My D2 Walkthrough FAQ This is the first FAQ Walkthrough I have ever written, this game, D2 was released 2 days before its supposed release date (24th December 1999) D2 comes in 4GD rom sized format, and the case designs also comes in 4, so you can choose your desired colour and design. the game will take up 9 blocks to save the game, and additional ones for pictures and system (2B) I have limited knowledge to Japanese, to the game, but some parts of the game I know what it is about, so there is a bit of a spoiler. However, this walkthrough is a first copy, I am remembering everything from the top of my mind... Update 5th Dec 2000 Thanks to Andrew Chiong for telling me about the voice in the recorder (In the walkthrough) it was the voice of the first boss, which was also the stewardess. She was asking for help from the Plane Radio. Also with Martha, shoot off her tenticles and then concentrate on her head (Mask I think) Thanks Andrew (^^) Contents 1) Introduction 2) Hunting for food 3) Fighting 4) Examining 5) Movements 6) Walkthrough 7) Boss Phrases/weak points 8) Lyric 9) Credits INTRODUCTION I suggest you to put in the 4th GD when you first start up the game, because the opening CG is on the 4th disc, so its quite useless to boot up the 1st disc and then wanting to watch the opening movie. Its Christmas in the year 2000, and our main character, Laura, is travelling on a plane across the mountains of Canada. First we get showed the scene of one of the survivors (terrorist) walking in the snow bleeding, and suddenly the red blood changes from red to green... the next scene is Kim (Kimberly) sitting in front of the fireplace and Laura sleeping and dreaming of what has happened. She was on the plane, and fell asleep in front of her laptop, spilling her drink and dropped her compact. She wiped off the drink and saw a little girl who was sitting in front of her staring at her. She smiled and the little girl picked up her teddy bear and played with it. Laura laughed along. David picked up her compact and when he was about to return it to her, a steward was killed. there were 2 terrorist, David shot one of them and then the compact started emitting light. He opened it, and saw the future of the plane - a comet was going to hit it. He hurried and grabbed Laura to safety.. The comet hit the plane... HUNTING FOR FOOD only on Disc 1 and 3 will you be able to hunt for food. And a piece of meat will heal around 30 HP, so I suggest if you were playing for the first time and were afraid that you will get killed, I would probably spend some time on Disc one getting my meat up to 20 or 25 and then carry on. You could get some level ups also. My tip to hunt the meat is to hunt it from a far away place, don¡¦t let the prey notice you. Then quickly press the L button, and select the rifle. R is to Zoom in, and Left is to zoom out.. there are 4 different animals to prey, Caribou, Moose, Hare and the Snow Grouse. Of course, the larger animal you shoot at, the more meat you get :) That¡¦s logic. FIGHTING Before I start talking about it. I would like to talk about my opinions on all the weapons. Sub Machine Gun (Small): The first gun you get, its alright, 15 shots, unlimited ammo, it will get you pretty far. Grenade: Kills everything that you have encountered. But only 2 problems. 1) Takes time to explode, so throw it when the enemies are far away to prevent damage to yourself. 2) Doesn¡¦t work on bosses. Shot Gun: Best weapon against enemies, however, I don¡¦t like to use this against bosses. Every time you shot you will have to reload the gun. I would suggest saving this gun until Disc 3 and onwards, where the enemies are in groups more often. Sub Machine Guen (Big): This only has 10 shots per reload, but this will take over it. After you get this, there are no need for the small one. Hand Gun: Final Weapon, auto lock on, but useless in my opinion. EXAMINING There are 3 ways of examining, one way on the playing field, and 2 ways on first person movement. On the playing Field all you need to do is to walk up to the object, and Laura will automatically pick up the item. Where when you are in First person, one way is to look at the object and press A button, however some items you will have to view using the Y button, for example, if there is a shot gun ammo on the floor, and there is no way you can walk to it, just hold the Y button, and move the camera to the floor and it will zoom into the item, and you can pick it up. MOVEMENTS There is not much to talk about