Capcom vs Snk 2 Millionaire fighting 2001 HIBIKI TAKANE 09/21/01 Version 1.1 Written by Milton Parra Visit to find out more about (c)SNK fighting games! ____________________________________________ Table of contents 1)Legal Stuff 2)Introduction 3)Character Background 4)Why should I use Hibiki? 5)Which groove should I use 6)The Moves 7)Combos 8)Credits ____________________________________________ 1)Legal Stuff You may not reproduce, sell or distribute this faq without my consent. You may however print this faq for your own personal use. Capcom vs snk 2 is a registered copyright of capcom 1987-2001 Copyright (c)Milton Parra 2001 ____________________________________________ 2)Introduction Wow my second Faq! after seeing that the first one was posted, and seeing that I have lots of time on my hands I decided to write another Faq, this time on Hibiki my second favorite new character, plus she is really cute!. I'll use the same format I used on my fisrt faq since that seemed to work pretty well! plus Im kind of lazy to come up with something new (>_<) ____________________________________________ 3)Character Background For those of you who don't know Hibiki comes from the Last Blade Series. A fighting game based on weapons. She left her home, to travel around the world along with her friend Amano(That guy with the pink oufit in Last Blade) I have no idea what's her story in CvS2 because the timelines are way off I mean she comes from the times when samurai's & ninjas ecxisted in Japan, so I am wondering what her storyline is in CvS2, I wonder how they will explain this. If only I could read japanese! ____________________________________________ 4)Why should I use hibiki? Why would you choose Ryu when you can choose a character with more depth such as Hibiki, plus she uses a sword and she is so cute! Some people may think that using a sword is cheap, but hey she comes from LAST BLADE! And if those people don't like it go complain to CAPCOM! Anyway like I was saying Hibiki is one of the best new characters in this game, and if you are tired of using the same characters(shotos..cough), you should give Hibiki a try, she is quite good and can hold her on agaist anyone( a sword is your best ____________________________________________ 5)Which groove should I use? I would recommed first trying to find one on your own but if you can't, keep reading. I think that N groove is quite good for Hibiki(if you like to move around all the time) K groove should be used by people who liked to play with Hibiki in Last Blade in POWER mode! or if you like to think before attacking, Just Defending is a plus! and the extra POWER up that you get when you are enraged is definately an advantage for Hibiki which makes her more deadlier and scary! (>_<) (Also try P groove if you are used to 3rd strike) For people that like to play defensively try S groove. _____________________________________________ 6)The Moves Here I will try to explain what each move does and how effective they are, I'll use a five star(*****) systen to grade each move. I am also asumming that everyone is familiar with all the common notations (example: qcf,dp,qcb etc.......) NOTATIONS: LP:low pumch MP:Medium puch HP:High Punch LK:low kick MK:Medium Kick HK:High Kick Standing LP: Hibiki strikes with her elbow, there is practicly no range, I find it useful in combos. Effectiveness:* Crouching LP: Now this has more range compared to the standing version, quite quick too, so use it to annoy your opponent(poke at him with your sword). Effectiveness:** Jumping LP: Hibiki strikes with her sword aiming downwards at the opponent, the range is good, so use it in combos. Effectiveness:*** Standing MP Close: A quick strike to the abdomen useful in combos. Effectiveness:** Standing MP Far: A strike that comes out straight, so use it to keep some distance between you and the opponent, a good poking tool. Effectiveness:**** Crouching MP: Same as LP version except a little slower! Stab the opponent lower body part at a distance! Effectiveness:*** Jumping MP: Same as the LP version except slower, use it in combos and to poke at the opponent! Effectiveness:*** Standing Hp Close: A quick sword strike upwards, comes out rather quick, press HP again for a second Hit. Use it to punish a close opponent who just messed up! Effectiveness:*** Standing HP Far: Hibiki stikes upwards with her sword, the range is good so you can use this as an anti-air agaist jumping opponents. And to keep distance. Effectiveness:**** Crouching HP: A quick sword strike to the lower body part of the opponent, use this to keep distance. Not very useful in combos! Effectiveness:*** Jumping HP: Comes out rather quick so you might want to time this hit or you'll miss, Use to remind the opponent that she owns the air with her quick sword strikes! ^_^ Effectiveness:*** Standing LK:Hibiki kicks the opponent's shin really quick very useful in combos or to annoy the opponent! Effectiveness:**** Crouching LK: Again this is a fast kick and useful in combos! Effectiveness:*** Jumping LK: Looks just like the standing version but with a little more range, I find this kick very useful to start a quick 3 hit combo! Effectiveness:**** Standing MK Close:Hibiki strikes the opponent in the stomach with her weapon(scabbard) Useful in combos! Effectiveness:*** Standing MK Far: Hibiki uses the other end of her weapon to strike the opponent. If move connects you are awarded an instant knockdown! instead of sweeping the opponent with HK. This move is useful when you want to catch the opponent off guard or when you need some breathing distance! Use this on opponent's who like to crouch a lot! Effectiveness:***** Crouching MK: Hibiki hits the opponent's foot with her (scabbard) you won't use this move that much cause it's not that useful. Effectiveness:* Jumping MK: Hibiki strikes with the other end of her weapon, this move hits straight and has little to no priority I guess It could be used agaist jumping opponents other than that not that useful at all. Effectiveness:* Standing HK close: Hibiki stabs the opponent's foot this move is very useful