CAPCOM VS SNK 2 ~ Todo's Tourney How to make Todo Happy, and other stuff... By Rokiseph Copyright 2002 Second Revision *********************************************************************** Hey, this is copyrighted, and you know it. So far, it's going to appear in Gamefaqs first and nowhere else as of this date 07 November 2001. Since nobody wants to do his FAQ (just like the book publishers didn't want to publish Todo's Autobiography and the TV producers didn't want to make his "How to win with Todo Style" Videos), I'll do it. The FAQ I mean. And now it's the second revision, I'm gonna change some stuff after more than half almost year of playing mainly Todo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, we all love Ryuhaku Todo, lets face it, he's one of the good guys, he wears a dress, and he has a cool looking Kasane Ate and has a Beautiful Daughter Kasumi. He has been around since ages ago, and appears as one of the more useful strikers in KOF 2001. Besides AOF and KOF, he has been lying low (recovering from the bruise he got from Ryo in AOF, just check his losing pose and his blackened face in KOF), until now! The New Millennium! To appear again!! And get laughed at for being a useless character......until now!(Again) ======================================================================= I don't own a PS2 or Dreamcast, and I don't know how much damage each move makes, if anyone knows please help me by telling me the details, thank you. I'd really greatly appreciate it, and so would Todo users around the world. ======================================================================= Let's Help the World discover the Power of Todo Style! Well let's first gauge the usefulness of Todo's Normal moves shall we? NORMAL ATTACKS I use the words Light, Medium and Heavy for the respective attack strengths. S - Standing C - Crouching J - Jumping B - Back F - Forward L - Light M - Medium H -Heavy P - Punch K -Kick Soooo...When Todo is Standing Still.... Light Punch - Just a Normal punch, but comboable into another S/CLP or S/CLK Medium Punch - A very good Ranged move that comes out fast and straight, abuse this by running and MP to hit an opponent Mid range from you. Heavy Punch - A move that moves Todo's body forward to give a Chop around head level. Also useful in stopping a jump by an opponent. Light Kick - A little kick in your shin Medium Kick - A further kick than LK but nice to keep someone away. Heavy Kick - A Long ranged kick that does good damage. If the opponent is near, he will do a close sidekick high into the air though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- And when Todo is Crouching.... LP - A Light punch , comboable into another LP or LK, or into a CHO - Kasaneate. MP - His best crouching move, his CMP is the best crouching move to follow up into a light Kasane ate. By itself, it comes out fast and recovers fast. More uses for it later in Strategies section. HP - ABUSE!!! ABUSE!!! His crouching HP is one of the best Anti-Airs in the game (according to Todo). He pokes his Elbow up and out and high, hitting anyone before they expect to want to hit you. Anyone jumping towards you repeatedly will go nuts trying to figure what went wrong with their kick. LK - Just like the LP, also comboable into a cho kasaneate. MK - Somewhat like that CMP, you can cancel it into a light Kasane Ate. Comboable into another CMK. HK - A sweep to knock the opponent off his feet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AND if Todo is Jumping LP - He jumps and extends his hand out. MP - He jumps and does a chop with his hand. HP - He Jumps and Gives a Strong punch downwards. LK - Is a Knee that's short ranged. MK and HK - I guess I would recommend he use his HK because it does the most damage, but if you want to attack deep into the opponent to combo on the ground, you should be careful not to stick out your HK too early, but otherwise ok. *********************************************************************** SPECIAL ATTACKS Ok here's the fun part.. QC -Quarter Circle HC - Half Circle DP - Forward, down, diagonal move, like as in Shoryuken. THROWS! Body Slam - B/F + HP Head Crack - B/F + HK Comment : Do the HK version of throws (even for other characters) because they usually do more damage than the punch version, even though it takes a few frames longer to execute. ======================================================================= SPECIAL MOVES Todo Low Sweep!! F + MK Todo shifts his body down and forward, and does a very long ranged sweep half a screen away. Good to do to hit unsuspecting, standing opponents down. If you can gauge well, you can get the person with the tip of your foot and be too far away to be counter attacked. Doing it close however, puts you just *next* to the opponent, and into trouble. It will also put you under fireballs if you connect the moment the opponent comes out with the fireball. Kasane Ate QCF + P