---------------- Geese Howard EX ---------------- ------------------------------------------- A Word Before We Get Down To The Real Talk: ------------------------------------------- What you will read down is my strategy, which means.. it might not be workable with you as it is with me and may be yes. I really do not need any E-Mail(s) asking: "What is good or bad" since I will fully talk about everything about him (including combination attacks). Hope it will somehow be useful to you and lead your play or skills to a higher level. ------------- Why Geese? ------------- Geese is not like any other bosses or even villains. He is so special and noticeable. He is so pure evil and likes to do what he likes... his style is so original and he has got a pretty cool voice. He is hard to use and not as some characters who only depends on attacking aimlessly for no good reason. Use Rock prefectly then Geese right away, and then you will surely know the complete difference between the two of them. ------------- Profile: ------------- Name: Geese Howard Wife's Name: Maire R. Son's Name: Rock Howard Brother-In-Law's Name: Kain R. Half Brother's Name: Wolfgang Krauser Most Trustworthy Bodyguards: Billy Kane, Hopper and Ripper Also Known As: "Ruler of Southtown", The Conqueror of the Underworld, "Don of the Dark Organization", "The Ultimate Self-Made Badguy" and "Lone Wolf Killer Geese". He Is: The Main Villain in SNK Weapon: Bare Hands Style: He trained under every Martial Arts master, so he is pretty damn expert with everything Age: Above 45 Birth Date: 1953.1.21 Birthplace: America Height: 183cm Weight: 82kg Blood Type: B Hates Most: Those who get in his way. Likes Most: To be on top of everybody. Favorite Sport: None --------------- Stage: --------------- It does not seem as usual (Geese Tower), but it has the most favorite things that Geese likes. A very good looking dojo (or something like that) and the same cool demon statues that we used to see in most of his wonderful stages. --------------- Quotes: --------------- ================= Chouhatsu Quotes: ================= 1)C'mon! 2)Yo-Wah-We. ============= Moves Quotes: ============= 3)Reppu Ken (Wind Slice) 4)Double Reppu Ken (Double Wind Slice) 5)Janeken (Evil Shadow Smasher) 6)Too Easy (Upper Body Slam) 7)Pathetic!!! (Knockdown Blow) 8)Predictable (Below-The-Belt Blast) 9)Raising Storm 10)Deadly Rave ============= Intro Quotes: ============= 11)You cannot escape your death. 12)I'll stain my hands with your blood! =============== Winning Poses: =============== 13)Hmph! 14)Die, yabo! =============== Winning Quotes: =============== 15)You don't have the courage to challenge me again, do you? Ha ha ha! 16)Yabo!!! 17)Pride means nothing to one such as I! 18)How dare you even think that you're on my level of skill! Now suffer! 19)Everyone must suffer!!! 20)Not bad... you could work for me if you could stand up! ===================== Special Intro Quotes: ===================== "1" Geese: Heh, heh. (pathetically, tells Terry to come) Terry: GEEEEEESE! - "2" Geese: Double Reppu Ken (Attacks Bison with the move) Bison: .... (Blocks the move and smiles in an iditoic way) Geese: Heh, heh. (Happily, tells Bison to come) ------------- Legends: ------------- Light Punch = LP Light Kick = LK Hard Punch = HP Hard Kick = HK ------------- Command List: ------------- 1)Reppu Ken: Down, down/forward, forward + LP - 2)Double Reppu Ken: Down, down/forward, forward + HP - 3)Evil Shadow Smasher: Half circle back + LK or HK - 4)Upper Body Slam: Half circle back + LP - 5)Knockdown Blow: Half circle back + LK - 6)Below-The-Belt Blast: Half circle back + HP - 7)Get Lost: Forward + HP - 8)Raising Storm: Down/backward, half circle back, down/forward + LP or HP - 9)Deadly Rave: Half circle back, forward + LK, LP, LP, LK, LK, HP, HP, HK, HK and then down, down/backward, backward + HP ======= Throws: ======= 10)Katate Nage (One Hand Blow), also called, "Anvil Bash" and "Dunk Toss": Near Opponent, forward or backward + HP - 11)Knockdown Toss: Near Opponent, forward or backward + HK ---------------------------------------------------- Normal Attacks that can connected to Special moves: ---------------------------------------------------- 1)Standing LP 2)Crouching LP 3)Standing LK 4)Crouching LK 5)Distance LK (only to Deadly Rave) 6)Standing HP 7)Crouching HP 8)Get Lost (forward HP) 9)Standing HK (first hit) 10)Crouching HK --------------------------------------------------------- Normal Attacks that cannot be connected to Special moves: --------------------------------------------------------- 1)Distance HP 2)Distance HK 3)Standing HK (second hit) ---------------- Strategy: ---------------- If you want really to use EX Geese, then you should at least read what I will write. May be you will find something useful. Okay, first things first... I will first talk about the Normal Attacks. His standing and crouching LPs are good to connect them with other Normal Attacks or Special Moves. You can always use them if you are cornered or when you want to make some distance between you and your opponent. Also, his standing and crouching LKs are the same but with a little delay. His distance LK is not that useful except that you can do the Deadly Rave after it and that is alone very good. His standing HP is good to cancel to a Reppu Ken, Double Reppu Ken or any other move. Also it comes out so fast, you can do it after the crouching LK and then Evil Shadow Smasher. That would be painful, really! His so good anti-air attacks is his crouching HP, you can do it as long as you like, but be fast. Some