Terry Bogard Strategy Guide/FAQ v. 1.5 for Capcom Vs. SNK By EBwiz 0. Updates 1.5 - Fixed many errors, Including the fact that Rising upper does NOT knock down, and you have to use kicks to execute Power Dunk. A. Disclaimer All characters mentioned in this guide are copyrighted to Capcom and SNK. This guide is made by me (EBwiz). If you want to post this on your website, you may do so, as long as it remains unedited, and credit is given where credit is do. If you want to contribute anything to this guide that's relevant, Email me at EBwizDX@hotmail.com, and I'll be glad to give you your props in the contribution section. B. Contents 0. Updates A. Disclaimer B. Contents C. About this guide D. Terry's Profile and Storyline E. Move List F. Combos G. Strategy H. Misc. I. Contact Info J. Contributions K. Thanks To C. About this guide This marks my first FAQ posted on the web... unless you include my Chrono Trigger Tidbits guide WAY back in the day that never got any farther then AOL. Basiclly, my recently found love for fighting games, particuarly SNK, drove me to want to make an FAQ, and of course, it'd have to be for my favorite fighter, Terry "Hungry Wolf" Bogard for the best Fighting game ever to be made (IMO) by Capcom. Since CvSNK isn't by any means a hard game to learn, this guide is mainly for those who want to learn how to take out scrubs easily and with style. I am by no means, a tournament fighter, nor am I good enough to fight a professional. But most people who read FAQs aren't either, and this is made esspecially for them, and Terry, aside from being a top tier character in tournaments, is an EXCELLENT character for beginners. D. Terry's Profile and Storyline Fighting Style: Jeff Bogard Kenka Sappou (Deadly Brawling) Birthplace: USA Date Of Birth March 15th, 1973 Height: 182 cm Weight: 82 kg Blood Type: O Hobbies: Video Games Favorite Food: Junk Food Most Valuble: Gloves given to him by Jeff Bogard Dislikes: Slugs Terry Bogard was born orphaned in Southtown, and adopted by Jeff Bogard, along with younger brother Andy. Jeff was training under Martial arts master Tung Fu Rue along with Geese Howard. Tung Fu Rue, seeing only ambition in Geese, decided to make Jeff his successor and taught the most deadly secrets of their style to Jeff. This angered Geese, and in revenge, murdered Jeff in front of young Terry. Since, Terry and Andy split up on a training mission. Terry wandered the world, learning various styles of Martial arts by different masters before returning to Southtown, now an adult, to settle the score with Geese Howard. Once there, he met up with his younger brother and Joe Higashi, Muay Thai champion who decided to help Andy after hearing his story. All three entered the King of Fighters tournament to fight Geese Howard, and in the end, Terry came out on top and defeated Geese, knocking him out of his highrise and on to the pavement below. Terry's status as the Hungry wolf soared, but his reputation would catch up with him a year later, when German Nobleman Wolfgang Krauser started to look for the man who had defeated Geese. Travelling to Germany to challenge this new foe, Terry once again came out victorious, for though Krauser was more powerful then Geese had been, Terry had heart. Since, Terry has joined every King of Fighters tournament since it was restarted by Rugal Berstein with Joe and Andy as his team. Though now outshadowed by Kyo Kusanagi, Terry's reputation is still as strong as ever, where he is still acclaimed by many, the original King of Fighters. E. Move List E1. Legend P = Any Punch K = Any Kick LK = Light Kick SK = Strong Kick LP = Light Punch SK = Strong Kick QCF = Quarter Circle Forward QCB = Quarter Circle Back DP = Dragon Punch Motion (Forward, Down, Down-Forward) HCF = Half Circle Forward HCB = Half Circle Backward DU = Charge down, then press Up E2. Basic Moves LP Far: Terry does a quick jab forward. Like most LP moves, it's really only affective as a good poke. LP Close: Terry does a quick jab. Again, it's really only good for a poke, but it makes for good pressure if your in the middle of a combo, but it's pretty easy to get countered. SP Far: Terry does a strong punch forward. Decent Damage, good poke. SP Close: Terry does a 2 hit shot for the gut. This is one of his most important moves. It's your combo starter, plus it's great to use when your character is just getting up, unless they hit you with a dragon punch while they are getting up. LK: Terry kicks straight quickly. Not worth much standing up... Close LK: Terry knees the opponent in the gut. Comes out nice and