Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 Joe Character FAQ For the Dreamcast Version 0.2 (30 October 2001) By ProTect (e-mail: Copyright (c) 2001 ProTect The game Capcom vs. SNK 2 (hereafter referred to as CvS2) is a copyright of Capcom. Joe is a copyright of SNK. I do not claim Joe as my intellectual property in any way. My contribution is solely the organization of Joe's history, moves,etc. into one FAQ. This FAQ is mine, ProTect's. Do not post it to public forums without my permission. Do not in any way claim it as your own. DO NOT rewrite it and pass it off as your Character FAQ for another game and/or character! Plagiarism is a very serious crime. It is intellectual theft. ----------CONTENTS---------- FAQ Disclaimers Contents Purpose of This FAQ Abbreviations Used in This FAQ Statistics Official Story History Game Appearances Tactics Combos Colors Joe Quotes Links Credits ----------PURPOSE OF THIS FAQ------------ This FAQ is a document all about Joe in CvS2. ----------ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS FAQ---------- B - Back: hold the control pad in the opposite direction of the opponent T - Toward: hold the control pad in the direction facing the opponent U - Up: press up on the control pad D - Down (Ducking): press down on the control pad; this will cause the character to duck UB - Up/Back: press up and back on the control pad at the same time UT - Up/Toward: press up and toward on the control pad at the same time DB - Down/Back: press down and back on the control pad at the same time; this will cause the character to duck DT - Down/Toward: press down and toward on the control pad at the same time; this will cause the character to duck DP - Dragon Punch: press T, D, DT on the control pad FB - Fire Ball: press D, DT, T on the control pad HK - Hurricane Kick: press D, DB, B on the control pad HCF - Half Circle Forward: press B, DB, D, DT, T on the control pad HCB - Half Circle Back: press T, DT, D, DB, B on the control pad J - Jab (also known as LP): the weakest, yet quickest punch (X button in the default button configuration) St - Strong (also known as MP): the punch that is average in strength and speed (default: Y button) Fi - Fierce (also known as HP): the strongest, yet slowest kick (default: L button) AP - Any Punch: press either J, St, or Fi P! - Quick Punch: press any punch button repeatedly and rapidly 2P - Two Punches: press any combination of J, St, and Fi simultaneously Sh - Short (also known as LK): the weakest, yet quickest kick (default: A button) Fo - Forward (also known as MK): the kick that is average in strength and speed (default: B button) R - Roundhouse (also known as HK): the strongest, yet slowest kick (default: R button) AK - Any Kick: press either Sh, Fo, or R K! - Quick Kick: press any kick button repeatedly and rapidly 2K - Two Kicks: press any combination of Sh, Fo, and R simultaneously AB - Any Button: press either J, St, Fi, Sh, Fo, or R Cl - Close: press the button indicated while standing within throwing range of the opponent F - Far: press the button indicated while standing outside throwing range of the opponent D - Ducking: press the button indicated while pressing D, DB, or DT (ducking) JS - Jumping Straight: press the button indicated while jumping straight up into the air (U) A - Jumping Angled: press the button indicated while jumping toward or away from the opponent (UB, UT) SC - Super Combo: a powerful move which requires a certain level of super gauge to perform L - Level: the degree (section) to which the super gauge is filled, or the strength of an SC ----------STANDARD CvS2 GAMEPLAY FEATURES---------- GROOVES The six grooves of CvS2 provide more than simply fan service nostalgia. Groove selection takes a number of factors into account in the process of capturing the feel of classic Capcom and SNK fighting games. C-Groove is a groove based on Street Fighter Alpha. The super gauge is divided into three sections, which fill mainly as the player attacks and slightly upon taking damage. As each of these sections fill, one after the other, Super Combos of varying strengths become available. Also, the amount of damage a player does to the opponent increases slightly as the gauge fills. L1 normal and special Moves do 101% the damage that L0 moves do. L2 