Ryu Version Final Credits: James Chen Keo Megura Game FAQS - www.gamefaqs.com Game: Capcom versus SNK: Millenium Fight 2000 Japanese version Platform: Dreamcast By: Darth Hazzard Email: Agekrs1@hotmail.com This is copyright Adrian Hazzard 2000 I know you probably hear this a lot, but guess what this is my first FAQ (big surprise eh) so if there is any wrong with it or you have some good combos to share don't hesitate to drop me a line and you will get credit for it. I just wanna shout out to Doc Holiday for kinda "inspiring" me to write this FAQ. I will be updating this FAQ so keep checking for updates. If you wanna use this FAQ just drop me a line and if you want to request a FAQ for anyone gives us a shout and I'll see what I can do. In the future Ken Masters and Gouki will be getting the FAQ treatment. What you will find here in this FAQ: 1.0 Ryu's strengths and weaknesses 1.1 Ryu bio 1.2 Move list 2.0 Super Move list 2.1 Path to glory (winning techniques) 2.2 Combo's for Ryu 3.0 Special Intros 3.0 Evil Ryu 3.1 Evil Ryu Move List 3.2 Evil Ryu combos ************************************************************************************************* 1.0 RYU'S STRENGHTS AND WEAKNESSES Ryu is Capcoms baby, in other words one of their best characters. In recent games such as CvS and SF3 Third Strike Ryu has become incredibly powerful, perhaps he surpasses Ken (and I am an avid Ken player). In CvS Ryu is extremely strong. + Ryu is a versatile character, he has a move for most situations + Great anti air + Very damaging combos + A nice blend of offencesive and deffencesive play + Can take a lot of damage - Many people say he is not that fast, although I think his speed is acceptable _ Has virtually lost his skill to pin opponents in the corner due to the BIASED roll ************************************************************************************************* 1.1 RYU BIOGRAPHY Name: Ryu Blood type: O Weight: 68K Height: 175cm Birth Place: Japan Rivals: Ryu rivals Kyo from the KOF games. He also has two mortal enemies, namely Sagat and Gouki. Ryu also has a friendly rivalary with Ken Masters - his training partner. Ratios: Normal Ryu is a ratio 2 whilst Evil Ryu is a ratio 4 ************************************************************************************************ 1.2 RYU'S MOVE LIST To make this FAQ easier to use, read and design I have produced a legend which is a short way of displaying a command for a move, but first here are the basics: Forward = F Backward = B Up = U Down = D Light punch = LP Hard punch = HP Light kick = LK Hard kick = HK Commonly used terms - QCF - d,df,f (Hadoken movement) - QCB - d,db,b (Hurricane movement) - HCF - b,db,d,df,f ( Ryu's red fireball) - HCB - f,df,d,db,b - UF - uf (up forward eg jumping into an opponent) ROLL = LP+LK THROW = F+HP/HK CHARGE (SNK GROOVE ONLY) = HP+HK TAUNT = HOLD "A" BUTTON AND PRESS START Ryu does up his belt and says something in Japanese. Translation please!! ************************************************************************************************ Special Moves: HADOUKEN: QCF + P Posibbly the most over used move, this is the famous fireball that all the shotokan's use eg Ken, Gouki. When you perform this with a light punch the fireball will move slowly towards your opponent. If you use the hard punch, the fireball will move faster. - long recovery time SHAKUNETSU HADOUKEN: HCF + P Ryu's red fireball. Pretty much the same as above, however if you are both quick (and a show off) you can combo into this move but it is danm hard. SHORYUKEN: f,d,df + P Ryu's Dragon Punch - Useful for ending combos and taking down jumping opponents. - has a limited range use wisely. Still has a relatively high priority. TATSUMAKI SENPUU KYAKU: (air) QCB + K Ryu's hurricane kick. Using hard kick will make the move travel longer. Can also be used in the air. SAKOTSU WARI: F + MP Ryu's overhead punch. Useful against a crouching opponent. SEMPUU KYAKU: F + MK Ryu jumps forward and kicks at his opponent. ************************************************************************************************* 2.0 SUPER MOVE LIST SHINKUU HADOUKEN: QCF, QCF + P Super fireball. The least damaging of Ryu's supers, not very damaging unless comboed into. SHINKUU TATSUMAKI SENPUU KYAKU: QCB, QCB + K Super Hurricane kick - a useful move for both