~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--<> CAPCOM VS. SNK: MILLENIUM FIGHT 2000 The Evil Ryu and Gouki Servant - n - Master Files v. 4 By: Shin Starmie (shinkuu_hadouken@hotmail.com) (Note: As always, the version history's at the bottom!) (Note 2: Eeveelution no ikimasu...Eeveelution no ikimasu!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--<> You know the drill: you can't use this without permission from me. If you want said permission, then just drop me a line and ask. NO using this for any profit, period. CvS is (c) Capcom, ditto for all the Capcom side characters. Them SNK characters are all (c) SNK. Dreamcast is (c) Sega, like you didn't know. This document is (c) me, John "Shin Starmie" Evans. And another thing, the Rock says take a note, jabroni: shinkuu_hadouken@hotmail.com is the email to send comments and the like to the Rock if you want a chance at a fairly quick response! If ya smell...ell-ell-ell-ell...what the Rock...is...cookin'! ^_~ This beast can be found at GameFAQs, and is usually updated there first. On the other hand, it can also be found at my website, Ken -n- Chun-Li's Smackdown Shack, at http://www.geocities.com/metsu_gou_shouryuu/index.html Any other places will be noted in the future, in the credits section. And that's *pounds a gavel* FINAL!!! Have a nice day! (WWF-Mode Off) Why? Eeveelution no ikimasu, that's why!!! Intro to Kombat...Again?! ------------------------- Well, now, this here is a guide to two of the cooler, but somewhat molested kombatants of CvS: Evil Ryu and Gouki. (I refuse to do a Morrigan FAQ. After what Capcom did to her in this game, I simply will NOT use her in CvS. Ever.) As far as the title, well, my significant other and I had a lil' twisted storyline that dates back to when I had Super SF2 on the Snes; where I'm Ken (the GAME), and she's Chun-Li (my Queen). SFZ2 on Snes added to it, you see: I'd power up and become Gouki if I got angry. SFZ2' in SF Collection (on the Saturn) adds in Evil Ryu as my loyal flunkie. He wasn't around by technical standards in XvSF, but Ryu's kick color was black...Evil Ryu's STANDARD color...so, with Gouki's punch color (also black), that was that. My loyal servant would soften her up, and I'd swoop in for that bootylicious finish. Evil Ryu's more of a powerhouse of sorts in this game. Well, what do you expect...he IS my humble warrior of darkness, after all, as well as a Ratio 4 character. Such power for him carries a pretty steep price, however. His supers aren't as easy to use anymore. Capcom even went as far as changing his lineup. This is enough to throw SFZ-faithful Evil Ryu playas and playettes for a loop. The SNK art is pathetic: it's just regular Ryu in a black outfit. No distinction in skin tone whatsoever. But in spite of all the changes, he's still a considerably better fighter than he has been. Gouki doesn't take damage poorly these days. (Well it's about time!) Now, I may be wrong, but my observations indicate that I've been slowed down a lot. I'm talkin' SSF2 Ryu speed here. If you're used to so much as SSF2X, then the CvS form will initially feel wrong. (According to C. Washington's MvSF FAQ, Cap'n America players had this same problem in adjusting from MSH to MvSF.) Word has it that them fireballs are slower, too, but I haven't noticed...though I did notice that the crappy air fireball from SF3 is in there. Also, and this is specifically for importheads who got CvS Pro: as Ratio 4s, we do a LOT more in terms of smackdown to lower-ranked peeps. Meaning those once-almighty Ratio 1s just aren't so kosher anymore...nosireebob...not as prudent as they used t'be. *Bush mode off* Overall, I'm still solid...and probably the best weapon against that cheap bastard Geese next to Kurt Angle - uh - Kim Kaphwan. No offense...but, just LOOK at Kim's Capcom-style art!!! Anyway, in either case, your best bet if you've NEVER fought Geese before (meaning he literally raped you in this game), is to try to get Vega (Bison!!) as your final boss. He's a fierce foe here, but his basic AI pattern is still as lame and easy to swat with Shotos as ever. Normal Moves of Pain -------------------- Lp: Standing and ducking are the same ol' Jabs with the same uses. They've still got great speed and with the old ways of play, have their nice priority. They're also great for combos. Jumping's still the same ol' worthless garbage. I doubt that Shoto Jabs will ever change. Fw+Lp: Sakotsu-wari/Zugai-hassatsu. Overhead