=============== Geese Howard =============== Name: Orochi Pickle E-mail: JahJahPickle@yahoo.com If you have any questions just e-mail me. But hopefully I'll have answered all your questions. =================== Table of contents =================== 1. Why use Geese? 2. Grooves 3. Notations 4. Normal moves 5. Special move 6. Combos 7. General Strategy 8. Credits 9. Copyrights and junk =================== 1. Why use Geese? =================== Why should you use Geese? He has many things going for him. High stamina. He's in the group with the second highest stamina, containing Rugal, Bison, Dan, and a few others. The highest stamina would be all the fat guys like Raiden, Chang&Choi, and Zangief. Geese has a wide variety of moves that are strong and fast. His supers are excellent besides the fact that they are sometimes hard to pull off. Plus he is stylish. He has many enemies so you generally get a cool little intro. He wears extremely big pants and uses Aikido based fighting style. What else could you want. =================== 2. Grooves =================== C Groove: Pretty cool. The dash can help you mess with people since you can dash over a tripped body with most people that are not too fat. The meter build fast so you generally will have always at least a lvl.1 super for Geese. It's not that I don't like this groove it is just that I don't use it because it think there is better out there for Geese. The dash may be decent but you are open for a split second to attack. Always having a lvl.1 ready is good but not really for Geese since his lvl.1 Raging Storm can get snuffed pretty easy and you can't do his lvl.3 Deadly Rave super a lot. A Groove: Eckkk. I don't like this groove because I suck at it. But that shouldn't stop the good A groover from using it. You have either a full CC bar or two supers to use on your opponent which is good. When you start up your CC you have like 12 frames of invincibility in the beginning which is excellent for starting those CCs. I don't like this groove for Geese for a lot of reason. A lot of his moves aren't really for CC. He can never do his Deadly Rave super. Plus like I said earlier the lvl.1 Raging Storm can be snuffed pretty easy. P Groove: Please don't use this groove I'm beggin ya. He already has counters to stop people, and they do damage. I can't stand this groove. I thought I would try it once and went crying back to N Groove in a matter of minutes. The super bar yes is lvl.3 only which is what I preach to use with Geese but it builds so slooooooooooow. Also parrying is so hard in this game. Half the time you get hit in the face trying to parry a move which means you loose life. And even though Geese has a large amount of life you don't need to go wasting it. S Groove: It's an OK groove. You can dodge attacks and attack during the dodge which can be annoying. You can have a lvl.1 super any time you feel like charging up. Plus when you are low on life and feel like charging up the whole bar then you can have a lvl.3 which in S Groove are the most damaging supers out there. But in the end I don't like it. Lvl.1 supers like a said can be snuffed pretty easy plus you have to wait till you are almost dead to do a lvl.3, after you have charged the meter. The meter takes a while to charge. N Groove: Ah hahahahaha. Oh yeah baby, the groove of champions. This groove has three stocks you can build up. It has roll, long jump, short jump, counter movement, and safe falls baby. This is the most mobile and to me funnest groove in the game. Breaking a stock requires you to press fp and rk which means for a limited amount of time you can do a lvl.3 which will require only one more stock leaving you with a stock left over for a lvl.1 if you need it. Lvl.3 supers in here are quite damaging. Switching between long and short jump is a good confuse method. Roll past your enemies moves. Also if they trip you feel free to bounce right back up by pressing ppp right when you hit the ground. But like all grooves it isn't perfect. You can be thrown, super, etc. out of rolls easily. And being the most mobile groove means you will have to learn how to use everything to it's Max ability. Plus I still don't like lvl.1's that much. K Groove: OK, to me a lot better then P Groove. When you jd(just defend) you have to press back instead of forward at the last second the attack was going to hit. So pressing back to me is a lot better then pressing forward cuz if you mess up you