jumping and sweeping opponents. SHIN-SHORYUKEN: QCF, QCF + K Four hit super Dragon Punch - limited range so it is good to combo into this super - most damaging move in Ryu's arsenal a potential life saver. ************************************************************************************************* 2.1: PATH TO GLORY Here I will offer you my years of experience as a Street Fighter player, you will learn what and what NOT! To do and a few combos, with damage ratings and difficulty to perform. Remember to post you devastating Ryu combos here and receive some RESPECT. These are tips that I find useful if you are an already experienced Ryu fighter then you most likely know all of this. · Chose your Groove carefully. SNK Groove unlimited level one super moves but whilst charging you are wide open for an attack. When you are close to death (in the red) you can perform unlimited level 1's without charging your bar, however to do a level 3 you need to charge your bar. In Capcom Groove the level bar takes a little longer to build than in previous Street Fighter games but it is my preferred Groove as you get level 2's and you can use level threes anytime. · Remember to use the high jump technique (Down then Up/Forward/Backwards) this is useful for escaping attacks and also surprising opponents. · Use your light punches and kicks as they are good for starting combos · There is no air blocking just remember that · Use the roll to evade attacks . You are prone to attack at the beginning and end of a roll so use wisely · Don't show off, Ryu is not a fancy fighter unlike Ken, you need to be patient and get the job done ASAP. Also NEVER! Become OVERCONFIDENT and never UNDERESTIMATE your opponent even if you constantly batter them. Never get too cocky. . Try and time your moves well, if you generally miss time your Dragon Punch expect a big fat combo . Mix up your style. Don't use the same combos day in day out as your opponent will figure you out and punish you. · Use you Air Hurricane to get away from opponents or get to the other side, it is has a high priority rating meaning it will counter a lot of moves. · Try to get in some combos as Ryu is extremely powerful . If you are loosing remain calm, a stressed Ryu is a DEAD Ryu · When in trouble use your level 3 super Dragon punch as it does MEGA damage · Remember to use your Super Hurricane as it drags people who are not blocking in from a distance and if someone attempts to sweep you whilst your getting up, pull this move off for a guaranteed hit. · Try not to use the Fireball close range as it has a long recovery time, it is good for getting opponents that jump a lot. · Ryu's Dragon punch has always had limited range so use wisely as you are prone to attack when falling down, it is also good to use light Dragon punch as you fall to the ground faster and your opponent has less time to prepare and initiate an attack. . Do not get trapped in a corner, if you do roll out. · You can sweep opponents then go straight into a super, this is very useful when using the Super Dragon Punch as after the sweep has connected your opponent is helpless. · PREPARE FOR A LOT OF BITCHING WHENEVER YOU USE THE SUPER DRAGON PUNCH Lastly practice makes perfect, go to training to practice some combos, they are relatively easy to discover. ************************************************************************************************* 2.2 COMBOS FOR RYU Now that's the basics over, now for some combo practice. Get your butt to training and practice these combos. Always try and combo into your super instead of just pulling it of. If you add a few hits to the Super it will take off more health from your opponent. Here is a legend for the combos. 