dual-hitter that's a punch for Evil Ryu, and a karate chop for Gouki. Hp: Not sure about far off. It should be Ryu's grill buster from either SF2 or SFZ3. Gouki's may be his grill buster from SFZ2 or his totally WIERD punch from SF3. Up close, however, is a nice combo-lovin' side upper. Ducking is your combo-lovin', anti air uppercut. Jumping's the same ol' neighborhood combo-opener. Nothing new here. Lk: I'm not too familiar with the standing Shorts of the SF3 Shotos. (Some help here, please?!) Ducking is still the same poke kick that's combo and ticking friendly. Jumping's still the same worthless knee garbage. Fw+Lk: Senpuu-kyaku. It's still no overhead, so watch it. Unlike SFZ and the vs. series, and more like SSF2X, Gouki doesn't have this. Hk: The far one should be the same ol' crescent kick, with the close one being the same ol' axe kick...assuming that's where it is in SF3. Ducking is still the sweep, and jumping is still a jumpkick, but it also permits you to cross up the opponent. Wow...I haven't even seen a Roundhouse that can cross up since SSF2. That is, excluding MvC2. Db/df + Hk: The would-be low Mk. Low Forwards aren't so combo-friendly these days, given the motion. But I DO have a hunch about a Ryu/Evil Ryu combo I came up with back in SSF2X and SFZ3...if it works, then it'll be in the next revision. Hp + Hk: Eeveelution no ikimasu. Eeveelution no ikimasu...konna toko da ne! Special Move Smack Down ----------------------- Note: The moves are primarily the same, so I won't list the Japanese terms. Fireball: down, down-forward, forward + punch Yadda, yadda, yadda. Same quick recovery, same uses as before. Gouki can do this in midair, BUT, it's got pathetic range like in SF3. Red fireball: back, down-back, down, down-forward, forward + punch (ryu) forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back + punch (gouki) Evil Ryu's comes out faster, making it THE fireball to use. Stuns from afar, knocks down up close. In exchange for starup lag, mine comes out with the power to hit up to three times. Not to mention it ALWAYS knocks down. Still, given the startup, you don't wanna use my version too often. Dragon Punch: forward, down, down-forward + punch It's a minimal range uppercut with up to three hits. Fierce for combos, Jab for anti air. Jab uppercuts can, however, lead into some NASTY things...yes. OH! Did I mention that Evil Ryu's jab upper can dole out TWO hits?! Hurricane kick: down, down-back, back + kick It hits up to three times and knocks down all in one fell swoop. Like Jab uppercuts, Short hurricanes can lead into some NASTY things as well...yes. Don't use these carelessly against people like Geese or Terry. Their supers can stuff'em cold. And as any Fatal Fury/KoF playa or playette knows...the Rising Storm and the Power Geyser HURT. Dive kick: jump, down + Heavy kick (Roundhouse) WHAAAAAT?! Ryu, my loyal slave, you are learning well, grasshopper! Fresh from his Gouki Mode in MvC1, comes my nifty little way of opening up combos. This can lead into more of them NASTY things, but just don't do it too much. It still carries a minor startup lag that's got anti air bait written all over it. And trust me, since there's no air blocking, that's a DANGEROUS proposition. Teleport: dp + both punches/kicks or rdp + both punches/kicks The 2p teleports go long, the 2k ones go short. At least, they have when I've done'em. I've heard that it's gone back to the opposite way like in SFZ. Anyone care to clear up the air here? Anyway, it has the same flaws as rolling, but goes a lot farther. And you can't be thrown in mid- teleport Use these to irritate your prey. Hmph...Reppuu-ken THAT, Geese. Hyper Combos: How to Proceedeth to Layeth the Smacketh Down on your Prey ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Messatsu Gou-hadou: (forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back) x2 + p WHAT?! Can someone tell me WHY they did this to Evil Ryu?! His works the EXACT same way as Normal Ryu's Shinkuu Hadou-ken, up to five hits! Mine gets up to eight hits, torching the victim and knocking'em down at ANY level! So why burden him with this insanely difficult motion?! Messatsu Gou-shouryuu: down, down-forward, forward, down, down-forward + p As you can see, Evil Ryu's is no longer done with a kick button. It's all good, though. It's extremely combo-friendly, which is great. Combo this in for supreme results. That's the best way to use any advancing