls. ******************************************** The Groove Systems and how they apply to Dan ******************************************** This is a rundown of the many features that the different Grooves offer. ** Dash: Tap F, F or B, B. ** Dan quickly hops forwards or backwards a set distance (C, A, P Grooves). ** Run: Tap F, F and hold F. ** Dan runs forward quickly for as long as you hold down F (S, N, K Grooves). ** Priority Jump: Tap D, U/UF/UB ** Dan jumps higher and farther than normal (All Grooves). ** Low Jump: TAP (not HOLD!) U/UF/UB ** Dan jumps much lower than normal (P, S, N, K Grooves) ** Parry: Tap F just before a high attack hits or when you are attacked ** ** while in the air. Tap D just before a low attack hits. ** Dan will flash blue and knock your opponents attack aside, taking no damage and building up a small amount of super energy. You can parry anything, including supers and projectiles (P-Groove only). ** Just Defense: Block an attack at the last second by tapping B instead of ** ** holding it and waiting. ** This is the main way to crank up your Rage meter (K-Groove only). Unlike parries, you cannot cancel a Just Defense with an attack. ** Rolling: LP + LK ** Dan rolls forward and is completely invincible while rolling, but he can be thrown. He is also vulnerable for a short time coming out of the roll (C, A, N Grooves). ** Dodging: LP + LK ** Dan does a quick side-step while yelling, "YOYUSHI!" and making an extremely goofy face. He cannot be hit by any attacks while dodging except throws, and recovers instantly coming out of the dodge, so he can block immediately. Dodging when there is no attack coming towards you is a SPECTACULAR substitute for a normal taunt (S Groove only)! ** Counter Attack: F + MP + MK while blocking. ** Much like Alpha Counters, they use up some super meter in order to break up the combo/momentum/trap of your opponent. They do very little damage and cannot kill an opponent. For his counter attack, Dan performs an MP Koryuken (C, A, S, N Grooves). ** Counter Roll: F or B + MP + MK while blocking. ** Dan rolls forwards or backwards through your opponent's attack. These are VERY useful when blocking a multi-hitting rush moves like the infamous Blanka Ball, Shoryureppa, Senretsu Kyaku et al. Unfortunately, it's (N-Groove only). ** Tactical Recovery: Hold PPP when knocked to the ground. ** Dan will take longer than normal to get up. Useful for confusing people who are staying on you and hoping to time a tick, or someone who's just chucked a nice meaty fireball for you to block upon standing up (C, P, S Grooves). ** Safe Fall: Hit D + PPP JUST as Dan's back hits the ground. ** Dan will quickly hop back to his feet after being knocked down. This is a good move if you've been knocked out of the air or hammered by a super that's knocked you down far away from your opponent, but be aware that you are vulnerable while nipping up, making it a little more dangerous against characters with a fast projectile or Dhalsim (A, N, K Grooves). ** Level 2 Super Cancel: Do a special move while performing a Level 2 Super. ** Dan will halt his Level 2 super and perform the move you want. This means, be VERY CAREFUL if you're doing a level 2 super! This can make for some flashy looking L2 Super XX L1 Super combos, and it's a great way to tack on a little extra damage after a L2 Shinkuu Gadou-ken, or ending a Koryurekka/HBK with a K.Dankukyaku. ******************************** Saikyo-Ryu Basics (Normal Moves) ******************************** Author's Commentary: THERE ARE SIX BUTTONS! SIX! COUNT 'EM! JAB, {}STRONG{}, FIERCE, SHORT, {}FORWARD{}, ROUNDHOUSE! IT FEELS LIKE MY WOODEN ARM SUDDENLY TURNED INTO A REAL BOY! ** Light Punch (Jab): Your all purpose quick punch. Can be linked into ** ** itself up to three times before Dan is pushed out of range. ** Standing: Dan does a sort of palm strike with his fingers opened up. Good for starting combos, and probably the best move you have to counter Low Jump-ins. Crouching: Same thing as the standing jab, really. I can't thing of any difference except that this will be sure to hit characters that are short or ducking. This is faster than a C.LK, but its range isn't as good. Okay for ticks. Jumping: Dan punches downwards. It's a decent jump-in attack, but often