1: Easy to pull off 2: Medium 3: Training Required (HARD) Damage legend A: Ouch That's Gotta Hurt (Huge amount of damage dealt) B: I Like it (Medium damage dealt) C: Pitiful (Not much) Combo 1 1 - A 6 hit (corner only) Jump in with a hard punch/Hard kick then go straight into a light Dragon Punch. You will land before your opponent leaving them open for a Super Dragon Punch. Combo 2 3 - C 11 Hit (Corner only) I can rarely pull this combo off, it is really for show. First jump into your opponent and hit them with a light kick - you must immediately go into a light hurricane kick then straight into a Super Hurricane level 1 and another Super Hurricane but a level 2. Combo 3 1 - A 5 hit Nice easy combo. Sweep your opponent then go straight into a Super Dragon Punch. It takes a little timing to sweep and then go into the super but it can be done. Combo 4 3 - A 7-8 hits A hard combo to perform but very damaging. Jump into your opponent with a Hard Kick then Crouch and do a crouching Light Kick. Once the Light Kick has connected Sweep and go into a Super Dragon Punch. Timing is essential on this combo. If you do a croos over you can add a second Light Kick to the combo Combo 5 (SNK Groove ONLY) 1 - B 10 hits. You have to be in the red and have your power bar full. Jump in with either a Hard Kick or Punch. Immediately go into a Super HadoKen and after that has connected straight into a Super Hurricane kick. You need to be quick with the Super Hurricane but you will soon get there. Combo 6 1 - B 14 hits. Do a Hard Kick Cross Over (A Flying kick which hits the opponent when they are facing the position you jumped from, you will then land on the other side of your opponent. Eg I am standing on the Right and I do a Hard Kick to my opponent and land on the Right which can be followed up by a combo. The position where your kick is landed is essential) So to start again do a Hard Kick Cross Over, a crouching light Punch into a Hard Punch (in the opposite direction of your opponent) which leads into a Super Hurricane. Combo 7 3 - A A hard combo to perfrom and land on your opponent but it looks real good. Positioning and timing are both essential. Do a Red Fireball (HCF) and the do a Super Jump towards your nemis and sweep em and go into a Super Dragon Punch. Then I guess you can gloat a little. The fireball has to be performed with LP Combo 8 1 - B Crossover Hard kick, standing hard punch, into a super hurricane level 3 for 14 hits. Combo 9 1 - B A deep hard punch (deep hard punch = hitting the opponent when you are almost on the ground), standing hard punch then into a Shinkuhadoken Combo 10 1 - B Deep Hard flykick, standing hard kick, super hurricane. (Note that you can only let the first hit of the standing hard kick hit your opponent.) Combo 11 2 - A Note that this combo can only be done when you have set your gauge to max in the options. Start with a flying hard punch, into a shinkuhadoken. Before your opponent has hit the ground do a Shinshoryuken if you have timed it right it will hit. When they are falling down you can hit them with a level 3 Super Hurricane for around 13 hits. ************************************************************************************************* 3.0 SPECIAL INTROS FOR RYU Ryu has four intros, they are: Vs. Kyo : Ryu has his head down and Kyo sends a beam of fire towards Ryu, who now looks up. They then exchange words (I think not sure if Ryu says anything) looking for a translation. Vs. Ken : The two fighters tap each other's fist, and Ken dashes back and they prepare to fight. Vs. Sagat : Ryu does up his belt and Sagat's scar glows briefly. Vs. Ryo : Ryu and Ryo are both standing next to each other, they then jump back and prepare for battle. ************************************************************************************************ SECRETS Ryu has a number of secrts available to him. To unlock Evil Ryu complete the game with Ryu in Capcom groove and he will be available to buy in the secret shop for 7,000 groove points. Secret 1 in the shop is four colours for Ryu to wear costing a whooping great 300 vs points ************************************************************************************************* 3.0 EVIL RYU Firstly there are bound to be mistakes as I do not know much about Evil Ryu. His story goes something like this. At the end of Alpha 2 after Ryu has defeated Gouki, Ryu begins to feel his darkside emerge. He then goes to study in the art of Dark Shokotan (the same style as our friend Gouki) Ryu then becomes a lot more powerful and Combotastic. He also "adopts) Gouki's Raging demon technique Evil Ryu also has some new threads. He sports a black outfit exactly the same as (you've guessed it) Gouki + Evil Ryu has a lot of combo potential + Good at juggling opponents + Ryu on steriods (A speed increase) + Has the Raging demon/firecracker/Shun Goku Satsu (whatever you call it) + Can juggle opponents with his light hurricane kick + Can