He does forceful movement with both his hands and sends an energy wave crashing down. This move has very high priority and can cancel fireballs and hit enemies behind. Light version - Is what you combo into after a Medium Punch. Also used to do a quick pressure on a close opponent who you suspect is qoing to come out with a move. Medium Version - Cannot be Comboed into, but gives you enough speed to hit someone who is just landing after you Anti-Air him with your C.HP. Heavy Version - Is your all time Distancer. It's one of those moves that turtlers can't do much against except to jump or roll away from. They want to JD or Parry it fine. Go Ahead...what's next? Also they certainly can't cancel it with their own Fireball. Also used to hit opponents jumping up repeatedly at corners. Mix with a fake Light Punch once in a while if you're playing a distance game so that opponents who jump or roll over will get attacked by you instead. I cannot stress the importance of the different Kasane Ates in Gameplay, they each play a unique Role that gives Todo a lot of versatility. Kuuchuu Kasane Ate QCF + P in the air Todo does a Kasane Ate in the when he is in the air, which also can hit a standing opponent if done low enough. This move causes Todo to pause in the air then drop down. This move is good when you jump toward an opponent and do it slightly further away than as if you want to punch or hit him. It's more like, creating a shield rather than for offensive sometimes also. Even this has range, the Light Kasane Ate appears right in front of Todo, while the Heavy one Appears somewhat a punch away. This has it's own uses in battle, and also in a CC. Anti-Air Kasane Ate DP + P Todo does a small Kasane Ate Diagonally, just above/in-front his head. A nice Anti-Air if you can anticipate the opponents jump, and can cancel air fireballs and still hit the guy who did it.(Think Gouki). Also useful as a starting move because opponents sometimes jump towards you at the beginning of the match. Tatsumakisouda (Not the real name) HCB + P Ahhhh, a good move, yes indeed. Todo grabs the opponent and slams his palms into their solar plexus, stunning them for a moment. This unblockable move stuns the opponent for a good long while, enough for Todo to do a Combo, or just to a Cho-Kasane Ate straight away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUPER MOVES! Cho Kasane Ate QCF twice + P WHOOHOOO!!! THE BEST SUPER IN THE GAME !!!(According to Todo). But seriously, this move has a fast startup, and continues even if you get hit. This move is very good, hits opponents even if the are in the air (higher than Hadouken level). The level 1 hits for 5 hits , level 2 for 7, both doing moderate damage, and travels 3/4 of the screen. The MAX version however.....Todo considers to be another move... ********** MAX Cho Kasane Ate!!! This MCKA hits for 9 hits, and travels the full screen. The thing about it is that you can do it even when the opponent is jumping AWAY from you, because the MCKS travels so fast, it will hit them before they reach the ground! It does helluva lot of damage and nobody dares to jump around when you are at MAX mode. It hits for more hits for some character in Mid Air (11 hits for a Zangief under certain circumstances) Kuzu Otoshi QCF-HCB + P Ah..the best counter move in the game (According to Todo). Todo stands still and anticipates an attack. And if he IS attacked (By ANY bodily projectile, except Mamahaha and Choi of course)he will slam the opponent into the Ground and hit them (level 1 and 2 ) or Slam them, Punch them, then hit them with his bootiful fan (At Max)! Nice move if you expect the opponent to jump and kick you. Also good as a get-up move. STRATEGY TIME!!! Before that, of course you'll ask yourself, "What Gets you Groovin' baby?" or what gets Todo grooving baby? C - GROOVE Well, if you're using C-Groove, Todo can now roll and hop around like a bunny. Ok now if you are used to playing C-Groove, then Here's what Todo comments about his strategy : Hopping is useful here, because of the short hop followed by the Tatsumakisouda (From now on TS), which can be followed by a CMP -> Light Kasane Ate. But the main thing about C-Groove is that it is one of the two only Grooves where you can store the Max specials indefinitely, unlike all other grooves that have a time limit to Max Modes (SNK Grooves). You can now take your time to strategise and try to grab an opponent with the Tatsumakisouda, or just do the Cho-Kasane Ate when you need to. Strategies Specific to C-Groove Todo, just like Kasane Ate, is a moving wall. In C-Groove, he can store his power bar very fast because of the repeated Kasane Ates he continually does to pressure the opponent. His ability to roll will make opponent think twice about making moves with a long lag time because if he rolls past the attack he might grab with a TS. Also, Todo can hop and follow up with a TS. Todo in C-Groove