moving in D2. When you are in the playing field, the control is just like Bio Hazard series, up is forward, left is to turn left, right is right and back is.. back. But when you are in first person mode, the movements are just like Enemy Zero, when you have definite routes. Just use the controls to move to the place you desire. WALKTHROUGH As I have said before, this is just a quick walkthrough, I wont go to any details and all that.. lets get started shall we? After the horrors of the first encounter with one of the terrorist. Go to the right cabinet and open it. You will find your first weapon, the sub machine gun. Then walk out the door. Kim will teach you about hunting, so hunt for 3 rabbits. If you get that it will give you 6 meat head start. Then its off to the hut on the top of the hill, go in, look around for health sprays, and go to check the Ecard thingy, and then the phone, the phone is dead. Go back to Kim, and you will see that she is sleeping, then talk to her, and she shall give you a small key. Go back to the hut again, and open the locked cabinet, inside you will find magic stick, and tape recorder, I forgot what the other thing was, probably a grenade. Then go back to kim again, and she will put a tape into the player, and it will play the song ¡¥Counting the Roses¡¦ (By Arto Lindsay) Then in the middle of the conversation, the tape recorder broke down (From what Kim said: Ah.. its broken) Then you go out again, and whoa.. the tape recorder started again, this time it¡¦s a voice, (Look at Update section) You then go to the plane wreckage. When you go in, you will see the Stewardess picking herself up, she walks to you and started saying things like ¡¥Please, don¡¦t worry, just go back to your seat and everything will be alright¡¦ (I assume that she is not thinking anymore due to the infection and all that) She then will transform and just kick her ass :). After that, watch the small cut scene, and you will return with Kim. She says that you will need to look for gas, because there are none in the snow mobile. So go out, and check the snow mobile. You will get the key. Now walk walk walk to the east part of the map. You will see a truck parked in front of the mining factory. Go into it, check everything first, the draws and all that. Now put the key in the ignition. The car will start driving and ram into the gate. You will get out. Go into the nearest door, pick up everything inside and check the lift. It will ask you to enter 4 digit password. You wont know it yet, so just go out. Then suddenly someone else is in the car, you start shooting at it, and you get that damn old bastard. He spats out green blood (woohoo!!) and then flies out. You notices a Ecard on him (hm?) but then of course, you will have to fight him for it. After you kill him, you find out that he is Jennys Grandfather. Laura screams and falls down. Dream Sequence (Very boring..) After that, go back to the hut again, use the Ecard and you will get the Shot gun!! Save the shot gun first and note the number in it also, it will be a random generated 4 digit number (Very Clever Kenji San!!) After you note that, go back to the factory. Input the 4 digits and you will be taken down. Walk around the maze, notice the top there will be signs, 50m, 100m and 150m. Make sure you encounter all those 3 signs, and when you walk through the door with 150m on it, its either the first or the second left turn will lead you to another lift.. sorry but I have forgotten. Go down the lift, and enter the door. Inside there will be 3 tool boxes, the right one will contain a health spray, the left one named Marcus (Remember anything EO players?) and if you open it, it will be a monster!! And then the middle one will contain shot gun shells, and turn to the right, and there will be a few cans of gas. Pick that up. You will then hear a scream of a little girl. Laura will save her, and then a ¡¥small earthquake¡¦ Then she and the little girl will be brought back to Kims hut. From my understanding of Japanese, Jenny will introduce herself, and say that she is on Christmas holiday with her grandpa, and says that she wants to meet her grandpa, and asks Laura if she knows anything about where her grandpa is.. (That¡¦s not good is it?) Then after a few conversation, you 3 leave the hut and use the snow mobile and goes to another place. End of Disc 1 You 3 will come across a new home, and enter it. I wont go any further about the house, just explore it on your own will. One thing you will