juggle opponents after a Messatsu Gou Hadou (Super Hadoken) _ Has lost his Super Hurricane - No Shin Shoryuken (has a super dragon similar to Ken and Gouki's which is called the Messatsu Gou Shouryuu) - Changed the movement of his Super Hadoken - His Hurricane kick does not slope, it just stays in mid air and then he drops when the move is over this leaves you prone to attack when you are falling. Evil Ryu is a worthy character. He can kick some serious ass. His Special moves are exactly the same as normal Ryu's ************************************************************************************************* 3.1 EVIL RYU MOVE LIST 1: Messatsu Gou Hadou HCF, HCF + P (Super Hadoken 2: Messatsu Gou Shouryuu QCF,QCF + P (Super Dragon Punch) 3: Raging Demon LP,LP,F,LK,HP ************************************************************************************************** 3.2 EVIL RYU COMBO 1: Jump in with a Heavy Kick/Heavy Punch, do a crouching Light Kick, sweep, Light Hurricane kick, Hard Dragon Punch 2: Crossover Heavy kick, crouching Light punch, Crouching Light kick, Light Hurricane kick, Level 2 Messatsu Gou Shouryuu (Super Dragon Punch) 3: Crossover Heavy kick, crouching Light punch, Crouching Light kick, Sweep, Light Hurricane, Light Hurricane, Level 2 Messatsu Gou Shouryuu. (Yes two light hurricane kicks it is not a typo) 4: (In the corner) Level 1 Messatsu Gou Hadou, straight away into a level 2 Messatsu Gou Shouryuu 5: (In the Corner) Level 3 Messatsu Gou Hadou, Hard Dragon Punch 6: (Tip) Sweep your opponent (or just make sure they are on the floor) and then quickly go into a Raging Demon Your opponent will not have time to react, and they are also likely to be in the blocking stance BUT! we all know the ragin demon can't be blocked. After the Raging demon has connected LAUGH 7: (Tip) Play offensively with Evil Ryu, he is a brilliant character. 8: His Raing Demon technique is now invincible at the startup thus letting you go through projectiles and even very high priority supers like Shoryureppa and Messatsu Gou Shoryu. Translation: Shun Goku Satsu aka Raging Demon means: Shun = Instant Goku = Hell Satsu = Strike ************************************************************************************************ Revision history More tips and combos Evil Ryu move list Evil Ryu combo's Evil Ryu section updated move translation added the last of Ryu's special intros More combos and tips Ryu's strenghts and weaknesses To be added More combos for evil Ryu THAT'S ALL FOLKS Not bad for a first attempt, or was it? comments and suggestions to the address below. Hope this FAQ has helped you and thanks for reading I'll hopefully be back with an update and more FAQS in the future. Future updates will include translations for the Special intros, a biography on Ryu and more combos and more winning techniques and tips. Hope this FAQ has been of some use to you. This FAQ was completed on 22nd November 2000 Comments to: Agekrs1@hotmail.com Credits I'd like to say thanks to Doc Holiday. Stop screwing about Ryu's Super Dragon. Garage Man (A. Dennis) Got Cap Vs SNK for us CHEERS! And stop listening to garage music boy! Ronald Lam and Steven Culp - Thanks for the translation Charlie Yu - Gave me some useful info for Evil Ryu Megaman X - Another translation Galford - Reminded me of a move I missed Capcom: One of my favourite developers, thanks for such a mad game and keep up the good work. You guys kick ass, you must employ me some day. GameFaqs. For displaying my FAQ (hopefully) Shoryuken.com. Another really good site Neoseeker.com: Displaying my FAQ James Chen: Used a few combos from your movie on ShoryuKen.com Kao Megura: I had to use some of your name translations dude - sorry - won't happen again Thanks to YOU yes YOU for reading the whole thing and hopefully it will improve your overall game And lastly to me. Darth Hazzard, for writing this damn FAQ, playing Cap Vs SNK far too much and being a great Street Fighter (I am such a modest guy) PS If you see anything written by Kao Megura or James Chen be sure to read it as they are great faq writters. I advivse you to read James Chen's excellent combo system guide for CvS at gamefaqs.com Favourite sayings "Now you see the difference between us" Ken Masters SF2 "SHIN SHORYUKEN" VERY LOUD "You must defeat Shen Long to stand a chance" Ryu SF2