normal and special Moves do 102% the damage that L0 moves do. L1 SCs performed with two levels of gauge do 101% the damage that L1 SCs do. L3 normal and special Moves do 105% the damage that L0 moves do. L1 SCs performed with a full gauge do 102% the damage that L1 SCs do. Unique feature: Air Blocking Other features: Dash, Roll, Counter Attack, Tactical Recovery A-Groove is based loosely on Street Fighter Alpha 3's V-Ism. The super gauge has two sections, which fill like C-Groove. When the first section is full, the player can do L1 SCs. When the gauge is completely full, Custom Combos (CCs) can be activated by pressing Fi and R simultaneously. CC mode causes the character to cause less damage in exchange for being able to do moves more quickly, effortlessly, and spontaneously than normal. It is possible to cancel the CC into an SC at any point. Blocking is not possible during a CC; any attack that hits the player will end the CC. Non-CC normal and special moves do the same amount of damage that L0 C-Groove moves do. Non-CC SCs do the same amount of damage that L1 C-Groove SCs performed with one level of gauge do. CC normal moves and SCs do 72% the damage that non-CC normal moves and SCs do. CC special moves do 80% the damage that non-CC special moves do. Unique feature: Custom Combo Other features: Dash, Roll, Counter Attack, Safe Fall P-Groove plays a lot like Street Fighter III. The super gauge (which fills in the same way as C-Groove) is not divided into sections; to do an SC a full gauge is necessary. Normal and special moves do the same amount of damage that L0 C-Groove moves do. SCs do the same amount of damage that L3 C-Groove SCs do. Unique feature: Parrying Other features: Dash, Small Jump, Tactical Recovery S-Groove is the classic King of Fighters system. The super gauge is not divided into sections, but different levels of SCs are available. The gauge does not fill automatically when the player attacks; there is a manual charge (activated by pressing Fi and R simultaneously) which fills the gauge. L1 SCs are available when the gauge is full. When the player's health is reduced below a certain amount, the health gauge begins flashing red. At this point, the player can use unlimited L1 SCs, or fill the gauge to perform one MAX level (L3) SC. (Empty)When the super gauge is not full and the health gauge is not flashing, normal and special moves do the same amount of damage that L0 C-Groove moves do. (Desperation)When the super gauge is not full and the health gauge is flashing, normal and special moves do 105% the damage that Empty moves do. Desperation SCs do 105% the damage that L1 C-Groove SCs performed with one level of gauge do. (Charged)When the super gauge is full but the health gauge is not flashing, normal and special moves do 115% the damage that Empty moves do. Charged SCs do 115% the damage that L1 C-Groove SCs performed with one level of gauge do. (Charged Desperation)When the super gauge is full and the health gauge is flashing, normal and special moves do 105% the damage that Charged S-Groove moves do. Charged Desperation SCs do 105% the damage that L3 C-Groove SCs do. Unique features: Dodge, Manual Super Gauge Charge, Desperation Mode Other features: Run, Counter Attack, Small Jump, Tactical Recovery N-Groove resembles the Advanced system of more recent King of Fighters games. Like S-Groove, the super gauge is not divided into sections. It fills, like C- Groove's gauge, as the player attacks. When it is full, it will begin to fill again, with the previous full gauge becoming a stock (a small dot), up to three of which can be stored. This stock can be used to perform an SC, or it can be broken (press Fi and R simultaneously) to power up the player's attacks (the character will flash yellow). If the player has two or more stocks, it is possible to do a MAX level (L3) SC by first breaking a stock, then doing the SC as normal. Non-powered up normal and special moves do the same amount of damage that L0 C- Groove moves do. Non-powered up SCs do the same amount of damage that L1 C-Groove SCs performed with one level of gauge do. Powered-up normal and special moves do 120% the damage that non-powered up moves do. Powered-up SCs do the same amount of damage that L3 C-Groove SCs do. Unique features: Counter Movement, Stock