do will trigger the next event. A mad scentist will hold Kim hostage and then you will get caught also, then you will realise that Kim has been infested, and bites the scentists head off. Then when she is about to do the same to you, the real Kim shots her. After freeing you, the fake one will rise and knock Kim out. You will have to fight her now. After that, Kim and Jenny will rest, talk to them until Kim gives you a key (or she already gives it to you, I forgot) Then, head to the nearest Lab, use the Key, and there will be a panel where you will have to add the number up. I have played it once, and I just have to add up to 1. Enter, and you will see another clone of Kim. Go right, and pick up things there, and you will find another Panel, this time with the number ¡¥7¡¦ stuck onto it, and the panel will have 4 handles, from left to right, 8, 4, 2, 1. So, pretty easy, 4+2+1 = 7. So just move the last 3 handles and open the door, inside will be a machine. Press the button and record the 7 digit number. Exit the place. Use the snow mobile and go to the end of the place, where will be east of the map. Enter the door, and you will be presented with a long flight of stairs blocked by a metal gate. Enter the 7 digits, and the door will open. Go up, and you will see a giant room with a telescope in it. Then you will notice a man talking to his wife (who is in the computer) You notice that he has been infected also. He starts goin on about how his work has finished and all that, and he just wants to be with his wife. He asks you to kill him. Talk to him a couple of times will enable the movement of ¡¥left¡¦ to the glass cabinet. Break it and you will get the flamethrower (you cant use it in battles.. bummer) and you will burn him. He will thank you for all that. Exit. Now go to the place where you set the 7 digit number. On the ground you will notice a frozen chamber, use the flamethrower to melt the ice, go inside, examine one of the plant behind the glass, then go to the table, and you will see 2 pictures, one will be the dead scentist, the other will be.. David. Then someone will close the chamber (David I think) and you will faint. Dream Sequence again. I am not sure which comes after which, before Disc 3 or after Disc 3. You will appear in top of Parkers car, destroying it, and then Kim and Jenny will come on the snow mobile and tell you there is a musicians home. They will leave first and you and parker will push the car. End of Disc 2 You will be shown a scene where Parker, Kim and Laura are eating and talking. I fell asleep durng this part, so I don¡¦t know what they were talking about. If you go to the top of the room, the musician will tell you to go away, appearently he is scared of something. Go out, and get the map. On the map there is a place totally in Japanese, south east of where you are living. Go there, and you will see a ruin. Locate a door and enter. Inside will be a small library, with a old man, his parrot and one last burning candle. He starts talking to you about things, and keep talking to him until you get the same phrase from him. Go back to your home, and you can go into the door. Get the items, and then examine the piano. Play the 5 key tune it plays (there are no point for me to tell you what to press, it will take the fun out) After that, you will see the end door open, go inside. Its all pinned butterflies, and you will find a place where it¡¦s a secret cabinet. Pick up the Sub machine gun (oh right!!) and the note key. Look on your map, there is another house south west of your home, go there, and use the key. Inside there will be a lady, who has a metal mask. You get shocked by it, and she tells her story. (below is what I understand, if you know Japanese and found fault in any of my translations, please meail me.) Marthas story: first she says ¡¥Tom is that you?