Capcom Vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 AAAA CCCC TTTTT UU UU AAAA LLL SSS TTTTT AAAA MM MM IIIII NN NN AAAA AAAAAA CC CC TTT UU UU AAAAAA LLL SS SS TTT AAAAAA MMM MMM III NNN NN AAAAAA AA AA CC TTT UU UU AA AA LLL SS SS TTT AA AA MM M MM III NNNN NN AA AA AA AA CC TTT UU UU AA AA LLL SS TTT AA AA MM M MM III NN NN NN AA AA AAAAAA CC TTT UU UU AAAAAA LLL SS TTT AAAAAA MM M MM III NN NNNN AAAAAA AA AA CC CC TTT UU UU AA AA LLLLLL SS SS TTT AA AA MM M MM III NN NNN AA AA AA AA CCCC TTT UUUU AA AA LLLLLL SSS TTT AA AA MM M MM IIIII NN NN AA AA TTTTT IIIII EEEEE RRRRR TTT III EE RR RR TTT III EE RR RR TTT III EEEEE RRRRR TTT III EE RR RR TTT III EE RR RR TTT IIIII EEEEE RR RR *** ***** ***** ** ** *** *** ** ** ** *** *** ** ** ** *** *** ***** ***** *** *** ** ** ** *** *** ** ** ** ***** ***** ***** ***** ** ** **** *** **** ** ** ****** *** *** ** ** ** * ** ***** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** *** ** ** ** * ** *** ** *** ** ** ****** ** *** ** ** ****** *** ** *** ****** ** * ** *** ** **** ****** ** ** ** *** ** ** ** ** *** ** *** ** ** ** * ** *** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *** ** ** ** ** *** ** ** *** ** ** ** * ** *** **** ** ** ** ****** ** ** *** ** ** ****** *** ** ** *** ****** *** *** *** *** ** ****** **** **** ***** ** ** **** *** *** ***** **** ** ** ***** ** ** **** FAQ written by ReCharredSigh e-mail me at (and title all your messages as "CVS Stamina Tier FAQ comments", else i will ignore them) version 1.1 November 7, 2001 Copyright 2001 ReCharredSigh First of all, lemme sum the legal mumbo jumbo regarding this FAQ in the simplest terms, please don't be like those snobby lawyers that twist every word to their own benefit, it's really degrading of you: =================================================================================== 1. I am not responsible for harm to you due to something in this FAQ, whether it was in the computer sense(i.e. your computer crashed while you tried to save this FAQ) or in the arcade playing sense(lost/won and got beat up due to some technique in this FAQ). 2. This FAQ is free. Plain and simple. You can find it free at the websites I listed. 3. Give me credit if you want to use anything from this FAQ, you don't need to quote me on everything, just give me credit at the beginning/end of your work, and I will have no beefs against you. If you want to post this FAQ on your website, please e-mail me first asking permission, else I will be pissed off. 4. And lastly, if you don't want to obey the above, please just ignore this FAQ, and read some other. 5. What characters SNK has created, is of their entire copyright. And what characters Capcom has created, is of their entire copyright. I have in no effort tried to take one of their works as my own. 6. You can find this FAQ at the following sites:,,, If you didn't find it there, chances are it isn't in the latest version. =================================================================================== WHAT TO EXPECT IN THIS FAQ 0.CREDITS I.INTRO A.What you used to think B.What's the reasons to read this FAQ II.STAMINA TIERS A.General Ranking B.Ranking by Ratio III.PERSONAL THOUGHTS 1.Benimaru 2.Blanka 3.Cammy 4.Dhalsim 5.King 6.Sakura 7.Vice 8.Yuri 9.Balrog 10.Chun-Li 11.E.Honda 12.Guile 13.Iori 14.Ken 15.Kim 16.Kyo 17.Mai 18.Morrigan 19.Nakoruru 20.Raiden 21.Ryo 22.Ryu 23.Terry 24.Zangief 25.Geese 26.M.Bison 27.Rugal 28.Sagat 29.Yamazaki 30.Vega 31.Akuma 32.Evil Ryu 33.Riot Iori IV.REVISIONS V.IN CLOSING *********************************************** | 000 CCC RRRR EEEEE DDDD III TTT SSSS | |0 00 C C R R E D D I T SSS S| |0 0 0 C RRRR EEE D D I T SS | |00 0 C C R R E D D I T S SSS| | 000 o CCC R R EEEEE DDDD III T SSSS | *********************************************** /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Capcom ( -For making such a fun 2D fighting game. SNK -For creating some of the coolest fighting characters ever to grace a 2D game. Oh, and allowing Capcom to use your characters to create the impossible; a fighting game co-created by 2 different video game companies. -For being such a great site for SFers. -For providing a place to put this FAQ. James Chen( -Providing the awesome combo notation, and the awesome combo movies. He is America's Capcom Combomaster, no doubt about it! I also want to thank him for just being such a great help answering people's questions about CvS at Migs Rustia( -I had to use your JChensor modified combo symbols yet again. JChristopher( -He didn't directly influence my faq-writing for this faq, but I still had to use my Ryu FAQ format from last time, and that one was pretty similar to his. Silent J( -Of course, my online capcom game chatting buddy. He did give me hints about how to play offensively with Ryu. Check out his Yamazaki and Vega FAQ. He wasn't a guy who directly influenced my FAQ writing here, but I just wanted to put his name down. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ************************************ | 11 III NN N TTT RRRR OOO | | 1 I NNN N T R R O O | | 1 I N NN N T RRRR O O | | 1 I N NNN T R R O O | | 111o III N NN T R R OOO | ************************************ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ======================== A.What you used to think ======================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, fact is, Capcom has always made a way of creating some of the most memorable 2D fighting games, but at the same time neglecting huge bugs in them(MVC2, for instance). Capcom Vs. SNK is no difference, the main reason being the ratio system. At first, it seems like a great idea; the stronger your character, the less damage they take per hit, and the less characters you can select per team! Simple enough, eh? It makes the game quite balanced! But, we immediately run into problems. The main one people immediately discovered was that some characters didn't do the damage they were supposed to do. Ryu for instance, is a ratio 2, but combos involving his Shin Shoryuken can make you think he was a ratio 4 character! Or Morrigan, who does so little damage per hit, you'd wonder why she wasn't in the ratio 1 slots. It seemed like the only thing the ratio slots determined was damage intake right? Wrong! I had fooled around with my DC and discovered that even in similar ratio settings, some characters take more damage than others! So I created this CvS FAQ(which, btw, breaks the mold of my previous FAQs by being both non-character specific and *gasp* taking up way less space on the web) to point out the stamina tiers, as well as some personal comments on each character. Note that I will NOT point out who does how much damage, or who's fast, or what not. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ===================================== B.What's the reasons to read this FAQ ===================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why'd I write this FAQ? Simple: -To point out the real stamina tiers in CvS -To offer personal comments on each character concerning their stamina tier. Note though that I will NOT point how who's the fastest, shortest, widest, strongest, etc, etc, etc. So don't expect that. This is a STAMINA TIER FAQ. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ************************************************************************* | 222 SSSS TTT AAA MM MM III N N AAA TTT III EEE RRR SSSS | | 2 22 SS S T A A M M M I NN N A A T I E R R SS S| | 22 SS T AAAAA M M M I N NN AAAAA T I EEE RRR SS | | 22 S SS T A A M M M I N N A A T I E R R S SS| | 22222o SSSS T A A M M M III N N A A T III EEE R R SSSS | ************************************************************************* /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ================= A.General Ranking ================= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, here's the general stamina tier counting every single person in the game. For the most part, the EX versions of the characters take the same damage(except for Evil Ryu and Riot Iori of course). In order to figure out this tiring, I used Capcom(if you use SNK then the combo damage is slightly larger) Ryu's level 3 corner combo which is J.Fierce\/C.Short-->Jab Shoryuken,Shin Shoryuken, which does a massive amount of damage, and makes it quite easy to calculate who's stronger than who. Anyways, here's the ranking. I also only did the combo on Capcom Groove people, so that if there was a difference in damage intake from different grooves, it wouldn't come into play here. 1st tier: HIGHEST STAMINA Akuma, Evil Ryu, Riot Iori 2nd tier: HIGH STAMINA Geese, M.Bison, Rugal, Sagat, Yamazaki 3rd tier: ABOVE-AVERAGE STAMINA Raiden, Zangief 4th tier: SLIGHTLY ABOVE-AVERAGE STAMINA Balrog, E.Honda 5th tier: AVERAGE STAMINA Guile, Iori, Ken, Kim, Kyo, Morrigan, Ryo, Ryu, Terry, Vega 6th tier: SLIGHTLY BELOW-AVERAGE STAMINA Blanka, Chun-Li 7th tier: BELOW-AVERAGE STAMINA Benimaru, Dhalsim, Mai, Nakoruru 8th tier: LOW STAMINA King, Vice 9th tier: LOWEST STAMINA Cammy, Sakura, Yuri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================== B.Ranking