CAPCOM VS SNK: Character Guide to EX Vice Ver 0.1 For the Dreamcast & Arcade By Ingus a.k.a. Michael Wang Unpublished work Copyright 2001 Michael Wang This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice appear in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created and is owned by me. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due. The Capcom Vs SNK series are (c) Capcom of Japan and (c) Capcom of America. This FAQ can be found at: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GameFAQs My Home Page Version 0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------[6-2-2001] FAQ Created ======= FORWARD ======= This FAQ assumes you the reader know the basics about the game play mechanics of Capcom Vs SNK in general (2-in-1, combo, etc), and some knowledge on the various 'improvements' CvS has (air juggle, rolling and the likes). If you have questions on how to play the game, please search GameFAQs' Capcom VS SNK section, many excellent general FAQ's are already there. This FAQ is aimed at those players that have already played CvS for a while and is looking for someone interesting to learn. Well, enough chitchat... on with the show! ============ INTRODUCTION ============ Vice isn't a powerful character as far as her moves are concerned. But, if played smart, she could be devastating. More of a thinking man's character, Vice takes a lot of effort to be played effectively, but once mastered, she could take out an entire team by herself. ==== BIOS ==== Vice NAME: Vice FIGHTING STYLE: Power based grabs and attacks NATIONALITY: ? BIRTHDAY: November 28, 1970 AGE: 30 HEIGHT: 178cm WEIGHT: 59kg 3-SIZE: B-90 W-58 H-88 BLOODTYPE: A (Orochi) HOBBIES: Collecting American Comics FAVORITE FOOD: Plums FAVORITE SPORT: Bench Pressing MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: The Signed Comic book of Dan Brereton THING SHE HATES THE MOST: Saishu Kusanagi (Kyo Kusanagi's Father) Reason to play Vice: Scrub killer. Vice is a grappler that uses mind games to confuseopponents. Against a good player, most of Vice's tactics could benullified, but against some one who isn't experienced at fightingher, Vice is extremely deadly. Key Strength: Excellent grabs, very good supers, and even though she doesn't have a fireball move, her Whithering Surface super will make opponents thinktwice before throwing one out. Key Weakness: Lack a fireball type move to pressure opponent into rolling and jumping. This makes Vice mainly a defensive player. Moreover she doesn't have a high piority special anti air attack, so it could be dangerous if sheis facing some one with a good high piroity jump - in attack. ========== MOVE LIST: ========== 1.Nail Bomb O- / | \ -O + Any Punch (up close to opponent) O O O Description: Vice grabs the opponent and slams him/her to the floor, a column of red energy erupts from the floor. Good damage, bad recovery if missed. Notes: This move comes out slow, and has a very short range. Don't use this against rollers as it would most likely miss. Use this move if your opponent is turtling, tho. Since it's a special throw it can not be shaked out. Do this move right after a jump - in Short, and it can catch your opponent by suprise. 2.Mayhem -O \ | / O- + (any punch) O O O Description: Shoulder tackle with different ranges depending on button pressed. Jab moves her about half a screen, and Fierce moves her almost full screen. The move has almost no startup lag, but if blocked, expect to be punished as the end lag is very big. Use this move in combos to avoid retailation. This move could be comboed after a Fierce, or a few Shorts. Notes: One of Ex Vice's most useful moves, it gives her mobility and range. use this move to position yourself, and get close for throws. The move pops the opponent high up in the air, and could be connected to a Deicde+Slayer. 3.Decide O- / | \ -O + Any Kick O O O Description: Vice swings her arm outward, and her sleeve extends to tosses an opponent from across the screen. If done with Short the range is shorter then the Roundhouse version, but it hits closer from her, and have a faster recovery time. Short Decide could be comboed from a standing Fierce. Notes: Quick move, but it's damage isn't that high and it could be blocked. Use this move as your opponent gets up, often times they try move and this move can catch them as they get up. Over all not a very useful move for Vice. 4.Outrage | / O- + Any Kick O O Description: Multi kick that pushes opponent away. The Roundhouse version makes her hop foward once, sometimes over sweeps. Notes: Tick Damage. it's comboable but at really close range. And since it pushes opponent away as it hits them, the damage is not good. Good news is this move does fantastic tick damage, and have almost no recovery lag. 5.Ravenous | / O- + Any Kick (in air) O O Description: An air version of the Outrage. This move have a fairly high piority, so if both players are air born, use this move and Vice can hurt the opponent most of the time. Notes: Short version is comboable from a jumping Short while still in air. This move has a slight recovery time after it lands, and so it isn't a viable combo starter. 6.Decide+Slayer -O | \ + A/C O O Description: just like her Decide, but at a 45 degree angle upward. Do NOT use this move as an anti air move, as it has an abysmal piority. 