******************************************* Akuma Guide Capcom Vs. SNK: Millenium Fight 2000 v1.1 by Twinturbo June 23, 2001 ******************************************* This work is copyright 2001 by Timothy "Twinturbo" Maahs This work can be reproduced electronically as long as the following two conditions are met: 1.This work is reproduced fully intact. This document should not be modified in any way. 2.This document should be distributed freely. No one should receive payment of any kind for this. I don't really care about stuff that is commonly known, however if you quote me directly or find something unique in here that isn't in any other documents I'd like acknowledgment. If you wish to put this on a website please let me know(e-mail me at the address at the top of this document). All Characters are copyrighted by their respective companies. The newest version of this document can always be found at GameFAQS(www.gamefaqs.com) ============================================================================ - Revision History --------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ v1.0 - Everything(duh) v1.1 - Added credits section(forgot it the first time, D'oh!) Added Shameless Promotion ^_^ ============================================================================ - Table of Contents -------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ Section 1 - Introduction Section 2 - Abbrieviations Section 3 - Special Moves Section 4 - Super Moves Section 5 - Combos Section 6 - General Strategy Section 7 - Vs. Akuma Section 8 - Miscellaneous Section 9 - Credits Section 10 - In Closing ============================================================================ - Section 1 - Introduction ------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ Ahh yes...Akuma. The once almighty deity from Super Turbo. Akuma has changed much over the years... generally for the worse. He began all powerful but has been toned down so much through out the Alpha, SFIII and Vs. games that it was refreshing to see him to at least partially return to his formidable, almost unbeatable form. Being a hidden character he has no EX form and must be unlocked. If you're reading this then you unlocked Akuma through one of two ways: the awful and tedious method capcom setup(in which case you've probably mastered the game and there is little this document can teach you) or you used a gameshark(like me ^_^ ). If you used the second method then you probably still have much to learn grasshopper. After all Akuma is powerful, but power is no match for skill and when you fight as Akuma, you fight alone. So you must master all aspects of his style to win with him. This document will try to help you do just that. Note: In Japan Akuma is called Gouki, but since I'm playing the North American version I'll try refer to him as Akuma, but for the sake of simplicity, if you see me say Gouki, I mean Akuma, OK. ============================================================================ - Section 2 - Abbrieviations ----------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ This is just a list of motions Akuma uses, for a full list of game basics refer to the instruction manual or Sailor Bacon's excellent guide at GameFAQS. All motions in this guide assume you're facing right, if facing left, reverse foward and back motions(duh). s. = do the following move while standing c. = do the following move while crouching j. = do the following move while jumping f = foward b = back u = up d = down uf = up and foward ub = up and back df = down and foward db = down and back qcf = quarter circle forward (d, df, f) qcb = quarter circle back (d, db, b) hcf = half circle forward (b, db, d, df, f) hcb = half circle back (f, df, d, db, b) dp = "dragon punch" motion (f, d, df) bdp = backward "dragon punch" motion (b, d, db) (air) = Can be done in the air or on the ground (air only) = Must be done in air (LV3/MAX only) = can only be done at level 3 in capcom or max in SNK P = any punch K = any kick PP = both punches KK = both kicks LP = light punch HP = hard punch LK = light kick HK = hard kick ============================================================================ - Section 3 - Special Moves ------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================ Overhead punch: f + HP -This is Akuma's over head. Slow startup, but you'll pretty much just use it to hit turtlers(opponents who just crouch and block). Extended Kick: db + HK -A low kick that doesn't knockdown opponents unlike the sweep. Use it in combos. Dive Kick: d + HK (air only) -A sharp angled diving kick. Good for starting combos but only works if you're jumping foward. Gou Hadoken: qcf + P -The same old shoto fireball we know and love(or hate, whichever). Good to keep your opponent on their toes but try not to abuse it. Zankuu Hadoken: qcf + P (air only) -Air fireball that travels at a sharp downward angle. Has a slight dely so do the motion as soon as you leave the ground. Use it to end attmpted anti-air moves but again, try not to abuse it. Shakunetsu Hadoken: hcb + P -A fiery fireball(yeah, I know it sounds stupid). Same as Gou Hadoken except its red and knocks opponets down. The HP version hits 3 times but this is pretty much a useless move. Gou Shouryuuken: dp + P -Same old dragon punch. Akuma leaps up and foward with an uppercut. Akuma's can hit three times if you're close and HP makes him rise further. Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku: qcb + K -Same old hurricane kick. Akuma spins foward with his leg extended. HK Hits multiple times, and will arc if performed in the air. Ashura Senkuu: dp + PP or dp + KK or bdp + PP or bdp +KK -Teleportation. Akuma is invincible while teleporting. the bdp motions make him move backwards, dp makes him move foward. PP makes him move a full screen's length, KK moves a half screen's length. ============================================================================ - Section 4 - Super Moves -------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ Messatsu Gou Hadou: hcb, hcb + P -A red multi-hitting fireball. Travels faster with each level. Hits 4 times at level 1, 6 times at level 2 and 8 times at level 3. -Bitch, bitch, bitch. Everyone complains how hard this move is to perform. THAT'S WHAT TRAINING MODE IS FOR!!! Seriously, just keep practicing and you'll eventually get this move down(I can do this with my thumbs tied together I've done this so much). Messatsu Gou Shouryuu: qcf, d, df + P -A powered up version of the Gou Shouryuuken. Akuma performs two dragon punches in a row, three at level three. Beats out everything at the start but Akuma is vunerable after the first punch. Hits 4 times at level 1, 6 times at level 2 and 7 times at level 3. Tenma Gou Zankuu: qcf, qcf + P (air only) -A red multi-hitting air fireball. Travels at a downward angle and unlike the normal air fireball it packs a recoil. Hits 4 times at level 1, 6 times at level 2 and 8 times at level 3. Shun Goku Satsu: LP, LP, f, LK, HP (LV3/MAX only) -DAMN! Akuma's most powerful move. He glides foward and tries to grab his opponent. If he connects, the screen goes black and you'll hear blows landing. When the screen lights back up, Akuma's opponent will be lying on the ground and Akuma will be facing away from the screen with the Kanji character for ten(heaven) on his back and will say soushi(pathetic). This move is also unblockable, however it is slow and can be easily countered if started from a distance. Also if you defeat your opponent with this move, the ten symbol will appear covering the whole screen. This hits 15 times. -Yes this move is also known as the "Raging Demon" but I am not going to call it that since it's a stupid name for this move. Besides the exact translation is "Instant Hell Murder" or "Imprisoning Death Flash", or something along lines. In any case I'm not going to call it "Raging Demon" and you shouldn't either. ============================================================================ - Section 5 - Combos ------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ Note: All combos work in either Capcom or SNK groove. Chain/Two-in-one Combos c1 - j.LK, c.LP, Extented Kick, HK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku c2 - j.HK, c.LP, c.LP, Gou Hadoken c3 - j.HK, s.HP, LK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku, Gou Shouryuuken c4 - Dive Kick, c.LP, c.LK, LK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku, Gou Shouryuuken c5 - Zankuu Hadoken, c.LP, s.HP, HK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku Super Combos Note:For the following combos to work you must "Super Cancel" into the last move in each combo. c1 - j.HK, Messatsu Gou Shouryuu(great combo and very easy, use and abuse) c2 - j.HK, c.LK, Extended Kick, Messatsu Gou Shouryuu c3 - j.LK, c.LP, c.LP, LK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku, Messatsu Gou Shouryuu c4 - j.HK, c.LP, c.LP, Extended Kick, Messatsu Gou Hadou c5 - Zankuu Hadoken, c.LP, s.HP, Messatsu Gou Shouryuu Ultimate cheese combo -Sweep, Shun Goku Satsu Note: Using this combo puts you health in danger(in real life) as whoever you're fighting will drop their controls and procede to beat you to death for being so cheap.^_^ ============================================================================ - Section 6 - General Strategy---------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ -Akuma is simply a devastating character, and little stratagy is needed to win, but generally you should try to stay offensive and overwhelm opponents, but you can also play defensive if it suits you style. -To really screw with an opponent's head, mix up offense and defense. Beat their first fighter by going offensive, then beat their second fighter playing defensive. -If you are getting hit for some reason, use the Ashura senkuu to put some distance between yourself and your opponent. -If you are fighting someone who is playing defensive, jump towards them and throw a Zankuu Hadoken. They'll usually do their anti-air attack but hit the fireball instead of you. -Use the teleport to move through opponents attacks and hit them. -The Gou Shouryuuken is a great anti-air move but should also be use whenever you're close to your opponent due to its high damage(if all three hits connect) and priority. -When you've got your gauge filled up, let your opponent get close and do the Messatsu Gou Shouryuu. It's priority beats out everything at it's start and chances are your opponent will try to attack instead of block. -The WK Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku can link into the Gou Shouryuuken. This is the best way to end your combos(other then a super). -The Shun Goku Satsu is invincible at the start. Get close and do it. It will pass through opponent's attacks and connect. -The Zankuu Hadoken and Dive Kick are highly comboable. Whenever airborne do one of them to start off a combo. -Use the Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku to stop rushing opponents as it out prioritzes most other rushes. -Akuma is a ratio 4 character which means he cannot be partnered with anyone. Try not to lose to much health in fights as he has no one else to clean