uppercut super. Hopefully, though, MY Lv3 one isn't that gawdawful crap from SF3 that they stuck me with in MvC2. It's packin' a good deal of might like a Flareon against a Venusaur, (or a Vaporeon against a Charizard) so use this super the most. Tenma Gou-Zankuu: perform the M. Gou-shouryuu in midair Sorry, Toonami faithful...this one's Gouki-only. It's the old one from SFZ. Don't get careless with this. Otherwise, you'll be finding that Eeveelution no ikimasu!!! And it WILL get you. >) Shun-goku-satsu: Lp - Lp - forward + Lk - Hp (Lv3/MAX only) This actually works a little easier than in previous games, unlike some other Lv3s which are kinda hard to pull consistently. (I've NEVER had any problem with Ken's Shippuu-jinrai-kyaku...) It's a LOT more powerful than ever before. At about 75% damage, it easily rivals Mech-Gouki's Shining Gou Shock in MvSF. I've been told - personally confirmed thoroughly - that it's not blockable. And, in spite of previous thought, it isn't. But still, pulling this out of the blue is a surefire way to waste super and get killed. Combos: The Ways of Messatsu ---------------------------- 1.) j.Hk - s.Hp > qcb + Hk This puppy yields nice damage and six hits of knockdown. Just don't be so fast to try it out on Geese. Anyway, this combo is for all you true old-schoolers out there. 2.) j.Hk - s.Lp > dp + Hp It's a variant on an old Ken klassic. You're lookin' at five hits of fatal fury which MUST connect. Too bad we can't do like Yuri and whip out two uppercuts in one combo. With the standing strike being a Jab, even the NORMAL Ryu should be able to bust this combo with ease. 3.) j.Hk - d.Lp - Lk > qcf + Hp Now just HOW old-school can you get? This here is your bread and butter Shoto and Sakazaki combo. (Okay, so Robert has to do it Guile style) It should very well be THE first combo you learn how to do. It's that helpful for some quick damage. If blocked, it pushes your prey away so they can't really do jack to you. Just watch out for them peeps who possess them D A S H I N G type supers...heeheeheehee. Did I mention that any sort of fireball combo actually HURTS in this game?! 4.) j.Hk - d.Lp - Lk > qcb + Hk > dp + Hp That's more like it. Vintage Gouki, since SFZ1. The beauty here is that Evil Ryu can do it as well. If this gets blocked, though, switch the button on your uppercut to Jab. You have a one-in-three shot of being able to counter your prey. 5.) j.Hp - s.Lp > dp + Lp > qcf - dn - df + Lp > qcf - dn - df + Hp Whoa! This nifty lil' combo can only be done in Capcom groove, but it works for Ken, Gouki, and Evil Ryu! This is a korner kombo, so keep that in mind. Hyper Cancels? Dead? We think not! Heehee...moetaro! BUT, in CvS Pro, this and almost every other "cancel" of this nature has been raped to the brink of nonexistence. I'll find a way somehow... 6.) j.Hp - d.Lp - Lk > qcb + Lk > dp + Lp > qcf - dn - df + Hp Another Capcom-only kombo, this is something we wouldn't have dared to try in SFZ. Any way you crunch it, this works best in the corner. If you ask me, prey is best caught when it is trapped and must fight with its full might in order to attempt survival. Again, combos like this are said to no longer exist in CvS Pro. Guess I'll just see about that... 7.) j.Hk > qcf - dn - df + 2p This Gouki-only combo rocks. It can be done in Capcom and in SNK grooves, and dates all the way back to SFZ. Needless to say, you've gotta be FAST in pulling this off. My personal recommendations: either save this for large foes or stick out that roundhouse so that it hits earlier (read as: higher) than normal. 8.) e.Ev - e.El - ut > ion + no > iki - mas + u Eeveelution no ikimasu... >) Strategies: Eeveelution no ikimasu... ------------------------------------- If you've read my Yuri/Sakura FAQ, then you already know the drill here, Toonami faithful. Still, let's go over this for the new people. 1.) Know your ranges. Well, this is clearly THE most important tactic for any character in any fighting game. Most MvC2 shoto users are already accustomed to the lack of the middle attack buttons, but for those who aren't, you'd better adapt. This may be old-school, but it's a new ball game. Aha: word has it that in CvS2, Strongs and Forwards have come home. Heeheeheehee... 