it won't stun the opponent long enough for you to continue a combo once you land. It's best to use this as an air-to-air move because of its speed. ** Medium Punch (Strong): Dan's strong punches are average by most standards, ** ** and haven't changed much from previous games. ** Standing: Dan punches at a downward angle; It kinda looks like he's punching at your opponents crotch area, which just goes to show ya - Not only is Dan strong physically, but the man has Street Fighting down to a science :) Its range isn't much better than the jab, but it does good damage and stuns your opponent long enough for you to cancel into a Gadou-ken or Koryuken without having to time it exactly right. Crouching: Same as the crouching jab, delivered with the other arm. I prefer the C.MK because it's about the same speed and has much better range. Jumping: See the jumping jab. ** Hard Punch (Fierce): Dan delivers a powerful punch that will come in handy ** ** in many situations. ** Standing: The Dan Chop (patent pending). Dan raises his arm over his head and brings it down onto your opponent's skull. This isn't an overhead, but it sure looks like one ;P Anyways, you have to be SLIGHTLY closer than you think for this to hit, because it seems like Dan's fingertips aren't included in its hittable area. This comes out pretty fast now (almost SFA3 Dan speed), so you can use it as effectively as anyone else's fierce. Standing (Close): This is his traditional Strong; a big gut punch. You won't see this TOO often, because you need to be so close, but there's no difference between the two fierce punches (speed, strength, comboability are all the same). It's just eye candy. I like it, though! Dan's never had variants on his normal moves, unlike your Chun-Li's and Shotos, who have Roundhouse for every occasion. Crouching: Dan moves from his crouching position into a standing uppercut. This is good anti-air, but the horizontal range isn't that great and the priority is average. Still, you can at least trade hits with anyone who's right on top of you, and it's a great counter if someone is trying to jump out of the corner. Jumping: Dan does the Dan Chop while jumping. Still comes out pretty slow and isn't really reliable for anything, but the priority is huge if you can time it just right. ** Light Kick (Short): Quick kicks that are good for poking and air defense. ** Standing: Dan does a knee at your opponent's gut/groin. I generally prefer the LP to this, but the standing LK will hit people who are crouching, so use it at your discretion. Crouching: Dan kicks outward with decent speed and range. I generally prefer this to the LP because their speeds are about equal and this has MUCH better range, making it decent for poking games and corner pressure. Jumping: An airborne version of the C.LK. Okay for air-to air defense, but I wouldn't recommend jumping in with it because of the low stun time (it's a light attack, after all). ** Medium Kick (Forward): A variety of all-around useful kicks that make up ** ** an important part of Dan's arsenal. ** Standing: This is a 2-hit kick that starts like Dan's LK, but he follow through on it and whaps them again as he straightens out his leg. Only the first hit can be cancelled, unfortunately, but this is still a good move for corner pressure and generally just kicking people in the head. Crouching: Much like the C.LK, but stronger and with a little more range. This is my personal favorite move to combo Gadou-kens off of, and it's also Dan's best move for attacking when there's a slight distance between him and his opponent. Jumping: This looks just like the C.MK. It's a solid move that can be used for jumping in, air-to-air defense, and poking if you can Low Jump. ** Hard Kick (Roundhouse): The most powerful of Dan's mighty kicks. ** Standing: A high spinning heel kick that won't hit at all in the first few frames. Unfortunately, said frames make up the bulk of its animation, so you generally don't want to use this up close. It's actually not bad as anti-air when timed right, and you can nail someone who's running towards you as well. The slow speed doesn't necessarily make it bad, it's just hard to time correctly. Crouching: Your standard Shoto-sweep. Better range than the C.MK, slightly slower and can be punished