doesn't mind getting cornered, because either you counter the next move, or if you have the Cho Kasane Ate (CKA), just do the Max once the opponent does ANYTHING that leaves him even slightly open. Note that the Level 2 Cho Kasane Ate, if Cancelled by anything, even a Taunt at around the 6th hit, will reset the Opponent's Juggle potential and cause another 2 hits. This is big extra damage, so Try and execute Level 2 Instead and then Taunt. Leaving you with One Bar still. There are many games you can play with the Cancelling of the Level 2. Aside from what was mentioned above ... Do a level 2 Kuzu Otoshi when you think the opponent is going to hit you. If you miss, the opponent may just want to hit you after he thinks the move is over, or just slam you anyway. Either way, don't forget that because of the cancel, you can do a Kasane Ate, or even a Cho Kasane Ate, and Even a Tatsumakisouda if he comes to slam you!!!! It's great to see how people just walk towards you as if nothings going to happen to them, only to get hit instead! I have also cancelled a Kuzu Otoshi into another Kuzu Otoshi, and it really Pissed the Vega flying my way. Cancelling One Cho Kasane Ate into another one may be a waste of Energy, but sometimes it is enough to draw opponents who think they can roll past the First Wave, only to Roll into the Second one!!!! But it's tricky because the first Wave has to almost end first. And finally, since C-Groove does not have short jump, you will find it very Convenient to just do Tiger knee motion Kasane Ate's, it forms a Total shield in front of you, and no one Combos you this way. Once you incorporate this into your moves, opponents have less chances to hit you with Full supers even. *********************************************************************** A- GROOVE for Todo Haahahahahahaha~~ is what Todo says about A-Groove. He says that A-Groove is similar to C-Groove, since it is also easy to fill up the power bar, you can hop, and you can roll. But of course now you have the immediate recovery after getting hit down, which is useful in getting back into the action. But now he doesn't have the air block anyway. ("Bah" he says, "I jump to attack, not to BE attacked.") Of course, what Todo is really laughing about is - Custom Combos In reality, Todo's Custom Combo is potentially one of the stronger ones in the game (This time I say so, not Todo). Why? Custom combos modify the damage to become 1 dot each after the Seventh hit. So lets say you trap an opponent in the corner and start to custom combo him, Kasane Ate * 10 times, maybe, well, maybe you will get a nice amount of damage in. But what if you break the pattern halfway with a pause, then a TS? The TS after a pause is not counted as a combo, but the fact that you got it in means the damage counter starts from scratch, giving you the chance to get in a few more damaging hits again! Other characters have to rely on trick moves like Ken's overhead kick, but only Todo has the TS. Iori could be another candidate but his scum gale doesn't do damage. Neither does Yuns. Anyway, his custom Combo, if you're not close to the corner, works like this. If you are a bit far from the opponent, do your SHP repeatedly until BEFORE you are to be too close to him (that's when your SHP will change from the chop to a close elbow), follow up with a CHP to push him further so that you can continue with your SHP. Or... (S.HP*2 -> C.HP)* X Ok if you still haven't pushed him into the corner by the 8th hit, just follow with Command Grab into Light Kasane Ate all the way, then do his Cho Kasane Ate. Or... (HCB+P -> QCF+LP)* X then into Cho Kasane Ate Next, is what you do you do reach the corner...what else, Kasane Ate all the way, until when your bar reaches the end when you finish off with a CKA. But that's the easy version.... You could try the variation where you give a break in between and attempt to catch the opponent with a TS just before the meter runs out, then you do your MP into a Kasane Ate if you want the opponent to be standing instead of falling as if you did the CKA. Which is ALSO a less damaging version of... Corner Grab -> PING -> C.HP *3 -> S.HP -> C.HP -> Light Kasane Ate X * -> S.HP into another Command grab (Just as the Meter Finishes) -> Light Kasane Ate -> S.MP -> Light Kasane Ate. Notice that the Last three sets are outside the CC, so do full damage, and dizzy to boot. There's a list below for common A-Groove Combos. BUT, A-Groove has no Max Cho Kasane Ate. Very sad. Unless you love Custom Combos so much and can do it well, you won't end up with more damage than a Max CKA at some grooves. *********************************************************************** P-Groove for Todo Anyone in P-Groove is formidable. Assuming you can Parry most of the things coming your way. Todo in P-Groove may take a long time to build up his Super bar though, but at least it stays there indefinitely. Also, you can dare