up any leftover fighters that beat him. -Akuma is a combo master. He can chain just about anything together so whenever you're close enough, go nuts. Don't just limit yourself to combos listed in this document, experiment and you'll find it's very easy to create your own. -Akuma can be played just about any way you like but try to keep some of the previous tips in mind. ============================================================================ - Section 7 - Vs. Akuma ---------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ Beating the computer controlled Akuma is fairly easy as it is very teleport happy. Just wait for him to teleport and hit him as soon as it ends. Beating a skilled human Akuma player is another story altogether. Since Akuma has no real weakness, I suggest you play very defensive and wait for him to make a mistake. If you see any openings like a missed or blocked HP Gou Shouryuuken or a Messatsu Gou Shouryuu started from a distance, immediately rush in and start pounding him. Don't get into a fireball war with him as his Shakunetsu Hadoken can beat out some projectiles, and if the Shakunetsu Hadoken doesn't get you, the Zankuu Hadoken will. Just remember no fighter is perfect, eventually he'll make a mistake, just be ready when your opponent does. ============================================================================ - Section 8 - Miscellaneous ------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================ COLORS The last four are hidden colors and must be bought through the secret shop option. _____________________________________ |A |Gray gi |red hair | |----|--------------|---------------| |B |Navy blue gi |orange hair | |----|--------------|---------------| |X |Dark gray gi |red hair | |----|--------------|---------------| |Y |White gi |light red hair | |----|--------------|---------------| |A+B |Red gi |black hair | |----|--------------|---------------| |X+Y |Black gi |white hair | |----|--------------|---------------| |A+X |Light gray gi |white hair | |----|--------------|---------------| |B+Y |Red gi |blonde hair | |____|______________|_______________| ============================================================================ ANIMATION Entrance pose: -Akuma is facing away from the screen with wavey, distortions around him. Chouhatsu(taunt): -The usual Gouki pose(he stomps the ground and grunts). Win poses: -Gets into the Gouki pose while flames rise off him. -Same as his entrance pose but with the ten(heaven) symbol on his back. ============================================================================ QUOTES - I'm the one who has mastered the style perfectly! - Your moves are nothing! - ... - Listen to the screams of all those who have fallen before me! - I will ignite the sky in a blaze of glory! - Were you afraid to fight the one and only true master! - You must know and kneel before the law of the underworld! - Do you want to look into the pit of darkness? ============================================================================ ACCESSING -To unlock Akuma you must first beat the game with all characters in their own groove. Then you must buy everyone's EX version and buy secrets 62-64. Now you must beat Morrigan and Nakoruru and buy them through the secret shop. Finally beat Akuma by getting tho the last stage without continuing and with 80 or more gps(having a few super move finishes help too). After all that he should be availible for purchase in the secret shop as secret number 76 for 9500vs. point. Obviously he will be one of the last secrets you unlock. Akuma is called "The Strongest Challenger". ============================================================================ - Section 9 - Credits ----------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ I forgot this in the first version. HUGE apologies to everyone listed here. Please forgive me for my absent-mindedness. Capcom - For finally giving us a Vs. game that doesn't have Cheesy beam supers. CJayC - For running the best gaming site on the web.(We appreciate your hard work, we really do!) Sailor Bacon - Best Capcom Vs. SNK guide on the web. Used it for move names, colors, etc. SiLent J - For format. Biggest apologies to you. I used your format because out of all the character guides I thought yours was the best. The True Warrior - Your guide helped me with clarification on what everyone is saying. ============================================================================ - Section 10 - In Closing -------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================ I hope this has helped you become a beter Akuma player or at least helped you waste a little time. Remember people may say Akuma is cheap but he's only cheap when played that way, so I beg you don't tarnish Akuma's reputation anymore then it already is by being a scrub. Thank you. Got time to kill? Come to the Capcom Vs. SNK message board and Social board! Not only is it a place to discuss the game but we've got a great many talented fanfic writers. Writers to watch for include(but are not limited to): Strider Taylor, starphoenix, Onikirimaru, and CyberAkuma. Needed for future updates: -more combos -ascii art -more in depth general strategy and vs. strategy Questions, comments. contributions, an IRS audit? The first three would be apprieciated. Contact me at Just put "Akuma", "Gouki" or something similar in the subject line. Timothy __________ ___ / __/_ _ / ____ __ / | /\ / / /\ / / / / / /___ / / __/ |/ \/ / / \/ / /__/ / /___/ /___/ Maahs WE WANT SEXADECIMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!