by fast characters if it's blocked. Use it to...umm...knock people down, I guess. Jumping: A slamming kick to your opponent's head. This is pretty fast for a roundhouse, and makes for a good jump in attack. The angle it hits at is a little low, however, so make sure you're positioned correctly if you're going to use it as air-to-air. *********************************** Advanced Saikyo-Ryu (Special Moves) *********************************** ** Gadou-ken: QCF + P ** ** "Gadou-ken!" ** Todo and Yuri just can't compare. This is the greatest short fireball of all time! Mainly to be used as the last hit in a ground combo or fired off repeatedly to a cornered opponent during an A-Combo, the Gaodu-ken will leave your opponents hair singed and their pride shattered. The strength of the button determines how far it goes, with LP stopping right in front of Dan's hand and HP going about a quarter of the screen before dying out. This makes it a little easier to defend yourself if you get into a fireball war, but be careful, because people with really fast projectiles like Sagat and Rock can out-muscle you with no trouble. Whiffing an LP Gadou-Ken when it's obvious that there's no way it could connect is an acceptable substitute for a taunt. ** Koryuken: F, D, DF + P ** ** "Koooryuken!" ** Dan's (shiny) dragon punch differs from the traditional Shotokan version because of its lessened horizontal range, and the fact that Dan's arm is flexed in an L-shape rather than fully extended upwards. The Koryuken seems to have gained some priority, and you can rely on it as a solid anti-air for most situations. Dan will barely move at all, horizontally and vertically, with LP, making it a suitable counter for cross-up attempts and Low Jump attacks. The MP version cause Dan to rise just short of the energy bar and move forward a good half step or so, and is the best way to nail people who are doing regular or priority jumps. The HP Koryuken really gets Dan moving, sending his fist almost offscreen and moving him forward a full step. You usually won't want to use this because it causes Dan to move so much, leaving him more vulnerable than an MP Koryuken. However, it's a good way to catch people like Chun-Li and Vega, who can wall jump, and it does the most damage so it's okay if you're SURE it will connect. Dan will randomly flash during his startup frames when doing a Koruyken of any strength, and will be invincible for the duration of the flash. This has saved my butt several times already :) It should be noted that unlike previous games, there doesn't seem to be any algorithm for figuring out WHEN Dan will flash next. I have sat down doing nothing but straight Koryukens and gotten flashes on the 4th, 10th, 6th, and 14th Koryuken, in that order. Whether it truly IS random has yet to be determined. Whiffing an LP Koryuken when it's obvious that there's no way it could connect is an acceptable substitute for a taunt. ** Dankukyaku: QCB + K (air) ** ** "Dan-Dan-Seeya!" ** Depending on which kick button you use, the Dankukyanku will hit one (LK), two (MK), or 3 (HK) times. The first hit will always be a jumping knee, the second will be a J.MK with more forward momentum, and the third will be a J.HK. Do not mistake the animations for the moves themselves, the second and third hits do not do the same amount of damage as regular J.MK/J.HKs, they will do more (total, anyways). Anyways, the DKK can't really be comboed since if it doesn't take too long to start up, your previous attacks will push your opponent too far out of range. Because of CvS2's juggling system, the Kuuchu (mid-air) DKK will only hit once, knocking your opponent to the ground once it hits. This can be a little dangerous if you score with the first hit of an HK DKK and your opponent Safe Falls and nails you as you're descending. However, the K.DKK will send you FLYING in the direction you're jumping while effectively protecting you from mid-air counters; it gives Dan the mobility he needs, since he's traditionally an in-close fighter. Note that the LK K.Dankukyanku causes Dan to keep his knee out until he lands, making it a great jump-in and fantastic for nailing fireballers before they recover. The MK and HK versions have less startup, and should be used when fighting in the air. No matter