to jump in to ANY character, force parry your way in front of the character, and grab with the TS. Actually, if you dare to, learn to Parry -> TS all close moves, especially when you are just getting up, and someone is trying to light kick you to death or something. That's Todo's (And other Grapplers) advantage in P-Groove. Of course, P-Groove has the Short Jump, and Todo does a good Short Jump HK. This is a good alternative to Hopping to grab with a TS, since now you can't roll, you can jump over attacks and kick em' in the head before they can do anything else. Author's Comment : See the Short jump as another Roll or Dodge. It's a very good move to abuse because it's harder for opponents to anticipate and give you an anti-air. Furthermore, a well placed short jump leaves your body further away to be fully anti-aired, while your leg is sticking out far enough to kick the other guy. Imagine a crouching Haohmaru waiting to CHP you, if you small jump, you're more likely hit him before he can hit you. You can also Parry an air attack and C.HP it, but it would still be better to parry it, then do a command grab just as the opponent lands. This should be your B&B. Other than this, nothing else much in P-Groove. *********************************************************************** S-Groove for Todo kun Todo likes S-Groove, but only when he is on the losing end. Otherwise, he finds it troublesome to charge up the power bar for a CKA. However... Todo does have the Kasane Ate, and charging does recover immediately. It is then more of a Kasane Ate -> Charge until opponent does something-> Kasane Ate. Ok, Todo doesn't find it so bad after all. (Make up your mind old man) But Todo is VERY Happy with running, because he can abuse the Run MP move. Just Run towards the opponent, hitching up your dress and all, and suddenly WHAM MP. He likes the dodge too, because he can dodge -> cancel P attack -> Combo with KA or CKA. And he has the SHORT JUMP!! Whoohooo, explained in P Groove. But Todo loves this for one easy reason is that since that if he has a full bar his strength goes up significantly, giving him one of those SNK Groove edges where your normal moves become stronger. And when his life is low and Flashing, the ability to do CKA ANYTIME can really unnerve the opponent into cowering like an idiot. It's when his life is low in this groove where YOU should pressure the opponent, and not start playing defensively. Surprising? Get used to it. Every grab follows into a C.HP into a Cho Kasane Ate...whats up with that??? Rokiseph Comments : Being able to do Max CKA only when your life is low isn't something good. And remember, Charge at every moment you get, people end to forget that. *********************************************************************** N-Groove for the Dragon Man N-Groove. Hmmm, Todo finds this Groove well balanced. He can run, he can roll, he can short jump, he can guard counter, and he can Guard Cancel.... What is this? Counter Evasion? Gasp... Strategies Specific to N Groove. Todo is versatile in N Groove, his mobility is greatly enhanced because it is the only groove where he can and I Quote "Hitch My Skirt and Run Like the Wind then Roll like the great Waves". Being the only groove where you can run then roll makes Todo a very irritati.....ummm...formidable opponent. Opponents don't know if he's going to suddenly stop and Punch, jump, do a KA or ROLL. Todo also loves to just run, All the Way in front of the opponent and suddenly TS!!! (It works, try it). Also, once he gains 3 Power bars, he can activate one, keep one to Counter Evade some move, then do a Max CKA!!! Of course it sounds so easy but, I'm just saying the versatility of Todo here. No other Groove lets him Counter Evade and follow up with any move. The short jump is explained above in P-Groove. Well, a nice well balanced Groove for everyone and Todo. Heh. That's it. Todo : "Move on Kid" Allright...sheesh *********************************************************************** K -Groove for Todo Why are you drooling old man? Strategies specific for K-Groove In K-Groove, charging up can be either very fast or very slow. If you can just defend 12 times, you will get a full bar, if you get hit, you will also raise your power bar by a significant amount depending on how much you get hit. Knowing this, you can very easily get a Max power bar in a very short amount of time if you are aggressively attacking, just defending, and getting hit once or twice. A nice way to get to Ikari mode. As Todo says : "Nothing like a good first 20 second warm up before I get into my real fighting mode. When they know I'm angry, they just keep away because they fear my CKA. Because they try to wait out my anger, I can safely use this to press the attack and trap them into the corner and try to break their guard. For those foolish enough to go ahead and attack me, I give them a well timed Max CKA." Well, it