are at least in block mode and won't be eating a kick to the face or worse. When you jd you also gain a pixel of life back which means if you get really good a jd'ing you can gain a significant amount of life back. Rage mode. When you get hit enough in the face you go into rage mode which means you have a lvl.3 to blow on your opponent plus a stronger defense and attack power for the time being. I don't like this groove because it isn't that mobile. It has short and long jumps but no roll. Also jd'ing is just as hard as parrying but less risky. So a good person would use this with a character that can cover ground easily or is a good turtle. =================== 3. Notations =================== I won't be using many conventions because Geese doesn't have a hard joystick system technically speaking. F-Forward B-Back U-Up D-Down hcb-half circle backwards qcf-quarter circle forward qcb-quarter circle backwards wp-weak punch mp-medium punch fp-fierce punch wk-weak kick mk-medium kick rk-roundhouse kick note: If a "c" proceeds any of these, it stands for crouch. note: If a "j" proceeds any of these, it stands for jumping. -Ratings- [-----] Horrible, don't use it. [*----] Not the worst thing he has at least. [**---] Not too bad but there is better out there. [***--] OK, use this every once in awhile. [****-] Good, use a decent amount. [*****] One of his/her best attacks. Learn to abuse. ==================== 4. Normal moves ==================== Weak Punch [**---]: Sticks out his fist like any jab. Nothing too great about this except that it is fast so it snuffs quite a few things. I don't really use this that much no real reason to, outside of a jump in that you weren't prepared for. Medium Punch [**---]: Weird little palm strike. Decent speed. Range is OK. Better stuff out there. Fierce Punch [****-]: Turns and does a deep punch to the stomach. Not to bad actually. It does good damage. Fairly quick, and it is a decent range controller. I usually stick it out when I've got the people in the corner, and sense it isn't so quick they generally run right into it. Weak Kick [**---]: Little side kick. Nothing that great, not worth using. Medium Kick [*----]: I don't like this move and I don't use it. He stands in one spot and does a double side kick, one to the face and one to the stomach. The reason I don't like this kick is cause it has no range, plus it takes him a good amount of time to actually do the move. Which means if the player is smart he'll just move back a little and you'll be eating a super. Roundhouse Kick [***--]: He does a lunging side kick. Not to shabby. It helps clear a lot of distance really quick. Not too bad I wouldn't abuse it though. Something to do every once in while. Just don't use it after a trip, otherwise since it is so noticeable, you get hit with a wakeup. C.Weak Punch [***--]: Crouching jab is all it is. This is a good move to do because is it part of the poke game that you will do. This move is fast and will stop quite a few attacks. C.Medium Punch [*----]: Downward chop to the shins. Don't use this much at all because of it's sad range. Nothing much to really say except he has better stuff out there. C.Fierce Punch [****-]: Almost exactly like Ryu and Ken's c.fp except I think it has a bit more range. Abuse this on those stupid jumpers. The main anti-air I use. It is good every once in awhile to switch this up between his high counter just in case they try to beat out your fierce punch with an attack of theirs. C.Weak Kick [***--] Sticks out his leg a little ways. I use this a decent amount. A good poking tool. Fast but has little range just like his c.wp. So you should be fairly close when you use this. C.Medium Kick [*****]: Looks like c.wk but with a little more range. Great move. Snuffs a lot of attacks. Abuse please. You'll be using this a lot especially when you are running or right on top of them doing your poking. If you are close, you don't have to be real close though but close, you can connect this with mp fireball. This will be a big part of your rush game. C.Roundhouse Kick [****-]: A sweep nothing much more to say. It has good range and is fast so this move you should use a good amount and should feel safe doing so. J.Weak Punch [**---]: A downward palm strike. OK priority. Mainly it is good because it is quick. J.Medium Punch [*----]: Strictly an air to air move. He sticks a punch straight out in front of him. J.Fierce Punch [***--]: Double palm strike