2.) Again, if all else fails, throw. They do decent damage this time. Just ask that rat Geese...I'm sure he'd gladly demonstrate just what manner of power that throws pack these days. 3.) Jab uppers = anti air, Fierce uppers = combos. Of course, them there Jab uppers DO have their uses in combos. The low Fierce is also a nice anti air assault. It'll blow the minds of any jumpers who had some nasty tricks up their sleeve in the event they conned you into a whiffed upper. Just remember, some attacks can blow through Fierces. 4.) This one's for DC owners: you'll wanna unlock Ratio Select ASAP. Unless of course, you WANT to only have one character at your disposal. Don't worry, though. You'll have that AND Evil Ryu unlocked LONG before you get Gouki. I don't know how they're unlocked, just get CvS Pro and have'em available from the get go. 5.) Combo when there's an opening. Say what?! Hey, we make our own openings at EVERY opportunity! 6.) Maintaining a cool head is paramount. With old-school gameplay, it's back to being all mind games. Who needs rolling?! Teleport and do so often with stealth precision to annoy your prey and mess with their heads...all while positioning yourself for victory. 7.) Eeveelution no ikimasu. You have been warned of its presence. Now please chant: Nippon ichi!!! 8.) This is why DC peeps should get Ratio Select. Put together a team of Evil Ryu or Gouki as an R2, with Chun-Li and Guile or Kim as R1s. I've seen this team do some real damage. Personally, my typical Yuri, Ken, and Sakura team got crushed like bugs three times before I beat this team of killers. Oh yeah: in CvS Pro, the apparent "update", you don't even have to sweat it - whatever was a secret in CvS is all available from the start in CvS Pro. Pro, eh? Sheesh...this is NOT a Gameshark, for cryin' out loud, Capcom... 9.) Evil Ryu players of SFZ had better be VERY proficient with Gouki. You're GOING to need the Messatsu Gou-hadou. 10.) It seems Evil Ryu's Jab upper hits twice like his old Strong upper. It's pretty neat, but I bet that it only swats jumpers once. 11.) Ryu, Ken, and even Gouki players must adapt a LOT to this form of Gouki. Like the vs. series, the roll that Ken has isn't on Gouki's list of weapons, and Ryu's hop kick is also gone from his ranks. A lack of speed, also shows you just how much you'll need to retrain. I know I do!!! 12.) Also, Evil Ryu's hurricane super is gone. So, except for the usual Gouki additives, anyone who's decent with SF3 Ryu should adapt well here. Any other Ryu/Evil Ryu fans may have to retrain in this arena. 13.) Any blocked uppercut type super is a very bad thing. Don't let it happen to you. Trust me, you WILL regret it if you do. Especially if the prey that you're facing has one, too. *grins with that sadistic "if-you-can-do-it-then-so-can-I-and-mine-will-HIT" look* Yep, I'm known for countering uppercut supers with uppercut supers. (At least I don't have MvC1 EX anymore...I really made people upset. Push block, nail'em with a Shouryuu-reppa, then go into a Shouryuu Shoryu- reppa. You can guess who I was using...) 14.) Keep in mind that since DPs ain't invincible, Guile's Somersault Kick (and possibly Kim's and Rugal's variants of it) can and usually WILL beat it if you use them foolishly. So you should try to teleport when you block ANYTHING he does to you. 15.) Nani?! Eeveelution no ikimasu?! Hai, Eeveelution no ikimasu. Daijobu? Needless to say, Capcom is the groove of Champions. (*D3 activates* Agumon, digivolve to...Greymon!!!) Sure, the SNK art looks GOOD for Gouki, but it just ain't worth it. Stick to Capcom. You'll thank me for it. What's Gotta Go in the Next Upgrade?! ------------------------------------- - More clarity on whatever ain't clear. - A really good color edit for these two! - Some boss strategies would be GREATLY appreciated! - Are there any Evil Ryu exclusive combos? Or any more Gouki-only combos? Thanks -n- Shouts ----------------- GameFAQs: posting this... The KiD (oodzume@hotmail.com): He should be called "The MaN"! Combos...they're from his Combo FAQ. Again, get your buttcheeks over to GameFAQs and read this guy's stuff...you WILL learn a lot from him. Want Combos? He got'em. Shin Articuno (angel_starr@blackplanet.com): My bootylicious other half. I'm tellin' you...she's dangerous with Shotos. Except for Gouki, she'll play'em all like I do. This FAQ was written with her in mind, 'cuz I know she's gonna wanna learn them first, just so she can try to beat me...and believe me, my baby boo CAN get her fair share of wins against me these days with the Shotos and Chun-Li. Just wait'll I bring the sexy lady ninja, Ms. Mai if you're nasty, out