characters can trade hit with you sometimes if you are not fast. Or it trades hit with some high jump air attacks, like Ken's LP or LK. And the best way to give your opponent hard punches is to use his distance HP perfectly. Use it when the opponent is about to jump or make a move. Or when you want to play save. You can use his standing HK anytime but becareful though, do not over use it, because some characters can get you with their supers after they defend. There is a little lag you know, but you can cancel the first hit to a Reppu Ken of course to save your butt. But you won't be using it that much because there are some other good options more than this Normal Attack. You can use his crouching HK after some Normal Attacks (read below), or to keep your opponent away. Also you can do the Raising Storm after it which makes this attack some kind of good. But really, this Normal Attack is useful a lot. And damaging if I may say. Do not worry about using it at all. But make sure you do something right after it (connect) like Reppu Ken... if the opponent defends, that is. And if the opponent plays tricky, then do not cancel it everytime you do it. His distance HK is good if you want to keep the opponent near you or want to get near to him/her. Also, if the opponent is about to jump then do it. The Get Lost (forward + HP) is good after the Deadly Rave or when the opponent is about to jump. And if the opponent high long jumps, use it. You should know the timing. With a little practice, you will master it in no time. But I won't say with a little practice you will master performing the Raising Storm after Get Lost. Because this needs very fast hands. So, you should parctice a lot. If you ask me, it is nothing. May be because I am used to the Super Move since Fatal Fury Special... which is a very long time, ladies and gentlemen. His air HP and HK are there for the combos and needed damage. If you want to attack, use them. But unfortunately, none can be connected to Shippu Ken. Also for fast play, you can use his LK... but I won't say the same about his LK. They are not that helpful as his HP and HK... As for the moves, his Reppu Ken is kind of slow now (same goes for all other fire balls). Use it from time to time. Also, his Reppu Ken is good to do when you are close to your opponent or when he or she is down on the ground. Only do his Evil Shadow Smasher with a combo. Do not use it just like that because if the opponent defends then you are history. Always use it with a very damaging combo. As for his counters, Upper Body Slam, Knockdown Blow and Below-The-Belt Blast. I say the most used and useful one is with no doubt Upper Body Slam, because you can counter all Air Attacks and the Special Moves, but not the Super Moves (idiotic)! Use it, use it and use it when you see your opponent performs any Special Attack. But be careful, you cannot counter the throw moves, smarty. This is not Geese from Fatal Fury: King of Fighters, you know (that was a demon ^_^)? As for the Air Attacks, it is mostly about guessing here... same thing goes for his other counters, Knockdown Blow and Below-The-Belt Blast. Use it when the opponent is mashing endlessly. Or sometimes you do not have to wait for your opponent to make a move to do it. If you play so fast and want to not let your opponent jump just do it, just like that. Mostly, the opponent will be be confused why you did it? And will jump and not attack, just waits for you to do it again and then get you. But in return you do the Raising storm or crouching HP. If the opponent has got a super, then you have to think over it again, hero. His Super Moves, Raising Storm and Deadly Rave are by far the best in the game. They make the opponent screams: "OUCHHHHHHHH"! But I am talking about the level three Raising storm, because level one and two are hard to get any one. But if you are fast enough to perform the Raising Storm, then you should have no problems at all. I am okay with it, you jump and I will easily be Raising Your Butt to sky in no time. And before you enough know it. I do not care whether it is level one, two or three. Just when I see the Super Bar at full, then I smile. Also, his Deadly Rave is so good with no question asked. Hands down, it is too much. But now, it does not push the opponent away. So, do it when the opponent makes a move or any Normal Attack. Or why not with a very decent combo? His throws are simple, yet useful. If you want to play save or keep away, then use the Katate Nage. And if you want to do combos and keep your opponent near you then use the Knockdown Toss. You are R3, so your moves will be damaging and you have more stamina. But you will have one R1 character with you, not to mention Ex Geese is not like the normal one. So, you have to be pretty careful... you do not want to lose so fast. I use SNK side so that when I have not enough life bar, I could do Raising Storm anytime. I can attack freely without worrying about any character that wants to jump. Not to mention the Deadly Rave and then Raising Storm. But anyway, you can use any side that fits you. When you start the match, try to be completely focused and never let your opponent attack twice as if you have nothing to do. You can defend, but do not make it long. If you have to defend, then you should fast think of what to do next, so try to do so punches and kicks. Like distance HP, distance LK, distance HK... and so on. The ones that are completely save and painful. When an opponent plans to play with fast frames, do the same. But hit with the same time so that you can