quick, good for pressure pokeing. SK: Terry turns on his pivot leg and kicks straight ahead. This is another awesome poke move when your opponent isn't paying attention, and does decent damage. Jumping LP: Terry does a quick karate chop downward. Useless. Jumping SP: Terry hits with a strong jab downward. Decent damage, but utterly worthless. Jumping LK: A straight kick upwards, quickly. Again, useless. Jumping SK: A long, straight kick. Good for attacking another airborne character. Also good for starting your combos if your close in when you land. Just use it, and when you land, do a standing SP for a 2 hit shot to the gut, and follow with a combo. Crouching LP Another weak jab straight, and again, useless. Crouching SP: Straight strong Jab. Same use as it is Standing. Crouching LK: A nice quick kick on the ground. If your close, makes for a GREAT 3 hit combo. 4 if you hit with a Standing LK right after it. Crouching SK: Possibly Terry's best normal move. This sweep has great distance, and hits not just low, but medium as well. Good move to surprise your enemy with if you mix it in with your specials. Rising Upper (Down-Front + SP): Terry does an uppercut. Works as an anti air, decent damage. Use it when they're open, or combo it after a close standing SP. P Throw: If you press SP while moving forward and are next, Terry will grab them by the collar, and then use Rising Upper. Nice attack, good damage. K Throw: Terry's classic buster throw. However, unlike in KOF, it throws the enemy afar like Ken and Ryu's normal throws rather then slamming them to the ground. Roll (LK+LP): Terry's roll. Learn it, master it. He has the best roll in the game, and if mastered correctly, can be the downfall of Shinkuu Hadoken mad Shoto scrubs. Dash (Tap Forward twice): Terry dashes in Terry's dash is short and quick, making it perfect for Footsie games. Don't over abuse it, but DO use it as much as possible, as a confusion tactic. Taunt (Start Button. LK+Start on Dreamcast): Terry will fix his hat and taunt... Leaves you WAY open, so be careful with it as it has no advantage. E3. Special Moves Power Wave (Normal Terry Only; QCF + P): A long range poke. It travels slowly across the ground. Be careful: Shoto masters can hop kick over it, and it has terrible recovery lag. You'll be in trouble if your not careful. Round Wave (Ex Terry Only; QCF + P): I know Terry calls this "Power Wave" and that's how it's listed, but really, play KOF sometime, this is Round Wave. Anyway, this move serves only the purpose of cancelling out incoming projectiles, and MAYBE as a combo follow up. Otherwise, you'll leave yourself open WAY too much for it to be worth anything. Burn Knuckle (QCB + P): The LP travels at a shorter distance then the SP version. Anyway, most fans say this move is awful, and for a good reason: It has bad recovery, and you'll be punished severly if it's blocked. However, Terry's game is about surprise tactics and unpredictability. Pull out a good burn knuckle when they least expect it, ESSPECIALLY when they are close. It's a great knock down, and does decent damage. Another use is if Terry is far when he needs to be close; in this case, use the SP version to get back in with little trouble. Crack Shoot (QCB + K): Another awesome move. Though the SK version is worthless, pretty much, the LK version is possibly the best special Terry has. It comes out quickly, and can snuff almost any basic and special move they can pull, minus projectiles and Somersault kicks. Since it's quick, it's a great pressure tactic, esspecially if you use it when they expect you to do something else, wither it be to dash forward or sweep. And for more confusion, sometimes you SHOULD throw out a SK version, just to throw them off. Rising Tackle (Normal Terry Only; UP + P): A classic anti-air. It's main problem is the charge. Use it on anyone jumping in when you just happened to be crouched. Esspecially useful on scrubs who like to use Yuri's jump-and-sweep trick. Also, you can charge the move while your rolling, so come out of a roll when your close with it, but only the LK version; You can and will get punished for using the SP version on such a situation. Power Dunk (Ex Terry Only; DP + K): This makes Ex Terry a tournament worthy opponent. Not ONLY does it not have charging, and not only is it a good anti air (If you can time it right), but it can come out of a roll, and is another great surprise tactic to use when they don't expect it. Watch out though, an SP Can go right over the head of your opponent and be open, plus if they block, your open for a throw, or