DDD OOOO NNN NNNN AAA LLLL DDD D DD O O N N N N A A A L L D DD D D O OO O N N N N A A A A L L D D D DD D O O O O N N N N A AAA A L L D DD D D D D D O O O O N N N N A A L L D D D D D DD D O O O O N N NN N AAAAAAA L L D DD D D D O OO O N NN N N A A L LLLLL D D D DDD O O N N N N A AAA A L L D DD DDD OOOO NNNN NNNNNN AAA AAA LLLLLLLL DDD ========================================================= DDD UUU UUUU CCCC KKK KKK D DD U U U U CC C K K K K D D U U U U CC C K KK K D DD D U U U U CC C K K K D D D D U U U U C C K K D DD D U U U U CC C K K D D U U U CC C K K K D DD U U CC C K KK K DDD UUUUU CCCC KKK KKKK ====================================== BBBB OO SSS SSS FFFFF AAA QQQQ B B O O S S F A A Q Q BBBB O O SSS SSS FFF AAAAA Q Q Q B B O O S S F A A Q QQ BBBB OO SSS SSS F A A QQQQ Q Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers for the Sega Dreamcast Boss FAQ Final Version Wednesday, February 13, 2002 Written By: OhioState82 Copyright (c) OhioState82 2002 (For further details see end of FAQ) ****************** ------------------ 1. Version History ------------------ ****************** Final Version - I decided to just update this FAQ and let everyone know this is the final version. The only change I made was adding a "C" with a circle around it at the copyright notices. I hope everyone enjoys the FAQ. I enjoyed making it. Version 2.0 - Very minor changes. I changed the ASCII Art at the top of the FAQ. Hopefully it looks a little bit better, but I'm not much of an artist. I also changed the topic headings slightly. Version 1.0 (First Version of the FAQ) - I've typed up pretty much everything. This may be the first and last version, unless I think of something else important to add, or I just find some grammar and spelling errors. *************** --------------- 2. Introduction --------------- *************** This is a boss FAQ for the Sega Dreamcast game Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers from a joint effort between Ubi Soft and Disney Interactive. It is a game where you play as Donald Duck in an adventure to rescue Daisy from Merlock. I will explain what to expect from each boss, the level layout for that boss, and anything else I can think of that will aid you in defeating all the bosses in this game and ultimately rescuing Daisy. This is my very first FAQ, so if you have any suggestions feel free to send me a message. ******************** -------------------- 3. Table of Contents -------------------- ******************** 1. Version History 2. Introduction 3. Table of Contents 4. Basic Controls 5. Accessing the Bosses 6. Meet the Bosses 7. Some Quick Tips For Bosses 8. Boss 1 - Bernadette the Bird 9. Boss 2 - The Beagle Boy 10. Boss 3 - Magica de Spell 11. Boss 4 - Merlock 12. Copyright Information ***************** ----------------- 4. Basic Controls ----------------- ***************** The controls in this game are easy to get used to and the actions are simple to perform. This section is just a reference for people who can't remember how to perform a particular action. The controls are as follows: A - Jump A, then while in the air, A again - Double Jump Y / R Trigger - Check Your status B - Punch Hold B - Combination of Punches That's it for the controls. Simple, right? *********************** ----------------------- 5. Accessing the Bosses ----------------------- *********************** When you first access a level, there will be four warping pads to four different stages, a warping pad that Huey, Dewey, or Louie are guarding asking you to rescue their toys for them to move, and a big warping pad in the middle of the four stages that is blank and looks like it has a metal plate covering it. To activate this boss warp pad you will have to recover four boss warping pad pieces, one from each stage. Each one is in the middle of the level and looks like a fourth of a piece of gold with the letter "B" on it. Every time you pick up a piece and exit the stage, that piece will go onto the warp pad and suddenly change from the gold color to a fourth of the picture of the boss. You need to collect all the pieces for the picture to be complete and to be able to warp to the boss. ****************** ------------------ 6. Meet the Bosses ------------------ ****************** A. Bernadette the Bird - This is the very first boss that you encounter during the game. This boss is a, as her name says, giant yellow bird with brown feet and a brown ring of feathers around her neck. B. The Beagle Boy - You will encounter this boss on top of a high skyscraper. He is a dog that has black rings around his eyes, wears a green hat, and has a red shirt. He attacks you with a wrecking ball, so watch out. C. Magica de Spell - This evil witch wears a large purple shirt and carries a lethal magic wand. With it, she tries to finish you will killer pumpkins, spike filled coffins, and anything else she can think of. Watch out! D. Merlock - Merlock is the evil sorcerer that is behind everything and is the last boss you encounter in the game. Beware; using his evil magical powers, he will change into deadly dragons in an attempt to end your quest rather quickly. ***************************** ----------------------------- 7. Some Quick Tips For Bosses ----------------------------- ***************************** - Make sure you have plenty of lives going into a fight because you will die on the bosses and it's just a hassle to have to go all the way back to the boss again from the startup screen because you were a life or two short - Always save before entering a boss because if you happen to run out of lives anyway, you will get a game over and be returned to the startup screen. I forgot to save once and I had cleared out an entire level with everything beaten, but died too many times on the boss and lost it all. - You can only get hit two times before you die and there are no milkshakes during any boss fight. If you get hurt before you even get to hit the boss once, I would advise you to go ahead and kill yourself because it's very aggravating to nearly kill the boss only to get killed yourself because you accidentally got hit at the very beginning of the fight. If you think you can take the boss on after getting hit at the beginning, than go for it. - On these bosses you will die, but persistence is the key as you will get better and further into the fight. Simply, don't give up after one try. ******************************* ------------------------------- 