Breaking Other features: Run, Roll, Counter Attack, Small Jump, Safe Fall K-Groove is similar to Samurai Shodown gameplay. The super gauge is like P- Groove's gauge, undivided and with no stocks, but it fills only from being attacked, not by attacking or manually charging. When the gauge is full, the character will flash red and enter Rage mode. In Rage mode, the character's moves become substantially more powerful. Rage mode continues until the gauge runs out or the player does an SC. Non-Rage normal and special moves do the same amount of damage that L0 C-Groove moves do. Rage normal moves do 135% the damage that non-Rage moves do. Rage special moves do 130% the damage that non-Rage moves do. SCs do 110% the damage that L3 C-Groove SCs do. Unique features: Just Defense, Rage Mode Other features: Run, Small Jump, Safe Fall SPECIAL FEATURES Air Blocking (press B, DB, or UB in the air): Guard against attacks in mid-air. Only available in C-Groove. Dash (press T T or B B): Quickly move forward or backward a short distance. Available in C-Groove, A-Groove, and P-Groove. Run (press T and hold T): Quickly move forward. Available in S-Groove, N-Groove, and K-Groove. Roll (press J and Sh simultaneously): Roll a short distance to avoid incoming attacks. Available in C-Groove, A-Groove, and N-Groove. Dodge (press J and Sh simultaneously): Step to the side to avoid incoming attacks. Only available in S-Groove. Counter Attack (press T, St, and Fo immediately after blocking): Attack an attacking opponent with a pre-set move (uses super gauge). Available in C- Groove, A-Groove, S-Groove, and N-Groove. Counter Movement (press B or T and J and Sh immediately after blocking): Move forward or backward a short distance to attack an attacking opponent with a move of the player's choice. Only available in N-Groove. Tactical Recovery (press and hold 2P when knocked down): Stay on the ground slightly longer than usual to avoid follow-up attacks. Available in C-Groove, P- Groove, and S-Groove. Safe Fall (press 2P when knocked down): Flip backwards to avoid follow-up attacks. Available in A-Groove, N-Groove, and K-Groove. Parrying (press T while being hit): Take no damage from attacks and set up counters. Only available in P-Groove. Just Defense (press B while being hit): Absorb the energy of attacks as a small amount of health and super gauge. Only available in K-Groove. Small Jump (tap U quickly): Jump in such a way as to avoid most attacks. Available in P-Groove, S-Groove, N-Groove, and K-Groove. ----------STATISTICS---------- Full Name: Joe Higashi Also Known as: Tempest Man, Satan of Martial Arts Birthdate: 29 March Age: 23 Height: 180 cm Weight: 71 kg Hobby: Fighting Favorite Food: Fried crocodile Mastered Sport: All types of combat Prized Possession: His headband Dislikes: Dressing up SNK Friends: Terry Bogard, Mai Shiranui, Kim Kaphwan, Andy Bogard, Duck King, Tung Fu Rue, Hwa Jai, Axel Hawk, Blue Mary, Hon Fu, Bob Wilson, Franco Bash SNK Rivals: Geese Howard, Billy Kane, King Capcom Rivals: Sagat, Adon Blood Type: AB Nationality: Japanese Fighting Style: Muetai Kick Boxing ----------OFFICIAL STORY HISTORY------------ Despite his great skill, Joe had been reluctant to compete in free-style tournaments because he would risk being discharged from the Muetai Association if he did so. His friends Terry and Andy Bogard persuaded him to compete in The King of Fighters (KOF) '91 Tournament (Fatal Fury; FF1). Ten years before KOF 91, the Bogards' adoptive father Jeff Bogard had been killed by Geese Howard, an ambitious young martial artist who wanted to establish a criminal rule over the Bogards' (and the Sakazakis') hometown of Southtown. The Bogard boys had arrived just in time to see their father breathe his last breath. Shortly thereafter, they had spent ten years training with the martial arts master Tung Fu Rue to one day avenge their father's death. KOF 91 was their chance. As if Geese Howard did not see enough violence in his daily management of the Southtown underworld, he felt the need for more brutality in the form of an annual ruthless, unregulated, underground martial arts tournament. It was well-known that Geese's favorite part of the event was challenging the champion and taking the unfortunate victor's life by his own hands. This