a combo. E4. Desperations Power Geyser (QCB HCF + P): Another classic. Terry slams his fist into the ground like with power wave, only to have a huge flame of energy burst from the ground in front of him. This is an EXCELLENT anti air when your about to be jumped, or if your good, a follow up for Terry's close standing SP. Even better is if it's an SDM: Level 2 will fire 2 blasts, and Level 3 & MAX will do three blasts, just like in KOF. Awesome Damage. Buster Wolf (QCFx2 + K): Terry's new move from Garou: Mark of Wolves. Just like Burn Knuckle, except the hit won't knock down, and then Terry grabs his main arm and shoots out a large blast at an angle. The level of the attack will depend how many hits the blast at the end will do. Same weaknesses and advantages as Burn Knuckle, You want to pull it out when it's not expected. F. Combos Terry has very simple combos, but they are all pretty good in the damage department. The basic combo start up is a Close standing SP as I've mentioned before. This can be followed up by any Light special Terry has, except Round wave, Power dunk and Rising Tackle. This is your best chance to use Burn Knuckle, which is does do decent damage. So here's the full list for those who need it: Close Standing SP -> LK Crack Shoot Close Standing SP -> LP Power Wave Close Standing SP -> LP Burn Knuckle Close Standing SP -> Power Geyser Close Standing SP -> Buster Wolf Note that any of these can be started with a Jumping SK before doing the Close Standing SP. This one has been around since Fatal Fury 2. First do a crouching LP, then follow with a crouching LK, and then hit up with a SP Rising Tackle. This will normally do 3 hits, but more if your in the corner which will allow for the full 6 hit potential of Rising Tackle, which makes for a total of 8 hits. So thats: Crounching LP -> Crouching LK -> SP Rising Tackle. Ok, Enough child's play, Now for the serious combos. It'll take some practice, but if your good, pulling these off will be nothing First, is a variation of the Close Standing SP tricks. Do a Level 2 Buster Wolf after the Close Standing SP, and then add a weak Burn Knuckle right away. Or, if you choose, you can do a SP Rising Tackle at the end instead. So that's: Close Standing SP -> Lvl. 2 Buster Wolf -> LP Burn Knuckle Close Standing SP -> Lvl. 2 Buster Wolf -> SP Rising Tackle Of course, you can start with a Jumping SK before the Close Standing SP if you choose. But there's more. You can do the same thing as above, But instead as Ex - Terry, use a LK Power Dunk. Nifty? I thought so too. So that's: Close Standing SP -> Lvl. 2 Buster Wolf -> LK Power Dunk Now, if your in a mood of being mean, and have a Level 3 Meter up, you can change this move by pulling a Level 1 Power Geyser after the wolf. This is mean, nasty, but totally satisfying if you can pull it off. So that's: Close Standing SP -> Lvl. 2 Buster Wolf -> Lvl. 1 Power Geyser That wraps it up for Terry's combos. None of these are hard to do, or remember. After all, they all start out exactly the same, but they are just as damaging as those hard to pull off combos most people have in the game, so it works. G. Strategy G1. Normal Terry Terry is all about quick surprise and pressure tactics. If you have your enemy in the corner, going into a blind fury of Close Standing SPs, LK Crack Shoots, Sweeps, Burn knuckles and Rising tackles is more then enough to take out any scrub or intermediate player. But don't rely on it, Keep your head through out the entire fight. Your best bet is to use your quick dash, back and forth. Dash forward, sweep, Dash back. Dash Forward, LK Crack Shoot, dash back. Dash Forward, then Dash back without doing anything at all. Keep the opponent guessing. NEVER Work by a pattern either. Jumping in isn't bad either, as long as you use SK Jump ins, and it's as unpredictable as your dashing techniques. Also, when your close, roll behind and attack. Terry's roll is quick enough they won't expect it. Plus, you can charge down and Rising Tackle as soon as you come out of the roll if you time it right. This is also good when you got your enemy on the ground, esspecially shoto's who like to Wake-up DP. Roll when they are down, and then sweep them on their way down of their wiffed Dragon Punch. But don't just roll every time: Dash back before they get up and then sweep on their way down, or roll a SECOND time to really confuse them. Once they catch on to the your strategy that they won't wake up DP, then remain close, and use a Standing Close SP As soon as they get up. From their, you can either dash out after