By Ratio ================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, this is just a different way of looking at the ratios. This time, I split it by ratios and analyzed each ratio's characters in a group. RATIO 1 1st tier: Blanka 2nd tier: Benimaru, Dhalsim 3rd tier: King, Vice 4th tier: Cammy, Sakura, Yuri RATIO 2 1st tier: Raiden, Zangief 2nd tier: Balrog, E.Honda 3rd tier: Guile, Iori, Ken, Kim, Kyo, Morrigan, Ryo, Ryu, Terry 4th tier: Chun-Li 5th tier: Mai, Nakoruru RATIO 3 1st tier: Geese, M.Bison, Rugal, Sagat, Yamazaki 2nd tier: Vega RATIO 4 1st tier: Akuma, Evil Ryu, Riot Iori ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ***************************************************** |333333 PPP EEE RRR SSS OOO N N AAA L | | 33 P P E R R SS S O O NN N A A L | | 33 PPP EEE RRR SS O O N NN AAAAA L | |33 33 P E R R S SS O O N N A A L | | 3333 o P EEE R R SSS OOO N N A A LLL| | | | TTT H H OOO U U GGG H H TTT SSS | | T H H O O U U G H H T SS S | | T HHH O O U U G GG HHH T SS | | T H H O O U U G G H H T S SS | | T H H OOO UUU GGG H H T SSS | ***************************************************** /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Here are some thoughts of mine on specific characters after I saw how they were really ranked. ************ *1.Benimaru* ************ This is great. Benimaru either takes average damage or below-average damage as a ratio 1. This is a good thing. So if you like using Benimaru, nothing to fear. If you choose him, you're essentially getting your money's worth(actually you're getting a lot more if you choose the EX version), cause he also seems to dish out damage of a weak ratio 2 character. ********** *2.Blanka* ********** I'm impressed. If you're a Blanka fan, there's even more reason to like him! I'm surprised he takes so little damage for a ratio 1 character! And the damage he dished out was already like a ratio 2 character, as well. Now, I'm not even sure Blanka even belongs in the ratio 1 slot. That's how tough I view him now. He is just awesome! Only downside is that he's still a very defensive character, and not that offensive. ********* *3.Cammy* ********* Bad news, Cammy fans; your goddess takes THE WORST damage in the entire game! How bad? After I did that Ryu combo, it took only 2-3 blocked fireballs to kill her off! But let this discourage you from using Cammy(EX Cammy, however is a different story). If you liked her distance game, fine, keep using her, but be more cautious from now on, 'k? *********** *4.Dhalsim* *********** Great, he takes average or above-average damage of a ratio 1! So nothing to fear here. Besides, if they can't reach you from the other side of the screen, that means they can't hurt you anyways, right? ;) I'm a Dhalsim user, so I am satisfied, knowing one of my main ratio 1 characters has good stamina for a ratio 1. BTW, the fact of his stamina intake may suggest you to occasionally risk it by getting up close and comboing with Dhalsim. Yes, I know it's ludicrous, but I find his C.Short-->Yoga Stream combo quite effective, given the C.Short has all the properties of his slide, but doesn't knock the opponent down, and you might even be able to set it up with his Yoga Drill or Yoga Mummy. ******** *5.King* ******** King takes either average or below-average damage of a ratio 1. So you might want to beware slightly, but she is still pretty good. I don't use her, but I know she's very good if you use her well, given how she's pretty well-rounded. ********** *6.Sakura* ********** Sakura takes very poor damage, the worst in the game. Read the comments I made on Cammy for an idea of how bad. Other than that, if you liked comboing after her dragon punch, and her pressure games, she's still fun to use. However, you again might want to beware. ******** *7.Vice* ******** The grappler takes average or below-average damage of a ratio 1. But it really doesn't matter, Vice is really good, given how she can throw like she was Zangief, but also has good pokes and all that. Nothing more to say, if you liked using her. ******** *8.Yuri* ******** Yuri also takes the worst damage in the game, again, read Cammy's comments to see just how bad. That said, EX Yuri is one of the best ratio 1s, so if you can just trap your opponent down with her air projectile, you're welcome to keep using her, just beware of taking too much damage. ********** *9.Balrog* ********** Balrog takes slightly above-average damage, which is awesome, it helps complement his game. You're getting a lot more for your money, cause