downwards. Not to bad the only reason it is decent is that you can connect his Deadly Rave super to it. J.Weak Kick [**---]: Sticks his leg out in a downward angle. J.Medium Kick [***--]: Yeah this is the man. You need to get use to this because this is the kick you will use to cross people up and restart your pokes sequences and so on. J.Roundhouse kick [****-]: This is the attack to use when you are either jumping into and confronting an opponent in the air. It is fast , strong and has great priority. F.Fierce Punch [***--]: He gets in a deeps stance and does a back fist to your stomach. Pretty good move. Really good damage. Also it knocks the opponent far away which is good to get them into the corner. Has a slow start up but when it gets to the point where it is about to hit or right before it, it has good priority so you should use it. I use it sometime on tripped opponents since it will sometimes go trade with dp's. I like to use it on jumpers since it will generally snuff their attack or trade with it. -Throws- F.Fierce Punch(close) [**---]: Motions his arm in a little Magneto like motion while picking you up and chucking you across the screen. A good throw but you throw the opponent so far away. F.Roundhouse Kick(close) [****-]: This is the throw that you will be using the most. He picks you up over his head and then slams you down right next to him. He puts your opponent in the perfect range to be crossed up with the j.mk. ==================== 5. Special Moves ==================== Reppu Ken (qcf+wp or mp) [***--] Geese raises his hand upward and shoots a blue wave across the ground. Weak Punch is cool cuz it is slow enough to run with across the ground. Medium punch is the one that you'll be using the most though because it isn't too slow and isn't too fast. Since it isn't too slow you're pretty safe using it. Since it isn't too fast people might make a mistake right when it is in front of them and get hit. Mp version will connect with mk like I mentioned earlier. Double Reppu Ken (qcf+fp) [*----] Too slow to really use in a match against real people. Only time to use this is when you have just tripped them and they are about to get up. Another time to use this is if the person is either a scrub or as dumb as sawdust. Shippu Ken (air only qcb+p) [****-] I consider these very good to mix things up in the match. Plus instead of going forward after he has done these he bounces backwards which I think is a little better. These aren't stupid proof, so don't get predictable. Atemi Nage-Joudan (hcb+wp) [****-] This is the high counter so it counters jump in attacks and special none fireball moves. The only reason I consider this his best counter to use is because it counters all none projectile moves, I'm pretty sure, and none projectile supers. So you can counter Terry's burning knuckle, Balrogs rushing fist thing, Ryu's uppercut, Blanka balls, and one of the most feared supers, Rock's lvl.3 Shine Knuckle ^-^. Atemi Nage-Chuudan (hcb+mp) [**---] The mid counter. This counters all standing normal attacks, and crouching punch attacks. I don't use this one much at all because generally the opponent is either doing low attacks, special, jumping, or throwing you. Atemi Nage-Gedan (hcb+fp) [***--] The low counter. This will counter all crouching kick attacks. A good counter but I generally don't use it because it is hard to counter low attacks. The reason it is hard to counter low attacks is because they are usually doing wk which is fast, wp which is countered with the mid counter. Jaei Ken (hcb+k) [***--] Not to bad of an attack. He rushes forward with a three hit punch combo. Use this either to guard crush the opponent or wp/mp Jaei Ken connect to a close fp. -Desperation moves- Raging Storm (db,hcb,df) [****-] The ol' pretzleformation. It looks intimidating don't it. Well it isn't as hard as people make it out to be just a little practice and you'll have this one down pat. This is an excellent anti-air. It is strong and fast. At a lvl.1 it is good but it can be stopped by and air attack if it wasn't done early enough. Lvl.2 better and this is pretty safe not much to worry. Lvl.3, oh yeah this one is excellent. The lvl.3 is fast, pretty much invincible, and extremely strong. But this thing isn't invincible so please don't be stupid. This has a small hit frame the person either has to be jumping in the air at you or if they are on the ground they have to be right next to you. If you miss