9 out of 10 times another jump - in move will beat this. A combo ender after a Mayham. Notes: When done all by itself this move does more damage then after a Mayham. This move also has a bad recovery lag, so don't use it unless either a Mayham has hit the opponent up in the air or you can anticipate a jump. Also, the Short version of Decide+Slayer has a faster start up then the Roundhouse version, tho the Roundhouse version has better reach. This move does not work near the edge of the stages. ======================== NORMAL MOVES OF INTEREST ======================== Crouching Fierce: This move hits staight up, excellent piority, but poor horizontal range. Use this move when the opponent is directly over your head going for a cross over. Standing Roundhouse (Far): This move also hits up, but this time at an angle. Worse piority compare to the Crouching Fierce, but more horizontal range. Main anti air move for Vice. Standing Roundhouse (Close): This move hits high up and then come down for 2 hits. I list this move here because this is a move you want to avoid doing. If blocked, this move has terrible lag, and since it can't be comboed into anything even if it hits, you should use Fierce anytime you want to hit close. Jumping Short: Abuse this move. High piority and a weird downward angle, this move lands Vice very close to her opponent, regardless of wether this move hit or not. Also since it's a weak attack it doesn't leave the opponent with a long block stun, which is great because you can not grab somebody who's in a hit / block stun. Standard follow up to this move is either a Nail Bomb, or a Negative Gain super. Get the timing down so your throw connects right after the hit stun ends, and it's almost impossible to escape. Once in a while throw in a Outrage after landing, to confuse the opponent. Crouching Jab: Listed here because this move could link into a Crouching Fierce for a simple 2 hit combo. ================= DESPERATION MOVES ================= Negative Gain -O \ | / O- -O \ | / O- + Any Kick O O O O O O Description: A couple of frankensteiners to a huge frankensteiner, this move has ZERO start up time and is the single most important move that Vice has. The different level of this supper differs only in damamge. Notes: The biggest wake up move she has. This move has a good horizontal range, and excellent piority. What's even better is that a snuffed Negative Gain still leaves Vice safe as she flips backwards a third of the screen away. Do this move right after a jump - in Short, and if timed correctly, it cannot be escaped. Whithering Surface | \ -O | \ -O + Any Punch O O O O Description: Hops towards opponent and powerbombs him/her. This move isn't very quick, and if done from long range the opponent can just jump kick Vice out of the air. The different level of the super determines how far Vice hops out and how high her arc is. Level 1 has a very short range, and Vice hops the highest. At Level 2 and above Vice jumps to ALMOST a screen away, and at a much lower hight. (just over a standard fireball) Notes: This move is easy to be hit out of sky, so only do this move when you are sure it is going to hit. Best way to do this is only pull this move out when your opponent does a fireball from more then half a screen away. Level 1 of this move is useless, only use Level 2 or 3 when thinking of using this. ====== COMBOS ====== Jumping Roundhouse -> Standing Fierce -> Fierce Mayham -> Short Decide+Slayer Jumping Roundhouse -> Crouching Jab -> Crouching Fierce -> Fierce Mayham -> Short Decide+Slayer Crossover Short -> Crouching Short x 3 -> Fierce Mayham -> Short Decide+Slayer Crossover Short -> Crouching Short -> Crouching Jab -> Crouching Fierce -> Fierce Mayham -> Short Decide+Slayer Jumping Roundhouse -> Standing Fierce -> Short Decide Vice isn't a combo oriented character so her combo list is very limited. ====================== SUPER METER MANAGEMENT ====================== If you plan to play Vice, play her in Capcom mode seems to be more effective. Main reason for this is the Whithering Surface super. At level 1, this super is worthless as it makes Vice hop a high arc and has almost no horizontal range. Since SNK mode doesn't offer level 2 supers, it means to perform Whithering Surface effectively, Vice has to get below 15% health so she can do the level 3 version. Another problem is that Vice is mainly a defensive / reactive type character, and with SNK mode you will have to use up her super bar before the time limit, which can pressure you to make more mistakes. Now if playing her under Capcom mode, then try to have at least 2 bars filled at any given time. Bust out the Whithering Surface super as soon as you see an opening. This is important because your opponent will think twice before throwing another big delay move out (i.e. a Fireball) and you have just effectively taken out your opponent's long distance game. If you ever reached level 3, then use a level away by doing a Negative Gain. Level 1 is usually enough to make your opponent stop turtling, and do something possibly foolish. ========== PLAY STYLE ========== Vice can't match punch for punch against other characters, her normal moves are not very strong, and her supers aren't exactly powerful. But if played defensively, Vice could be deadly. Use her Crouching Fierce and Roundhouse to beat jumpers away, use her Nail Bomb or Negative Gain to get rid of pesky rollers. If your opponent trys to shoot you from long range, use Whithering Surface (Level 2 at least) to show him his error. And if your opponent is also a defensive player, either jump in with a Short, or roll forward, connect to a Negative Gain. Learn how far Vice can jump, and when fighting players with uppercut type attacks, occasionally jump in with out attacking, and land right out side of their uppercut attack range. Most people will still upper cut on reflex, and this would open themself up for throws. Becarful though, while Vice has a long range jump, her jump isn't very fast. So it gives plenty of time for the opponent to prepare to swat her out of the sky. =============== Acknowledgments =============== - Yu Lew This guy's Vice FAQ on GameFAQs is what inspired me to write my own. - SNK Corporation For their many cool character designs. May SNK rest in peace. - Capcom Corporation For this awesome game. Hopefully CvS2 will be even better! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guide v1.0 Unpublished work, Copyright 2001 Michael Wang All rights reserved. The King of Fighters, Vice, Neo-Geo, etc. are all trademarks of SNK Corporation, Copyright 2000 Capcom, Capcom vs. SNK , Ryu, Ken etc. are all trademarks of Capcom corporation, Copyright 2000