he's pretty good if you can master his game, which involves a lot of pressure. ************ *10.Chun-Li* ************ Sadly, Chun-Li takes the 2nd worst damage for a ratio 2. You have to beware of this. That aside, Chun-Li is possibly one of the best ratio 2s, so if you liked her pokes, her air dominance, and her combos, go ahead, keep using her. ************ *11.E.Honda* ************ E.Honda has a slightly better stamina than the average ratio 2. This is good, cause it helps complement his special atttack and rolling game, which is one of the most effective in the game. If you liked using him, you're getting a lot more than it's worth. ********** *12.Guile* ********** Guile takes average damage. Actually, Guile's supposed to be a rather average character in terms of speed, power, and the like. But too bad Capcom never realized that his footsie game is the 2nd best in the game. If you liked Guile, keep using him. Actually, it really doesn't matter about Guile's stamina, since his footsie game is too good. ********* *13.Iori* ********* He takes average damage. That said, if you like Iori, keep using him, cause he has 2 excellant super combos, and has a setup throw, something that only he has access to. ******** *14.Ken* ******** Takes average damage. So nothing to fear, Ken fans, keep using him, cause his speed, excellant shoryuken, and 2 super combos using the dragon punch are what make him. I have to admit, even though I think Ryu is better and use him more often, Ken is pretty good in this game too, and probably is more fun to play. ******** *15.Kim* ******** Average stamina. That said, Kim has awesome pokes, and great footsie games. His pressure and defensive game are also both great. If you liked using him or liked using EX Kim's damaging combos, keep using him, he's a great and fun character. ******** *16.Kyo* ******** Kyo takes average damage, so if you liked using him for his roundhouse pokes, keep at it, or if you liked doing EX Kyo's juggle combos, keep using him. ******** *17.Mai* ******** Bad news, Mai takes the worst damage of a ratio 2 character. How bad? She takes it like she was an average ratio 1 character! I'm not even sure she belongs in the ratio 2 slots even more, cause she doesn't even seem to do damage of a ratio 2 either! That said, Mai is a pretty awesome, and fun character to use, given how she has a good roll and dash, good speed, and a good footsie game. EX Mai also has 2 excellant super combos to use, making her possibly one of the best ratio 2s. That said, if you liked using Mai(I do ;D ), keep doing it, cause she is very good, but watch that damage intake! ************* *18.Morrigan* ************* Takes average damage. But seriously, by the damage that Morrigan dishes out, I don't think she should be in the ratio 2 slots. That said, if you liked her projectiles, her throws, and her pokes, as well as her combobility, that's fine, but honestly, she deals way too weak damage, that you might be good if you partnered her up with someone who did heavy damage. ************* *19.Nakoruru* ************* Wow, Nakoruru takes terrible damage! She takes it just as bad as Mai! So maybe Nakoruru isn't really that overpowered after all, just sorta like what Strider is in the vs. series. I was certainly surprised when I found this out just recently, so I guess that means you need to be a lot more careful when you use Nakoruru. Nevertheless, even with that terrible stamina ranking, she is still the game's best character, I still easily beat opponents using her. *********** *20.Raiden* *********** He has the best stamina of the ratio 2s. It's just awesome. This may give people incentive to use Raiden. He is in many ways similar to Zangief, with a few exceptions. He has an awesome S.Roundhouse, I will admit, as it goes over low kicks and hits the opponent. ******** *21.Ryo* ******** Average stamina. That said, if you liked using him, keep doing it, he's a fun character to use, with a good projectile, and has 2 excellant super combos. EX Ryo even has that level 3 single punch super combo! ******** *22.Ryu* ******** Average stamina. But man, does he dish it out! I like using Ryu, he's my favorite character, cause he has incredible versatility, and 3 awesome super combos. Anyways, if you liked using him cause of his incredible Shin Shoryuken then keep doing it! ********** *23.Terry* ********** Average stamina. Terry has some of the best rolls and dashes, which helps give him an awesome footsie game, so if you liked using him or his EX version, you've got nothing to