sounds like there is all there is for K-Groove. But the Power makes up for many other disadvantages. Rokiseph comments : Having a Ratio 4 Todo using K-Groove is better than a Ratio 3 2 or 1 because of one simple reason. You get rage as fast as the other Ratios do (corresponding to the kinds of hits) But in the end, you have more life to continue the battle with, and your Max CKA can cause 90% damage to a weaker Ratio 1 character. It is a fair deal because assume you just got hit by a Ratio 4 Haohmaru's SHP, if you were Ratio 1, 2 3 or 4, you would probably have a full Rage bar. But if you were Ratio 1, 2, or 3, you would have a whole lot less life than if you were Ratio 4. I'm just stating the obvious here of course, but it is easy to see that it just might be better to have 3 characters in S groove because you have 3 chances to have a flashing bar. On the other end, it is better to have a Ratio 4 K-Groove worthy character because he will be raged within a short amount of time. But this changes by character, since the benefits of K-Groove are also for the multi-man/woman team. *********************************************************************** GENERAL STRATEGIES for Todo... Todo says : 1. Use the basic moves often. The Kasane Ate should be often used. If you think you can get in a Kasane Ate that will be blocked, Do It anyway, because any amount of damage you can do counts towards the end, and the Guard Breaking capabilities for such a ranged 3 hit move are high. 2. Use the Light Kasane Ate even if you are far away, at least you are doing something, which makes you seem like you are attacking. At the same time, you are charging up your bar (CAPN Groove). 3. Always be prepared to do an Anti Air (CHP). After hitting the opponent out of the air, he will fall in range for one of the Kasane Ate. Do it, if he blocks it, he gets chip damage, if he doesn't, too bad. However, watch for opponents who can roll - because some opponents catch on and roll once they hit the ground, thinking you will do a Kasane Ate to hit them. Once they catch on, either delay your kasane Ate or just grab them with the TS when they roll. But be careful for characters with a short roll, you might just grab empty air. 4. There are many opponents who like to safe fall. Note that the safe fall is not invincible, and if he continuously does it, follow up with the most damaging move you have at hand if he is close enough. 5. You are NOT afraid of Fireballs. You Will do a Kasane Ate to whiff those fireballs and hit whoever just did them. Read this and Weep Sagat. No offence. 6. Don't be afraid to Slam someone if they roll towards you. Better yet, do a TS then your basic combo. Your basic combo is CMP -> Light Kasane Ate. A Raged Ratio 4 Todo Doing a TK -> CMP -> Light Kasane Ate takes almost HALF the life of a Ratio 1 character. Do it when you can. 7. Some characters like to walk back and forth to confuse you. Just walk back a bit, then do your Forward MK to sweep him off his feet from far away. Your far starting point should get your toe tip to hit him, so if he blocks, you will be far enough to block any oncoming attacks. 8. There are many fast characters that will keep jumping at you. And sometimes, your CHP won't work unless you are very accurate (especially against the likes of Balrog the Spanish Fighter. Don't forget you have the Anti-Air Kasane Ate. Although it takes some guesswork, just pull off a heavy one if you think he is going to jump at you, once you show them that you have another reliable Anti-Air, they won't try to do it so much. However sometimes even this doesn't help much due to the erratic patterns of certain characters. So what do you do? Jump and do your Air-Kasane Ate! It works because you jump and the opponent thinks he can jump after the slow old man, only to meet a Kasane Ate in the air. 9. The Air Kasane Ate is Not useless. Often times, people forget about it. When you are jumping towards a recovering character, they might try to hit you with an anti-air of their own (ShoRyuken, Tiger Uppercut etc) The thing is, you have nothing to lose if you do your jump such that you will do a Air Kasane Ate on them just as they are about to get up. The Air Kasane Ate does hit standing characters see. The Air Kasane Ate also makes you stop where you are jumping and fall down, so it's good to stop yourself from jumping to the wrong place. Heh. Do it in the Tiger Knee Motion and what do you get? A small forward moving air kasane Ate. And you still have a decent recovery time when you drop. Incorporate this into your combos. Sometimes C.MP-> Tiger Knee into a Kasane Ate -> Land C.MP-> Kasane Ate. Don't do it too often though, or people will know to catch you on the way up. 10. Practice your Kuzu Otoshi such that you can do it very very fast. Many opponents like to do Non -Valid combos (A good example is Sagat's CLK -> CLK -> CMK -> Tiger Shot, or Balrogs CLK -> CLK-> CMK -> CMP