which one you use, you will rocket from one end of the screen to the next, especially if you priority jump. The only exception is when you jump straight up; Dan will do however many kicks he's supposed to while barely moving anywhere, which makes for a decent anti-air if you do it early enough. ** Chouhatsu: Start (LK + Start on DC) ** ** "OUSHA!" ** Dan flexes his arm at a 90 degree angle, and shakes it. ** Zenten Chouhatsu: QCF + Start (LK + Start on DC) ** ** "Rakushou!" ** Dan rolls forward, crouches, flexes his arm at a 90 degree angle, and shakes it. ** Kouten Chouhatsu: QCB + Start (LK + Start on DC) ** ** "IKUZORA!" ** Same as the Zenten Chouhatsu, only Dan rolls backwards. ** Jumping Chouhatsu: While in mid-air, hit Start (LK + Start on DC) ** ** "YAHOOI!" ** Easily his most annoying (and fun!) taunt. Note that now you can taunt at any time while you're in the air, so smack that taunt button right as you're about to land. All the YAHOOI with none of the risk! ** Shaghami Chouhatsu: D + Start (Or LK + Start on DC) ** ** "Doushita doushita?" ** Same taunting stance, done while crouching. ** Saikyou Seoi Nage: When close, press F + HP/HK or B + HP/HK ** ** "Sorya! Ousha/Doushita doushita!" ** Dan grabs your opponent by the collar and chucks them across the screen, then quickly taunts them for being stupid enough to let him throw them. The button you use determines...wait for it...WHICH TAUNT DAN USES! WHEE! HP is "ousha", HK is "doushita doushita". ***************************************** REALLY Advanced Saikyo-Ryu (Super Combos) ***************************************** ** Shinkuu Gadou-ken: QCF, QCF + P ** ** "ShinKUU GADOU-Ken!" ** ** Level 1: 3 Hits - Level 2: 4 Hits - Level 3: 5 Hits ** Dan's powered up Gadou-ken is one of the few moves that can fully hit someone who is airborne, making it a good distance anti-air super. It's also easy to combo after a medium attack or hard jump-in, and the damage is pretty decent, too. Each successive level tacks on an extra hit and travels 50% further than the last, with the Level 1 going about three pixels further than an HP Gaodu-ken and Level 3 going about 2/3 of a screen. The only problem with the Shinkuu Gadou-ken is that it's slow enough to make it ineffective as an up-close counter. It's Dan's only long-distance attack, so make proper use when someone's rolled at you from a but too far away, or some sort of flying body attack is coming, i.e. Honda's Sumo Headbutts, (Claw) Balrog and Blanka's rolling attacks (and Blanka's supers), etc. ** Koryurekka: QCF, QCF + K ** ** "SAIKYO-RYU OUGI! KORYUUUREKKA!" ** ** Level 1: 4 Hits - Level 2: 5 Hits - Level 3: 6 Hits ** Once again, the Koryurekka is going to be Dan's most-used super. It's easily comboed, does great damage, and the "SAIKYO-NOOGIE!" at the beginning alone is worth a level of super. Dan will spin around and uppercut in place at Level 1, dash about a step while spinning at Level 2, and rush forward for a good 1/3 a screen's distance while spinning at level 3. The Koryurekka is an all-purpose super; Level 1 can be used as high-priority anti-air, while Levels 2 and 3 are awesome when done as part of a combo or as a counter attack. You will, however, encounter problems with CvS2's juggling system (or lack thereof). Catching an airborne opponent with this will, 90% of the time, cause the super to hit once, knocking them to the ground and doing no further damage. Fortunately, this does not apply to the rising part of the move when it hits on the ground; Dan will hit them as he spins and as he takes them into the air with the uppercut. Also, when done as part of an A-Groove combo, you can juggle with this. It's quickly becoming common knowledge that you can juggle characters anywhere, anytime while in A-Combo mode, and Dan can abuse that just as well as anyone else :) ** Hisshou Burai-Ken: QCB, QCB + K ** ** "Hisshou! OuraourarouarouaRARARARA-DA-DA Burai-Ken!" ** ** Level 1: 5 hits - Level 2: 7 hits - Level 3: 11 hits ** Dan beats the living crap out of your opponent with a wild series of punches and kicks, finishing with an HP Koryuken, and shouting his head off the entire time. This has always been my favorite move ^_^ The range on the HBK isn't very good; you can initiate it about a step away from your opponent and several