fear. ************ *24.Zangief* ************ He has the best stamina of the ratio 2s. This is great, cause he does huge damage, has an incredible throwing range, and on top of that, now takes damage like nothing! ********** *25.Geese* ********** He takes average ratio 3 damage. Geese is quite powerful, has 3 reversals, and quite an arsenal of projectiles to use. So if you liked using him for his defensive style of play and his ability to wreck havoc through his Raising Storm, you're good. ************ *26.M.Bison* ************ Average ratio 3 stamina. A good thing, since M.Bison now has his mobility somewhat back, and can now confuse like he used to(sort of). On top of that, he does huge damage. You've got nothing to fear here. ********** *27.Rugal* ********** Average ratio 3 stamina. Rugal is quite a defensive character, as he relies on keeping the opponent back til they make a mistake. If you liked his style of play, that's fine. ********** *28.Sagat* ********** Average ratio 3 stamina. Heh, if you liked the ol' skool way of filling up the screen with projectiles, only to knock them back if they try to get in, Sagat's all good. Nothing to fear here, if you like using him, you're good. ************* *29.Yamazaki* ************* Average ratio 3 stamina. That said, Yamazaki is quite an opponent, having an extremely great roundhouse, a good distance game, and even possesses some reversals on hand. He even has 2 great super combos. He's awesome, so it turns out, no setbacks. ********* *30.Vega* ********* Bad news, your sadistic girlish-screaming Spainard takes the worst damage among the ratio 3s, in fact, he takes it like he was an average ratio 2! This is really, really bad, so make sure you have a character who if not having good stamina, you are really good with to back you up. That said, Vega is damn fast, so if you liked his speed and the range that he has on his pokes, you're welcome to keep using him. ********** *31.Akuma* ********** In reality, I lost my memory card's info on CvS, so I haven't tested Akuma. But I'm pretty sure he takes the same damage as the other ratio 4s. That said, Akuma is Akuma, in CvS he's totally overpowered, so if you just like using him and his ability to totally destroy opponents, you're welcome to keep using him. ************* *32.Evil Ryu* ************* Evil Ryu has ratio 4 stamina. He's pretty awesome as well, as he is totally pumped up in this game, if you like totally destroying your opponents with either juggle combos or his Shun Goku Satsu, then go kick some @$$. ************** *33.Riot Iori* ************** He has ratio 4 stamina. If you liked Iori, with a steroid boost, and a huge stamina boost, this is what you get. And while I think the original Iori is better(not because he's a ratio 2, but because of his super combos and his setup throw), if you liked using Riot Iori cause he looks awesome or his insane speed, fine, go ahead. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ********************************************************** | 4 RRR EEE V V III SSS III OOO N N SSS | | 44 R R E V V I SS S I O O NN N SS S| |4 4 RRR EEE V V I SS I O O N NN SSS | |4444 R R E V V I S SS I O O N N S SS| | 4 o R R EEE V III SSS III OOO N N SSS | ********************************************************** /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Version 1.0 August 2, 2001. Wrote this FAQ. Version 1.1 November 7, 2001. Correction: Nakoruru actually takes worse damage than I first thought! \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ******************************************************** | 5555 III N N CCC L OOO SSS III N N GGG | | 5 I NN N C C L O O SS S I NN N G | | 555 I N NN C L O O SS I N NN G GG| | 55 I N N C C L O O S SS I N N G G| | 555 o III N N CCC LLL OOO SSS III N N GGG | ******************************************************** /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Is this the last CvS FAQ I'm making? -Possibly. I had only in mind to make 3 definite FAQs for CvS, but that doesn't mean I'm definitely stopping here. This one was just made on the go when I realized I didn't want to put this character tier ranking into every one of my CvS FAQs. I may make one more FAQ but I never said I'm definitely making one more. To those of you who want to e-mail me. -I need feedback, plain and simple! Please do that! Anything's helpful, from criticisms(if you're polite about it) to tips, I'll accept it! \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ "Naw, Mr. Burns, they were saying 'Boooo-urns!'" -Mr. Smithers