cancel his or hers. And when a LP or LK works, do another harmful one... like HP or HK. Also, use his crouching HK from a distance... it will be useful against many characters. If you are good with the Raising Storm and you are facing a character that likes to jump a lot for the combination attacks, then be sure to choose SNK. You can endlessly do the Super Moves... it might not be that damaging but at least it will be useful, and let your opponent think twice before attacking you. You can use the Reppu Ken and Double Reppu Ken as long as you like, they come out pretty fast and there is no lag after you perform them. But only use his Evil Shadow Smasher when you want to do a combination attack. Do not do it just like that, other wise you will be dead. Make sure to play save with his Reppu Ken and Double Reppu Ken, they have some range, but I still say the normal Geese is better... anyway, when your opponent is cornered, just do the Reppu Ken and then if you want to do it again then do so, but change your style so that you won't be easy to read. Like do a Reppu Ken then attack with the normal attacks. Or throw your opponent... and so. Do not forget to use the counter if you have to... make good use of them. Now that you know everything, you should know that Geese is very slow when he jumps, so jump when you toss your opponent after Get Lost. Also, he is not a faster runner. So, short run and would be good for you (Dreamcast). But it is dash (Aracde), then dash after the opponent falls down, and you do not have to use it that much since you will have to focus on playing a mind game rather than just like Kyo! If you want to corner your opponent use the light attacks, short run (or dash), jump and the Reppu Ken. Also when the opponent in falling down, confuse him or her by crossing him/her or not. That should be good. Try to focus on your opponent's movements so that you can get the idea of what to do "next"! And react fast... do not think things through over and over again just for the sake of not getting hit. Because you will be dead by the time you do so. Always attack from the three points, low, mid and high. And "never", I mean NEVER say Geese is cheap, because there is no one cheap but you, stud. Geese is hard to use and when you know how to fully use him, you will understand that he is the main reason why you are kicking your friends' @$$E$ over and over again. Now you only have to read above again the good and weak point and make things good for you (if you have to). Never say that or this is cheap, because only losers believe on cheapness. ---------------- Combos: ---------------- I will only write the names of the moves (not the commands), I have always been so... so if anybody is not good with it, you can see the command list above and then check here again. I will list every good, bad, short, long, easy and hard combos. I really will not bother to look for sites to put any of their combos in here. I like to see my work completely original, but you might know all the combos... I will put it just for Geese's fans' sake. and "Chouhatsu" is not a must... it is only for fun. ============ Both Sides: ============ 1)Jump HP, standing HP, Reppu Ken - 3)Jump HK, crouching LK, Double Reppu Ken - 4)Jump HP, standing LP, standing LP, crouching HK, Chouhatsu - 5)Jump HK, standing LP, standing LP, distance LK, Deadly Rave - 6)Jump HP, standing HP, Deadly Rave - 7)Get Lost, Raising Storm - 8)Jump HP, crouching HK, Raising Storm - 9)Jump HP, crouching LP, crouching HK, Raising Storm (opponent must be cornerd) - 10)Jump up HP, distance HP - 11)Jump HK, standing LP, standing LP, standing LK, Deadly Rave (until the 8th hit), crouching LP, crouching LK, crouching HK, Chouhatsu (opponent must be cornered) - 12)Jump HK, standing LP, standing LP, standing LK, Deadly Rave (until the 8th hit), standing LK, standing LP, Double Reppu Ken (opponent must be cornered) - 13)Jump HK, standing LP, standing LP, standing LK, Deadly Rave (until the 8th hit), standing LK, standing LP, Evil Shadow Smasher (opponent must be cornered) - 14)Jump HK, crouching LK, standing HP, Evil Shadow Smasher - 15)Jump HP, standing HP, Evil Shadow Smasher - 16)Jump HK, standing LP, standing LP, standing LK, Deadly Rave (until the 8th hit), crouching LK, standing HP, Reppu Ken (opponent must be cornered) ========= SNK Side: ========= 17)Jump HK, standing HK (cancel first hit), Deadly Rave, Raising Storm (opponent must be cornered) - 18)Jump LP, standing LP, standing HP, Deadly Rave, Raising Storm ============ Capcom Side: ============ 19)Raising Storm, Raising Storm (opponent must be cornered) - 20)Reppu Ken, Raising Storm (opponent must be cornered and jumping backward or up) --------------- Last Word: --------------- Okay, Finally... it is finished. Hope I was helpful and useful to you. If anybody wants to use anything, by all means do so, but tell me so first before you do that. And if anybody have any doubts about any combination attack or cannot perform any, kindly, E-Mail me and I will explain it more clearly to you. Remember, do not stick with the rules a lot... Screw The Rules. --------------- Special Thanks: --------------- 1)To Capcom for this great game. 2)To Gamefaqs. 3)To all Geese's fans. 4)To all my friends for the encouragement. ======================================================= Capcom Vs. SNK is Copyright Capcom Corporation and. This document Copyright 2003 Basel If you need to contact me to add or ask me about anything, E-Mail me at Mr_Basel@yahoo.com or Mr_Geese@hotmail.com Credits for GameFAQs and Capcom company.