hits will miss. However, your opponent will remain stunned, so what can reach usually will. It is possible to combo this in off an MK or MP, but because of these reasons, you'll have to be very fast or in the corner to get the full benefit. There usually won't be too many times where you'll want to use this over the Koryurekka, but if you're confident or just want to lay in a load of chip damage before Dan gets his pink butt knocked out, this is your super. It's also pretty good to use as a wake-up on someone who has just been knocked down, OR if Dan is just getting up (wait just a second to give them that false sense of security, then BAM). Putting more levels in will cause Dan to give increasingly severe beatdowns. The juggling system hurts this move, also. If used against an airborne opponent, it will normally hit once, sending them to the ground, and the rest of the attacks will miss. Again, when in the middle of a A-Combo, all bets are off, and you can bounce airborne opponents around with the HBK very easily. It's a great way to tack on a stylish end to those infinite corner Koryukens. ^_- ** Chouhatsu Densetsu: QCF, QCF + Start, or LK + Start on DC. ** ** " Dan repeatedly rolls forward while barraging your opponent with taunts, finally leaping into the air to taunt one last time before landing and performing his "Chou, Yoyushi!" win pose. This takes ALL the super you currently have, but if your opponent is nice enough to let you finish (if you ever play me, remember that I said nice, not dumb!), Dan's super bar will fill to capacity. This is a rarity, but hey, if your opponent is toying with you and lets you complete it, they might just give you the opportunity for that last desperate move. ************************************************************ Delicious Cheddar Cheese wrapped in a Pretzel Shell (combos) ************************************************************ Notes: To make these easier to read, I'll be using LP, MK, HP, etc instead jab, forward, and fierce. Any move in parenthesis is optional. **Extremely unfinished** Standard Combos (Any Groove): a) (J.MK), (land) C.HK, HP Gadou-ken. b) (C.)LP, (C.)LP, LK XX HP Gadou-ken. c) J.HP/J.HK, (land) L2/L3 Koryurekka or Shinkuu Gadou-Ken. d) C.MK XX MK Dankukyaku. Custom Combos (A-Groove only, initiate by hitting HP + HK when you have a full meter). To save time, 'etc' means to repeat the preceding move and over, and "end with" means perform the indicated super JUST before your meter is totally empty. a) HP Koryuken, XX at the top of your ascent into HK Dankykyaku, repeat HK Dankykuaku until the meter is empty. b) (Opponent in corner) HP Gadou-ken XX HP Gadou-ken XX etc, end with Shinkuu Gadou-ken. c) (Opponent in corner) LP Koryuken, juggle with LP Koryukens or well-timed LPs or whatever :) end with Hisshou Burai-ken. ********************************************** How to taunt and look good doing it (Strategy) ********************************************** Heh. Also in progress. ************************************* Dan vs. Everyone (Even more strategy) ************************************* Unfortunately, this section is going to have to remain blank until I find some suitable human competition. Sorry! ************************************************** What the hell is he SAYING, anyway? (Translations) ************************************************** Dan says a LOT of new things in this game. If you can tell me what he's saying, it would be appreciated. If you can tell me what it MEANS, it'd make me smile a great big smile :D Dan says: Dan means: Saikyo-Ryuu: The Strongest Style Gadou-ken: Self-taught fist Koryuken: Shiny dragon fist Dankukyaku: Sky-cutting kick Chouhatsu Taunt Zenten Chouhatsu Forward rolling taunt Kouten Chouhatsu Backward rolling taunt Saikyou seoi nage Strongest style shoulder throw Shinkuu Gadou-ken Sky-shaking self-taught fist Koryurekka Shiny dragon conflagration Hisshou Burai-ken Complete and total victory relying on nobody but myself-fist (Is this guy the man or what??) Chouhatsu Densetsu Legendary taunt "Ikozura!" "Let's go!" "Doushita doushita!" "What's the matter?" "Namen ja ne zo!" "Don't lick me! (Slang for, 'Don't think I'm lower than you!')" "UUUAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" "BLARG I AM DEAD!" "SAIKYO-RYU