to play. >) Or worse, CvS Pro's DAN. Yes, DAN. I remember when I first learned Dan in SFZ2 on Snes. Devastated her Chun-Li like I had Ken! A.Hazzard (agekrs1@hotmail.com): Aha...a fellow Ken! Ken fans, this is your man for all things Ken in CvS. Sure, he's got a Ryu FAQ, too, but his Ken FAQ makes it look...well...go to GameFAQs and see the difference for yourself. Shin Lugia (sailorpluto21@hotmail.com): The Xtreme Sakura Nut... To think that my Yuri/Ken/EX Sakura team beat the snot outta her Mai/Ryu team...it's funny. The Gouki aspects of this thing was her idea. And even though she now uses either Yuri/Mai/Sakura (just cuz I beat the game with that team) or Mai/Terry, she simply STILL can not beat me. Hmph, my dear sweetheart could beat her...yes. Harvey (harvchang@yahoo.com): The Watchman... This is the guy who pointed out my mistake about the Raging Demon. Again I say, thanks for lookin' out! Capcom and SNK: As if you didn't know. Makers of the most electrifying game in Capcom and SNK entertainment! Final Thoughts of Kombat ------------------------ Well, that's it for now. It's as big as the Yuri/Sakura one, as you can see by now. So, if you're looking at it, do so with Courier New font at a ten-point size. Also, there's 75 characters to a line. Eeveelution no ikimasu! Ikuze...Shouryuu-reppa! Nurui-wa...Shin...Shouryuu-ken! Heehee...moetaro. It can still use some improvement, though. Not in terms of pages, but enough so that the fans can be informed well. Since there's not much to say, this probably won't get that much bigger. Still, whatever help from the fans comes along... Despite being watered down in terms of supers, Evil Ryu is still a real powerhouse in this game. As a side note, some combos are in the Ken section of The KiD's Combo FAQ. That speaks well for someone who, by technical standards, is stronger than Ken. Keep in mind that if you're doing it yourself and not using a Gameshark or the like to help, then you'll have Evil Ryu LONG before most other goodies, including Gouki. Except in CvS Pro, where everything's at your disposal off the break. Gouki is still Gouki. Still, with the damage boost that having a Lv3 meter affords, do you really need the Rage aside from fighting Geese (which is the RISKIEST thing to do)? Of course you don't. You shouldn't be relying on it anyway. Just be wary of speedy combo freaks. They can make a lot of damage as easily as you can. Kinda like an Xism person in SFZ3 vs. a Zism or a Vism person. Said opponent can shell out a lot of pain to said Xism user. Just not in CvS Pro, where a well-placed combo can put a full- strength Ratio 1 person to death. Version Upgrades ---------------- 4 (07/19/01): Minor info added, format finally settled upon!!! 3.5 (07/06/01): Nothing really major. Just added info according to CvS Pro. 3 (06/12/01): Corrected a massive blunder!!! 2 (05/16/01): Removed Orochi Iori. Hopefully, next time I'll know the exact methods of unlocking these two on DC and the arcade. (To my annoyance, I STILL don't know...) 1 (04/25/01): Originally an Evil Ryu/Gouki/Orochi Iori FAQ. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--<> "Sexy and a cop? I'm too much!" Chun-Li, SvC: MotM "Eeveelution no ikimasu...Eeveelution no ikimasu!" me Okay, okay, look: "Eeveelution no ikimasu" is a play on Athena's quote from MotM, "Asamiya Athena no ikimasu", or, "Athena Asamiya is coming". My team in Pokémon I've named The Eeveelution. (Articuno, Espeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Umbreon) And so, that's our call to battle. To let all foes know that the Eeveelution IS coming...and that it's GOING to get you. >) So now you know. Eeveelution no ikimasu. Kurae...Shippuu...jinrai- kyaku! And if you're wondering what inspired this sick running gag, head on to GameFAQs and look at CreatureKeeper's Pokémon Gold/Silver Trainers' Handbook. Read it thoroughly...you simply can NOT miss his running gag. Also, the pokémon thing: Starmie's my favorite, period. (Of course, in terms of the mystic birds, I'm Houou. (I *refuse* to call it "Ho-oh"!) My lovely lady favors Articuno (which back when I had Red and she had Blue, was initially MY bird anyway! Hmph...that's why MY Articuno can beat the snot outta yours, honey! It's true...it's true!). And the resident Sakura nut likes Lugia. It's also a Digidestined thing...but if you want the 411 on that, you'll have to email me. It's frankly WAY too twisted and insane to explain here. end