time, however, Geese would get the spoils of death. Joe and the Bogards battled their way through Geese's relentless warriors, and finally Terry challenged Geese himself atop Geese Tower. Geese fell out the window of the high tower and down to his destruction. Joe was not expelled, but rather commended, by the Muetai Association for his brave display of power for the sake of his friends. He returned to do battle in KOF 92 (FF2) and KOF 93 (FF Special). FF Special saw the return of Geese, who had somehow survived his FF1 death plunge. Joe befriended Hwa Jai, a fellow Muetai fighter who had been his enemy in FF1 but later became his manager, as well as Duck King (another FF1 enemy), Tung Fu Rue (the Bogards' master, who fought in FF1), Mai Shiranui (an FF2 contestant who had a crush on Andy), Kim Kaphwan (FF2's Tae Kwon Do representative) and Axel Hawk (a powerful boxer from FF2). KOF 94 was very different from the previous KOF tournaments. The new sponsor, Rugal Bernstein, had decided to abandon the one-on-one format of the previous tournaments for a more exciting three-on-three team battle system. Not surprisingly, the two Bogard brothers chose Joe as their partner. There were many new teams in this tournament. One of them, consisting of Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido, and Goro Daimon, went on to fight Rugal in the finals. It is not certain why the team consisting of Terry, Andy, and Joe was not more successful, but Joe did find a new rivalry, against the female Muetai fighter King. Joe and his friends returned to Southtown to find trouble in the form of the Yakuza (Japanese mafia) villain Yamazaki (FF3). Yamazaki had taken over Southtown after Geese disappeared again following FF Special. Joe and the Bogards, along with their new friends Blue Mary (an expert grappler) Hon Fu (a nunchaku-proficient Hong Kong detective on Yamazaki's trail), Bob Wilson (a Capoeira-fighting bartender), and Franco Bash (a boxer), drove out Yamazaki, but this only made it convenient for Geese to rise to power again. Around this time, Joe started dating Lilly Kane (the blonde girl in the CvS2 London background), the sister of Billy Kane, Geese's cane-wielding second-in-command from FF1. In KOF 95, Billy Kane was on the same team as Iori Yagami, Kyo's rival. Geese had sent Billy to "take care" of the Bogards and their friend Joe. Billy not only lost to Joe and the Bogards, but he also found himself on the receiving end of Iori's unreasonable rage. Geese vowed that next time he would not rely on underlings to do his hunting for him. In Real Bout FF, Geese was in power again. It was very clear to everyone in Southtown that if they did not do something, they would all soon suffer. Joe, the Bogards, and all their friends joined forces once again. Terry accidentally knocked Geese off the top of Geese Tower, and despite all the evil Geese had done, Terry could not bring himself to let him die. He reached out to grab Geese, but Geese pushed back Terry's hand and allowed himself to fall to his death as Terry could do nothing but watch him fall. Terry only recovered from his anguish by being a substitute father for Geese's son Rock. Joe, meanwhile, returned to his training grounds in Brazil. Shortly thereafter, the KOF 96 tournament took place. Geese himself joined forces with Wolfgang Krauser (the boss of Fatal Fury 2) and Mr.Big (a gang leader who had been instrumental in Geese's conquest of Southtown many years ago) to fight Joe and the Bogards. As usual, Geese lost. After KOF 96, Joe continued entering KOF and FF tournaments, but nothing of any great significance happened to him. All the while, he continued to hold the title of greatest Muetai fighter, until around the time of SNK vs. Capcom, when he was challenged by Adon (Sagat's former student from Street Fighter and the Street Fighter Alpha series) and lost. Also, he somehow managed to win the Capcom vs. SNK tournament even though he had not entered it. ;) ----------GAME APPEARANCES---------- Joe has appeared in the following fighting games: Fatal Fury Fatal Fury 2 Fatal Fury Special The King of Fighters '94 Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory The King of Fighters '95 Real Bout Fatal Fury The King of Fighters '96 Real Bout Fatal Fury Special The King of Fighters '97 Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers Real Bout Fatal Fury Special Dominated Mind The King of Fighters '98: Dream Match Never Ends The King of Fighters R-1 Fatal Fury Wild Ambition The King of Fighters R-2 The King of Fighters '99 Fatal Fury First Contact The King of Fighters 2000 Capcom vs. SNK Pro Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 The King of Fighters 2001 Joe has made cameo appearances in these games: SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millenium Capcom vs. SNK: Millenium Fight 2000 ----------TACTICS---------- All damage amounts were found using a Ratio 2 C-Groove Joe at L0 against a Ratio 2 C-Groove Joe on normal (2 stars) Damage Level and a Normal Groove Gauge setting. Actual damage in gameplay will vary based on the ratio and groove of Joe and his opponent. The name of the move, in conventional English spelling, is given first, followed by the name as translated from the katakana and kanji in the manual and/or game command lists, the command input, sometimes alternate names (if there are any) then a description of its properties. NORMAL MOVES Cl J - Body Hook (Bodei Hukku): Joe elbows his opponent. 400 damage. Cl St: Joe punches his opponent in the stomach. 700. Cl Fi: Joe punches straight at his opponent, then arcs his fist downward into the opponent's stomach. 2 hits, 1200 damage. Cl Sh: Joe knees his opponent with his front leg. 500 damage. Cl Fo: Joe kicks his opponent in the shin. 1000. Cl R: Joe knees his opponent with his back leg. 1300. F J - Jab (Jabu): Joe does a straight jab. 300 damage. F St: Joe does a low punch. 700. F Fi - Straight (Sutoreeto): Joe swipes at his opponent. 1200. F Sh: Joe kicks at waist level. 500. F Fo: Joe swings his foot in an arc. 1000. F R: Joe kicks at shoulder level. 1400. D J: Joe does a straight jab. 300 damage. D St: Joe does a low punch. 700. D Fi: identical to D St. 1200. D Sh: Joe kicks his opponent's foot with his front leg. 300. D Fo: Joe kicks his opponent's foot with his back leg. 1000. D R - Sliding Kick (Suraideingu Kikku): Joe does a sliding kick. This move knocks down the opponent. 1300. JS J: Joe punches downward. 500 damage. JS St - Jump Straight (Jampu Sutoreeto): Joe swipes downward. 800. JS Fi - Jump Straight (Jampu Sutoreeto): identical to JS St. 1200. JS Sh: Joe thrusts up his knee. 600. JS Fo - Joe Kick (Joo Kikku): Joe kicks down with his heel. 1000. JS R - Deer(?) Kick (Shika Kikku): Joe kicks straight out. 1400. A J: identical to JS J. 500 damage. A St - Jump Straight (Jampu Sutoreeto): identical to JS St. 800. A Fi - Jump Straight (Jampu Sutoreeto): identical to JS Fi. 1200. A Sh: identical to JS Sh. 600. A Fo - Joe Kick (Joo Kikku): identical to JS Fo. 1000. A R - Deer(?) Kick (Shika Kikku): identical to JS R. 1400. Punch throw (Press T or B and Fi Cl) Joe throws his opponent over his shoulder. 1800 damage. Kick hold (Press T or B and R Cl, then K!) Joe grabs his opponent and smashes the opponent repeatedly with his knee. At least 8 hits, 2249 damage. SPECIAL MOVES All moves can only be done on the ground. Hurricane Upper (Harikeen Appaa) HCF AP Joe creates small hurricanes. The button used determines the number of hurricanes and the move's range and damage. J: 1 hurricane, 900 damage St: 2 hurricanes, 1000 damage Fi: 2 hurricanes, 1200 damage Slash Kick (Surasshu Kikku) HCF AK The Kick, Special Kick Joe jumps forward with a kick that knocks down the opponent. The button used determines the move's range and damage. Sh: 1100 damage Fo: 1200 R: 1300 Tiger Kick (Taigaa Kikku) DP AK Joe does a rising flaming knee. The button used determines the move's number of hits, range, and damage. Sh: 1 hit, 1500 damage Fo: 2 hits, 1600 R: 3 hits, 1800 Golden Heel (Ougon no Kakato) HK AK Golden Heel Hurter, Golden Heel Hunter Joe jumps forward, slashing his heel downward in a wide arc. The button used determines the move's range and damage. Sh: 900 damage Fo: 1000 R: 1100 Bombshell Fist (Bakuretsu Ken) P! Machine-Gun Punch, Megaton Punch, TNT Punch, Exploding Fist Joe punches very quickly. Each successful hit does 300 damage, but the St and Fi versions will cause Joe to move forward slightly, whereas the J version does not move. SUPER COMBOS All damage amounts were found using a Ratio 2 C-Groove Joe against a Ratio 2 C-Groove