I'm sorry to say you are going to die a horrible stinking death, and if I was there I would watch and laugh at you. Deadly Rave (hcb,f+wk,wp,wp,wk,wk,mp,mk,fp,rk,qcb+fp) [*****] Not nearly as bad as this looks. The button sequence doesn't need to done fast and if you do it to fast it will screw up the super so don't do that. This is a good super, can be connected many ways and is strong. This super must be done when the opponent is on the ground otherwise they will be bounced back and the super will end. This super has some interesting qualities because you are able to stop in between the super at certain spots and continue a normal combo. This will sometimes make the combo more damaging and cooler, plus you may be able to dizzy your opponent more often. ==================== 6. Combos ==================== 1. c.wp>c.wk>c.mk>qcf+mp This is a good combo to do. It is his main pressure combo. You'll use this to get in the opponent face and stay there. This combo when done doesn't push the opponent too far back so you can run up and continue attacking . 2. c.wp>c.fp>qcf+mp This combo is OK but not as good as the one before it. This combo you have to be really close for the c.fp to connect. 3. fp(close)>wk/mk Jaei Ken I like this combo especially if you are about to guard break the opponent. But if they block the fp don't continue with the rest cause it leaves you in horrible recovery. 4. c.rk>Raging Storm This combo is for no weakling. This combo is some what hard to do. Right after you trip them you already have to be like half way through the Raging Storm super motion otherwise it won't work. This combo is pretty cool but mainly for show off. 5. small jump fp>Deadly Rave This combo is only for the grooves with low jumps. This combo is good because if you don't get the first part to connect you are still safe and can continue the pressure on your opponent. 6. c.wk>Deadly Rave Good combo. Have to be sorta quick for it to work. 7. wp>wk>c.wk>Deadly Rave Just a show off combo. 8. c.wp,c.wp,c.wk,c.mk,qcf+mp/fp This isn't a true combo I'm just giving you an idea of a poke/pressure sequence with Geese. 9. lj.rh>2s.wkXXDeadly Rave(2wp>2wk>mp>mk>fp>rh)wait a brief second after the rh then s.wk>s.fwXXhcb+mk. A very good combo and very powerful. This will do major damage, or kill them, plus leave them very close to a dizzy if you keep the pressure on. This is the basic combo with his deadly rave but you can experiment and do other stuff too. ==================== 7. Strategy ==================== Geese is sorta a controller in the game. He has a great amount of power so if you learn to use Geese you'll be doing the damage quickly. He can keep people in the corner with his fp throw and he can begin the cross up with his rk throw. Use his c.fp to stop jumpers so they aren't jumping in on you much. If you don't do a c.fp you should be doing a Raging Storm. If you don't do the c.fp or the super then roll to the opposite side and throw them with rk. His throw take good chunks of damage so those should be done every once in awhile. Use and abuse c.mk>qcf+mp. This combo is good to keep people back. Both his run and roll are very good. You should always have a lvl.3 somehow ready by either having broken a stock in N Groove, or all your lvl.s in A groove, or Rage Mode for K, etc. Having this lvl.3 will always make the opponent think twice before doing anything at all especially jumping. If they get predictable then you can go for the counters. If they have any slow or noticeable none fireball special move do the high counter to stop it. The high counter will slam them right next to you so then when they get up you can do a cross over and begin a sequence. Be aggressive with Geese, play him like a wall don't let people get past you if you can. ==================== 8. Credits ==================== I give credit to the people in Shoryuken.com for helping me with my own strategy which eventually allowed me to write this for gamefaqs.com. I know this may be insulting to some people and rude but I want you all to know that Jesus loves you.(^-^) I hope this faq of Geese helps people out there. ==================== 9. Copyrights ==================== This is all mine and no one can use this without my consent got it. No reproducing, selling, copying, etc. of this material unless you e-mail me and ask for my promission which no doubt I'll give, because this isn't that big of a deal. Thanks from the Pickledude. -Orochi Pickle-