¡¦ and walks to you, you see that the photo of Tom, looks a bit like Laura, then she says that she is the mother of the musician, and said that how she wanted him to practice playing the piano when he was a little kid, he wanted go out and play with his friends, and instead he had to stay home and play the piano.. Then suddenly she removed her mask has showed Laura what has happened. The musician has finally ¡¥cracked¡¦ up and burnt Martha¡¦s face. She finally realized that he hated the piano and all that.. sad story if you think about it. Now every time if you go there, examine the table and your HP will be healed (only if Martha is there, she will ask you if you wanted to eat anything) go back to your home and you will see Kim sitting at the stairway (if not, go visit the old man first). Kim leaves. Go upstairs and you will notice that the record player is playing repeating tune. Laura will turn it off. Go to the butterfly room and a dead body will fall out. Toms body, the Musician. Parker will rush in to see if Laura is alright. After the conversation, visit the old man, talk talk talk, and then go to Martha. When you go in, the house will be empty. When you go out, you should see the terrorist again. This time he is alright, only the wound is there, then again, he transforms again. Kill him. He thanks you and all that and dies. You will have to examine him because he is blocking the way out. Then suddenly he comes back alive and starts saying ¡¥This is not meant to happen!!!¡¦ and again, Dream Sequence. Laura falls on top of Parker back at the musicians home. Go to the old man, when you enter the door the parrot should fly out. The old man is dead. Examine his hand and get the small silver key. Go to the end of the room, use the key on the 2 cabinets. The left one will have 2 bombs, and the right one will have a hand gun. Exit and go back to your home, Parker will see the bombs, and examine it. Go to the stone bridge (look at your map) and Kim should be there. You will get your snow mobile and return to your home. Kim will take the job for blowing the gate in front of the stone bridge up. She leaves with the bomb. Then Parker noticed that she is in danger, as the time is wrong. You have 5 minutes to get there (pretty easy, how I got there still had over 3:30 left.) Laura throws the bomb away and you both will return to home. Kim will start getting angry with Parker and all that and goes to the room. Then Parker will give you a necklace, wanting you to give it to Kim. Go to see Kim and you should see her lying in bed. Talk to her. And you 2 should go out the door. Parker then uses a knife and cuts himself, showing green blood. He then leaves the home. Kim then notices that Parker has the bomb, and thinks that he will sacrifice himself. He did. You then will go to the site with Kim, and notices his hat. Laura will then hand the necklace to Kim, and she starts crying and all that.. poor Kim. Go back to home, and you will see Jenny running out scared. And you will hear footsteps coming from the room above. It was Martha. She then starts accusing that you were the one that killed Tom because you were living in his home. And then you found out that she is already infected. Kill her, and when you do, she will say that she will be performing with Tom, and her mask will fall off. This shows that despite of what Tom did to her face, she still loves him as a son. Makes you think doesn¡¦t it? Then, Kim will walk in, and says that she wants to be with Parker. And leaves. Leave also, and Jenny will join in. When you go to the site, Parker is still there, a bit deformed also, then Kim walks in front of him, and both dies.. (How? I will leave that for you to see). Then you and Jenny leaves. End of Disc 3 You and Jenny will go to LPL (Lucy Parton Lab) then it will ask for your ID. She will the talk for the first time.. ¡¥I am.. Laura Parton!!¡¦ and the door will open. Jenny will stay in the hall way to wait for you. You enter and it will talk about the place for you. There will be 4 selections, About Cloning Technology, about Lucy Parton, about LPL and something else.. I forgot sorry. Then you will go into the lift, and see your mother, who is a computer. She asks you to kill her. So do it. She will not kill you. After that, I think there is another Dream Sequence, and you wake up, Jenny gets melted and you are all alone. Use the map to guide you. Get your shot gun ready, I hope you have saved all the bullets! (I here had around 60 shots for the shot gun, and havent used any health sprays yet in the game) walk up to the cave on top of the mountain and save it. Fight the boss. Inside, the boss will first take away your sense of hear, then sight. Then life. Your HP will then be 1, so quickly heal up. After that when you think your Dreamcast has stuck or something, press the L button and select the ¡¥compact¡¦ and use it. Then finish the boss. Ending. Laura will then be taken back to a time warp, and come back on the 31st of December 1999. She will be in the library, and the compact will drop and be picked up by David again. He will give it to her, and notice a book by Kimberly Fox. He then talks