Joe on normal (2 stars) Damage Level and a Normal Groove Gauge setting. The gauge was only as full as necessary to perform the move. Actual damage in gameplay will vary based on the ratio and groove of Joe and his opponent. Screw Upper (Sukuryuu Appaa) FB FB AP Joe creates a huge hurricane. Level 1: 4 hits, 2400 damage Level 2: 5 hits, 3400 Level 3: 6 hits, 4800 Bombshell Hurricane Tiger Heel (Bakuretsu Harikeen Taigaa Kakato) FB HCB AP Exploding Hurricane Tiger Heel Just as the name implies, Joe does a Bombshell Fist, two Hurricane Uppers, then a Golden Heel. Level 1: 8 hits, 2600 damage Level 2: 13 hits, 3800 Level 3: 18 hits, 5600 Double Cyclone Upper (Daburu Seikuron Appaa) HK HK AP Joe creates two huge hurricanes. This super can only be done at Level 3 or MAX Level and hits 12 times for 6000 damage. ----------COMBOS---------- Since Joe's JS attacks are the same as his A attacks, I am using A to represent both. As always, if you have any combos to add, feel free to e-mail them to the address at the top of this FAQ. Cl J, Cl J, F J, Bombshell Fist Cl Sh, Cl J D Sh, Tiger Kick A J, Cl J A J, Cl St A J, Cl Sh A St, Bombshell Fist A St, Cl St A St, Cl Fi A St, Cl Sh A St, Cl Fo A St, Cl R A Fi, Bombshell Fist A Fi, Cl St A Fi, Cl Fi A Fi, Cl Sh A Fi, Cl R A Fi, Hurricane Upper A Fo, Cl J ----------COLORS---------- These are Joe's default colors in CvS2. X: Red shorts, yellow trim (FF) Y: White shorts, bright blue trim L: Raspberry shorts, white trim A: Blue shorts, orange trim B: Charcoal shorts, orange trim (KOF 97 Advanced Alternate color) R: Bright green shorts, orange trim X+Y+L: Yellow shorts, red trim A+B+R: Bright blue shorts, yellow-orange trim (KOF 97 Extra Alternate color) The following are edit colors I have made for Joe you may want to try. The colors are listed left to right as the blocks appear on the bar at the bottom of the screen, with the numbers representing red, green, and blue in that order. Pink shorts, purple trim 24-18-15 20-14-11 17-11-8 13-7-4 9-3-0 31-31-31 24-24-24 20-20-20 15-15-15 26-21-24 21-16-19 14-9-12 10-5-8 16-4-16 12-0-12 Orange shorts, magenta trim 26-16-17 23-13-14 20-10-11 15-5-6 10-0-1 31-31-28 24-25-21 20-21-17 15-16-12 31-15-3 26-12-0 18-8-0 13-8-0 31-7-31 24-0-24 Purple shorts, bright green trim 27-22-16 24-19-13 21-16-10 15-10-4 10-5-0 29-29-31 23-23-24 19-19-20 13-13-14 17-11-21 12-6-16 8-2-12 7-0-9 11-31-14 10-30-9 Khaki shorts, blue trim (inspired by his FF Real Bout Alternate color) 26-19-13 23-16-10 20-13-7 15-8-2 10-3-0 30-29-30 23-22-23 19-18-19 14-13-14 22-21-12 18-17-8 16-15-6 14-13-4 0-0-24 0-0-16 ----------JOE QUOTES---------- From FF Special: Heh, heh. Tempest Man enters the ring. Whoosh, whoosh. Cheer up. I'm just too strong for you! Hyaah. The legend of Joe Higashi begins a new chapter. The legend of Joe Higashi expands. Soon to be a major motion picture. From KOF 95: You never had a chance against the kick-boxing king! At this pace, I can win before lunch. Yo-shaaaa! From KOF 96: I saw right through you like... well, something transparent. If I were you, I'd roll over and pretend to be dead. From KOF 98: How's that? I'm the Satan of Martial Arts. ----------VERSION HISTORY---------- v. 0.2 (30 October 2001) - Added standard CvS2 gameplay features section; revised tactics section's damage information v. 0.1 (26 October 2001) - First version which contained everything not mentioned above ----------LINKS---------- GameFAQs The best resource for gaming information I've seen anywhere (but if you're reading this you should already know that) Shingotink's Capcom vs. SNK 2 Color Edit Archive OR A fantastic resource for color edits SNK's English Homepage The official site for SNK information in English ----------CREDITS---------- I, ProTect, wrote this. Move names came from CvS2 command lists and from The King of Fighters '95 Official Guide Book for the Ultimate Fighters. Joe's official history came from the SNK games as mentioned. Joe's statistics came from SNK's KOF 2000 homepage and the All About SNK Head- to-Head Fighting Games Guide. All other material came directly from the author's trial-and-error experimentation with CvS2. Capcom made CvS2, CvS1, and CvS Pro. SNK made all other games mentioned. Joe Higashi, the Fatal Fury series, and the King of Fighters series belong to SNK.