that, or you can continue into a combo. Either way, mix it up, confuse them. Also, master rolling to get past projectiles. If they projectile was at close range and you roll, you can just rising tackle your way out of the roll. Also, remember Crack Shoot is your best friend. Crack shoot when they aren't expecting it, and when your far, use an SK Crack Shoot mixed in with your fury of LK crack shoots. Ex Terry has it much better: He doesn't need to charge his anti air, and it comes out of Rolls too. When your close, use it to do the full 2 hit potential of the move. Use it as often crack shoot to surprise them, and when you predict the anti air. Be careful, If they block it, Scrubs will go in for a tick (A tick is when they block, and then move in for a throw) and good players will go in for a free combo. Either way, your pretty much screwed. As for Terry's desperations: He doesn't need them. If you want, you can, but they aren't essential. They make good for Combo enders, though, and if you want to be a scrub, you can always just keep pulling off Lvl 1 Buster Wolf's over and over again when your life is low in SNK Groove. H. Misc. H1. Poses Intro: Terry fixes his hat and then motions his hand forward. Winpose 1: Terry turns around and throws his hat off. Winpose 2: Terry takes off his cap to dust it off, and puts it back on his head while breathing a sigh of relief. Taunt: Same as the Intro. H2. Special Intros Vs. Geese: Terry extends his fist and shakes it torwards his opponent, as Geese lets out a small chuckle under his breath, motioning for Terry to come forward. Vs. Yamazaki: Yamazaki throws Terry a knife saying "Take this!", Terry looks at the knife and smashes it in half. Yamazaki gets mad and yells "You'll pay for that!" H3. Speech Intro: "Hey, Come on, Come on!" Winpose 1: "OK!" Winpose 2: "Whoo." Taunt: "Hey, you!" During Power Wave: "Power Wave!" During Burn Knuckle: "Burn Knuckle!" During Rising Tackle: "Rising Tackle!" During Crack Shoot: "Crack Shoot!" During Power Geyser: "Power... Geyser!" During Buster Wolf: "Are you ok? Buster Wolf!" During Power Dunk: "Power Dunk!" Vs. Geese: "GEESE!" Vs. Yamazaki: "Hut!" H4. Win Quotes *Note: If you hold down the button next to the winquote when you win, you will recieve it rather then it being randomly decided LP: "This was the best match I've had in a while. You should be proud! OK!" SP: "Don't get mad... Get even!" LK: "The qualifications for this tournament should have been a lot more difficult." SK: "If you want to play with the big boys, you'd better learn how to block better!" LP + SP: "Don't waste my time with your weak skills, scrub!" LK + SK: "A good fight for you, but an easy win for me..." LK + LP: "You must respect the power of my fatal fury!!" SK + SP: "You can't survive in South Town with your current skill level..." H5. Fighting with Honor; AKA: How NOT to be a scrub. If your looking to be a great Fighting game arcade player, who plays reguarly at the arcades, your going to run into alot of people calling you cheap. Many times, these guys are scrubs themselves who can't accpet defeat. However, it's easy for you to fall into the catagory of scrub. To make sure you are respected as a true fighter, it's a simple rule of don'ts. DON'T: Tick. Ticking is annoying, and highly unfair. DON'T: Use projectiles. Even though Power Wave is crappy, it still falls under the same rule of ethics. It's too much to be fighting a Shinkuu Hadoken Happy Shoto scrub, but it's worse when others decide to imitate it. DON'T: Taunt. Well, This is debatable really. Taunting leaves you open for punishment anyway, and it's pretty annoying, but if they are dizzy, I don't see where it's that bad. In fact, it's kind of rewarding, showing that you won't attack when they are at their most vulnerable state. One more thing: Don't give free wins to kids. True fighters fight everyone at full strength, no matter the opponent. It's the only way for them to learn to get better. Showing no mercy, and doing your best are totally seperate things. I. Contact info If Anyone wants to submit to this guide, has any ideas for other stuff, or wants to correct a mistake, email me at EBwizDX@hotmail.com. I'll take ideas, and if you do make a good note, I'll put it in the next revision, and put your name in the contribution section. J. Contributions None as of yet. K. Thanks To SNK - For making the best fighting games ever. Capcom - For making the 2nd best fighting games ever, and for making this joint venture possible. You - For supporting the game, Capcom, SNK, and me. This guide Copyright to EBwiz 2001