Capcom vs SNK: Millenium Fight 2000 King FAQ v. 1.00 Copyright 2002 by Purpguy, Last updated: 5/13/02 Legal Disclaimer ---------------- This FAQ was written by me, for the purpose of providing people with some good combos to use with King in Capcom vs SNK: Millenium Fight 2000. I do not care if you reference or quote this FAQ, or use it for whatever needs you have, as long as proper credit is given to me, the author. Plagiarism isn't just wrong, it's totally LAME. Capcom vs SNK is easily the best 2D fighting game series to date, no doubt about it. I love this game. I would rather play CvS than Zero 3, Zero 2, Super Turbo, or King of Fighters. (I would rather play ANYTHING than Marvel vs Capcom) :P Capcom vs SNK is actually a step backwards towards old-style fighters, playing much like Super Turbo with a few additional features from the Zero/Alpha series. In fact, many fanboys of the Marvel Vs. series said that Capcom vs SNK is not worthy of having a "Vs" title, that it does not deserve to be called a Vs game. I agree entirely, and if it had been up to me, this game would have been called "The King of Street Fighters 2000" :) I wrote this FAQ because there weren't really any good combo FAQs for King at the time, yes this is a combo FAQ so it will (hopefully) be brief and directly to the point. I highly recommend that you first have read James Chen's excellent CvS systems FAQ, which can be found here at Gamefaqs or at Some of the terms he uses in his own FAQ, such as juggle potential, will be used here as well. Also take note that I use the tradional Capcom names for the attack buttons, as in Short for a light kick, Roundhouse for a hard kick, Jab for a light punch, and Fierce for a strong punch. I'll start with the normal version of King, afterwards I'll address EX King and the differences between her and her normal counterpart. Brief Definition of Terms ------------------------- QCF: Quarter-Circle Forward. Start down, roll towards your opponent. QCB: Quarter-Circle Back. Start down, roll away from your opponent. x2: Do the indicated motion twice. DP: Dragon Punch. Start towards, move down, then finally down-towards. RDP: Reverse Dragon Punch. The same motion done backwards, away from the opponent instead of towards them. HCB: Half-Circle Back. Start towards, roll down and finally away. K: Any kick button. ************* *Normal King* ************* Moves List ---------- Venom Strike: QCF + K King's basic Fireball. Double Strike: QCFx2 + K Similar to the Venom Strike, you simply enter the directional command twice before pressing the kick button and King will perform two fireballs instead of one. You can even combo into this move, but there are almost ALWAYS better moves to combo into than this one. If you are playing against a fireball scrub, use this move to punish them. If you ARE a fireball scrub, this is the only move you need to know :P Surprise Rose: DP + K King leaps into the air with a knee strike, flips at the height of her jump, and comes down with a three-hit bicycle kick. The first hit acts as a launcher and has no juggle potential. The second hit has a juggle potential of 1. And although the bicycle kicks seem to have a juggle potential of 4, unless the second hit of the Surprise Rose connects, the rest of the move will not connect either. What this means is that once and opponent has been juggled in the air, you can not use the Surprise Rose to juggle them again. After your launcher or juggle setup, you must use this move next in order to juggle with it. Trap Shot: RDP + K THE most important move in King's arsenal. Practice this move until you cut your thumb off on the standard DC control pad. THEN practice putting it into a combo. It has limited range so you can't really put too much in front of it. If it does connect however, it sucks your enemy into close range so you are guaranteed to hit with the entire move. The Roundhouse version is too slow to combo into, if you are going to use this move in a combo it has to be the Short version. All of King's best combos revolve around this move for zoning, and juggle setup. Tornado Kick: HCB + K A two-hit hurricane kick. Against a crouching opponent, the first hit will pass over their heads, allowing them to block the subsequent hit. Against corner scrubs, this move is central to King's corner trap. Cancel a low Short into a Tornado Kick, rinse and repeat. This can be quite frustrating to turtles. :) Illusion Dance: QCF, HCB + K King's ground super. As always, it is almost totally useless. King jumps BACKWARDS (?) before rushing back towards her opponent with a blinding flurry of kicks. I suppose the level 2 and 3 versions could be used to blow through a jump-in attack, using the brief window of invincibility to avoid their air attack with the backwards dash, then pop forward again and retaliate, but a level 1 Silent Flash would be a more reliable anti-air move in this case. Otherwise the only practical use for this super is on a dizzy opponent. You can't