OUGI!" "Strongest style secret technique!" (KORYUUUUREKKA!) "Ousha!" "All right!" "YAHOOI!" "YAHOOI!" "OurarararaRARARARA!" "(lit.)Come on come on come on etc..." (I think it's just wild yelling as opposed to repeated 'come on's) "Yattaze... OYAJI!" "I did it...FATHER!" "Rakushou!" "Easy win!" "Chou, yoyutchi!" "Super/hyper/ultra yoyutchi!" (Take THAT, Yuri!) "Kimattaze!" ?? ************************************************************** Stuff you probably know but I have to say anyway (Secrets) ************************************************************** Get a Finest K.O.: Finish off your opponent by countering his/her super move with a super move or special move of your own. Fight the mid-boss: Have at least 300 Groove Points by the time you get to Osaka. You will fight Vega if you are in a Capcom Groove, or Geese if you're using an SNK Groove Fight Rugal: Have between 300 and 800 Groove Points after beating the last team in the Osaka arena, and be using an SNK Groove. Fight Gouki: Have 800 or more Groove Points after beating the last team in the Osaka arena, and be using a Capcom Groove. Fight Shin Gouki: Have over 800 Groove Points after beating the last team in the Osaka arena, and be using a Capcom Groove. Fight God Rugal: Have over 1000 Groove Points after beating the last Team in the Osaka arena, and be using an SNK Groove. ***************************** The colors, Duke, the colors! ***************************** Besides Dan's six standard colors, you can also use the wonderful magic of Color Edit mode to customize Dan to your liking. I'll be sure to share some of my own in future versions, or any cool Dan-edits that are e-mailed, by you, to me. Outfit Colors LP - Pink gi & Brown Gloves MP - Vomit Green gi and Snot Yellow gloves HP - Neon Orange gi and Blue gloves LK - Hot Pink/Purple gi and Blue gloves MK - Minty Green gi and Bubblegum Pink gloves HK - Sky Blue gi & Yellow Gloves PPP - Banana Yellow gi & Purple/Blue gloves KKK - Ken Red gi & Snot Green gloves Start - Your saved Color Edit Data Use these colors for SHADOW DAN! Each individual RGB combination will be preceded by its position on the 15-color bar to keep the FAQ from growing by many many unnecessary pages. 1) 02 02 02 ** 2) 10 10 10 ** 3) 07 07 07 ** 4) 05 05 05 ** 5) 03 03 03 6) 00 00 00 ** 7) 31 31 31 ** 8) 00 00 00 ** 9) 12 06 00 ** 10) 03 03 00 11) 00 00 00 ** 12) 00 00 00 ** 13) 00 00 00 ** 14) 01 01 01 ** 15) 00 00 00 NAME: S.DAN or SHADOW, whichever. ********* Revisions ********* Version 0.5 - Added a few combos, finished off the colors, added an explination of level 2 cancelling and generally cleaned a few thing sup. Version 0.1 - Initial release. Essentially some basic descriptions of the basic/special/super moves and a skeleton for the rest of the upcoming stuff. *************** Upcoming Events *************** - Everything. **************** Acknowledgements **************** Glory Lin: You got me this game in the first place. You are the wind beneath my taunting. (http://home.nc.rr.com/glorylin) Jess Ragan: This is the man who with virtually no effort yanked me out of the "Dan sucks" crowd and into the Saikyo elite. I shudder to think who I'd be using today if it hadn't been for him! SAIKYO CHRUSHA! (http://grblitz.overclocked.org) Nick Civitello: The only person who's ever been able to (occasionally) fend off my relentless Dan onslaught. You're roast chicken when we get back from college. Chris Kohler: I had this game for TWO DAYS before you did! EAT THAT, YOU LEGITIMIATE JOURNALIST PIG! (http://kobunheat.pitas.com) Kao Megura: His MSHvsSF Dan FAQ inspired me to get into FAQ writing in the first place. And look, I'm already on my second one! Thanks Chris! The www.saikyo.com crew: Dave, Marc and all the other Hibiki junkies out there! Capcom: I love you guys. CJayC: Is there anyone who ISN'T grateful for this man? There's no way to you for all the work you put into GameFAQs, but...umm...thanks! And... You: Made it all the way to the end, eh? Nice! Thanks for reading, and don't forget that I welcome complaints, criticism, and hate mail...welcome them with DEATH! Of course, any legitimate comments, suggestions, and personal Dan techniques you think belong in here are also welcomed...welcomed with DEATH! I kid, I kid! E-mail me, feedback is good!