etc). The thing is, when you can see the pattern, you can activate the Kuzu Otoshi during that split frame where the moves don't actually connect (Between the CLK and the CMK). Your opponents will be very surprised at this because it seems like it came out from nowhere, but in actuality you just read his moves correctly. By then his leg is already sticking out and it's too late. 11. A common weakness some players have is to get stuck in the corner. Sometimes to close in, the opponent has to jump towards you, unless it is a short jump, Roll out then Super Jump away, or Run out from under him, don't be afraid to run or hop out of the corner, there is this false illusion that if you run out you will get crossed over. If you do it fast you'll be safe...ok? Well combo time Although Todo doesn't really have lots of them COMBOS 1. Tatsumakisouda -> Crouch MP/ -> Light Kasane Ate /Cho kasane Ate 2. Tatsumakisouda -> Cho Kasane Ate 3. LP -> LK -> Cho Kasane Ate. 4. L.Attack -> C.MK -> Kasane Ate/Cho Kasane Ate 5. Jump HK -> Crouch MP -> Light Kasane Ate /Cho kasane Ate 6. Jump Medium kick, hitting behind the opponent -> C.LP -> C.MP -> Light Kasane Ate / Cho Kasane Ate. 7. C.MK -> C.MK 8. In Corner when opponent is getting up. C.MP -> LKA -> S.MP 9. In Corner when opponent getting up Light kasane Ate -> MP -> Light kasane Ate for 7 hits 10. Only In corner, Tatsumakisouda into Light Kasane Ate -> S.MP-> Light Kasane Ate for 8 hits. The timing is Strict but doable. 11. Tatsumakisouda -> Light Kasane Ate -> Cho Kasane Ate (Just for show) 12. Tatsumakisouda -> Light Kasane Ate -> S.MP -> Cho kasane Ate (Just for Show) Non -Combo pressure tactics.(Just to decrease the Guard bar a notch or two) 1. CLP -> CLP -> CMP -> Light Kasane Ate 2. CMP -> CMP -> Light Kasane Ate 3. CLP -> CMP -> S.HK 4. Light Kasane Ate -> Light Kasane Ate -> Light Kasane Ate......... if the opponent is trapped in the corner and you are very close. But of course, stop when you feel that he's going to attack or move. 5. Good Corner Pressure Chain ; Light Kasane Ate S.HP Kasane Ate A-GROOVE COMBOS Old version : Tatsumakisouda -> Custom Combo -> Tatsumakisouda-> Standing HPx2 -> Tatsumakisouda -> Standing HPx2 -> If in corner go to A, if not go to B -> Newer version : Tatsumakisouda -> Custom Combo -> Tatsumakisouda-> Standing HPx2 -> C.Hp -> Standing HPx2 -> C.HP ->If in corner go to A, if not go to B -> A (simple) -> Light Kasane Ate * N -> Cho Kasane Ate. A (Moderate) -> Light Kasane Ate * N -> S.Hp into Tatsumakisouda as Bar Runs out -> C.MP -> Light Kasane Ate A (Hard) -> Light Kasane Ate * N -> S.Hp into Tatsumakisouda as Bar Runs out -> Light kasane Ate -> S.MP -> Light Kasane Ate B (Simple)-> (Standing Hp x 2 -> C.HP) x n, until you reach the corner then continue with A, or just end with Light Kasane Ate -> Cho Kasane Ate. B (Moderate) -> (Tatsumakisouda -> Light Kasane Ate) * N -> Cho kasane Ate Why not continue with (Tatsumakisouda-> Standing HPx2) x n all the way? Because it wastes time. Every Dot counts and you're doing only 1 dot of damage for the TS after the seventh hit. In that time you can do 2 Standing HPs already so don't waste the opportunity. Or as mentioned, Corner Grab -> PING -> C.HP *3 -> S.HP -> C.HP -> Light Kasane Ate X * -> S.HP into another Command grab (Just as the Meter Finishes) -> Light Kasane Ate -> S.MP -> Light Kasane Ate. This is designed to not waste time with the Command grab and to wait for Todo to get far to do another S.HP chop version. So just do everything fast. The S.HP halfway is to take a step forward to get in range for Tatsumakisouda. Setting up into his Air Kasane Ate Once you reach the Corner during a CC, Tatsumakisouda and Tiger Knee into his Air Kasane Ate. You might have to use the Medium one in case you're not near enough, but anyway, just do it as fast as you can and break most of his guard. It's best to do this CC only if you have broken most of his Guard are sure it will break at least before 1/4 of your gauge runs out. If not it's not worth it. Anyway, do a MAD FAST Medium Kasane Ate all the way once you are up there, they will be blocking it like crazy. Once it gets crushed, continue so until the bar almost runs out drop and do your Tatsumakisouda into the usual Corner B&B. It's best for this type of CC only if you can jump in and CC into Light Air Kasane Ate, because that comes out the fastest, giving you more Combo for the buck. But that's not very set-upable. *********************************************************************** Against Some Characters What do I do against... Blanka's Roll Block and Forward Medium Kick. Balrog's Flying Barcelona Attack Kuuchu Kasane Ate Vega's Head Stomp Block the Head Stomp, do a Kuchuu Kasane Ate after that Anyway. Or just Jump high and punch him. Specific Strengths and weakness against other characters. When I mention strength, it's what Todo has that goes well against the other guy. When I mention