combo into this move. If done into a corner, you can follow it up with a level 1 Silent Flash for a stylish juggle hit. Silent Flash: QCBx2 + K You can use the level 1 as anti-air (levels 2 and 3 are a waste in this case), or you can combo into it. Like the Trap Shot, however, it has little range, so only a small number of prior hits are recommended. Perhaps the most interesting use for this super is in corner juggles (or midscreen juggles, more on that later). After a juggle setup in the corner (Trap Shot, punch throw, low Roundhouse, Illusion Dance, Tornado Kick), tack on a level 1 Silent Flash for a few more juggle hits. Note that when setting up with a Tornado Kick or an Illusion Dance (which ends with a Tornado Kick), the enemy has ALREADY been juggled once in the air, so a level 1 Silent Flash will only get you one additional hit. It seems that the lower to the ground the enemy is when you perform the Silent Flash, (the closer they are to King), the better the effect. Let's consider a Short Trap Shot followed by a level 1 Silent Flash. King kicks her opponent into the air, and almost immediately performs a level 1 Silent Flash, catching her airborne opponent with just the very tip of her somersault. King then leaps into the air for the second kick of the Super, makes contact with her opponent, with little to no "hit stun" to the game engine, and her opponent flies just BARELY to the top of the screen. Now, however, let's assume that after the Trap Shot, King decides to wait until her opponent falls closer to the ground before performing her Silent Flash. In this case, the opponent has fallen almost to the same height as her knee when she activates the Super. King hits with the somersault, and then leaps into the air with the second half of the super. This time, however, there is a VERY noticable "delay" in the action when this second kick connects, and her poor opponent is sent clear off the top of the screen. In fact, they are offscreen for so long, and come falling back onscreen so fast, that I imagine they are actually TWO screen heights above the ground in this case! You'll only get both kicks to connect if you set up the juggle with a Trap Shot, punch throw, or low Roundhouse. If you used an Illusion Dance or Tornado Kick, the second half of the Silent Flash will miss entirely. Now though, supposing you set up with a Trap Shot, punch throw, or a low Roundhouse. If King waits until the opponent is almost hitting the ground, at that time she can perform a level 2 Silent Flash instead, and connect with BOTH somersaults and the final air kick. The way to judge the correct distance is to look at King's enemy's height in relation to her knee while she is activating the Silent Flash. If the opponent is somewhere between her knee and her shin, they are within range of the level 2 Silent Flash. If they are any higher, the second somersault and subsequent air kick of the level 2 Silent Flash will miss, and if they are any lower, they are already on the ground. It is a very small window to use the level 2 in this case, but it is a rather rewarding achievement. :) Midscreen now, there are a few interesting juggles involving the Silent Flash. Suppose you use the level 1 Silent Flash as an anti air move, and King connects with her opponent at the height of her range. King will hit once with her somersault, and once with her air strike. This sends the opponent straight up into the air, meaning that you can catch them on their way down with another level 1 Silent Flash! Only the somersault portion will actually connect however. But on the other hand, if King uses the level 1 Silent Flash as an anti-air against a jump-in attacker who is already very deep, she will hit once with the somersault and TWICE with the air strike portion. In this case, the level 1 Silent Flash will not juggle again. So it is better to try to catch the jumping opponent deep if using this move as anti-air. One last scenario to pose before moving on to the actual combo lists: Suppose King jumps in with a Roundhouse, then lands with a low Short, and cancels into a level 1 Silent Flash. The opponent is at the very maximum range of the Silent Flash at this point, and will only take two hits from the super. Thus you can juggle with another Silent Flash as they come back down. This even works in the middle of the screen! Juggling with two level 1 Flashes though is mostly for show, the damage you get really isn't all that great. :) Combo Starters -------------- There are a few ways to initiate a combo. This can vary from a jumping attack into a light ground attack, or two light ground attacks, or one hard ground attack. My only gripe with King is her lack of a reliable cross-up. I could ALMOST say that she has NO cross-up at all, but I DID manage ONE time to cross-up Zangief with a jumping Short. So it IS possible, but 99.9% guaranteed not to work. So in the combo lists below, if I start the combo with (Combo Startup), that simply implies that you can use