about how Kimberly is his favourite writer. When he leaves, Laura suddenly yells out his name, David is shocked, and then Laura goes and hugs him. (What I think happened was that David was one of the people that did test on the plants and all that, if you look at the enemies, you will notice that they are all plant like creatures. Therefore, if Laura were to go back one year and tries to prevent this from happening, then no one will die because of this. This is what I think anyway, Laura gets send back to prevent these things from happening. I think the chance of me being right about this point is 0.1%.. people who finished this game, please feel free to email me and tell me what you think.) After that, it starts telling you how many people there are in the world, all that world status and all that. Then the staff roll, with the song ¡¥Counting the rose¡¦ by Arto Lindsay. After that, it will show you the time that you have set in your Dreamcast clock, telling you how many days till the next century. BOSS PHRASES/ WEAK POINTS I don¡¦t know why, but I like to listen to what the bosses has to say when you battle with them. The only thing that interested me was: the Stewardess, Kimberly, Martha and Lucy. Stewardess Weak point: The butterfly that files around. Phrases: She just says things like what normal Stewardess would say. ¡¥Meat or.. Fish?¡¦ ¡¥Please put on your seat belts and all that.. pretty cool phrases for a boss. Kimberly Weak Point: That green thingy I suppose Phrases: ¡¥My name is... Kimberly..¡¦ and ¡¥I am.. sorry..¡¦ (I assume she says that because the real Kimberly is Lauras friend and all that, she wont admit that she is only a clone.) Martha Weak Point: I think it¡¦s the violin and the metal mask on her face. (Look Update) Phrases: ¡¥Make your mothers wish come true..¡¦ and the other one I forgot.. (I assume she says that because Tom is dead, and all her life when she was bringing th boy up, she wanted Tom to filful her dreams, to become a good musician. Lucy Weak points: The cloning chambers around you, and use the grenade to open up the ¡¥heart¡¦ Phrases: ¡¥please kill me.. please kill me.. PLEASE KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!¡¦ LYRIC ~ Counting the Roses~ lyrics and music by Arto Lindsay I don¡¦t know what I see Falling away, falling behind I¡¦m in a game of hide and seek Sun shines outside my mind I wonder if I¡¦m alone Wonder who might be outside I don¡¦t want to raise my eyes All small folded up tight So I count the roses Yellow red and white Don¡¦t dare use my fingers Many many roses Wrap me warm at night Roses wait and roses grow They get their rhythm right I wanna know what roses know How they grow smooth and ripe So I count the roses Yellow red and white Don¡¦t dare use my fingers Many many roses Wrap me warm at night CREDITS I would like to thank my sister, Louise for helping me out with some of the Japanese translations, Andrew for correcting me, and Kenji Eno for bringing this game for the Dreamcast. Kenji Eno and the rest of the Warp staff, well done on this game, this game is so far the best project Warp has done, thank you to Sega for bringing out a good hardware that everyone loves, the little white box called the Dreamcast. All voice actors for bringing realistic acting for the game, this game would be a mess if it weren¡¦t for the excellent voice acting. Monster Voice actors: Morriya Endo, Jin Domon and Hiromi Nishikawa for excellent monster effects. Arto Lindsay for a excellent theme song for D2, matches the game excellent. Excellent Story by Kenji Eno, Excellent C.G Director by Shoshaburo Tateishi. And the following thanks to the following, Mit Gathering Sony PCL Yamaha Corporation Shirogumi INC. D-Storm LTD. DSP Japan K.K Q, INC. Sega technical support dept. Everyone and their families that helped creating D2. Warp, Tokyo, Japan Kenji Eno (again) And everyone that bought this game and loved it. (And people who read my FAQ and liked it) Sega, Dreamcast are trademarks of Sega Enterprise LTD. QSOUND and QSOUND logos are trademarks of QSOUND labs, INC. CRI ADX is a trademark of CRI MPEG sofdec is a trademark of CRI If you have any questions or any things you found fault with my translation, please email me at I apologize for anything fault with Disc 3, because I have only played it through once in 3 days, I didn't note down everything on Disc 3.. If you have any other questions regarding other games, email me. (email me the game title first..) Thank you. Tom 5th Jan 2000, 5th Dec 2000