in combos! Effectiveness:**** Standing HK Far: This is one of Hibiki's most useful regular moves use this to poke, keep distance, create some breathing air between you and your opponent. An all around good move use this a lot! Use this to pressure your opponent. Effectiveness:***** Crouching HK: A clean sword swipe, a knockdown if it connects. The range is not that good but this is one of her few knockdown moves she has. Effectiveness:*** Jumping HK: Another great move, Hibiki jumps and strikes in a circular motion all around her body, this move is the one I prefer to use when Jumping in at opponets and to start combos. Five stars means that you should abuse this move. ^_^ Effectiveness:***** __________________________________________________ THE MOVELIST I am assuming that everyone is familiar with these notations if you are new check some of the other guides available at to learm more. Plese note that the moves are done facing right just reverse the moves if you are facing left! (I'am not sure if these are the correct names for her moves, since I ca't read Japanese) THROWS Forward or Back+HP: A regular throw nothing special about it. Forward or Back+HK: This is the throw that you should use all the time it's pretty cool she smacks the opponent twice with her sword! Touma ni te Kiru Nari: QCF+P Hibiki strikes the oppenent with her sword in a circular motion if you do the move with HP she will knockdown the opponent. Very useful in combos. Use these moves as your main pressuring weapon and keep swithing from the normal LP,MP to the HP version to keep the opponent guessing if you are going to hit high or low. This move is very useful to punish a standing opponent from far away, the range is amazing! Effectiveness:***** Suigetsu o tsuko Nari: QCB+P Hold the button used for the move to dash and after the first hit connects it is possible to hit the opponent once she is behind them with QCF+P This move is very useful in combos and can be used to confused the opponent you can make them think that you are running if you are using a groove that let's you run, but when they least expect it BOOM! you strike them! very fun indeed, use this to your advantage. I recommend following the move with QCF+HP since the HP Sweeps the opponent and does'nt leave you open for an attack, because sometimes if you follow with LP,MP you are left facing the opponent and there is a bit of recovery time even if the move connects. Effectiveness:**** Dash Cutter: DP+K Hibiki turns away and strikes the opponets stomach with her weapon for a quick stun, this move is combo friendly, I tried a couple of things with this and it is possible to connect even supers after you hit the opponent, so this move has lots of potential for a surprise attack, I also found out that it works quite well agaist crouching opponents, the only drawback to this move is that is kind of slow takes some time to come out but if you can land the move, GO FOR BIG DAMAGE. Effectiveness:*** I o awasu Nari: HCF+K This is a counter move so this is a nice addition to Hibiki's arsenal, I find this move very useful on jumping opponents since it's easier to predict. I think Hibiki can be hit with low attacks, so be careful! Effectiveness:*** Kami Hitoe: All 3 Kicks This move acts like the DODGE feature in S groove. It is also possible to follow up. Effectiveness:** Ma o Tsumeru: press Forward+ any kick after performing KAMI HITOE This move is two moves at the same time, it can be cosidered as a roll or just a regular run the only difference is that when Hibiki is running there is a shadow following her. It also depends how close your are standing to your opponent if you are face to face with your opponent you will get behind him.....use this to smack him/her silly! ^_^ And to remind him/her who's boss! How dare them try to hit a inoccent little girl! shame on Effectiveness:*** Moko Koto: press Back+any kick to perform a jumping retreat! I find this move useful to punish opponents who kust missed an attack, and you succsesfully dodged it. Effectiveness:*** SUPERS Hasshou Suru Shinki Naru: QCB,HCF+P This move is combo friendly, but the range is not that good so you got to be standing not too far from the opponent, Use this super in combos and as a retialiation agaist missed moves for better results, other than that use it only when you think you can connect it, cause if you miss, expect a big mess! OUCH >_< Effectiveness:***** Shi o Osoneru Kokoro Nari: F,HCF+P(Level 3 ONLY) Since you can only do this move at Level 3 only try to connect this in a combo or when an opponent misses an attack, because you'll just waste your super if you miss. On the plus side if you connect expect a flashy finishing move, an amazing super to watch. Effectiveness:*** Shikabane o Koete Iku Nari: HCB,F+LK,LP,MP,HP, then LP,MP,HP,LP,MP,HP+QCF+HP or LP,MP,HP,LK,MK,HK or LK,MK,LK,HK (Level 3 ONLY) Try to use this move in combos only! to achieve the best results, and to make sure that you do not wate your super bars. This super resembles the costum combo type supers that you could do in Last Blade 2. Effectiveness:*** ______________________________________________________ 7)Combos A)Jumping LK,Standing LP,LK+QCF+P (3 hits) B)Jumping LK,standing MP,QCB+P, follow with QCF+P (3 hits) C)Standing HK(close) followed by F,HCF+P(Level 3) (2 Hits) D)Standing LP,LK,HCB,F+LK,LP,MP,HP, then.......see where am going with this! (Leve 3) E)Standing LP,LK,QCB,HCF+P (3 hit super combo) F)DP+K, follow with QCB,HCF+P or QCF+P (2 Hit combo) ( Try a Level 3 super!) G)Jumping HK, standing MP, QCF+HP (3 hit sweep combo) ______________________________________________________ 8)Credits Me of course, my friends, gamefaqs for being so nice and posting this faq, and (c)CAPCOM (c)SNK, specially SNK for making some of the best characters ever! Wow I have too much free time! I like writing Faqs so I am going to write one more on another character. VISIT: for the latest updates on this faq & for future Faqs also to learn more about SNK fighting games! Thanks to all the people who have been visiting. Also feel free to give some feedback!