one of the below mentioned ways to start the combo. Rolling past an enemy while avoiding their own attack can be a useful strategy to make up for her lack of a cross-up. (Jumping Roundhouse, low Short) (Low Short, low Short) (Low Fierce) These are examples of what King can use when I indicate (Combo Startup). Midscreen Combos ---------------- (Jump attack), Low Roundhouse, Surprise Rose (Combo Startup), Short Trap Shot (Combo Startup), level 1 Silent Flash, level 1 Silent Flash Corner Combos ------------- Punch throw, Surprise Rose Punch Throw, level 1 (or 2 on deep opponent) Silent Flash (Combo Startup), Short Trap Shot, Surprise Rose (Combo Startup), Short Trap Shot, level 1(2) Silent Flash ********* *EX King* ********* EX King is just a LITTLE bit different than normal King. EX King is geared more towards intermediate players, as she is easier to combo with due to the addition of the Moshu Kyaku. This, in fact, is THE most important difference between Normal King and EX King. Use the Moshu Kyaku as a substiture for the Trap Shot, and then the Double Knee Strike in place of the Surprise Rose or Silent Flash as King's juggle move. Altered Moves List ------------------ Venom Strike: QCF + K King's basic Fireball. Trap Shot: RDP + K The main move in King's arsenal. Mastery of this move is essential in order to play effectively as Normal King. Moshu Kyaku: QCB + K An additional move given to EX King. Use this move in place of the Trap Shot. It has several advantages over the Trap Shot. The Trap Shot has VERY limited range, an RDP motion that is tricky for less experienced players to perform, and only the Short version can be used in a combo. The Moshu Kyaku, on the other hand, moves FORWARD several steps, is a simple QCB motion, and the Roundhouse version can be used in a combo! Otherwise the effect of the move is nearly identical, a flurry of kicks that set up a juggle into the corner. Double Knee Strike: DP + K Another new move for EX King. This move takes the place of the Surprise Rose, and is just as the name implies: A jumping double knee strike. This is also the main move EX King can use to juggle an opponent with. Illusion Dance: QCF, HCB + K Same exact move, same exact level of uselessness. Double Strike: F, B, F, DF, D + K In EX mode, King's double fireball becomes a Super Move. Assuming that just about EVERYBODY knows the uses of a Super Fireball, I won't go into too much descriptive detail about it here. :) King can also use this move, midscreen, to juggle an enemy after a punch throw (level 2 recommended in this case). Midscreen Combos ---------------- Punch throw, Double Strike (level 2 recommended) (Combo Startup), Moshu Kyaku (Combo Startup), Trap Shot Corner Combos ------------- Punch throw, Double Knee Kick (Combo Startup), Moshu Kyaku, Double Knee Kick (Combo Startup), Trap Shot, Double Knee Kick Additional EX Comments ---------------------- EX King isn't as versatile as Normal King, she just doesn't have as many options open to her. As I said above, EX King is best suited for intermediate-level players looking to get a good grip on how to play as Normal King, substituting the Trap Shot with the Moshu Kyaku instead. As you get better, you can begin replacing the Moshu Kyaku with the Trap Shot in the above EX combos. Once you've become proficient with the Trap Shot, you're ready to move on to Normal King. :) In Closing ---------- I just threw this together in one sitting, hopefully it is coherent and understandable. I'd like to thank Capcom and SNK for a much needed retro fighting game, and for agreeing to even combine their characters into one game in the first place. I'm glad it took so long, this series simply would not have been what it is today if it had been done five or so years ago. I'd also like to thank James Chen for the excellent systems FAQs he writes for each new game. His analysis is invaluable to me since I live in an area with NO arcade scene and do not have the opportunity to learn from playing against other people. Thanks to Gamefaqs for hosting this FAQ. Thanks to the people who make Dreamcast import converting stuff and Saturn-to-Dreamcast control pad converters. And thanks to you for the patience to actually have read this far, in the hopes that I had something important to say at the end. Unfortunately, I don't. :) Well maybe I do. If you take King into Colour Edit mode and change her entire outfit to a light black (this is easily done by referencing to Yamazaki's primary outfit),then with her fedora from her intro pose she looks like a Michael Jackson wannabe from back in the "Smooth Criminal" days. I suppose the OTHER thing I'd change about King, aside from giving her a reliable cross-up, is to have a win pose where somebody (from offscreen) throws her hat back to her and she puts it back on, and looks all hip and funky. :) Finally, thanks to all the patrons who used to visit my Zero/Alpha 2/3 site about Guy, PurpGuy's Pothole. It was time to move on though. Fingah! Gozinyuu...