weaknesses, it's the other way round. BALROG Oh the Headaches. Balrog the Matador is a sharp pain in the behind even with his claws off... Strengths Todo doesn't have the speed but he does have the strength at least in this match. Todo's ability to pressure someone in the corner is his only strength here unfortunately. Weakness Balrog's hit and run is very good, with his claw and all. Most Balrog players would then probably want you NOT playing a close combat game with them, so... Solution Or as close as getting one, is to inch your way towards Balrog so that you trap him in the corner instead. Due to the fact that he has quite an unreliable anti-air, he gets very pressured in the corners. Don't be afraid of his version of Somersault kick because he has to charge for it. And when he has to charge for it what does that mean? It means that he has to wait there, squatting like a fool, which is a position that Todo would want the opponent to be in because then you can begin your pressures like Kasane Ate, mixing up your moves etc. One thing about Balrog is that they tend to kick only on their way down from a jump. So if you ever get a Balrog that has been trapped in the corner, wait and see. ONCE he jumps, whether it be from a normal jump, or he is executing his Special or Super, YOU jump along and Immediately press your LP or MP just to hit him out of the air. This is because they rarely bother to attack on the way up, so you'll get a free hit. Although they may play a good poking game if they are trapped in the corner, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't retaliate with your own Kasane Ate once he manages to get you out of range. Since his usual Combo is C.LP-> C.LP -> C.MP -> either C.HP or not, it's a guessing game for both of you whats going to happen next. Best bet is if he does a C.HP, I'd block then do a jump and do an Air Kasane Ate as soon as I can to hit him and to get close. The Air Kasane Ate is a block that he can't jump out of , and he will trade hits if he does his Flip Attack. At most he'd roll out, but still, it's a guessing game for both of you. But you're better at corner pressures than he is so you better make sure you're the one trapping him in the corner. BLANKA Surprisingly this current Top Tier is weak against Todo Strengths Todo can AA ANY of Blankas Air Moves with his C.HP, easily. Todo can react casually to the horizontal roll by doing his Long range Sweep. Todo may be put out of Range By Blankas HP, but Todo's Kasane Ate won't push Todo or Blanka away from each other too much. Weakness Nothing much, except for Blanka's Short Jump HK, which actually is good against almost everyone else. Solution Once the match begins, inch your way towards Blanka as he hops around madly like a fool. You don't have to jump, you don't have to run, just walk calmly and slowly towards him as he gets himself slowly cornered. React to any attempts of air attacks with your C.HP. Frankly 19 out of 20 times I see Todo win in a Ground to Air match with Blanka. The 1/20 time I got hit was because I reacted too fast. React to any attempt of his surprise hops with a light punch followed by THEN running forward or hopping forward and immediately doing a meaty Medium Punch into a Kasane Ate. Once Blanka is trapped in the corner, his only solution is to Super Jump out of his Way, which is rather hard because in distancing against Blanka, you're actually in enough Range for your Heavy Kasane Ate to Hit him, and yet his HP can't hit you. Thus you slowly chip away his life and Guard when you're sure he's not going to jump, or if you're daring enough, go in for the pressure. But remember to be cool about it. CAMMY Oh Pshaw. Cammy is another headache. Strength I have to mention here that because of Todo's Kasane Ate, he's going to have strengths based on it against many characters. And Cammy is no exception. Todo's Kasane Ates are actually the key to beating Cammys here and there. Weakness Be psychologically ready for corner pressure Cammys, they tend to get so fast hopping around and hitting you here and there that you forget to just block and wait her out. Solution Because of Cammy's Versatility, Todo plays better going at a Medium range with her. This means playing with your Heavy and Medium Kasane Ates with her, and Basically you try to keep your distance and do your Kasane Ate as appropriate. Sometimes a player gets clever and he will do her Hooligan Combination into a Cannon Strike, or Just Jump into a Cannon Strike, This is why when playing against Cammy, try not to AA her too much with the C.HP. Instead, jump UP and do your HP or HK to hit her out of the air when she jumps. If you get trapped in the corner, you probably can't do this well, but you must try to get out of the corner ASAP, because It's hell for a cornered Todo against Cammy. What you do is if she does her usual HP into HK. Pause then hop and throw you or something like that, just