8. Boss 1 - Bernadette the Bird ------------------------------- ******************************* Level Layout - The design in this boss fight is a circular path with a big tree stump in the middle. Bernadette rests on the tree stump until you get her to come attack you. Strategy - This boss uses the same routine throughout the fight, so once you get it down, it becomes easier. To begin with, the boss flies into the area you fight in and lands on the tree stump. Bernadette greets you by saying, "MMMMMMMM! My lunch has come along just in time." The fight begins. The boss starts out by flying into the air and releasing three eggs about the size of you, one by one, that hatch into baby birds. The birds will simply chase you around the path until you kill them. You must jump on their heads to flatten them into nothing. Do this to each of the babies. After defeating the birds, Bernadette rises off of the stump and flies over the path you fun on. She will proceed in trying to flatten you by smashing herself onto the ground. You must keep moving at all times to avoid being squashed by her! After she misses you a few times, she will sit in place and pause for a few moments. Now you have to double jump up into her head to finally inflict some damage. By jumping into her head, you will shove it down into her neck, and she will start the process again by releasing babies. The boss does the exact same pattern for the next two hits. She will release three babies and then attempt to smash you. Sometimes it may help to run in the opposite direction because sometimes she'll fly just ahead of you to try and smash you. After using the same technique you will defeat her and she'll disappear with the words, "Wo Wo WHOOO!" You will then gain access to the next level. ************************** -------------------------- 9. Boss 2 - The Beagle Boy -------------------------- ************************** Level Layout - The design of this level is the roof of a building with sewer drains on the left and right sides. There is another building rising higher than the one you're on to the left and there is a driver's seat of a wrecking ball machine at the end toward the back of the screen. Strategy - Donald enters the fight to hear The Beagle Boy shout at him, "Hey Donald! Prepare to get mashed into duck soup!" He then leaps into the wrecking ball machine and a fight ensues. First of all he will begin by slamming the wrecking ball into the ground to try to smash you, similar to Bernadette's strategy. The only thing you do here is dodge the wrecking ball by continuously moving around the area and it won't hit you. You may want to jump now and then just to guarantee safety. After dodging the ball a few times, the boss climbs out of his seat and through an opening in the top of his little control room and turns around to work on the crane. Now is your chance to go up to him and double jump kick him in the butt. An arrow will appear beside him to make it more obvious about what to do. After kicking him, he will begin throwing out sticks of red dynamite. They will explode on impact with the ground so stay away from where they explode and just keep moving to avoid them. After a few of them, he will throw out a green dynamite stick with a timer on it. Go over to it and PUNCH THE STICK to send it flying at the boss. The boss will lose the first health block from the resulting explosion. The boss then begins trying to hit you with the wrecking ball again, but this time wherever it lands a piece of the level crumbles to nothing and a hole is the result. The boss will then jump out of the cockpit and do the same routine where you have to kick him. If you don't get there in time, don't worry, because the level will not fall away when the wrecking ball smashes the ground anymore. After you kick him, he'll again start throwing out dynamite. These will be a little harder to dodge because of the new holes, but it shouldn't be that much trouble. As last time, he'll throw out a green one that you must punch back at him. The boss loses his second health block and the fight draws to a close. The boss will start the smashing over again, but this time the ground will collapse leaving you with only four places to stand on after successfully avoiding death. All you have to do is kick him this time to finish him off and send his crane falling along with him as he shouts, "What?!? Beaten by Donald Duck?!? AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! You then gain access to the next level. **************************** ---------------------------- 10. Boss 3 - Magica de Spell ---------------------------- **************************** Level Layout - This level is very different from the previous levels you have faced. In this level, you start out on a wooden platform in the middle of a hallway. This means that you can die by walking off the edge of the platform. After you beat this part, you advance down the hall onto four coffins that are floating in the hall. Again, you can fall off here and die. You cannot return to the wooden platform or advance further until you beat this part. You will advance to another wooden platform and then another set of coffins, except there are five this time. You continue to another platform and another set of coffins where you end the level. Be sure not to fall off any of the edges! Strategy - I'll start off by saying there is a definite increase in difficulty from the second boss to this boss, so be ready to spend a few lives here. You enter the level and see Magica hovering in the air. She welcomes you by saying, "Welcome to your doom, for this is your tomb." The fight begins on the wooden platform you're standing on. Magica begins by using her magic to send a pumpkin on the platform that will sprout legs and chase you around. You need to punch it toward the edge and send it flying off of the platform. After killing the pumpkin, Magica will start shooting electric charges on the floor that will spread out in a circle. Just jump away from where they first land and you will be fine. After shooting three of these. Magica flies down the hallway and you chase after her by leaping onto the nearby coffin. She pulls up a metal fence like thing ahead of you and also behind you to prevent you from going back. There will be four coffins here and they will start blinking green one by one. After a few of the coffins have blinked, one of them will start flashing repeatedly and a noise will sound along with the blinking. Leap onto this coffin and after a second or two spikes will pop up from the other three coffins. While the spikes are up on the other coffins, a skull bomb will drop onto the coffin you're standing on. The fuse will start burning quickly, so you need to go up to the skull and simply PUNCH THE SKULL. Punching the skull will send it flying toward the fence in front of Magica and damage the fence (not her). You need to repeat this process two more times and after the third one, the fence in front of her will disappear and she will finally have a health block removed. You advance further down the hall onto another wooden platform. Also, right after damaging her, you receive full health again! You will get your health back every time you damage her from now on. She does the same thing again and throws a pumpkin at you, but upon its defeat, she'll throw another pumpkin. She'll start throwing some electric charges again, but this time she does four charges. And then you advance to another set of coffins, but this time there are five. You do the exact same thing as last time, which is punching the skull and standing on the blinking coffin. After the third time you've hit her, you go to another wooden platform, and she'll throw three pumpkins and six electric charges. Advance to a set of six coffins and repeat the same procedure to defeat her. She'll disappear and say, "Defeated by Donald Duck, what bad luck." ******************** -------------------- 11. Boss 4 - Merlock -------------------- ******************** Level Layout - This level is similar to the first two levels in the sense that you are in one area and you don't have to advance, like in Magica's. This level takes place on top of lava. There is a fairly thin platform that goes around in a large circle that you run over and over again. There are gaps in the platform that have lava flowing between them. The lava is also flowing right beside the platform but just low enough, so it doesn't run over the platform. There are three switches along the platform that you run on as well as two electric generators that are on metal supports coming out of the lava right after a cave you run through. Strategy - This boss is fairly difficult and may cause you a few problems. The boss starts out by hovering over the path and saying, "Welcome Donald. I have been waiting for you!!! What? Daisy? Do not be afraid. She is hanging around...somewhere. Unfortunately, you'll never be able to see her again!!! AH AH AH!!! After saying this, Merlock transforms into a giant green dragon, and the fight begins. You need to treat this fight like a chase sequence. You need to continuously run from Merlock or he'll grab you and kill you instantly. In this form, he'll shoot little fireballs at you. These shouldn't cause you too much trouble because just constant running will make you miss most of them, but I would jump to dodge them just to guarantee a miss. You need to run around the path and hit the first switch you come to by punching it. Continue along the path and punch the next switch when you come to it. Keep running along the path until you come to a cave that goes over the path with electric generators just outside the cave, at the end. Hit the switch that is right beside this and Merlock will begin receiving electric shocks from the generators. If you missed a switch while running along the path and couldn't hit it because Merlock was too close, just circle the path again and hit the switch and the one by the generators to shock him. As soon as he starts getting shocked, a quick movie will show a chair come up from where you started, just ahead. Run down the path a little ways and just run into the chair. You'll get a first person view with a laser target on the screen. Merlock will take flight and start shooting fireballs at you. You need to shoot the fireballs with the laser. Keep shooting the fireballs, and after a while, you'll see his green pendant start flashing indicating he's charging up. Shoot the green pendant with the laser to damage him. If you don't shoot him in time, don't worry; he'll just go through another cycle of shooting fireballs. After damaging him, he'll transform into a yellow dragon and you start the cycle over. This is the toughest form you'll face, so be careful. You also regain your health after hurting him, just like when you faced Magica de Spell. Now start running down the path, but this time there will be large columns of fire in the middle of it. Simply run around these columns to avoid taking damage. The boss will shoot rings of fire at you to attempt to hurt you. He will time these for when you're jumping across gaps. You need to jump when the fire is about to hit you and then jump, while in the air (making a double jump), to clear the gap. You will have dodged the fire and cleared the gap if this was executed correctly. Continue down the path doing the exact same thing you did the first time around: hit the switches and finally start electrocuting him. You will jump in the chair and he'll start shooting fireballs again. Do the exact same thing: shoot the fireballs and shoot his green pendant when he begins charging. This will result in another loss of a health block. The boss will change, again, into a red dragon. This time around the columns of fire are gone, but the boss shoots columns of fire at you, similar to the first form, and rings of fire at you, just like the second form. Keep running and jump if you want to dodge the columns and double jump to avoid the rings of fire. Just hit the switches along the path, electrocute him, jump in the chair, shoot the fireballs, and, finally, shoot the green pendant to finish him. He'll transform back to Merlock, fall to the ground, and proclaim, "Gosh I hate that Donald Duck!" right before disappearing. Now sit back and enjoy the ending to Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers! ************************* ------------------------- 12. Copyright Information ------------------------- ************************* This document Copyright (c) OhioState82. Copies of this document are permitted as long as they are for your own personal, private use. This document may not be used anywhere except for www.gamefaqs.com, unless I grant you permission. If permission is granted to post this document, it cannot be changed in any way and proper credit must be given to the author.