wait it out and be prepared to attack her slam. If she jumps then AA with the Standing HP instead. There are two reasons for this. One, with the Standing HP, your hit box will be higher, and in the rare event that you don't win or trade, she still can't combo you off her air attack. Two, the Standing HP is different depending on how far away Cammy is, if she jumps in the corner too close to you, you will do an upward Palm Strike, if she is too far, you will do a Side Chop. Either way, it's a fair exchange enough to get her flying and a good chance for you to escape. Just watch for her S.HP and S.HK all the time, Block those and watch out for her hop into throw. Or if she is the running type, watch her running pressure HP into HK. Block these because you can't do much against them. Sooner or later she has to get out of her range, that's when you have to find a way to reset the distance between the two of you. CHUN-LI Hmmm, she jumps too high. But shes very fast isn't she? Strength Todo has the Kasane Ate (I TOLD you this was going to be his main advantage). Also his jump kicks are quite well ranged so Chun-Li can't effectively AA him. Unless she perpetually has her Kikosho. Weakness Chun-Li walks REALLY fast. I mean REALLY REALLY fast. Her walk LP, Walk Lp Walk Lp Walk Lp pressure gets on my nerves. And the subsequent attempt at a throw after that gets on my nerves even more. And she has her Hawk Talon kick Thingy. How am I Supposed to AA that? Solution Todo should again play at a range from Chun-Li. Bring all your Kasane Ates into play. Light to discourage her from coming near, medium and heavy when you catch her not jumping. The most important thing you must notice is the distance she is from you. If she jumps at you at the right distance, you can't AA her because she's either right on top of you or will cross over behind you. This is why you must get used to Running Towards Chun-Li when you see her jumping. This way, she will be way behind you and your resulting S.MP or S.HP will hit her. If you are fast enough to anticipate her jump, then you can also do the AA Kasane Ate, because this Covers Half of your head and goes up quite high too. Basically Chun-Li also has a problem when being pressured in the corner by Todo, because she doesn't have a very reliable anti air. DAN Stupid Light air Dan Kuu Kyaku. Strength Todo has better AA. Todo has a better Fireball. Weakness Dan has that irritating Light Dan Kuu Kyaku. And his stupid light kick in the air. Solution Surprisingly, don't Kasane Ate too much!!! Dan's run jump into a Dan Kuu Kyaku is too high and fast for the Kasane Ate. Just edge toward him slowly and react to his moves. Kasane Ate only when you're sure he's in no position to suddenly jump and kick you. Don't underestimate his air Light kick. Although you may Anti Air it easily, but if he has a short jump you better watch out for it. The good thing about fighting dan is that unless he has his max ShinKuu Gadoken available, he doesn't have much to put up a real defense against Todo jumping toward him. Just find an opportunity to go in and pressure him to death. DHALSIM Ow. Where'd that come from? Strength Todo has a better Close Range game. Combos and all that. Weakness Dhalsim has a better Long Range Game!!! :D Solution A good Dhalsim player can really play a keep away game. However, Todo has his Kasane Ate to disrupt the pattern of Dhalsims Long Range Heavy Kicks. A good Dhalsim Player generally keeps you well away with his Long range Jabs and Kicks, until you are too far away, and then he will start his Yoga Fire and what nots. Never Fear Todo is here. It's actually like this. Be prepared to block Dhalsim's beginning few blows until you are well out of Range of his Heavy Kick or Punch. Once you get the distance of when his Next Kick will miss, do your Light Kasane Ate. It's also safe for you to jump towards him when you see him start to do his Yoga Fire. And Remember, his Heavy Kick needs time to reach the other end of the screen, so if you practice enough, you can actually jump straight up and kick his Foot with your HK!!!!! Or Even Air kasane Ate it!!! HAHAHAHA. At Close Range, Dhalsim will try to slide you further or Headbutt into a flame or something to keep you confused. Maybe a steep Yoga Drill or two. Just block those and keep up the pressure. More to come... Eagle E.Honda Gouki Gouki, Shin Ken Kyosuke Guile Maki M.Bison Morrigan Rolento Ryu Sakura Sagat Vega Yun Zangief Athena Benimaru Chang and Choi Geese Haohmaru Hibiki Iori Iori, Orochi Joe Kim King Kyo Mai Nakoruru Raiden Rock Rugal Rugal, God Ryo Terry Todo Vice Yamazaki Yuri *********************************************************************** Well that's it until the next update!!! Thanks to everyone that helped me with CVS 2 Thanks to GameFAQS Thanks to Capcom and SNK of course. Thanks to just about everyone else that makes my life happy. By Rokiseph Copyright 2002 Mail me at